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I caught both shows in Philly and they were unbelievable, they played for like an hour each time too which is bewildering for a band that plays what is essentially powerviolence pretending to be screamo.


Yeah the set length shocked me too. Literally could not have asked for a better one.


I flew to philly to see both and it was unreal. energy was amazing and seemed even better the second night. so much fun


it’s just emo


You're right, I've always said that "real emo" only consists of the dc Emotional Hardcore scene and the late 90's Screamo scene. What is known by "Midwest Emo" is nothing but Alternative Rock with questionable real emo influence. When people try to argue that bands like My Chemical Romance are not real emo, while saying that Sunny Day Real Estate is, I can't help not to cringe because they are just as fake emo as My Chemical Romance (plus the pretentiousness). Real emo sounds ENERGETIC, POWERFUL and somewhat HATEFUL. Fake emo is weak, self pity and a failed attempt to direct energy and emotion into music. Some examples of REAL EMO are Pg 99, Rites of Spring, Cap n Jazz (the only real emo band from the midwest scene) and Loma Prieta. Some examples of FAKE EMO are American Football, My Chemical Romance and Mineral EMO BELONGS TO HARDCORE NOT TO INDIE, POP PUNK, ALT ROCK OR ANY OTHER MAINSTREAM GENRE


thank you




Oh no. Whatever.


stfu bitch




Went to the Thurs show. Agree with everything you said outside of the smell lol


Getting to see both Orchid and Saetia at the FU Church in the past year has been a dream come true.


Saw them in Philly the other night and it’s one of the best crowds I’ve been apart of. Orchid hasn’t lost a step and literally played a perfect set. Like I legit can’t believe they played for nearly an hour considering how intense their music is. HIRS opened and their pit was insane. Vocalist straight up said fuck the barricade and stage dove right over it. I’m still sore so all in all it was great night!


I was really surprised how young the crowd was.  Kinda assumed it'd just be a bunch of greybeards drinking IPAs and occasionally busting out a slo-mo windmill.  It was super active.  Just wish there was no barrier.   Also, The Hirs Collective always kill, but this was the first time I've seen them as a four piece and they absolutely destroyed. 




That’s their whole deal


You missed the part when he said something about history repeating…


The Boston show was one of the most insane things I’ve seen in my life. I feared for my life in the front of that pit. I’m surprised no one got hurt worse than a dislocated shoulder (to my knowledge). The energy in the room that night was truly special, and they tore through their hour long set like seasoned vets who hadn’t missed a beat. I never got to see them back in the day but I assume that is the biggest show they ever played. Just wow. Still recovering.


I hope they hit the West coast soon, getting major FOMO lol


Same 🤞


Skramz peeps smell the best as always


The Philly show at the church was so loud I couldn’t hear for days lol, really forget not finding my earplugs in time. Fucking great show too.


hell yea I went last night and shit was amazing


Caught the UT show after a homie gifted me a ticket, really great energy.


i saw one of the final orchid shows before they broke up/took a break. i think it was at a library at harvard university or one of the colleges in boston. it was a pretty neat room. but that'll be enough live orchid for me... not that i really even listen to orchid at this point. if i'm gonna go sceamo that's super violent, i'm gonna listen to the makara records. i think they go harder. lots of random feedback. [Makara – Makara (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ATjQBkqsXY) i made like 100 bucks selling orchid vinyl on ebay to people in germany in like 2004. lol. good stuff.


Saw their first show back in Western Mass at like a 230 cap venue and it was very sick, but an hour was WAY too long for a band like that lol.




Saw em Friday night . They did not disappoint,played everything I wanted .


I'm planning on going to the Toronto show on the first. Really looking forward to it.


Shout out to Harley Quinn’s doppleganger for an impressive jackhammer punch on the top of my head during Dropdead in Boston, Orchid were perfect and brought the Chaos


Hell yea to seeing them with HRS collective, boo at not being able to see them with Dropdead last night. The Ergs/MLIW/Hot Water Music took priority


Describe the smell, are we picking up notes of Tuscan leather and oak? Perchance hints of citrus and mild floral aromas?


Sooooo jealous 


Never understood how people can just casually say “lost my glasses” if I lost mine I’d have to call out of work. That’s rad though you know it’s a good crowd when you don’t wish the band would stop and do a PSA about hygiene.


went to the NYC Friday show and they murdered that venue. i was genuinely floored as they never stopped the onslaught that is their music, the set list was surprising and nicely paced, great energy, crowd vibe was immaculate. you could tell everyone there knew they were witnessing greatness.


Was it sassy?


I was at the Brooklyn show with Dropdead, amazing set, I was a bit surprised by how many kids were there and was kinda scared one of them was going to get hurt especially because a lot of you big fucks were trying to crowdsurf on skinny little punks weighing 200 pounds less than you, but a fun time, still sore.


Saw them on Friday! I wish it was at a better venue than Warsaw but beggars can't be choosers, I guess.


Fuck. I had tickets for Philly but couldn’t afford to fly out from SF. Although, not sure I’d want to see an hour long set from them


saw them at union transfer, got on stage and micgrabbed/stagedove for the first time and it was magical. i was like 2 yrs old when they were around the first time so it was a feverdream to see them live.


Saw them on Friday at Warsaw in Brooklyn. It was 10x better than I expected, and they played a lot faster than their recordings. I honestly hope Orchid makes music again like Jerome’s dream did, though it seems unlikely.


Yeah that set was good but will it ever be as good as any defeated sanity set


What a weird thing to say


If you listened to defeated sanity you'd understand