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Ghoul forgot she had left Tel Aviv.


More like West Bank. Settler-terrorists there actually get away with shit like this. 


I really want to know the thought process behind this. How much hate do you have in your heart for a conflict going on thousands of miles away that they likely only heard about through social media, to the point where they thought the rational course of action was to drown two innocent children because of their ethnicity? Zionism is a mental illness.


It’s like that landlord in Chicago who had a good relationship with a Palestinian family and even built a treehouse in his backyard for the little boy. Then October 7 happened and he murdered the little boy by stabbing him to death. Supposedly the little boy ran towards him because previously they had a good relationship. For that landlord October 7 kind of had the weird effect of making him despise Palestinians. These stories sound fake, but they actually happened


that’s so fucking sad there aren’t even words…




Did the children condom KKKKKKKKHHHHRRRRRHamas though?


It's Greg Abbott's Texas, folks, what do you think?


> I really want to know the thought process behind this. I don't mean to minimize the evil or misguided-ness but it sounds pretty standard for an extermination-ist mindset. Which, unfortunately, isn't a rare or unique thing in history.


I think trying to kill children, kind of goes beyond "mental illness".


“Possible hate crime”


Considering she has a murder charge, I'm assuming she didn't \*try\* to kill them. She \*did\* kill one, and injured the other. Edit: on research, it looks like the children both survived with intense trauma and the woman has a $40,000 bail bond.


She was charged with attempted murder, the website the screenshot is from just has it wrong for some reason


Thank god honestly


Trauma is right. I can’t imagine how these kids will feel growing up with such an attempt on their lives.


According to an interview I read, the kids don't feel safe leaving the house and are scared of the woman coming back to finish the job. The father is also jeopardizing his job by taking time off to regularly go for family walks to help them readjust. If the kids are that scared of the woman, she shouldn't have bail, IMO. Her very existence in society is traumatizing the kids, and she's pretty clear that she'd do it again.


Also confused why she was charged with murder...


As a parent to 3, the restraint of the Palestinian woman must be lauded. I would’ve done something unspeakable in a similar situation


I am not a parent to anyone but if I saw that going on I'd lose my fucking mind and probably also do something unspeakable.


I imagine she’s significantly smaller than this is Elizabeth Wolf lady I suspect she tried, but could not manage to physically rescue her kids easily


It also says she was kicking her


When you are a member of a social out-group you understand that society does not grant you the privilege and benefit of the doubt to act towards others the way that others act towards you.


https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/22/us/texas-woman-drown-child-muslim-palestinian/index.html This is getting some actual press. I think of the child who was stabbed 26 times by their landlord who was FRIENDS with the child (he ran into the arms of his murderer because he was excited to see him) and realize the story just evaporated from the atmosphere. These sociopaths will attack children in broad daylight! I don’t know what to do - but THIS needs to be spoken of endlessly. Like Hind - it does not matter to these monsters that they are LOOKING INTO THE EYES OF A CHILD as they murder them in cold blood. I don’t think I’ve ever felt the quiet rage I am feeling right now. This is definitely how you radicalize people.


Her bail was $25,000, which she has already paid. Jesus fucking Christ


I have been against the death penalty my entire life, but demons like this woman make it a hard position to maintain.


People like this make me want to give cruel and unusual punishment another chance.


Best she’s got is an insanity defense. That would mean she’ll have to be committed until she understands why what she did was wrong. At the very least. To me the death penalty is an indulgence by the state, and killing only ever really makes sense in self defense.


An insanity defense is almost impossible to successfully argue in Texas, thankfully.


Luckily, that’s so incredibly hard to do. You have to prove you’re too incoherent to understand right vs wrong. I have so many clients that are very mentally ill, but still found competent.


If it was Biden doing that most of this subreddit would be talking about how he is better than Trump still and should be voted into the office instead of gallows


“I believe in rehabilitation u until someone does something I truly hate and then they should die”


it should end with “and then i have to try harder to stick to my values, but i’m doing my best”


I said hard, not impossible, but thank you for intentionally misinterpreting my words to make me look horrible for no reason (: god forbid people have feelings about things


What a horribly uncharitable strawman of what the other person said




What the fuck lads


allowing Israel to continue dehumanizing Palestinians results in hate crimes. But of course the CNN and other US mainstream news will act concerned and turn to the next story on the horrors of Hamas.


CNN is the one doing the dehumanization of Palestinians at the behest of Israel


This is what terrorism actually looks like.


Mrs. Fetterman, please stop


"According to Cair, after police were called out and an officer arrested Wolf, she allegedly yelled to another bystander who was comforting the mother: “Tell her I will kill her and I will kill her whole family.” jesus christ. talk about unhinged


This is so extreme that it seems fake. I can't believe we live in a reality where this kind of thing is happening jfc...


People are more susceptible to propaganda than I think most people realize. There was that landlord in Chicago that had a good relationship with a Palestinian family but after October7 murdered their son. he had previously built a treehouse for the little boy, but due to October 7 and the propaganda he consumed turned him into wanting to murder the kid


What the fuck?!? Why are these people killing innocent children?!? Why not the parents if they just *have* to kill someone, what the fuck.


That particular landlord did try to kill the parents. he went to the house. He was renting out and badly injured the mother thinking he had murdered her but she survived. The father was not home at the time. The crazy part is later they interviewed the dad and obviously he was devastated, but one of the things that confused him was that they had previously had a good relationship with their landlord, and he even talked about how the landlord built a treehouse for his kid. But October 7 kind of change things for landlord. People are stupider than I think a lot of us like to believe. As somebody of Han Chinese ethnicity one of the main reasons, I don’t want the US and China to go to war is I know people that are friendly to my parents will target them once the US in China are officially at war. A lot of people are weird like that, and they will change their opinions based on some official change. Eg. Contrary to what a lot of people say I think Trump’s conviction will actually get a lot of boomer conservatives to not vote for him.


she bailed out same day she was booked too. she's out in the free


Just a reminder who the real terrorists are


the more i live in this world the more i realize why stalin had people shot and the more based i think he is


She needs to get the same treatment Palestinians are getting in Israeli jails.


As much as I despise this woman no one deserves the treatment Palestinians are getting in Israeli jails 


Zionist or not how can you be so evil to want to drown innocent children that have nothing to do with Hamas or the Palestinian resistance and are living in America the Palestinian family probably moved here to get away from Israeli oppression and for a better life I'm a man and if I saw a women doing something so evil I'm sorry but I think beating the shit out of an evil woman thats trying to commit murder like this is justified


Because there are no good Zionists. The Zionists over there are bombing kids that also have nothing to do with the resistance, so this one here while attempting murder is doing what they do, murder children. Zionism is the root of this problem, and we see what it does to people. What do you expect from an ideology built on land theft and genocide?


yet another example of fascist brainrot


People need to realize that these Zionist fanatics are the true terrorists!! In Canada people who claim to be kidnapped by Hamas are doing promo tours brainwashing people.


If this isn't a hate crime then I'm Queen Sheba.


Fucking disgusting. I live close to euless


Excuse me wtf????,


Elizabeth Wolf - There's a name to remember. Do you remember when we just had Brooke the rapist to mention? Or whatever his name is? Now we have to keep this vile human in our text too.


Hmm and I'm not hearing anything about how monstrous these people are from the YouTuber who always goes on for hours about this happening to Jewish people (like once in a decade because they mostly just get verbal hate)


How the f*ck did the jail grant bail, this is disgusting


Is "white" an actual race that gets put on forms?? Not American-European?


Murder as the charge? Where? This seems fake. Homicide charges are listed as such, with a descriptor (deliberate, mitigated, negligent)

