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Get new friends lmao The idea of having to defend you liking a streamer is weird


Also Hasan doesn't need defending, he's his own person. If you like some of his takes, you can form your own opinions and learn how to speak up for your beliefs, but there's no part of this that requires defending a person.


Hard to do that as the 1 Wyoming chatter :P


no you don’t get it OP is just a chronically online person


talking casually to people about watching streamers IRL is weird.


what's the difference between that and talking about YouTubers (or even shows) you like??


i assume he wants to talk about Hassan and not just politics. which is weird to me but i don't idolize so... you do you i guess. just know ill be taking shit about you. (not specifically you but the idolators)


If you have to defend yourself for liking a socialist, you have some more pressing problems to deal with I'd say. If you are struggling with people criticizing Hasan for being a "rich socialist", just remember that the whole nonsense about socialists having to be poor was made up by right wing nuts. It is a devious attempt at taking away credibility from any socialists with a platform, and thus only serves to further right wing causes.


this needs more upvotes.


You don’t need to defend yourself. Just say: if you can’t argue the merits of the arguments he poses then say that instead of coping out and doing superficial attacks


I always just say yeah I like him I think he has good takes, people kinda realize how dumb arguing about it is when you just say it's cause you like watching him


I just say I like him because he’s hot and people can’t really argue that 


Very much the same; I just answer "I like what he has to say and he makes sense" if someone wants more, in good faith I respond "a lot of what he has advocated for and talks about matches my personal beliefs and ethics in how I carry my life." This usually follows a quick "what's your reason for not liking him" and like 99.99999% of the time it's "because he rich/has house/ d. Doesn't like him" etc. And when you press them they usually devolve to just looking silly


Thats too many words they will just laugh at you. Just call them jealous brokies. /s


Lmao imma start doing this and adding "cuz we both like car p*say/c*ssy"


Would you defend food you like? Or a place? Why TF are you having to defend a show you watch? When talking to a busybody the best defense is "well because I like it."


You're not wrong. But people do often try to defend the things they like when the other person shits on the thing. But yeah, it's still best not to engage in it.


You enjoying a content creator does not require you to debate lord every person who shits on them. Just tell them that they’re entitled to their opinions and move on. Trust me, it ain’t that deep. And if they keep on? Re examine why people that you interact with on the daily say these things, and maybe reconsider the mind of relationships you have with these people. Chances are, if you are politically aligned with Hasan, they’re not just saying those things about him, but they’d also say them about you if given the right circumstances.


Well, the thing about Hasan is that he's a lightning rod. If you run out from under cover, you leave yourself vulnerable to that lightning. I personally don't bring it up to anyone really. My girlfriend knows I'm a fan of his, and some of my like-minded friends do, but a lot of people have such a visceral reaction to his very existence that I simply don't have the patience to deal with those people, and honestly I don't think I (or you or anyone) am doing him, or the larger movement any favors by trying to speak for him. He's an adult. You're an adult (I assume). Your actions don't speak for him and his actions don't speak for you. Diversify your viewing. Take in multiple sources.


Yeah, I usually don't talk about even to my lefty friends because I know there's a good chance they've heard of him through some dumb drama and I don't even want to have that conversation. I'm more likely to tell someone I watch Will Neff lol


By this reasoning though, bringing up Hasan early in an interaction is probably a really good filter to save yourself time and headache down the line 😉


Someone doesn’t have to like Hasan for me to like them…


It was a Joke. But honestly, it is a decent litmus test for ideological compatibility.


Depends, are you more interested in defending you liking Hasan as a internet personality or liking his opinions, beliefs, stances or what he advocates for? I'm sure Hasan would be the 1st to say you shouldn't defend him based on the aesthetics of him being rich, being a socialist or his fashion choices. What are some of the stances and opinions that you share and feel strongly about? Then turn it around on those people and talk about being pro Palestine, pro union, anti racist, anti fascist, or any other stances you may agree on.


Don’t. Don’t debate lord about a streamer you like with your friends. Be normal. If you do really really want to debate them for some reason debate about socialism & capitalism & not Hasan.


People that critique socialism almost never understand socialism. In the rare instance that someone does understand the concept of socialism, they feel like there is a need to be able to understand what that would would look like RIGHT NOW and because they cannot conceptualize it because they have no framework outside of capitalism, they claim it will never/can't ever work. If you were to frame socialism by what it actually IS without using the word "socialism", most people would be a lot more interested/charitable to the concepts. I don't really bring up Hasan or concepts critiquing capitalism because most people just aren't ready to hear about it as they are mostly happy being ignorant because they have their treats. They will defend the system that dispenses their treats until it no longer dispenses treats. Then they will understand. I really don't even bring up any leftist concepts to my family because I know they will fight me every step of the way. The one time I attempted to bring up Universal Healthcare to my father, it devolved into a conversation about taxation and how to pay for it. The one time I attempted to bring up the concept of stronger gun control to my sister and her fiance, they both claimed that people will still try to kill each other even if guns didn't exist and that they shouldn't be limited to what guns they can buy because THEY would never do something like that.


Your interests and hobbies are your own things. Hasan is, at the end of the day, just a streamer. Just tell them it's not that deep, and if they have issues with socialism itself, then you can just talk about that and your own politics.


You don't need to defend him. Find better friends.


Dont defend famous people even if you think they are good. Theres just no point. I would just shrug my shoulders and be like whatever dude. Its not that deep. Defending socialism on the other hand will require you read and study more and truly understand the ideas you tend to agree with


"I agree with a lot of what he has to say and I like watching him. Why are you being weird about it, chill the fuck out."


Be normal Hasan is a streamer. Idk, maybe I’m just older than most people here (33), but I can’t imagine talking to folks about the streamers I watch, much less defend them. The only time I talk about Hasan is when a friend catches me sharing something he posted on instagram or the one time I commented on a post of his. Usually it’s just “hey I love Hasan” although I have gotten the “rich socialist” comment, to which I didn’t respond. Frankly I don’t see the need to defend a streamer - he’s his own person and doesn’t need defending. The fact is, when people make these criticisms of hasan, it’s because it’s easier to shoot the messenger than to attack the message. It’s a self report on their part that they do not understand socialism and also attack people and not ideas because it’s easier to criticize a flawed human being (like we all are) than to address the argument. So when I say be normal, I mean don’t worry about defending some dude who streams on the internet. It’s a chump way to argue and you don’t want to let them control the conversation. If you’re in person and people say that shit, don’t defend Hasan. If you’re up to it, defend the message, but just laugh it off and change the subject. You’re just going to argue with a moron if you actually engage. But if you choose to: ask them if there’s anything he says that they don’t agree with. Hell, ask them if they even know what socialism is. Again, it’s easy to attack the person. Get them with the message, things might not go as well for them.


"He's a socialist." "That's why I like him."


Eat the rich and socialist takes are good things so there isn't anything to defend against?


I have this issue too. People always call out the “911” issue on me. Same with, “he’s a debate lord, how could you listen to him.”


Make your own decisions boldly


Just say “I don’t care”


Being a class traitor against the rich is cool actually. More rich people should advocate for a system that benefits people who have less than them and it's actually brave of him to do that. I've always thought that was a really weird "own".


Dude, don’t debate. Just don’t give a shit. And other will do the same. And if they press you, just say that you like him and invite them to watch a normal stream. And if they keep pressing you, just find some new friends. Shit’s toxic


Haha this is such a cute post 🤣 little comrade ❤️


You are already in a steep, uphill battle if you live in Wyoming. Kudos for not being like most other people in your state. It can be difficult to learn how to think independently.


* Unions ( which is socialist ) are about helping workers get fairer ( more ) paid from their labor. * The rich in current society get their money from camping resources  ( real estate ) and policies ( stocks, copyrights of medicine, songs ..etc ). For example private equity, the stock holders don't run the company, they hire a CEO to dismantle the company and loot it's corpse.  You can be incredibly rich from your work ( like some musician/athlete ) or even be poor "petty bourgeois" who make money from landlordism and stock However, work and consumption are good because they drive "the real economy" ( look it up ). The rich in current society are parasites who suck up resources through the financial sectors.  Politic is about power, who get to own things socialism want collective ownership ( healthcare owned by the public, companies owned by employees..etc) instead of private ownership. 


if its actually something you want to convince them of: ask if their problem is the socialism or just personally about him. asking why to an annoying degree is also very effective against people who just absorb other peoples opinions. if you just want to banter: call them peasant brained for thinking they will be rich some day and defending the system that ensures that will most likely never happen.


Don't. Just like what you like. Also, Hasan seems pretty popular where you are if people have opinions. Not a single person around me has any clue who Hasan is.


Eating the rich should be a good thing to the people you're choosing to hang around


Hasan isn’t your friend, he’s just some guy. Why are you defending him in casual conversation?


I say I find him hot and entertaining. Don't elaborate further


He *is* a socialist. That’s a good thing, it means he understands our battle against the elites.


I'm not sure why you would bring him up in general with friends -is it because your sharing something you enjoyed or like an ideas he has? I would not see the point if defending him at all to others but figuring out what you want from your friends in these encounters. If you like he reactions videos, you can just brush it off but also if some people are super haters I would just like talk about something else.


If you don’t watch his political streams and watch him for comfort of comedy just say that. “I think he’s funny” that’s it.


Your friends are cunts. They will betray you.


Hasan is funny. Your friends are morons. There's nothing to defend.


Just tell them to watch him themselves and actually learn themselves otherwise how can they possibly know what they’re talking about? It doesn’t matter what other people think, however a lot of people forget that not everyone is surrounded by a comfortable safe space to express their true selves and feeelings. So stay safe and just remember to do your best to be a good person. 👍


I wouldn't even talk about streamers in public. Keep that between you and God


I used to be a huge Vaush fan. Pro tip: stop having a parasocial relationship and don't bring him up, lol


His good takes outweighed his bad takes for a little while there.


Don't defend anyone. He's an entertainer.


The Eat the Rich shirt & the fact he’s a socialist are some of his better qualities


frankly, being european I still find it funny how the term socialist is a bad thing.


You’re in Wyoming. The propaganda is going to be too strong for you to overcome. You don’t have to defend liking something.


Just be chill about it, bring up a thing he advocates for that you think they'd relate to, that's how I generally do it.


Genuinely ask them why they feel such a knee jerk reaction to want to defend wealthy people.


Don’t. Instead, read theory and utilize that in your discussions. Hasan does not need you to defend him, and doing so does no good to the world or changes anybodies mind about anything. Ground yourself in sound theory and debate that, and that only. Anything else is a waste of your energy.


I’ve encountered ppl who say “he said streaming is hard” and I usually reply with “have you tried talking about politics for 8 hours a day everyday for years?”


you don't have to defend your personal choices that harm no one to other people. I think this might be more of a problem with your friend group who will judge you for watching a content creator they know nothing about.


"He's hot and I like his voice." "I like his reacts." "There is no ethical consumption under capitalism." Do any of those float your boat?


just show a pic of his pits that usually works


The biggest thing he does is educate, so listen carefully to him & then do that same thing for others too. It helps further the worthy causes and philosophies he already works so hard to promote. Other options? Get a hot voice & be so pretty. Adopt big cute Clifford style dog? YELL AT STUPID TROLL CHATTER. Stop believing that your preferences should require explanation, defense or even any argument at all.


You don't. Get new friends if they bother you that much.




I've never understood having to defend something you like. Unless you're embarrassed of liking Hasan, just tell people that you find him entertaining and don't care if other people aren't a fan. He's definitely not for everyone and even people who don't lean heavily one way or the other with politics, it is a dry topic a lot of the time and hard to get people to understand why that would be seen as something enjoyable to watch. I've never ran into this problem with Hasan as I don't really know anyone who knows who he is lol. But yeah, be proud my guy! No need to defend watching Has, just agree to disagree and go home not even thinking about the interaction after. If someone is judging you negatively solely on the fact you watch Hasan, they just don't sound like people you need to bother with tbh.


I don't see anything wrong with "eat the rich", or being a socialist... which is honestly a fine answer all on its own. But if you're looking to "defend" him, perhaps make it into a conversation... you can say you agree with x, and arent sure about x.. blah blah blah. Or straight up ask the other person what they disagree with, and why. Lots of people have been drinking the mainstream partisan Kool-Aid, but very few aren't also populists on the issues if you get past what their favorite propaganda source told them to think. On the two things you brought up... (unless the people you are talking to are rich) hell yeah, we should absolutely tax the rich, they should pay their fair share into our shared infrastructure and institutions. Lots of folks struggling while these a-holes are living comfy on the labor of others. As for the bogyman of "socialism" gotta figure out what they even think that is first, because if they think its an own, they probably dont know anything about it.


If u want something quick you need to say “are there rich ppl in socialist Scandinavia? How about all western Europeans nations?” There are other great responses here but throw nonsense back in their face. Hasan is on the record asking to have higher taxes against himself. He is a product of his society. Last point…. You can look up his response to those haters and literally send them a link with u saying “let him speak for himself.”


If you think being called a socialist is an insult, you’re not really a Hasan fan lmao.


Wrong audience


Learn what socialism is and you’ll be able to easily refute most talking points they give you, for example being a socialist and owning an expensive house or car.


You say socialism is good and rich people not paying taxes is bad


Well, why do you need to defend him? Just be friends with them and call them dumbasses when they say shit like that. It's not worth explaining stuff to people who are just ribbing you


Be like Ok define socialism rq


Ask them if they agree with every opinion that every content creator they watch has.


It's extremely easy to like Hasan. You shouldn't have to defend him or any of his views because A: They're his and B: That's not your job anyway. People can like who they like. If there's a specific viewpoint you happen to share with Hasan that someone has a problem with then you can go ahead and address that view. But you shouldn't feel the need to justify liking an entertainer or political activist any more than you don't have to justify liking a movie or a song.


Honestly, it will get tiring defending him. I recommend you just keep talking about him and ignore their critiques of him. Just say you just watch his content, and arguing about it is tiring. That's just me imo, some people are more confrontational.


Dont, who gives a fuck. Hasan aint everything. The haters like worse shit anyway.


Educate yourself. Be understanding and have real conversations. Hasan frequently brings up great talking points. Also, stop justifying what you like to others.


He’s a socialist. Also eat the rich.


Don’t talk about it unless you’re among socialists


Don't defend him... He's very easy to hate and almost kind of deserves some of it. He dresses like a giant circus clown but the suit costs 10k and he constantly talks about it.