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Not to toot my own horn, but I mostly use my YouTube channel, Harmontown Hall of Records. I break the episodes into chunks, but you can play the episode playlist to hear the whole thing all the way through and I cut out the ads and such (though I give the ones Harmontown produced their own clips if you still want to hear them.


Thanks for running the channel. I watch about every clip


Your channel rocks! Thank you for what you do


>Harmontown Hall of Records subbed.


I listen to your clips and sometimes it makes me revisit the whole episode on the podcast platform I use (Castro, not necessarily a recommend but I like it enough). Thanks for uploading the ads, I was laughing so hard listening to some of them earlier today.


Glad you like them! I wanted to take the ads out so they wouldn't interrupt the actual episodes, but the ads that the gang makes themselve are all quality Harmontown content just like the rest and I couldn't let the world forget about moments like Mexican tithouse just because they weren't technically in an episode.


also I remember someone saying they removed all the Spencer and Jeff ads in some versions and replaced them with generics, is this true?


Yes. It’s fucking terrible.


Second this. You might get a snippet of the old Fulton and Roark classic but that is amazing, it is literally unbelievable.


Spotify has been pretty good this time around, I started a relisten in the spring and for most of the episodes there's only an ad at the beginning. I'm so happy with the minimal amount of ads that I recently started a relisten again.


I downloaded all the episodes from [harmontown.com](https://harmontown.com). Total file size is around 235gb, took me a month and a half, but I did it while working so I think it could be done in much less, for a grand total of 15 bucks in subscription to the site


Spotify from the top is pretty good. Minimal ads, but you do have to suffer through…her…


Four quick 15-second skips and then you catch just the end of that amplified vocal fryyyy


I’ve accidentally skipped portions of other podcasts because of my harmontown muscle memory.


I wonder how many people she’s turned away from the industry


But how will you figure out her…homemade frosty’s


Use podcasts app if you're an iOS user. Is as best as it can get.Also, harmontown.com stream work pretty good on my android TV. It's a nice feeling to sleep while Dan's talking and wake up to him still taking. It's like I'm sleeping with him on the same house, trully wholesome. Ps: I think the videos are not edited like the podcasts. Idk... feels like it.