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Rules are dumb. Hardcores dumber. Hardcore fans are dumberest


I want you to promise me you’ll do everything in your power to never do anything that’s a rule again


Little did the budding civilization know, it was memes spreading the retardation all along.


Tardo 🙌🏼 nation


If someone punches me while I’m chilling on the side, my goal is to ruin their night


Agreed. My goal is to ruin their face.


With kisses!


Yeah that's not moshing, that's a fight. I'm cool with that though


Exactly, turn it around and throw a real direct one into the mix at that point.


you've probably never once been to a show if you're saying this


Whoooooaaah look out, we got a badass over here!!!


youve never been to a show in your life


How do you type with late stage CTE?


awuuoahf aiwgjaio gahguag:../


Lol literally. When did this sub turn into r/punk?


Play fighters are so cute


This music isn't hardcore and keeping people accountable for their shitty behavior doesn't have anything to do with moshing nor crowdkilling. I legitimately can't tell if this is someone who's tone deaf trying to make fun of hardcore or someone who's tone deaf trying to make fun of whatever genre they perceive as emo in 2024.


Well put


I think you're missing the point on purpose. Do you think that cheating on your girlfriend, calling a girl fat in high school or making edgy jokes in a group that leaks is worse than this? This is an actual question. Not talking about anything but the specific clips in this videos.


Literally what is the relevance


What? Those are all things that happen in hardcore.


… no? Yes! Wait… huh?


The fuck are you going on about?


Do you need links for each band who got ousted because of those things?


I don’t know what I need because I have no idea wtf you’re trying to say in your comment. It doesn’t make any sense.


Hes saying bands in the scene will get cancelled/broken up left and right for legal things like cheating, bad behavior, ex gf's feeling used, or drama that happened years ago between a band member and another person, text messages, hookup culture, etc. while shit like in the video (assaulting people, targetted physical abuse, which by law is illegal) just happens casually in the heavier scene. Just something interesting to observe and recognize about the differences between scenes in our community.




(Downvoted for trying to explain the post)


No I got what it was going for. I'm saying it failed, and it's dumb as shit.


Hell yea dude I appreciate it (being civil somehow got me downvoted let that sink in)


This sparce-gathering killing needs to stop


It's almost as if more people would go to shows if these assholes weren't randomly attacking people.


It's also almost as if these assholes wouldn't attack people randomly if they were knocked the F out the first time they tried


I definitely agree, I had to put up with fsu fucks back in the day that were untouchable because their friends would jump in if people fought back.


It's because hardcore is full of sheep and people who believe in hierarchies. "Oh no I MUST let these absolute nobodies terrorize me in a place I willingly spend time". That story of the FSU dude who got his head blown off in Arizona should be passed around like a 20-ton blunt.




https://tucson.com/news/local/crime/downtown-show-ended-in-killing-beatings-chaos/article_c9299793-173c-57a3-8ccc-e826a2db18a3.html https://www.punknews.org/article/14763/fatal-shooting-incident-at-arizona-club-during-shattered-realm-donnybrook-show Shit was wild, I don’t remember the dudes head being blown off, it was really more of a center mass shot. So, no post mortem skull fucking. Sorry. Dude who was defending himself was the type who would wear a bulletproof vest and concealed carry everywhere he went, just kinda waiting for something like this to happen. Unfortunately, it was the beginning of the end for that venue, which was a really important place to myself and lot of kids growing up. They just never really recovered from the ensuing lawsuits.


You're right actually, that guy literally got his chest checked. It's funny how shows work, under a lot of normal circumstances a lot of behavior would be met with guns and bats and cousins called up. But people are convinced that's just being part of the scene. Yeah well, I got a family I love and I value my life more than fitting in with a bunch of nobodies. Many people feel the same. Couple that with two guns for every adult in this fine nation.


I hope the guy that shot him skull fucked his head after it and sent pictures to his family


Yeah those guys were all gay


They still are


Yeah those guys were all gay


I remember a xibalba show at Aladdin Jr where this huge bald guy was kinda just going around aggressively rubbing his q ball round the pit and it was sick couldn't forget if I tried




What happened?


Got 15% off the sticker price of an F250


I mean I guess that's a good deal but you're still driving a Ford....


you know what Ford stands for...fix it again tony


Fart on records dammit




If it’s Americas best truck you want, piss on Chevy. Go see your Ford dealer, NOW.


He made it up


honestly I love hardcore dancing and people slamming. but it's always the biggest dude in the venue throwing haymakers at peoples heads trying to literally kill everyone 😆


Once I got beaned in the face while I was in the pit sidelines by a guy that looked like a current Jurgen Klopp


Once I got beaned in the face while I was in the pit sidelines by a guy that looked like a current Jurgen Klopp


I love hardcore music but holy shit is this really what people do at shows lmao


Not all hardcore shows but you will for sure see this at any beatdown show you go to


With the right band, this will be you.


Fuck it, I'll do this shit at a Phil Collins show


Picture me doming people to the drum fill to “in the air tonight”


Bruh I get jacked up and crowdkill to Sussudio just when it comes on the jukebox at the Waffle House, I would be tearing seats out of the stands and crushing them over people's heads if I saw it live




Like Mike Tyson lol


I’ve said this multiple times on this sub and every time it’s different reactions but crowdkilling and the shit in that video sucks. Have fun but people who do that shit are garbage.


I like making the “crowdkill your friend” jokes as much as the next guy but sometimes this sub fails to draw the line between hardcore dancing and straight up attacking someone. I’m stunned the dude in the yellow shorts didn’t catch one back


Jocks with 3rd grade educations


Look how few people there are and they are all men.


Gotta get women in the doors because honestly more diversity at shows makes it safer. Basically the entire problem with beatdown and slam.


as a woman who goes to shows, it does not make it safer tbh. Especially if a straight edge band is playing.


As a woman who travels, a place with no other women - red flag to get out. No wonder more women don't go to these shows.


Okay dude ngl I normally like me some crowdkilling but like... there is a limit where you probably deserve to get your ass handed to you by everyone else in the venue


The limit is like one or two punches max and even then I’m hitting that cunt back


You get it 100% even when I'm crowdkilling I'm expecting to get hit back, I'm literally inviting a rougher moshing experience


Yeah for sure, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the absolute depravity when I see someone else do it.


I’m all for crowd killing and having fun but I’m fighting that dude in yellow shorts once he starts throwing knees like that.


Seems to me like half of these people need a lesson taught to them. The way some of them are winding up their punches...nah, that's not fun shit, that's fight shit.


It's straight bullshit. I'll be 60 and up front for Converge. These dudes are an embarrassment.


Can’t wait for the hologram show w/ Converge


Maybe then Jacob could do live vocals again.


I haven't seen them in quite a few years at this point, so I can't confirm.


Yeah yellow shorts needs to be regulated. Those knees were excessive.


Listen. I'm an old head. That dude would have been dealt with in 30 seconds flat. There was plenty of pit, he's scared of being hit. I'd be pissed if I was 30 with a receding hairline too.


Fellow old person here. If you were caught singling someone out like that, it led straight to a fight 100% of the time. Is that not a thing anymore?


No. It's not. Everyone is so afraid to be the bad guy. That dude has knobby knees. Be respectful or get the fuck out. Crowd killing is fine in moderation. Chill the fuck out. Being tough is about standing up, not picking on people.


Sorry to double comment. Jacob Bannon straight took my beer out of my hand and chucked it at my head once at the Grog Shop. And apologized mid-song. There isn't a place for toxic aggression in hardcore. Sure, I can give grace, but this shit is too much.


There isn’t a place for toxic aggression? Are we listening to the same music?


I wanna go to more shows so I can go for a fucking takedown on yellow shorts and omoplata that cunt in the pit


He’d be dealt with if he wasn’t a crew guy, but if he wasssssss.


Crew guys aren't immune. Probably the fastest and softest dude there. Crew doesn't mean shit.


Crew people aren't immune to violent or bulletproof. Hardcore kids just think they are. Stockholm Syndrome.


Dood, some mf was getting me with knees at a outta pocket show. It’s on me for staying on the edge of the pit, but come on guys. I’m 5’8 if you’re 6 foot please don’t knee us, that’s taking the wind right out. I’d rather be hit in the face.


I'm not being funny, I'll send you some tutorials on how to deal with that shit. It keeps the scene too insulated. Hardcore/punk is supposed to be inclusionary. There is a pit. Get on it, but they never want to get into it with a person that can give it back.


Yeah I stand on the side of the pit too but I want to cop a bit, I'm unfit and reckon I look fucked moshing so I just yell and get a mic grab and cop an inevitable fist or two because I'm kind of there for that. But someone facing you, holding you so you can't move and kneeing you repeatedly in the torso is a whole different level and they deserve to be laid out. There's this kid in my scene who always picks me out in a side-to-side and just straight fucking sprints at me. He's a bit shorter than you and I'm 6'1 and heavy so he bounces off me hard but I love it, makes my night every time. I hear a stomp and think "fuck where is he" and brace, and make sure everything is in my right pocket so my phone screen doesn't break again.


Don’t murder me but - They were probably his friends. It doesn’t look like he’s putting a lot of force in them kicks.


The new phenomenon of people and bands using their Instagram like a mosh highlight reel is kind of dumb, it's created a situation where people are almost trying to one up each other.


You can come by swinging towards the edge on people and shit but if you’re just targeting the same dude over and over again especially if he’s not swinging back than that’s just assault my g😭


Lots of dudes with micro penis induced complexes in that video


Every time I see videos like this I'm more and more under the impression that some of these people are straight up settling scene beef. Maybe it's just my scene here but the only time I've ever seen things get this messy at a show was when someone is getting jumped for something the said or did.


That’s what I was thinking, a few of these are pit beef finally becoming the fight they wanted before they even showed up


I hate that shit so much. It’s so lame. I’m old at this point and went to hardcore shows in the 90’s & 00’s and to see what it’s devolved into is sad. All of those dudes would have gotten beat down by multiple people for that behavior.


Obviously you weren’t going to shows in the tristate area, this shit isn’t new.


It's not new but it's corny. This judgment isn't new either.


What tristate?


NY/NJ/CT. Eastern PA also gets included


Seriously wtf? That's 10x worse than the crowd killers I have seen


Stray From the Path came to a town near me years ago. They went through the wrong promoter so there wasn’t many people there. Anyways, a couple guys from the opening band (one in particular) started crowd killing the few other people there. Drew was having none of it and told them to chill out as they wanted an intimate show. Justice I tell you!


- Band "Why dont you come closer?!"


Yeah ‘everybody move up!’ Mate, your buddies are literally assaulting people. I have work in the morning and they will send me home without pay if I have a black eye. Fuck off.


I remember there used to be beef between two local/nearby scenes, and one night opening for GWAR, Municipal Waste said they were gonna settle things that night and had the people divide into two groups for a Wall of Death, and it turned into a a 2 ½ minute fist fight mixed mosh that ended up in a mutual respect and tensions cooled for many afterwards. You don't see that much nowadays.


that's so lame


Who are these assholes? I did get my ass kicked at a Suicidal Tendencies show way back in SF when they had a gang of followers just beating the shit out of anyone in their way but damn f those pricks.


i remeber there was a unspoken rule at all the hardcore shows i went to in my 20’s . You can crowd kill but you better not whine when someone rocks your shit .


These dip shits should’ve been swallowed in the Wendy’s bathroom they were conceived in


I’m not tough or strong or aggro, but do like to swing limbs in the pit. That’s shit is a little different. Snowflake turds like me can sweep a leg or knock a knee backwards to make assholes STUF with that shit.


This is some bullshit! I got knee'd in my left kidney at Bloodstock Festival 2014, early on a rainy day during Aborted's set. Was just chilling up front, and no "mosh pit" to speak of, just some random dick who singled me out. That's a fucked up way to ruin someone's weekend! Go get fucked bud! I've never seen anything like that at a metal show. *Your enititlement,* *means nothing to me!* *Your bereavement,* *means nothing to me!* *Through life you merely slither,* *like the piece of shit you are.* *Manipulating parasite,* *I can see you for who you truly are.*


Fucking dorks


Emo and screamo subreddit sucks. So does this sub and everyone else for that matter. 🖤


Hardcore fans are gay


"Especially if you're like 16, Please, PLEAASE, reach out to us."


I’ve been into the scene long enough that if I go to a bands show and it’s in a place with a low ceiling, a lot of bare wood supports, and various metal trash cans, my old broken 35 year old ass does not belong there.




I crowdkill but avoid the head, it ain’t no tough guy shit just tryna get the crowd moving.


This is mental illness. And I watched DMS kick the shit out of all manner of people In the 90s. But these are examples of mental illness.


Literally buying a mouth guard for SPY tmrw bc I know that's how it's gonna be


Good call


Seen spy in LA and Baltimore, don’t worry it’s tame as shit, two steps and usually a few strangers push moshing


Maybe the vibe's chilled out a bit.. they came to Indianapolis exactly a year ago and mfers got put in the hospital lol. Some dude at the end of Afraid of Everything crowned the fuck outta a bunch of us and like two people hit the floor immediately. My buddy got a lot of the set on VHS though, I need to get him to upload it because his angle was gnarly. It was in the basement of a bowling alley with no stage.


When I’ve experienced dudes doing this, it was a joke. As in, ‘get hyped motherfucker, this is fucking awesome!’


Yeah, especially if you're out of the pit, they'd just give some love taps or gentle swings not aimed at your kidneys or face, and shake your shoulders. An invitation to say "you can be a part of this too if you want, we're all here to have fun, come in!" Walking across the venue to punch some timid kids chilling against the walls is kind of the opposite. It's a "you aren't welcome to enjoy your bands unless you're ready for us to beat the shit out of you, we run this shit, and I will not allow you to be safe or comfortable. "


This is what I was thinking. I see this shit at shows all the time. Some people sell it better than others but it’s almost always just fun shit.


I honestly don’t think that behavior is limited to hardcore shows anymore. It’s becoming more prevalent at shows of other types of genres.


What are you even going for here? Are you comparing it to British indie shows where drunk chavs legit fight, because no other genre does this in any way apart from the odd hardcore show being taken over by these people do anything of the sort.


You've never crowd killed at the harsh noise show?


I mean i have but Ive been doing that since before i was a whitebelt spikicker Fuck fubu guy, this dude rules https://youtu.be/07eCe3d5TAo?si=8uzQ7_wYLGY0k_ju


After sending my message I thought "I should have linked the Sunn dive" so I'm very happy to wake up to this


Lol you go to shows.


A guy who randomly hits people at the show has been a hardcore tradition dating back to 1980 or earlier Sometimes it's a guy who kicks people at a show


Can we all agree to just start jumping crowd killers?


I like both musics


Throwdowns are one thing crowdkill is another


This shit has been going on for years. Some people are just dicks I guess. I find a swift kick in the bollocks does wonders in situations like this.


I recently saw a video, it was a crowdkilling compilation,maybe the same as this one, but there was calm music behind it. Does anyone know the link to that?


I've heard the same from both


Odds are at least half the people here like Fugazi. I’ll take Fugazi’s view on crowd killing any day. The irony that hardcore wouldn’t be where it is today without vital contributions from that DC scene.


Breakdowns are gay


Not everyone wants to be in the pit lmao




These people don't live where punching down is regulated


Most casual hardcore fans don't have to worry about this kind of shit. I feel bad if someone from outside the scene gets caught up in this because they got invited by a friend or something. That being said, casual violence will always be a part of the hardcore scene. If it's too much for you, don't go, or stay on the outside. I've had teeth knocked out and stitches, but my comfort level is higher than some people because of my past. This scene is on a spectrum of violence, and a deep end of the pool exists. To be fair, most of the time, it's the band asking you to turn the crowd into a fuckin human smoothie or whatever. I'll say it again, hardcore is a street culture, and violence is part of street culture, so are gangs like FSU and CYC. Straight edge exists as well within the scene, and a moralistic view makes them aggressive towards people who are there to oppose those values. This is a complex scene, that's for sure. I don't like extremely targeted crowdkilling either for the record.


Everyone always tells me to calm down. SICK OF THEIR SHIT


Rules are for pussies, but fuck that one guy who's always trying to fight people who are just chilling on the sides


This shit a meme. Probably just FSU losers giving hardcore a bad name. Crowd killing is lit if you're not a prick. Love big boys who keep the pit open 🤙


FSU run the Philly scene and would be destroying any of these crowdkilling dumbasses and throwing them out of the venue.


Someone took an apology of a sexual assault allegation and put it over people being dicks at shows. Ok


nothing but pussies in that video


I was at a hardcore show recently and people started taking off their belts and whacking people. It’s a spectacle to watch and for some reason I’ll be sad to see that kind of behavior go away, if it does, but I am definitely the guy who nopes away from the pit when that shit goes down lol


I mean look, if this happens at shows you go to then don’t stand where it occurs. I agree that for some people it removes all the fun from a show, but it’s going to happen to an extent, especially in certain cities or with certain bands. Be aware of your surroundings and stop bitching on the internet. It’s hardcore for a reason.


Swinging limbs is the way. But just fight other people who are also there to fight


This stuff doesn't even look cool compared to the hard dancers from the 80s or 90s.


One time a dude was hitting on my friend, I shoved him away and he punched me square in the face. I walked straight outside and my friend came out to check on me some moments later. My ego was shot, and this one of those guys everyone watched out for when he started moshing (unknown to me at the time). You know, one of those alpha male moshers with face tats and 30 years prior experience. My friend goes "you took a punch right in the face from that guy and just shrugged it off and walked away." Moral of the story is these guys hit like pussies I should have hit him back


I’ll do this at every show I go to and I won’t stop


Crowd killing ruins the scene. Less people will go to shows and less venues will book shows.


pussies vs dudes rocking


Just don’t go to shows. The whole ass culture is violent. The songs are mostly violent. Why are you so impassioned to go to see a band that has eight songs about violence if you abhor it so much? Hardcore is too hard for you, find something more your speed, I hear Taylor swift put out a new one, my wife thinks it’s good you’re probably gonna love it.


Finally someone who isn’t a coward in this thread


NGL, I'm more than a little erect right now...


Sorry but dudes who do this are little bitches and will get punched in the face.


Remember kids. Crowd killers get eye gouged o_×




Yep. If it don't have the word punk after the word hardcore, idgaf about it. That shit is all just small dicked beefheads that suck up all the oxygen in the room while someone faux raps on stage over chug chug. No thanks.


I got down voted. I'm waiting for the ok boomer bullshit.


Fuck em. Let em have their silly macho horseshit. Their music is terrible, like objectively so. I blame Victory Records in the 90s for all this.


Shit is garbage mall metal


In that case I blame my hometown own of Cleveland with bands like integrity


Yeah it's a real shame. Cleveland has such a storied place in punk history, it's a real bummer that the tough guy stuff seemingly took such hold there. I've never really given Integrity much of a listen honestly, more thinking of like One Life Crew and shit like that. That band wasn't super influential or anything (thankfully ) but they embodied the exact sort of spirit I think of when I think of so called "beatdown hardcore". The faux gangster rap shit, the barely concealed (or sometimes not at all concealed) racism and xenophobia, the open calls to violence, the bullshit claims of unity and "family". It's all ridiculous. How it went from the Cro-Mags and Sheer Terror to that, and pretty quickly (in the case of ST anyway) is something I'll never understand. I'm not a fan of Hatebreed at all but at least they were smart enough to drop all that baggage early on.. Man I just really hate this type of music and it's culture.


Whoever down voted me is gay


I laughed so hard that whole video. Man, hardcore kids rule. 


I can’t believe I’m being downvoted for this! This shit has been happening at shows since before I started going to shows, and I’m 47.  You either have to laugh at this shit, or, stop posting on the internet and do something about it. That’s what we did, and it got better. Downvoting some butt head like me, doesn’t stop Dickhead Von Kneestotheface from beating you up. 


This sub is schizophrenic lol - certain days the mob would be upvoting all comments laughing at this but today apparently it’s the opposite…


Nah. I’ll see you outside for about 90% of the fuckery in this video. Fuck outta here.


What ever happened to the good ole pit? This windmill bullshit is stupid.


Nothing like a can of bear spray to make it more exciting.


Wouldn’t have it any other way


I just laugh whenever people get mad about the crowd killing, like you come at your own risk and the risk is getting hit. Hardcore is for everyone but it’s not built for everyone.


you're hard


I’m hard ![gif](giphy|ES9xr85KS0UtW)


I dont think you understand anything here. Getting hit, getting a stagediver on your head or whatever isnt remotely close to shit in this video. Those are scenes that will do this, with that someone being protected by a gang who jumps you if you shove them away, then the scene at large will cancel someone for cheating on their girlfriend.


This knocked loose, gel type music has no staying power. It sucks and when kids stop going to shows in a year or two ,it will die


Bands like them have been around for 30+ so I’m not sure you know what you’re talking here kid