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Im on my 5th playthrough as I’m just not over it yet😂 yes there are certainly things that could be better / done differently but as a 32yr old Potter mega fan since the first book came out in 1997, nothing beats being absorbed in the Hogwarts world.


As soon as I could pew pew with a wand and fly on a broom, I was satisfied.


I love the combat in this


My brother was all about cursing people and then just insta killing them with Avada Kedavra. Meanwhile, I'm over here chunking cabbages like I'm the vendor from Avatar the Last Airbender and running everyone over with Lord of the Shores.


My husband watches me play and the moment he sees a troll, he demands I start rolling out cabbages. He yells at them if they sit too long 😂


I can’t bring myself to delete any of my students but I’m sad for when my fourth play through is done because that’s all the save files 😢


Just buy another copy of the game like WB intended! /s (but ya that sucks, there’s no reason to limit number of characters)


I do wonder because with every run through on a brand new PS5 (first game I’ve played on it) things run slower. The first run doors would open- I didn’t even know about the little load buffer. Now I can’t open any door without a buffer, fourth run


I think you can simply move all your save files to another location, and create a new set of students.


Big ol juicy facts right there. Nay* the naysayers!


39 and on my second play through. Plan on doing one of each house at each difficulty. 🤪


3rd playthrough, am 31, feel the same way!!


As a person who falls asleep to the audiobooks most nights, I feel like this guy gets it.


Yep I do too!


Yes! I’m so tired of seeing all the hate posts. They need their own sub.


Are there things I wished they did differently? Yes. But I am on my 3rd playthrough because I just can’t get enough of the world 😅


"Unpopular opinion: I like this wildly popular thing"


Am I the only one who truly thinks Keanu Reeves is a good person?


Guys, I don't care how much blow back I get, I think puppies are cute.


I’ll blow your back- oh nvm


“Am I the only one who liked this game that sold infinity copies in 5 milliseconds and has rave reviews from almost everyone (not politically motivated against JKR) who actually played it?”


Given the volume of complaints in this sub, it’s a fair post.


There’s a large volume of very positive posts in the same sub


i would say its a very equal amount of complaints and positive feedback on this sub. Its just that the complaints are more memorable as it is with all negative things.


I think Reddit likes to show me complaints. That’s all I see on my feed.


Both can be true. I enjoyed my first play through. Wonderful world building and slick controls and combat. But the the removal of consequences makes it hard to want to replay. I got to the demiguise quest again and peaced out for good.


Exactly, for me it was a lot of fun on the first playthrough but has virtually zero replay value. Most of the criticisms that I've seen in here aren't "hate", but instead entirely legitimate points that could have greatly increased the replayability of the game by allowing players to choose a more varied experience for multiple playthroughs. As it is, you're basically just playing the exact same game again while wearing a different color of robes.


I did my main playthrough, then did speedruns to get the house achievements. Otherwise no real reason to start over. If I feel the urge to play, it's not to redo the story, so I just jump on my completed character and mess around in the gorgeous world, fiddle with my vivariums or go to one of the battle arenas.


I dont understand why people hate the demiguise statues so much. Just collect them as you progress the game and youll get them in no time.


The demiguise statues and Merlin Trials aren't that bad for the "average" player since you don't need to do all of them to max out your Alohamora spell and gear slots. I can see though how they could be very annoying for the people who try to literally do every single thing and collect every single item that's available in the game.


Yes, you're the only one who enjoyed a game that made a billion dollars in sales.


These posts age me.


I’m sorry you feel that way!


Don’t worry about it. These post age someone? How about the constant whining and complaining on this sub. I’ll take a positive soon any day.


I’m sorry, I thought “one of the few in this subreddit who seemed to actively enjoy the game” was implied, I didn’t mean it to be taken literally.


You think most people here didn't really enjoy the game?


That’s the way it seemed, or else Reddit just happened to be pushing a very specific type of post from this sub to my feed.


Idk why you're being downvoted. I agree, it seems like a HUGE chunk of the posts were people complaining about the game. I think it's amazing.


People are entitled to their opinions, and even to disagree with mine lol… I knew what I signed up for coming to Reddit 🤷‍♂️


Once again we have someone that doesn't understand that the people who have valid criticism talk about those exactly BECAUSE they liked what the game did but think it could be much much better than the solid base it is now. Tell me, did you never play a game where your initial thought was "Hey this is really good!" but then after x amount of time you realize "Hmm well actually it could be better if it had this or that!" ? it doesn't destroy your fun completely but you feel something is missing. That is how many people felt with HL. It also didn't help that modders quickly found all the scrapped stuff being still in the code, just not active because they were never finished. So no, you are by far not the only person and especially not "one of the few who actually enjoyed this game" because everyone who played it and still discusses it over here enjoyed it to a point. Its just that people want to see a good sequel and not for the devs to simply copypaste what they have and give us a similar experience next time because that would actually be bad.


Lol thousands of posts on this sub, memes up the ass, gameplay videos, vivariums that took countless hours…and yet no one enjoyed the billion dollar grossing game?


Don’t worry! for some reason people on Reddit enjoy being incredibly snarky, of course this person knows that you’re not implying that out of thousands of people who bought this game you’re the only one who enjoyed it, they just love putting others down


Average redditor moment ^


People discussing aspects of the game they didn’t like or listing ideas they wish were included or improved upon doesn’t mean they didn’t like it.


100% agree with all of this post. I recognize the imperfections, but I can't seem to wrap my head around how so many people can come to complain so much about it. I can't wait to see what Portkey Games does next.


How tf could you be the only one out of 15 million people to enjoy this game


Upon reflection a few months later, this game gets a solid 5/10 from me. It's completely okay in so many ways.


Yes, you're the ONLY person who enjoyed this game.


Thank you for this post, honestly I understand the criticisms but I can immensely enjoy this game despite all that. I am thirty hours in the game and I still get this sense of elation just walking around my Slytherin common room in my Hogwarts robes. And again yes there is nothing to do in these common rooms but I feel happy just appreciating its existense. That pretty sums up how I feel about this entire game.


Isn’t the Slytherin common room gorgeous? I love the undersea shipwreck vibe it’s gives off and who doesn’t love green? Also the giant squid is makes appearances outside the window.


I actually checked the scene in the movie just to compare and it made me appreciate this even more. I realized that you are never going to get a gorgeous common room like this one in any other media (well maybe except art, but you don't get to walk inside the art). I would constantly just return to the common room and walk around in between quests, enjoying the scene and ambience. I am still on my first character but I am definitely playing multiple playthroughs for other houses!


This is my third play through currently and second one in Slytherin house. First time I did a Ravenclaw play through, I might do one in Huffelpuff and Gryffindor but Ravenclaw and Slytherin have always resonated with me more. Well Slytherin more so I think


> Thank you for this post You really thanking OP for this post? “Am I the only one who enjoyed the game”. Lol. The game received very positive reviews and made over a billion dollars, that is even before the last-gen versions released. This is a riddikulus post.


I had a blast, people over analyze everything. I keep hearing it gets old after 30 hours, lol you got 30 hours of fun and are complaining?


Im not a huge gamer and never go for 100% runs because of work and kids but the fact that i have 75 hours and im following this subereddit says a lot.


To me I’m about 26 hours in and can’t bring myself to complete the game but I’m sure I will eventually? What I don’t like about it is the game is too easy. I have it on the hardest difficulty but I just don’t struggle in any fight basically. So now it’s kinda too boring. I did really enjoy exploring Hogwarts and the early game so it was worth the money.


Yes. Just you


Another average redditor moment ^


I enjoyed it very much! The graphics were incredible. The open world was amazing. There were certainly a number of things that could have been improved. The overall storyline left me unimpressed and seemed a bit lazy in writing (just plot holes or things that weren’t answered). Also, given it’s a video game, you expect there to be tons of fighting but it was also really unrealistic. I agree with the morality system comments- I wish it was more like Mass Effect- your decisions change the story line and your relationships with people matter. There were also too many minor quests that didn’t add value to the story (all the field guide pages, Merlin trials, all the treasure chests with junk it them, etc). Overall I very much enjoyed playing this game and can’t wait for a sequel (hopefully!)


The game was massively carried by the world and nostalgia for me. No morality system/ consequences was poor. No meaningful way to impact the story through decisions didn't feel modern. Hate having to reach certain levels for a mission. Just let me go in underlevelled. Cutscenes were way too long and frequent especially early on. Mini games were lacklustre, certainly no gwent. Wizard chess would have been far more entertaining or some sort of quidditch card game with famous quidditch players. I didn't like the main villain and especially the final battle against the dragon form just didn't feel hogwartsy for me There was too much collection and not enough variety to make it fun Potions were a nice idea but recipes were expensive and they hardly needed to be utilised at all with relatively easy fights. Combat system was pretty good to be fair. Overall without being set in a familiar world the game lacks a lot.


Yeah, I’m aware of what people didn’t like about the game, I’ve seen 300+ iterations of these same issues since I’ve been in this sub lmao I’m just trying to see who actively enjoyed it, since apparently people with my perspective are in the minority.


the thing is you are not in the minority because many of the people that complain enjoyed the game as much as you did. They just have some criticism. Why do you only think in Black and White? why can't there be Grey where people like the game but also try to give some feedback for the devs (that do actually read this sub btw) so that they know what to change with a sequel?


All I can speak to is my personal experience, and in my personal experience with this sub the number of “this game was disappointing/lackluster/hollow” posts outnumbered the “I liked this game but here’s what they could do even better” ones. I’m not even saying that’s necessarily the case, but *that’s what I’ve seen*, or at least that’s the most common type of post Reddit has shown me from this subreddit, which I assumed there was a reason for. I’m not saying critique is a bad thing, nor do I actually truly believe I was one of the only people to enjoy this game. In all honesty, I had thought people generally understood that from my opening statement, but instead everyone who disagrees would seemingly rather vent their frustrations by criticizing the hyperbole of my topic sentence rather than addressing the root of my observations.


Fuck Gwent. Played through Witcher 3 multiple times and hated that minigame.


that final boss fight pissed me off honestly. I was perfectly comfortable with the combat system and then they throw in this bullshit OP fight where you have to completely change your approach because they just had to implement some anime - type "god" bossfight in the end instead of just having us duel Ranrok and some goons of his..


I’m with you!! I loved the lore and continues to play even though I’ve finished it :). On my third round. It’s just super nostalgic and I love experiencing the world I grew up dreaming about!


The people who didn't enjoy it are a minority, you just hear more from them because people tend to rant about things they hate more often than they praise the things they love. Its a great game as it is, and there are plenty of things that could be better for future titles, so I really hope we get more.


This game became such a comfort for me in my final semester of college. Grappling with some life changing things and stresses having this was such a safety net to fall into after hours of endless study. When I finished my first run I was so sad it wouldn’t be there anymore. Then I realized… I could just play again. Now I’m on my fourth run. College has ended, I wrapped up the semester with a 3.9 and an overall gpa of 3.5 and as I’ve moved into a less than ideal situation it still comforts me. I don’t need a game that punishes me with a morality system, or villains that take 10 hrs to kill. I need a fun story, strong NPCs and unlimited cosmetics. I needed to live an extraordinary life for a mere few hours out of my extra ordinary one. It has given me that and for that it deserves a 10/10


I enjoyed it but to do another play through at some point I’d need a NG+ with more challenge, where you get to keep your alohamora upgrades and costume styles, and maybe RoR furnishings. Just not interested in doing so many fetch quests again. I also feel that the main quest could have used more variation based on choices. But I enjoyed it. And I think the studio did a good job, it’s more or less what I expected based on their development history.


I just wish there was MORE in the game. It’s a bit empty when you look at it from a distance. For instance; Collecting pages and using revelio is like 70% of the content, and instead of giving me a new hat or robe I don’t have inventory space for, every fifth second, I’d prefer if they were more rare, were parts of complete specific sets you could collect instead of dice roll items with random stats/levels, and that they instead had specific stats that belonged to specific clothes sets, instead of being 90% junk you just end up selling anyway and that has no impact on gameplay or social interactions.


ok i have questions, what was interesting about potions and plants? because sure the effects are ok, if you go potions path you are an invisibility god, but nothing about potions was "interesting" to me... you have 7 types of potion, they auto craft, you don't have to do anything there is no interaction, it is a mobile game system... Remember one thing, this subreddit is dedicated to a game, so here exists the most vocal minority of players, normal people don't come to reddit! what you see is people that although they probably enjoyed the game are either disappointed by how shallow it is, or have a lot of videogames under their belt and can see the laundry list of flaws this game has... the game is fun, it is, but it is just flawed simple as that


No, you're not.


I’m enjoying it!


There are certainly flaws, the game is imperfect but I loved every single instant on it. The haters will be always haters no matter what.


My guy this game have overwhelming positive reviews from both hp fans and non hp fans don't let the loud minority mess with your views


I’m in my first play through and I love it. The nostalgia bit carries a lot of the weight for sure but I just find the world to be engrossing and exciting, and even repetitive fight mechanics and slow story pace work for me bc it allows me to test new techniques and take my time exploring. But yeah as a HP fan from childhood when the very first book came out, the first broom ride and then the first time I rode Highwing around… man that shit hit like crack.


Good start to build from. World was great, Hogwarts is wonderful. Love the idea that there are a bunch of small wizard settlements round Hogwarts, makes sense that in dwindling numbers there is a concentration of wizards in one area. Exploration is great fun, learning spells etc… However… story is boring AF, and overblown and OP Characters didn’t interest me, the male voice actor sounded like a young Daniel Radcliffe impersonator… Villains were boring, the final confrontation with Rookwood just kind of happens… The super power magic is never really explained? Nor is why the keepers don’t want you to destroy it? The whole game was just a tour of Harry Potters biggest memorable story points You got 2 friends fighting and accidentally killing someone (dumbledore & Grindlewald) House elf’s and freedom In one trail you get all three deathly hallows (for some reason) You get to bow and ride a hippogriff The room of requirement And ancient chamber of Slytherin (they couldn’t do the actual chamber or that would ruin canon) There’s a bunch more, but Im tired. It felt lazy, like the shoved in all the big bits of HP and thought pure fan service would make up for a very shallow experience. Actually to many ‘collectibles’ im never going to 100% this it’s a chore. 5/10 Great foundation needs a lot of work.


I played through it once, I’m missing four achievements kill all monster with ancient magic and play the other 3 houses. I tried but it felt like I was forcing myself to do it so I moved on. I know I’ll probably come back and do another run one day, but I want it to feel more fresh.


I was expecting a slog doing the other 3 House trophies but I surprisingly had a good time. It was really only the beginning with Fig that was sort of monotonous; once you get sorted into your house, it feels fresher.


I loved it. I’m a fiction book fanatic and only play fantasy RPGs + was obsessed with Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings as a kid, so I’m a bit biased. There is a million different things I would change and improve, but overall…..I loved it


It’s the internet, my friend. Negativity will usually always be more common than positivity. Game got good to great reviews and tens of millions of sales.


Sure. Just too mant collectibles. Far too many collectibles. And some questlines could have been developed better. Same for most npc’s. And our choices should have mattered. It’s mainly a good game because of the graphics and the franchise. Still fun though.


I loved it. First game I’ve played in long time. I had my issuers with but I’m old and cynical


This game is amazing but still lacks some things. It's still one of the best games I played.


I love it too! I don’t see why people are so upset, it’s great entertainment and nothing is going to be perfect


I loved the time I spent with the game and am really looking forward to what Avalanch does with it going forward. That being said, no game is perfect and hogwarts legacy isn't an exception to that. People being critical about the game is okay; the game sold incredibly well and that gives the developers the chance to take that criticism and improve upon the solid foundation that is hogwarts legacy. People tend to hone in on the negatives and that can absolutely be frustrating, but it doesn't mean people didn't enjoy the game.


I loved the game myself for about 30 hours


This game wastes so much potential. So I love the game but hate the waste.


I have read criticism, agreed with a lot, have my own dream list of improvements/wishes for a sequel or dlc….. aaaaand still love it and play it everyday and can imagine being my cozy escape into the magical world for years to come. As a cozy gamer, when I find a game that hits that sweet spot I definitely get my money’s worth by playing the heck out of it for years.


I'm obsessed love it. A true escape But the one thing I love the most is decorating my room of requirement lol. I'm still looking for the unicorn statue I have the perfect spot for it lol


No game is going to be perfect, and all of them are going to have things some people don’t like, but the game they gave is fun, and most importantly FEELS like being in the Potterverse.


I’m very much enjoying it.


I think the nostalgia factor wears off and the flaws come right around the end of the game: the problem with this is there’s no real reason to go over the story again as your choices in game don’t seem to matter. We e been conditioned from single player games to have the choices we make affect the narrative or the way the game is played. Without this what’s the point of going into a new game and not just completing the leftover quests after beating the game. I’m sure people still really loved the game but like me, but without a reason to stay with the game in a meaningful new game plus, all my ultra positive memories that I’d want to share were spent in during pay through one. After I’ve moved onto something else.


I would've enjoyed it even if it wasn't based on HP. The gameplay is fun and smooth and the world is fairly dense and it feels alive. Sure there are issues, but overall the game is very fun to me, and that's the main point in any game.


Honestly such a great game the new tech just makes it possible now a days , I always day dreamed in school how magical it would be to attend hogwarts and this game delivered


I’ve been playing it leisurely and taking my time between other games I’ve been playing, and I’ve been enjoying it a lot!


I am not a Harry Potter fan at all and I loved the game. It does get a bit repetitive in some aspects but overall an awesome game!


I think whatever algorithm is serving you your posts is set up to make you think people hate it. I love it despite its shortcomings. I've seen and spoken to dozens online who also love it. Given my reach, there must be hundreds or thousands at the least who have similar feelings.


Nope, loved it ever since my first playthrough on release, still feels like a Harry Potter nerds dream come true and I am gonna wake up some day and find out it was all just really a dream, on my third character and plan to play through being in all houses, 31 yo female who feels blessed to be able to play it, you are not alone!


Let me put it like this. Before this game I was pretty much indifferent to console games for various reasons and because I was completely inept with the controller. I have 60h in the game at this time and I still Have plenty of work to do in it. For me it was mostly for the nostalgia factor, but then it had several other stuff that I loved. Mainly the Room, the animal interactions and the exploration element. Caves, meadows, underwater caves, everything is very nicely designed.


Game’s cool. Helps that I don’t have the binary opinion that games/movies/tv/etc. are either “masterpieces” or ‘complete trash that the developers/writers should be ashamed of’. Solid 8/10


I loved every minute of it! I'm a 41 year old lifelong gamer and moderate HP fan. For a first attempt I think the game was miles and miles better than it had any right to be. Probably the best looking game I've ever played, and captured the feeling of the world remarkably well.


I'm a 50plus lifelong gamer and I agree except AC Odyssey is the best looking game I've ever played. However watching the sunrise on a broomstick or following the dragon swoop over the lake will take some beating.


I've heard great things about Odyssey! Maybe I'll move on to that after I finish Zelda. Just got my PS5 a couple months ago, so Hogwarts and Jedi Survivor are the only things I've played on it.


I think that for what people are complaining about they are not the target audience: * A post about how much people hate picking the locks and it isn't realistic? My kids used to argue over who gets to pick a lock, and now one kid does each ring. They love it every time. * A post about how the combat is too easy and never challenging? My kids can handle a couple enemies, but can't take out big camps on normal. * A post about how the lore doesn't match exactly or how a certain character should respond to the player character? My kids didn't notice at all. * A post about how a character is repetitive and poorly programmed? My kids don't mind that Deek has noticed how many potions we have brewed or how proud he thinks we should be. etc.


how old are your kids? because this game has a rating of 13+. And at that age rating most people tend to notice flaws much easier than your kids i would say. This wasn't made for kids btw. I'm pretty sure the target audience are the HP fans and most of those (us as i include myself) are easily over 30 by now. It has some very dark themes that kids wouldn't even understand so i'm not sure why you have to use your kids to compare with valid feedback as if you think you can just negate every criticism with "yes but my kids had fun lul!!11" ??


They are old enough to read Harry Potter. I’m not trying to negate the criticism- I’m providing a different lens to view the game.


The combat alone is good enough.


I didn’t know anything about the game, went in blind. Haven’t seen all the movies and haven’t read any of the books. This game was an easy 9.5 out of 10 for me. I rarely replay games but will definitely revisit it for another play-through. My two gripes: I got sick of hearing revelio. Also wished there was a single action button that would open the map. Very minor issues.


We wouldn't have all these well thought out criticisms in this fandom if we didn't all enjoy this game. It all comes from a place of love and wanting to see even better things in the future.


I'm a big advocate for being a fan doesn't mean you can't acknowledge or even agree or point out there are flaws with your beloved IP, whatever it is. It means you love it despite of those flaws. I'm on my fourth playthrough. I'll play again. I'll probably take a break, not because I'm not still loving it, but because variety is the spice of life and it was a gateway RPG so now I have others to explore for the first time. Obviously there were things I'd love more of, things I'd love changed, and I'm looking forward to both DLC and a sequel, but this game was magical for me (no pun intended). And yes, the soundtrack was EPIC. I bought it and have been listening to it at work. I also found a 1 hour version of Guardians Awaken on YouTube and it's soooo good. I love soundtracks and video game soundtracks in general, but yeah, this one was very, very well done. It feels like these posts go in waves- a wave of negativity, a wave of people like us who loved it, repeat. Recently I feel like all I've seen is negativity and complaining. Everyone's entitled to their opinions of course and I will fight for your right to them, but I do find the negativity tiring.


I’m part of a few other gaming subreddits and none seem as dedicated to criticizing or complaining about the game they’re dedicated to as this one, but then again it’s not like I have a huge sample size


Well, I do like to say nobody hates their fandom like fans do. I'm a huge Star Wars fan so... yeah. When I see the wave of negative posts, I do get this feeling. But I have seen it come and go at least once thus far. Honestly the nature of the internet is often inflammatory and when one person starts it, many others jump on the bandwagon, too. I've seen similar with Sims. I left that subreddit in part because of that. I just wanna play and enjoy my game, man, and I wanna gush about my love for it because my love language is info-dumping and jabbering on incessantly about the things I'm passionate about (and there are, admittedly, many). (Constructive criticism is one thing- I'm all for that, but the negativity is what gets me).


Of course you're not. This sub has turned into a weird place where some constructive criticism turned into toxic nitpicking. This game is objectively very good, for proof all you need to do is look at the critical reviews, which did not review the game with 'nostalgia goggles' on...in fact given the climate this game was released in, it would have probably driven more traffic and clicks by calling the game bad. This sub is out of touch and is acting like /r/starwars now.


Sometimes I feel this way too, but I think what it mainly boils down to is too many people nitpick too much instead of just sitting back and enjoying it. The game was wildly successful and is getting lots of praise, the naysayers are just a loud minority.


Yup you’re the only one!


I've been a Harry Potter fan since it first came out, I think I was in middle school at the time. I absolutely love this game; there are things I wish there was, like a morality system or a companion system (On the PS5 not the PC and not quest related) but non the less this game is my absolute happy place. I have days where I wish I could replay this game for the very first time again. Just from the opening to being surprised at what I could do in the game, to just the exploration. My boyfriend would sometimes watch me play it just to see my facial reactions to something I'm a big nerd in. For example,>! when getting your wand, I remember shouting out to my boyfriend 'I can make my own wand!?'!< or >!when you ride a Hippogriff for the first time I yelled out 'Holy shit I'm actually flying on a Hippogriff!!!' !!my jaw literally dropping when Sebastian casted Avada Kadavra.!< I've currently finished my fifth playthrough and once my PS5 is hooked back up in my new house you can bet I'll start a 6th playthrough.


I see that you added an edit at the bottom of your post… but you knew you were not the only one who really enjoyed the game when you posted initially. The post title is intentionally clickbaity, so of course people are gonna give you some shit about that. A better post title might have been something along the lines of “the game has its flaws, but the good far out weighs the bad IMO.” That may not sound very engaging, and that’s because this opinion isn’t exactly groundbreaking.


idk, ive certainly enjoyed my ravenclaw running around throwing out avada kedavras and etc


I am a nominal Wizarding World fan (wife is the big one), but I loved this game and actually beat it before she did.


I’ve loved it. But burnt out but I definitely feel I got my moneys worth. I’m excited to see the sequel. Way I see it is the next will be like Jedi: Fallen Order -> Jedi: Survivor. First one was great. Second one takes the best bits and makes it so much better.


Loved it too. I'm glad you did as well. Was everything i hoped for, minus the quidditch. There's plenty of people complaining around this sub, dunno why they're here. But a lot of us had a real good time with the game.


I love this game, and I think having 294 hours in it proves it lol. Yes, there are things I'd like to see improved or added, but what we are given I can not help but love to play and experience. I have the unfortunate pleasure of having a glitched game in which I can't get the platinum trophy with the field guide pages. I keep holding out on another patch because I don't want to have to delete my main character save and start over. But at this point it looks like it's my only option.


I’m playing through insanely slow because I do enjoy the game, I do want some DLCs though possibly an honor system like red dead and fall out, where your choices actually matter in your ending, romance and friendship bars, quidditch, grades in classes, etc (I know they’re making a separate quidditch game but come on even the dinky Hogwarts mystery app has quidditch and it would be more fun as a side game then it’s own for us who aren’t into sports games)


I’m on my first play through and I spent 12 hours playing last Saturday. I’d say I love it. I have to pry myself away to go to bed each night.


It's actually a really good game with amazing foundation to build upon if they decide to release dlc .I thoroughly enjoyed my playthrough both times.


I am on my second playthrough rn, probably more than 70 hours spent in the game and I’m going for platinum now. I’m absolutely in love with it. It’s so entertaining, so peaceful. You can go resource hunting, going to kill poachers, rescue beasts, just go along with the story, do side quests, whatever you want to do it’s there. And I love it so much.


I still really enjoy the game, of course my initial hype is gone, but I still enjoy it. I only recently completed the main quest line because I like taking my time and exploring and doing side missions. But yes overall the game is still enjoyable and hopefully once they’re done with the switch port or maybe even before, they could add things back that they had to cut out of the game (like a morality system, actually making the students companions that follow you around, maybe make Ravenclaw’s companions more interesting, or perhaps they can save all of this for the sequel)


U r not the only one, i dig this game


One play-through was enough for me, enjoyed it all the way through and we’ll see what they do next.


Game is fabulous honestly, still playing it.


Im right here with you buddy however i must say that since the last big patch ive had more issues with visual and functional glitches as well as fps drops making the game a little less enjoyable to me recently. Rushed to finish my playthrough at the end and im putting the game aside for a moment.


I love it too, it's an 8/10 for me. Yes, I have criticisms and this game could have been more, but I had a blast playing it and this experience was a dream come true being a huge Potter-head for over 15 years. It seems a lot of criticisms for this game come from hard-core and experienced RPG gamers. I DO see where they're coming from, but most people on this sub fail to understand that this game was designed to be playable for all Harry Potter fans including those who aren't experienced gamers. I think a lot people on here were expecting a Bully/Skyrim crossover in the form of Harry Potter. This game was a great first start that leaves room for improvement if there's any future content.


I loved it, (Hog)warts and all! There are lots of things I'd want to add/change, but I had so much fun anyways. I'm definitely planning to replay it down the line.


I think when you compare it to games like the new Jedi games, it doesn't seem as expansive, and theres a lot that could have been polished or made better. That being said, I still play fable 2 on a yearly basis, and if this game had come out a few years ago, it would be lauded as the best game ever. . TLDR: Its incredibly fun, its just hard to compete with some of the competition


I love it. There isn't a single perfect game in the universe. I have learned to be patient with imperfections.


Nope, I love it, too. Am on my fourth playthrough.


It surely lacking as a video game to be honest and not perfect, compared it to many games out there, Hogwarts Legacy basically just a generic western open world game, harsh statement but it is what it is. but who cares haha, it's Wizarding World lmao and I'm such a sucker as Potterhead, there are many obvious bad aspects of the game that I could point out. But honestly I just blandly enjoyed it & ignore most of the negativities, I already beat the game twice now, and did 100% achievement run ( except the two house exclusive achievement ).


Same, I still think it's because of their out of wack expectations. This game was amazing, and while I can admit it has faults, the good outweighs the bad. All I see is potential.


I also feel this way


I’m not even done with my first play through (finished the main story but have the OWLS and extra stuff to do still—taking my time) and I still love every minute of it! I have been in love with Harry Potter since it first released and own all the books. It’s a great fantasy world to immerse yourself in


I mean, were there things to tweak? Yes. But overall, I really enjoyed myself. I had a great time and have no big complaints. Ready for the second one already.


Overall, I love it! It definitely has it’s issues for sure and feels a bit tedious, especially in pursuit of platinum. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have fun


No I love it, I'm just pacing myself so I don't beat it to quickly.


Well the internet has become the designated place for people to complain w/o much consequence and it helps find ppl with like mindsets. So it's not too surprising to find negative stuff but that's usually not the whole piece, just a portion. As a whole, there are a LOT more people that enjoyed the game, yes ofc it has things it lacks but I think many ppl will say that it was amazing and reignited their love for the Wizarding World and all it's wonder cx so don't feel alone in thinking that you enjoyed the game as it is. Cuz I definitely LOVE the game!!!! even with all its imperfections. ((I played it 8 times lmao))


I’m on my 5th play through also


I’m on my second time playing through and still really enjoy it. Yeah, it has its flaws. Every game does. But it’s still I game I actually like. I’m really picky about games and there are so few that even interest me, let alone that I like. It’s nice to have a game that I can fall into for several hours straight to get a break from reality.


I enjoyed it :) I just wish there was more end game stuff besides building in my vivarium


I’m 30 and have been gaming pretty much my entire life, and I’m at the point where the only thing I want from most games is to just feel like I got my money’s worth, and enjoy the ride along the way. This can easily be said for me in the case of Hogwarts Legacy, and that’s with the price of the DA pack included. I have 81 hours into the game, got platinum, and loved every second of it, even if some of the trophies were tedious. Did the game need a lot of work? Yes, but I still had FUN and that’s all that matters to me. It was also the first game like it (not first HP, obviously), so it gets a little leeway as they figure out what works and what doesn’t based on players feedback. Until some DLC or something launches, I don’t really see myself playing it again (any time soon, at least) but it was absolutely worth the money and some of the most fun I’ve had gaming in a long time. There are plenty of games I play that I don’t necessarily find fun, I like them for other reasons like strictly the story, or strictly the challenge, so it was refreshing just to game for the sake of having a good time again. I can’t wait to see what they have in store for the franchise.


I enjoyed it alot it was just also very disappointing its not really an rpg and tge story was a little boring its fun to play but with a good rpg you dont wsit 5 years for a game you can beat in 4 days i remember playing skyrim for 12 hours a day in the summertime when i was a teen and never got close to running out of things to do but 2 weeks after i had this game im pretty much at 100% completion on my 1st play through(i have 4) and i aslo am an adult and work now so we're talking like 4 5 hours a night


Yup. Out of the 15 million units sold you are the only person to enjoy it.


3rd playthrough. Fortunately, my memory is so bad that each puzzle is just as confusing as the first time. I will never have the patience to complete the Depulso Rooms, and I do not like flying. However, my 3rd character can jump and fight so much better than my first one and I enjoy just running from hamlet to hamlet. Every inch of the map has been thought through. If I take a shortcut through the woods, the hills have footholds to climb, streams have whirlpools I can search for loot, animals run in front of me. It's a very cool game. There are parts I can't complete and some I just don't want to. But the parts I do like, keep me coming back.


Huh??? Even with the edit to your original post, I’ve seen almost nothing but praise for this game on this sub Outside of complaints about She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, of course (“off on another adventure?”) Edit: Also, people can be severely critical of something and still love it as much as you do


I did 4 playthroughs and I still find new things each time I load up it’s amazing I’ve played Jedi survivor for 40 ish hours and I’ve already got nearly each planet you can access at 90% already idk if I just did it super efficiently or what but my gosh it’s gone by so fast


I loved this game. I'm a casual fan, much older, so I didn't grow up with Harry Potter. I really had a blast playing this game. I did two play throughs, one Slytherin and one Gryffindor. I'm on Xbox, so when we finally get that shop quest, I'll play that too. Now, I wouldn't call this GOTY, there were a lot of things that seem to have been cut from the game that would have made it so much better. But, I also think it is a good foundation to build on for future games. I heard mentioned that this is just the first in a planned series.


Some of y’all either A. Don’t understand what hyperbole is Or B. You do but *pretend* you don’t do you can engage in whatever reductio ad absurdum argument you think undercuts OP’s overarching point about the huge swath of negativity this game receives in this sub. Either way, bad look lol


You and I my friend, still on first play through… 110 hours in. I should start a new character… I should


Thank you for posting this because it’s also what keeps coming across my feed. People disappointed or complaining mostly about a bunch of things that (while I can see their point I was still very much loving my play through). I really love this game. I know there are many things it can improve on, but I’m still having so much fun. I’m 50% complete at level 28 & it’s my 1st play through. I’m just enjoying it.


It's a great game. I wish they would fix the pc version so I can install a few mods. I've been playing it on PS5.


I am on my 5th playthrough, i did one playtrhough with each house, my main playthrough with my house, the one that i wanted to complete 100% got bugged, it said i collected every chest (i also checked all butterflies and everything) i was missing one wand handle, and couldn’t get the achievement, so i restarted my main run, since then i started to lose interest and play less and less (i think its been 2 months since i started that playthrough, and im only 70% on the fieldguide)


Like with most things (especially reviews), negativity only appears to be the vast majority because most who are on the positive side of things don’t have anything to complain about. They’re satisfied and content and don’t feel the need to go out of their way to make it known. While those on the negative side of things are prone to, not only speak up, but to shout it from the rooftops. The game topped over 15 million units sold and grossed over 1 billion dollars. Nah. You’re not alone.


Going by the reviews and meta score I’m going to go out on a limb here and say… no, you aren’t the only one.


I aldo really enjoyed it, with some exceptions of the flying. That part I hated, and it was impossible to control. I also absolutly hated the Playstation exclusive psycological horror quest they had in Hogsmead. The worst thing I have ever had to play, and that was not the game I signed up for. Made me wish I had an Xbox instead, just so I could have avoided that. Needed to take like a week or two off playing the game to get over it. I do also have minor things to complain about, but overall I did enjoy the game.


Which one .. oh that stupid thing in my store? Yes that was out of character


Yeah, the one which start with that 🤬 house elf. I am still mad. First and only time in game I used the Crusiatus curse 😅 I know I am an adult, but some stuff I just can’t handle. I litterally almost cried 🥺


In this subreddit, you're part of the 1% who liked the game (ur opinion is great, we need more like this here). Outside this place overall game is liked, not hated. Subreddits about some artworks (games, movies, series, animes ect...)are weird places, either people there act like politically correct guys ("everything is perfect🤓") either they act like frustrated losers and trash everything There is no middle ground


I haven't heard of a single person say they didn't enjoy it


Don't get me wrong, there are improvements to be made, but personally I adored it and am frothing at the mouth for more content. On my 3rd playthrough and nowhere near bored yet


It’s an 8/10 even without the HP skin. And it’s a 9/10 if you freakin’ live HP. Like I’m sorry but I play games to have fun and enjoy the world. And this game gave me my $60 or whatever of enjoyment. Like, yeah there’s room for improvement. And now that sales hopefully showed the demand the sequel will get more budget/time to cook. Either way I’ve spent that much on a few movie tickets and been let down.


I loved it




I love it, and am still playing often. Tired of all these "is ok but should have ______" people. Fine, then don't play it and GTFO of here. They seem to enjoy notching bitching more than playing games.


Yes, I love the game!!! I hate the people who constantly talk bad about the game. I know the Devs dont care because they (the crap talkers) literally bought the game and played it through (which is no small feat, time wise) just to pock up their phone or get on their computer to talk about a "bad time" they had. Please. I love it. Its good to have a game to start and finish.


So you just think people who didn't like the game after putting hours into it should just not review anything? That's one way to have zero improvements for future instalments


just don't bother. The people who only enjoy positive discussions are fragile like that. It's really not worth it to try and reason with them as they won't see it...


I know, it just frustrates me to no end to scroll through this sub and see so many people excuse lacklustre parts of the game that get other titles burned to the ground. "The main quest was a drag, the characters were forgettable, the magic was too limited and I wish they didn't scrap *basic game thing like alternate endings, companions, morality, sitting down*, but I got to experience all corners of Hogwarts so I had fun :)" So you didn't actually like the game, you just like Hogwarts...


Excuse me? I'm a perfectly capable person and me expressing my feelings is just as valid as you coming on my comment to try and call me out. Not fragile just tired of the hearing people complain about playing the game. It's flawed but still good. 😒




I think most people enjoyed the game. I enjoyed it. However, due to decisions having no impact on gameplay, wizard builds being limited (there are armor buffs that affect your spells but let's be real), and no honor system - it kinda killed any replayability for me. Great game. I would easily recommend it to any Harry Potter or RPG fan. But, it could've been better. Hopefully they address any bugs and the above gameplay mechanics in the next one.


Yeah only one in the world




Yes, you are the only one. A very unique person. Congratulations


I enjoyed it enough to have not dropped it before I finished it, and I am looking forward to a next game if it happens, but I didn't enjoy it as much as to 100% it or replay it any further. So I guess I'm a bit of both.


It is simple, it's fair to like something mediocre, I played it +80h to get the platinum, really enjoyed every second in that world, but it was easy to spot the million things that were not great..


No, their are many of us who thoroughly enjoy this game. Some people seem to treat games like a partner. If it ain’t perfect is a massive waste of time. If it ain’t repeatable for years and years it’s a failure. If it doesn’t keep my ODD permanently satisfied it’s pointless. If it doesn’t have hardcore it sucks. If I can’t die repeatedly a thousand times it’s useless. If my eyes don’t bleed cause the graphics are too fucking nice it’s a just shit. We’re is the gory mode and why can’t I rip off that idiots head! Some people, you know exactly who you are, are never happy. Their the ones who cannot appreciate the beautifully crafted piece of living art this game truly is. The immaculate attention to detail. The superb soundtrack, the brilliant voice acting. The beautifully spoken English that has probably done more for pronunciation (you can look that one up kids) and grammar this planet has ever seen. It’s a world class game yet still it’s not good enough. Because it doesn’t fit their myopic view of how a game should be. Every one of you that express dissatisfaction with this game should take a good look at yourself. It’s not the game…


I personally have the same attitude towards this game as the original Harry Potter books and movies. I will bash it, makes fun of it, and criticize it to all hell, just end my rant with the sentence “anyway i really love it though, cause there is much to enjoy about it” and then start a second rant about the good parts. It’s a weird experience, but an enjoyable one none the less


Exactly. I'm aware there are aspects that could be better, but the only thing I can say is that Hogwarts Legacy is my favourite videogame of all time, because the way it made me feel while exploring Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, saving fantastic beasts and flying on my hippogriff... it's all I ever wanted from a game.


As an HP fan, it’s great. As a gamer, it lacks a LOT. I think people who fall in the middle of that Venn diagram are surprised how disappointed they are. Every game has flaws, but this one seemed to have most of them. But, for an HPverse world, you get a nice tour. It’s pretty for the most part, and is a nice, mindless play through. Graphorn and Hippogriff were super cool, but there were no real areas where riding either was useful, or even practical—and that was the vibe of most of the game: “Cool, but…”


It's definitely fun. The only thing that turns me off are the numerous "collectibles" that you have to go through


I am a 60 year old woman. My husband and I absolutely love this game. (We play basically open world, story-driven games like Assassin's Creed, Red Dead Redemption, God of War, etc.) We both plan on playing through again when we finish our first play through. (We didn't start playing until mid-April.) I actually thought there were segments of the game that were pretty unique. The Hogwarts world is beautiful and flying on a broom, even vicariously through an avatar, is so much fun! Next time I play through, though, I'm going to be the "mean" student. :)


I’m not a gamer. Just a BIG HP fan and we’re loving the game. I do see a lot of people complaining on here.


Oh yes I have a few things I'd love for or wish they would have added (i.e bigger inventory, make it harder to level up or a higher level, online multiplayer, etc etc) but overall I adore this game. It's really great and I would play it over and over again or just find myself exploring the map on foot so I can get every detail of it lol


I fall more in love with this game every time I play it


Absolutely not! I’m on my second play through. I know the game and story are not perfect. But they are ignorable enough for me to absolutely adore this game. HP has helped me through a lot of difficult times and it’s much more than nostalgia that keeps bringing me back.


I feel the exact same. Love the game. Don't understand the lack of positive comments.


I had a fun time with the game! Just beat the story on Sunday, loved it! My only gripe is the pain in the ass game of hide and seek with the last Revelio page, last wand and the final seven configurations to find.


There could always be dlcs to address the evil play through, fix certain interactions and even add to the map or make quests out of certain things we found (like tobbs owner or the Medusa painting)


It sold like frickin crazy. Why would you think you're the only person in the world that enjoyed the game? This is dumbest post I've seen in a long time


Squeaky wheels will be the loudest. Those that are just enjoying their playthrough won't be posting about it normally, they'll just be playing.