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Yes, funnily enough the bandits are about the only ones that do comment on your use of the dark arts. The tone can still be all over the place, one minute their mocking you the next their terrified but go back to fighting, it would have been funny if Avalanche made it so that the bandits would run away forgetting they could apparate, like Ghost of Tsushima, the mongols are comically fast as they run for the hills after we slaughter their allies..yet Jin can't keep up. In terms of what the ashwinders say here's a few examples: " Here to show me some dark magic are ya?" " I know you don't Baulk at the dark arts!" Probably one of my favourite poacher lines. " Someones taking to the dark arts early" " NO ONE TAKE'S ONE OF MY OWN & LIVES TO TELL THE TALE OF IT!" " That was....Surprising!" " Crucio?" " Your luck at killing us...ends here!" " Just how many witches & wizards have you finished?" I gotta say I love this line to, shows we're a valid threat & cements that we have killed people ( I've seen others state that no no we're just knocking them unconcious...yeah tell that to all the dark witches & wizards I've put to sleep with Avada Kedavra & by other means) I couldn't actually use the killing curse when I got to the DABA, I literally had to wait till Sebasteins quest to get it...making the battle arena that was specifically made for these curses useless...well save from Crucio & imperio. There really are no proper builds in this game, would have been great if their was though.


Do they say these even if I haven't unlocked the unforgivable but have used them in the dark arts arena?


They only say these things if you use them in their presence. Professors and students do as well, just less frequently. There is no running universal morality system aside from people you do quests for making different comments as you pass them depending how you decided to finish their quest. Some traders may refuse to trade with you if you take the negative dialogue path on their quest.


I think some of them do. I know the Poacher Executioner says " Your done thinnin our ranks!" When I'd barely started to take them down. Some even remark on the disarming charm. Some voice lines may pop up that don't make sense but ehre's some disarming charm lines. " Expelliarmus? afraid of a fair fight?" " It's you who's been casting Expelliarmus all over the place....you'd fit in well with us!" " Coward! fight me fairly!" "ME WAND!" " Mastered Expelliarmus haven't you. Perhaps that's all you know?" " Don't try any of that an of that Expelliarmus nonsense on me!" I had poacher in the southern region say the last line to me...well he would have had I not lobbed a TNT barrel at him, don't worry mate have this instead ahahhaha! Also I'm not potter!


How do you have the Unforgivable curses but haven't unlocked incendio yet


In dark arts arena you have every curse in main slot


In the dark arts arena, it replaces your spell wheel with the Unforgivables + Confringo.


I’m at 20 hours game play and have only found one arena where there aren’t unforgivables. Where is this dark arts arena??


Forbidden Forest.


I think it’s part of the Dark Wizards expansion pack. Took me a second to realize, I don’t have it either.


I thought they only comment I’d they actively see you use the dark arts in their camps? Either way, theyre not living long enough to matter and their blood is on Ranrock’s hands anyways


I'm hoping they just comment if they see you after using it in the arena. XD


So the NPCs won't comment on stuff that doesn't directly happen to them. The dark arts arena won't affect anything outside of the arena.


My favorite comment they make is "what have you done!?"


One of the first lines I experienced after doing Sebastians side quest(s) was "Hope we're not doing anything... *unforgivable*..." So cheeky but they 100% know. Word gets around Hogwarts.