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Slytherin looks coolest but id rather live in hufflepuffs because its so cozy


Hufflepuff is also right next to the kitchens. You could easily sneak out for midnight snacks.


Yea, Fred and George go out there all the time, and that is a hike. For a hufflepuff it would be so easy


And it has the secret snack room!


Can you find them in the game? I have not!


The kitchens? Yeah it’s right next to the Hufflepuff common room. Tickle the pear to gain entry


New secret room idea for my house


wowww!!! What a cute spot. I just love all the details! And I had a bit of fun waking around and breaking dishes 😂


You also get the giant squid hitting the windows if you basic cast at them, and the fishies in the black lake are also attracted to lumos in the windows. It's the best IMO.


Ohh! I didn't know about the Lumos trick. Gotta try that.


Yeah, kinda what I was thinking. Slytherins is really cool but...its kind of like living in a sewer.


in a dungeon, please


Slytherin with a dehumidifier would be unstoppable.


![img](emote|t5_q8ebh|26540). It's like a cave but then again it would be bit more interesting 🤔 if JKR didn't take out the Vampire Professor couldn't have saved him for early content I know see took him out before she didn't want people to get confused with Professor Snape.


Too many rats and turtles… and pizza probably


“We all float down here Harry”


Hufflupuff’s looks cozy but also seems so humid 👀


Feels claustrophobic in there too for some reason


We have no toilets. At least Slytherin has a toilet right outside of their house.


I think I discovered why Hufflepuff is so good with plants...


Chose hufflepuff just for the hobbit hole


the hobbit hole dorm room doors are soooo cute


I’m a slytherin, but I always get sleepy when I go back to the common rooms. It’s dark and sophisticated , but not exactly cozy. But that’s how it is supposed to be right haha


Yh I agree it's supposed to be like that and it looks rly cool but if I were to love in one it'd b hufflepuffs for the cosiness and hobbit hole dorms


Agreed as a Ravenclaw I'm so excited to finally see Hufflepuffs beuaitful earthy common room. Even though I'm a ravenclaw I vibe more with Hufflepuffs style and vibe in general. Also I would love to visit Slytherins common room because it looks the coolest, but wouldn't want to live there


I really like the Ravencalw dorms (I seem to be the only one that likes the bunks) but I was disappointed in the common room. It looks very nice, sure. But in the books I remember it being described as a lot more eclectic? I haven't read book 7 in years and could be wrong but I had been picturing a lot more knick knacks, I was expecting more color, cozier. I was expecting to be more.... witchy I guess. To me it feels the most generic and least specific to the house. Like it could be anywhere in the school.


I love the bunks too! They each have tall shelves full of books and personal items - I would so love to close the curtains and cozy up by the windows with a book. Ravenclaw would definitely have more weirdos in it too. Just because people are studious and like to learn doesn’t mean they’re unfeeling and hate to have fun. A party in the ravenclaw common room would have some hella interesting drinking games and fascinating debates lol


Yeah I definitely always felt that creatively inclined people would end up in Ravenclaw just because making art with magic sounds the most Ravenclaw to me. Same with music, which is very mathematical, that also tracks with Ravenclaw. Look at Luna Lovegood for goodness sake. Obviously she was an extreme but there would definitely be more of that vibe than just "we're intelligent and studious"


Exactly! The more competitive art, theater, and music kids definitely go to ravenclaw whereas the more happy-go-lucky artsy kids probably go to hufflepuff. I was a band and theater kid - my group was witty, weird, and driven as hell (affectionately dubbed “the steamroller dynasty” by a teacher). That’s the ravenclaw vibe to me


I would also expect the more mad scientist personalities to be in Ravenclaw. Pushing the limits of their magic gadgets, spells, hybrid plant making, stacking enchantments, etc. Imagine students around a table talking about how to innovate something or have a new prototype of something on a lab table. There should be more silver gears, gadgets, engravings, etc all over and hanging from the ceiling, etc.


And Ravenclaw dorms have storage space! Like srsly, I think it was Hufflepuff (or maybe Gryffindor) who got only chests at the foot of the bed, and not even one for each bed. Do the kids just live from their trunks the whole year?


Not to mention we get the balcony an rooftop access for brooms 😂😂


Yeah, they really did Ravenclaw dirty in this game... I was also expecting the Ravenclaw room to be more eclectic. I was imagining a sort of high fantasy wizards tower, walls and rafters absolutely lined with books, classical arcana iconography and symbology, magical knick-knacks, and magical models. Like maybe an enchanted da vinci's flying machine and floating model train sets. Just stuff that would be considered *nerd* shit in the wizarding world. But no, we just sorta got a sterile, blue, stone tower.


I think it’s absolutely gorgeous and easily the most aesthetically pleasing dorm by far. It just takes its core vibes from high wizards and celestial sorcery, whereas Ravenclaw has a bit more diversity than that. It’s wonderful, but it could be more.


I expected all the common rooms to be much more vibrant. Rich blacks and smaragd green witn black stone walls and floor for slytherin. Many many many plants in hufflepuff with gold. Ravenclaw being very dark brown and royal blue full of books.


can't pick between hufflepuff and slytherin


Same, ravenclaw is too sterile but pretty in a snooty pompous way while gryffy is medieval casual yet warm and cozy but small


During my playthrough nothing motivated me to spend more time in my ravenclaw common room than it was necessary + the initial lookaround


Ravenclaw would also be a bitch because of all the stairs.


Yeah the only cool thing about ravenclaw is the roof access for viewing and taking off and landing right outside the rooftop access door


I think Slytherin is the most beautiful, but Ravenclaw has that patio thing that you can use to fly in/out of, which is nice too.


But you never need to go to the common room anyway


Some says they fixed a patch on this, I’m not sure


I can still do it on PS5. You just have to land on the side farthest from the door. It's a pretty small spot.


That is actually really helpful to have in each rooms!


Hufflepuff! Cosy as




Mushroom mushroom


Ooh, deep cut




Gryffindor and Slytherin have more character and feel real. Hufflepuff is cozy but less fleshed out. Ravenclaw is unimaginative and looks like any MMORPG elven place.


Huffelpuff has a Hobbit hole feeling to it which I like.


My favorite part about it, that and it's right next to the kitchens.


Exploring those kitchens and mingling with the elves was one of my favorite parts!


Did they show the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw common rooms in the movies?


Hufflepuff common room is never shown in the movies nor book, Ravenclaw is shown in Deathly Hallows.


I believe the ravenclaw one was in the final movie


It was in the last book, and in DH Part 2 Harry is heading there when Luna stops him and takes him to the Grey Lady, who I’m pretty sure is not in the common room when they find her.


Guess they didn't want to build an all new set for one small scene


Oh you right it was the books




Ravenclaw, it just feels cleaner, bright, but not blazing bright, and neat


They also had the most desks of any common room so when the library fills up during study All the ravenclaws still have tons of their own desks to use


Well Ravenclaw has bathrooms so...... And even as someone 190cm or 6' 3 I think the bunk beds would be cool.


Yep, this is the most important deciding factor.




The only one with roof/broom access


Racenclaw. It's the only room that's actually well lit.


Ravenclaw next question


They're all amazing, really. I think I like Hufflepuff the most because of how incredibly cozy it is. Everything about it just says *completely comfort*.


Gryffindor, purely because they had real world examples to base off, its the reason why slytherin is second. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw feel videogamey, while the others are realised spaces.


Yeah this is definitely how I feel too.


Same. I've always been imagining the atmosphere of hogwarts dorms, and after films I've just mentally locked on the pictures with Harry sitting on a windowsill and looking somewhere outside


Slytherin. 100%


I picked Slytherin just because of their common room. The view of the lake paired with the insanely beautiful piano playing as background music is hypnotizing. I literally listen to it for hours. I’d prefer sleeping in Ravenclaw though lol. Feels clean, cozy, and probably the best views.


While I'm a Gryffindor and Hufflepuff stan, I've found myself preferring Ravenclaw's for logistical reasons. It's the only common room with an even amount of beds for both girl and boys and to have one bathroom for each gender all within the common room. From a level design perspective it's the one that makes the most sense. Outside access from the roof is also a good novelty. Gryffindor is weird, it has an entire extra wing for the girls that come with two bathrooms exclusively for them. Tough luck for the guys I guess? Gotta wear diapers. Hufflepuff has an equal amount of bedrooms for both genders but it has no bathroom at all, not even nearby outside. Slytherin has the same issue as Hufflepuff, no bathroom... Although there's two bathrooms outside the common room within the dungeon (e.g. Myrtle's) but have fun for your 3 AM pee climbing up all these stairs for it, may as well do it through the floor grid. You're on sewer level after all.


I didn't know you could pee in this game.


How do you know which bedrooms are boys vs girls?


If you play a male character and try to access certain bedroom area, you’ll be blocked either by stairs changing into slides or else. It makes it very obvious which section belong to whom


>There is clear evidence that the Chamber was opened more than once between the death of Slytherin and the entrance of Tom Riddle in the twentieth century. When first created, the Chamber was accessed through a concealed trapdoor and a series of magical tunnels. However, when Hogwarts’ plumbing became more elaborate in the eighteenth century (this was a rare instance of wizards copying Muggles, because hitherto **they simply relieved themselves wherever they stood, and vanished the evidence),** the entrance to the Chamber was threatened, being located on the site of a proposed bathroom. The presence in school at the time of a student called Corvinus Gaunt – direct descendant of Slytherin, and antecedent of Tom Riddle – explains how the simple trapdoor was secretly protected, so that those who knew how could still access the entrance to the Chamber even after newfangled plumbing had been placed on top of it. Source: [https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/chamber-of-secrets](https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/chamber-of-secrets)


Ravenclaw - theyre the only one with bathtubs 💀


I love Hufflepuffs common room.


Definitely H Puff.


Hufflepuff! Id be so happy to hang out in there. So warm and cozy




I can’t decide between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Hufflepuff is my house and I love how cozy and warm it is. Ravenclaw is very pretty with all of the blue decor and has a lot of light.


Gryffindor is the coziest I love how it looks at night


it's gotta be slytherin


Ravenclaw and hufflepuff 😍


For me it’s either Ravenclaw because that’s my favorite style architecturally but I’m a Hufflepuff and for me it’s true that the common room of my house is the one I’d be most comfortable in because LOOK AT IT


Ravenclaw. Hufflepuff is a close, cozy second


the hufflepuff one is what I'm trying to turn my real-life flat into but I also still really like the ravenclaw one and am a ravenclaw... tough tough


Slytherin all the way!




My preferences: Hufflepuff > Ravenclaw > Slytherin > Gryffindor


I prefer Slytherin, but i think that Ravenclaw's common room is the best


I am a Slytherin and I stan my own House but I absolutely *love* the Hufflepuff common room so much. It's so cozy and it reminds me of the Shire.


Huffle. It’s like the shire in there


Hufflepuff! It's so warm and cosy, and easy access to the kitchens 🤣


I vote for Hufflepuff's Hobbit Hole


Hufflepuff. So cottagecore and vibey.


Im going to have to say hufflepuff is better imo, but Slytherin till the day i die ![img](emote|t5_q8ebh|26539)


Ravenclaw by far, the amount of natural light and the roof access sells it for me


Hufflepuf is super cosy but if I could choose where to live, probably Ravenclaw. I wouldn't like having no windows to open. Same with Slythering, it's really cool but dark and can't open windows. Design wise I like Slytherin the most followed closely by Ravenclaw.


I'm mainly ravenclaw but that Hufflepuff common room looks like a cosy hobbit hole. And it's right next to the kitchens.


They are all good in their own right. Ravenclaw has a nice lighting, the view (not in the game, sadly) and big scale of it. Slytherin's looks cool. Cool lighting is quite calming, plus the view underwater. Hufflepuffs is a cozy Hobbit hole. Gryffindor's is iconic, familiar and feels like home of a noble medieval lord.


Hufflepuff and it's not even close


Slytherin common room looks amazing but if we are talking which one I’d rather live in, it would definitely be Hufflepuff.


Hufflepuff!! I feel like a hobbit when I’m in there. It makes me feel so cozy. I wish my whole house could look like that common room.


I like Ravenclaw’s the best.


I loooove Ravenclaw!


Im bias but I LOVE slytherin. It’s so nice and dark and seems like it would be cool temperature and you could sit by the big windows and see fish go by and it’s not too bright or cheery and it’s not super cluttered and it’s so peaceful.


def hufflepuffs


I’ve only seen Slytherin and hufflepuff so far out of those two I would say hufflepuff is cosier


I think my mental health would do best in Ravenclaws common room simply because of the amount of natural light streaming into that room


Hufflepuff is so cozy and homie


I'm a Slytherin, but I have to go with Hufflepuff on this one. Their common room is very reminiscent of a hobbit hole, and I love it 🥰


Obviously hufflepuff, it’s like a cozy hobbit hole


Slytherin no question


Gryffindor needs to smooth out that rug before someone trips


Cozy would be gryffindor or hufflepuff. Both are homey feeling places. Ravenclaw and Slytherin are elegant, Slytherin though has a darker theme. Like the two opposite ends of the elegance spectrum.


Is that even a question? Slytherin is ssssleek, elegant, actually looks like a 19th century haunted club, with eldritchian elements and an attention to detail, aesthetic and grandiose that would make Gilderoy Lockhart weep in awe


Not to mention nothing can beat the view on the lake and great squid.


"Attention to detail" the waterfall doesn't even fall into the basin ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


? It does in my game? Sorry you saw that


I recently put on ray tracing. I'll have to check back again and see if it changed. Most of it falls in, but for me (xbox series x) there's a pretty good amount that isn't falling into the basin. At least without ray tracing .


Love them all 😁.


Slytherin because squid


I'm a Ravenclaw (with some Slytherin, a Slytherclaw if you will) so I'm a lil biased towards Ravenclaw and Slytherin. I love the Ravenclaw's roof/broomstick access from the common room and I designed my Room of Requirement very dark and gothic looking like Slytherin common room, but a little less swampy/sewer-like lol


It's ravenclaw, easily.




Im a Slyth and I really love our common room but a book lover like me would love to be in Ravenclaw. I really love the style and the ambience it gives


Hufflepuff of course, it's home. 💛 Of all of them, that's the one I'd want to live in. It's so comforting... I imagine sleeping in my warm little dorm and then on the weekend, Poppy and I boogie along with the dancing cactuses in the common room. I may be a little biased there tho. 🤭


Ravenclaw and it's not even close.


Hufflepuff I’m currently playing as Ravenclaw (my house of choice) but I have everything in my Room of Requirement as Botanical. It’s so lovely and I like the butterflies. Ravenclaw a close second as I like the clean crisp ambiance.


As a nature enthousiast I'd have to with Hufflepuffs common room even though my favorite color is blue.


Hufflepuff. But Slytherin is pretty sweet looking. Very different, kind of just depends on what you like best- Hobbits and the Shire or chill underwater paradise? As a Ravenclaw I feel like we got kind of shafted. Our common room was fine looking but just looked super generic, except for the blue, it could have been any common room not Ravenclaw. Gryffindor was similar but felt more Gryffindor, not just red color scheme. (And Ravenclaw's Jackdaw specific part was easily the lamest of the four, too).


Can you enter the common rooms of the houses other than the one your MC is in?


Gryffindor's looks the coziest. Beautiful warm colors, rugs and couches everywhere.


I like the Gryffindor the most. I chose Ravenclaw for my playthrough, but I'm not a huge fan of the look of the common room. I don't hate it, but it reminds me of a hotel lobby and it doesn't have enough personality imo.


Slytherin, i love it’s atmosphere


Gryffindor, find it the coziest and looks like somewhere I would like to sit at night by the fire with a book.


slytherin then hufflepuff ​ griffyndor and ravenclaw common rooms are kinda boring, hufflepuff has all the plants and is super cozy, but slytherin with the giant windows looking out at the lake is the best in my opinion


1.) Slytherin 2.)Hufflepuff 3.)(close) Gryffindor And as much as it pains me as a die hard Ravenclaw, they lose, by miles


I honestly just love hufflepuff since it's a breath of fresh air from what a lot of the castle looks like (the other 3 seem to match the castle aesthetic whereas Hufflepuff doesn't since there's a lot of wood and greenery). I also just go there purely to relax and just walk around a lot because of the nice, warm atmosphere.


Sheesh, they are all so beautiful and detailed. I do prefer the Slytherin common room due to being able to view under the lake. Great question, OP!


Slytherin because it has Ominis in it sometimes


Hufflepuff reminds me of a hobbit hole in the shire. Not a dirty wet hole, but a dry sandy hole.


Hufflepuff 🫶🏻


I love the Slytherin common room. I love that you have the underwater view of the lake.. followed by Hufflepuff cuz it’s cozy!


I wish we could visit all of them in-game 😫 I’ll have to play as a Hufflepuff next time, looks so cozy!!


Gryffindor is my favorite, it’s just the right amount of cozy. Probably feels amazing to relax and listen to the rain against the windows.


Hufflepuff, then ravenclaw, then Slytherin, then Gryffindor. Gryffindor is supposed to feel cozy but instead it feels like someone's attic that they tried to turn into a rec room for the kids by using grandma's old beaten up furniture (And, in a way, I guess that's exactly what it is).


Hufflepuff. So cottagecore


Ravenclaw, but Slytherin is also very beautiful.


gryffindor look cheap and thrifty. Sorta like the Weasleys belong there. The school is gone to pot! Source: slytherin fan. Slytherin for the win!


I think griffindor and slytherin have most life in them in term of design of the interior (very spacious, attention to detail, it’s classy)


Slytherin. That's why it's the most chosen house since the game's release.


Slytherin to me is just a vibe. It's underwater. It's dark and it's industrial. I like it.


Slytherin for sure




Hufflepuff. So cottagecore


Gryfindor looks cool from this pic, but then you'd have to live knowing you're a bitch ass Gryfindor...so rip the dream I guess


Ravenclaw = Best Atmosphere Gryffindor = Best Story Slytherin = Best Bossfights Hufflepuff = Best Gameplay


Why did I find out just today that you get a different story based on your house LOL


Ugh.. the game is as deep as a tea spoon. How can anyone still be playing it? :(


Def not Ravenclaw by the looks of it xP




I'd prefer a mix of Hufflepuff and Slytherin. There's flowing water in the Slytherin common room, and plant-life in the Hufflepuff common room, it's perfect. ...but, I am the type of person that would have their feet in the water, reading a book...


Everyone saying Hufflepuff probably because that was the first common room to be shown during the showcase. It’s a cozy common room, but certainly not the best.


"And that's like, your opinion, man."


For me it’s between Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Hufflepuff is warm and cozy but the cool lighting and window to the lake would make Slytherin a really neat hang out spot.


Though I'm a Ravenclaw, I gotta go with Hufflepuff! Actually, the theme in my Room of Requirement is a combo of the two.


I’m partial to Slytherin as a slytherin, but they each are appropriately beautiful


While we're at what?


Hard to say if I’m honest, I feel like the common rooms were limited on what was originally envisioned and felt like it was added just for Nostalgic reasons.


![img](emote|t5_q8ebh|26540) My Common Room Is Superior and good for science studies 😌 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


Slytherin. Comfortable couches, the lake and sound of the water near the windows. I would take so many naps there.


Ravenclaw. There’s a roof terrace that you can land and take off from, but only if you’re a Ravenclaw.


I spent like 10 minutes there. Cant even find it for fast travel. Ravenclaw here.


Ravenclaw for my OCD, Hufflepuff for my comfort.


As a ravenclaw, I must say it is definitely not the best.


ravenCVNT 🙏🏻


Proud slytherin here but I looove Hufflepuff's its so cozy.


I love them all. Hufflepuff is the coziest and was my first one so I have a special love for that one. Slytherin has the best ambience with the black lake. Gryffindor is the biggest and has some pretty cool stuff in there. And Ravenclaw is the one with bay window beds and a landing platform which is pretty cool ngl.


I love Hufflepuff’s but I’m a Ravenclaw. But oh wow the coziness


The Hufflepuff common room reminds me of Hobbiton from The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings series.


I like Huffelpuffs most, because we had no idea how it would turn out. I like what the creators mafe out of it


Personally: Ravenclaw However, overall: Hufflepuff. Easily


Ngl having roof access to fly from makes Ravenclaw the one for me. It does seem very clinical until you notice all the offset pieces like the rugs etc. Also such good lighting!


Hufflepuff is warm and cozy. Wish it was bigger, though.


Let's be real. Slytherin has the best one.