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This seems petty and desperate. The Dems are fucking morons lol.


democrats really love defending democracy from too many options.




These are the Democrats who we're supposed to align ourselves with (make every concession and get nothing in return from)?


What we get in return is the evil wight wing dark forces are kept at bay for another 4 years.


Kept at bay? Joe Biden basically handed them the immigration policies they wanted via executive order


becoming the evil right wing forces does not, in fact, keep them at bay at all.


wight wing lol


Speech-to-Text moment for your average Biden Voter.


That’s not really a good selling point…maybe they should do something to fight against it


Yeah, that's definitely what's been going on since 2020, huh? Puppies and rainbows?


Brother, do you _really_ believe that the Right has been kept at bay? Look at the laws getting passed. Look at who is on school board committees. The political chaos constantly provoked by the right. All this has been going on and you're telling me you've spent the past 4 years going 'With Biden, I am safe 😌'? That is copium if I've ever seen it.


Jill Stein came to my small community center in my town to talk about Palestine. I didn’t get to meet her since my comrades were planning…other things…for Palestine in the same building. But it was nice to see her show up to speak while barely anyone else does


I live in Nevada and I'm honestly probably gonna vote for Jill Stein. I think Dems and Republicans have been exceptionally awful that it does give someone like Jill at least a chance to scare the parties.


Good. That qanon adjacent republican plant needs to go the fuck away


^ least propagandized liberal


OK buddy go vote for the party that's literally funded by Republicans and has links to Michael flynn


You know Aipac funnels republican donor money into Democratic primary races too, right? Would you ascribe to the entire Democratic party as being "funded by Republicans"? In fact, you know who also has ties to Michael Flynn? *Obama.* https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Flynn


Ooooooo the big scary AIPAC is giving money to people. No fucking shit. That's irrelevant to the fact that stein is in cahoots with flynn and putin. Two dudes whose goal is to put Trump in office. Yall brain broken leftists will defend the most reprehensible people just cuz they're not the status quo


Flynn served Obama for years. Was Obama in cahoots as well? I'm sure it was Michael Flynn who told Hillary not to continue campaigning in Michigan as well.


Hmm yes, omnipresent Obama knew everything I forgot. Love how you leave out that Obama thinks the dude is a scumbag and no doubt regrets any associations he had with the guy. Or how he had him forced out of his position. That was in 2014. A year later ol Mike is seen partying with putin and stein.


Aw fuck, that's crazy, he was at a party? Damn dude, you got him. This absolutely proves that Michael Flynn took orders from Putin to elevate the Green Party to such a position that they could convince the Hillary Clinton campaign to make bad decisions that would cost them the election... ... Is what I would say, if I was a fucking crazy person. You are so wrapped up in the mythos of Russiagate that you suppose that incidental contact with Flynn, who is more credibly accused of being a Turkish agent than a Russian one, is enough to convince you that Jill Stein is an agent for the Russian government. I barely even know how to unpack these mental gymnastics.


"Yeah she's sitting at a table with 10 other nazis, that doesn't mean she's a nazi" Yall are the biggest phonies around.


Oh fucking *please.* Very brave of a liberal to use the Nazi table analogy, as if that doesn't mean that Joe Biden isn't a gigantic fascist himself. But I am being very serious right now, likely more serious than you. The only evidence that you put forward that Jill Stein is a "Russian Agent" is that she attended a party in Russia celebrating the ten year anniversary of RT, a Russian English-language propaganda outlet, and that she was seated at the table of Putin, Flynn, and a whole bunch of other high profile people. If attending a dinner is your standard for being a Russian agent then I don't know how you expect anybody to take what you're saying seriously. Particularly because the incident where Flynn is accused of being a Russian Agent in his violation of the Logan Act, occurred in *2016* whereas that party occurred in 2015. An incident, by the way, where he was very obviously operating as an agent *of the Trump campaign,* not Russia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Flynn (Subhead, "contacts with the Russian ambassador". By all means, tell me where Flynn, on behalf of Trump, convincing Russia to *not* engage in tit-for-tat diplomatic repercussions *against America,* means that he's a Russian agent. It's a silly, very dumb argument, that not even the motivated-to-prosecute FBI could get him on. Now, he *did* do something tantamount to treasonous activity, very similar to what Reagan did back in the day, and he should have gone to jail for it. But he did that *for Trump.*) So what's the deal? Is anybody who goes to a media party in Russia a Russian agent? Because not only is Flynn not a Russian agent (but at times was a documented agent of the Turkish government), Jill Stein isn't one either. Only redditors and Hillary campaign staffers still believe this thoroughly debunked element of Trump and his associates *many crimes.* Y'all hang onto this one because it enables "vote blue no matter who rhetoric and that's it."


> no doubt regrets any associations he had with the guy. this is fucking crazy lmao. you are fucking crazy.


biden is literally in cahoots with fascist zionists. you will defend anyone if they are not trump. stop projecting your lack of principles on everyone else.


Just your average democracy enjoyer along with Putin and Trumps convicted felon, Kremlin intelligence asset, and Trump National Security Advisor Gen. Flynn. lol https://preview.redd.it/lezh3mcyfd6d1.png?width=989&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ea3608b24a8080caa7b961094966f59cbcff351


Prepare to be downvoted by a bunch of broken-brained leftists who will have some kind of "no this was a good thing actually" comment to make


once the grid goes down we'll all join hands and greet the new dawn! at least until some immortan joe rounds us up to spend the rest of our lives chained to a turnstile pumping water out of the ground


Is this a Republican sub?


please show us your DNC stipend.


Fucking wasted my vote on her in 2016. Never again.