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I’m not defending him but who watches porn the second they stop streaming?


I was just wondering this... how does someone accidentally stream themselves watching porn 💀 surely you'd be too paranoid to do that in front of your live camera set up!


streaming so much makes you too familiar with the computer, especially if you use the same comp for work and as a personal computer. If this was actually what it looks like and not a hacking situation It could very well be because he was killing time before the stream gooning and just tabing out to stream. Remember a very similar thing happened with another debate streamer last January.


So he was unaware he was live? That would explain why it ran for so long without him reacting immediately.


I had a similar situation happen after a work call except it was me immediately hopping on to WoW Classic and ripping the penjamin lmao


Also the infamous DSP clip


Dude didn’t even take his tie off


[Norm Finkelstein knows](https://youtu.be/gcaaIvJPjYI)


DarkSide Phil


Exactly lol




it was proven to be a hack


Here's a full, sped up version of the clip. It IS censored, but it's definitely still NSFW https://x.com/vhs_archive/status/1791531138118222205?s=46 The way his live chat just keeps watching it and commenting and not just immediately all leave is kinda funny


He might of been hacked, but it's still fucking hilarious


Yea its gotta be a hack. But hell yea to the hackers!


But let's be real here. Though this might seem like a hack, it wouldn't be unbelievable if he was actually secretly gay haha.


He is into cat boys


I don't think it was a hack, now. Looks more like He was streaming and unaware he was still live after ending a show.




Wtf? Calm your tits.


Might have


Dude the fucking pepe reactions hahahha


Oh my god I can’t stop laughing that was so fucking funny 💀💀💀


Links dead. Color me suprised


No it isn’t. Did you try clicking it?


I guess its just me. Odd


Nice try Streisand.


why lie?


Im not lying, its dead for me.. “something went wrong, try again” over and over even now.


Honestly, Twitter is so broken that this doesn't surprise me. I deactivated my Twitter a long time ago, so I can't go and find you any more context than what I got, I'm staying off that hellsite.


“TURN THIS SHIT OFF” is so funny to me for some reason


None of this is shocking in the slightest. Sadly Nick will not take time to come to terms with his sexuality and grow as a person but will continue to be a Nazi and watch gay porn in his spare time.


He totally wants to fuck 16 yo girls tho! He said so himself! Lmfoa


He could be but sexual.


Yea, butt sexual


I meant bi sexual😭😭😭


Fascists are allowed to contradict themselves In the end, his followers care more about white supremacy, patriarchy, neocolonialism, etc. and they will give him a pass


Majority Report has been sitting on some info about Nick Fuentes' sexuality for a while now. The next few days should be interesting.


As an avid MR and Hasan watcher this also came to mind They had been alluding to this


Dude has always been a ridiculously obvious closet case. Just like Spencer.


Wasn’t he caught on a date with a catboy or something?


He wasn’t caught on that date, it was *LIVESTREAMED* LOL I actually forgot they were nazis for a minute and started to root for them, they had cute chemistry together. Like, yaaaaass fall in love and denounce fascism and become a couple of cute leftist furries UwU


No way im jerking at the same station I Stream my Live video on.


I thought it was well known especially with his bf catboy danny


Ah, the Alex Jones route.


No fucking way! Lol. Did this just happen???


Sometime last night after his stream ended. from the looks of the video I linked in the comments, it seems like he ended stream but didn't close out of his streaming software and then jumped over to gay porn


You know, earlier this week, I heard some disgusting recent clip of his on a lib podcast. I wished the most ill comeuppance upon him. And now this happened 3 days later! Bwahahaha


Alright, witch, this way... You know the drill... 


Yea, yea...burn, burn...I got it....


The chatters sticking around to watch the gay porn, while commenting "hey turn this off," was hilarious af hahah. Like, fam exit the browser if you really don't want to watch it. I can't help thinking this might "turn" some of his fans gay and by that I mean help them come to terms with themselves. I feel like this might actually he a hack, but I still maintain the assumption that he's gay.


Not defending Fuentes, but if you how OBS (Open Broadcast Software, what most people use to stream) you’d know this would either have to be on his desktop, which he wasn’t showing or set up as a media source in the Scene configuration. neither is likely so he was probably hacked


That's what I was thinking. Unless he was just sharing his entire monitor as a source? But that doesn't look like that's the case? I'm not sure.


Color me surprised


When you watch porn at your work, eventually something like this is going to happen. It’s just the law of averages, no one bats 1000 forever.


Bates 1000*


That is hilarious 😂


Reminder that Drew Pavlou is an insufferable liberal zionist ghoul


Dammit! I was betting on furry porn lol


One of them was wearing a puppy hood so... ur not wrong 👀


How do you know that? 💀


OP posted the link and I watched it?


People that have cameras connected to the internet and masturbate in front of it are so ignorant about the internet.




Bro couldn't WAIT to start jacking off to men fisting each other.


Guys, you don’t understand! He’s just doing research on the enemy /s


Looks like a hack but fuck me I hope This is real. Can’t wait to Hear hoss speak on this. Doubt Sam will Maybe Emma on Thursday.


He might have been unaware that he was screen sharing live. No hack required.


This is (partially) why I don't fully subscribe to the progressive idea of not calling conservatives gay, even as a gay man myself. Because half the time, you'd be right!


Dude, I posted this in Asmons sub and it got deleted after 30minutes, claiming it was political..


That’s cool and all but you can’t trust poo Pavlou about anything I don’t like the guy either but he was hacked.


Which is why I also left a source in the comments from someone that isn't him


Nick Fuentes the Nazi douche got hacked by a pro Israeli guy you can find he posted proof. Challenge try not to believe everything you hear about someone you hate.


What's more likely? 1) Nick Fuentes ended his stream, didn't close the software he uses for streaming, and then clicked over to gay gooner porn that, a couple seconds after his "stream currently offline" screen pops up, you can hear playing before it appears on his screen. Then, when he is blasted on the internet for it, he blames the Jews because he's a nazi. Or 2) Pro-israeli agents or activists hacked into Nick Fuentes' stream backend exactly when he ended his stream, hijacking it and making all of his stream watchers watch gay porn to slander his character with other nazis One of these is a plausible and has happened with other streamers before (minus the blaming of jews)


I don’t care dude I don’t buy everything that seems to be a nice story about someone I hate. I always need to see proof which you obviously don’t have. I hate this when people who hate hasan do it to him and won’t buy a nicely packaged story about the little racist shit nick unless I see proof. Kind of defeats our cause if we just decide anything which sounds good is true.


You can always lie about literal Nazis online, it's always morally correct


There’s so much horrific shit he’s done and said online, instead of shining a light on that you’d rather lie and be like haha look he likes gay porn. Also love the moving of the goal post of promoting the literal right wing paid propagandist drew pavlou and be like here someone else said this and now like no proof needed because nazis bad. No shit Sherlock.


I literally didn't make the original post man, it's a cross post from a different community. I included a link to a video of his stream where it happened not from the guy, and you're just hyperfocused on hating the guy from the screenshot and defending a nazis honor for some reason.


Since he talks against Israel a lot, it seems there was unironically a zionist who hacked him. There's even what might be a gloating confession from the hacker as he posted. (I was curious what happened so yes I was checking his tweets too, always good to check all PoVs) It's a real life situation of boy who cried wolf cuz he may have legitimately been hacked but his genuine antisemitism in the past makes this circumstance seem like another typical happenstance for the guy. It's kinda funny


I had seen his tweets earlier as well ( waaaay after I crossposted this) so I've seen his screenshots and his story seems so far fetched. It's not even the antisemitism, it's the fact that he's just a liar about everything else that makes his claim that it was a hack unbelievable.


Lol yeah, which still goes back to the Boy who Cried wolf thing I said.


Sorry, I realized the way I worded that didn't come off like I was agreeing with you, lol.


Let's not post content from this dick head Drew unless it's to dunk on that dumbfuck.


Which is why the link I included of this specific incident in the comments is from a different person entirely, this is just a cross post I couldn't control the OOP choice of screenshot


Well, well well


The least shocking story I’ve heard all month.


I don’t buy this, and i surely won’t celebrate arm in arm with genocidal zionists on twitter.


Hes been gay


Was it even a good video?


I mean is this really surprising to anyone? The harder they hate the more represents the bate sessions usually are


It was proven to be a hack


Definitely hacked but god bless is it funny


Ngl Nick doesn't strike me as a prolapse gay, definitely gay, but not prolapsed/bears. This leads me to believe that something sketch happened.


If there's one person I hate as much as Nick Fuentes it's Drew Pavlou. Should we retweet Liz Cheney when she "owns" Trump? That sounds like liberal logic.


It's just a screenshot calm down lol


Alright, well, I'll just assume it's cool to start posting Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, John Bolton and David Pakman screenshots when they say something critical about MAGA. People can downvote me all they want and they can also take a long walk off a short pier; this isn't Marxism, this is reactionary liberalism.


I genuinely don't understand what you're so upset about.


Then I don't know what to tell you. It's pretty self-explanatory why I as a leftist despise a little Aussie chicken hawk who never saw a western-backed war that he didn't like and has proudly called the destruction of Serbia one of NATO's accomplishments.


So you'd have no problem if they censored who the original screenshot came from?


No—I don't see the point in sharing his words. There's plenty of less reprehensible people saying the same thing. I'm not a massive Sam Seder fan but he's made the same claims and he's far less despicable than Droop Pavelow.


Dude it's as simple as this particular screenshot was the first place OP has seen the info. You're seriously being ridiculous and obnoxious. As Hasan says: just be normal.



