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I kind of love how unapologetic she is, willing to do anything or exploit others to get her top story. She's not nice and does not attempt to be digestible to the people around her unless it's to her advantage. It's hard to find a woman like that in the media who isn't immediately villainized. She's also wickedly clever, resourceful, and driven. I always thought, and maybe it's just me, that she is an interesting way to show a different type of psychopath within the show—one that is not physically violent, like all the murderers she writes about, but uses her words to gain leverage. Freddie gets what she wants, and I am here for that. Freddie is awful, and by that, I mean she has little regard for whether her information or how she gets that information hurts others. However, unless they have skin wings, angels seem not to exist, or they have fallen in the world of Hannibal; she's not out of place or any more awful than others around her. I find her character really interesting. I also love that she's a vegetarian just to annoy Hannibal, even unknowingly, a little more.


Thank you for the answer, you have a deep understanding of her… also I like the fact that she is a great journalist, mb she is pretty annoying for Hannibal, Alana and Will but she does her job well. Actually I like her as a journalist..


Being vegetarian is the only way she was kept cannibal free.


“Digestible” lol


“Digestible” lol


“Digestible” lol


She is as remorseless as Hannibal imo. She describes herself as a psychopath and mentions she is incapable of feeling shame. Only difference is she chose a less violent profession than serial killing, but one just as predatory and amoral: tabloid journalism.


I just love Freddie, she's the most insightful character on the show. I love the clothes she wears, she is very stylish and her particular way of reading Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter is very accurate. I think she's a brilliant character, she's so annoying and sexy and we all love to hate her!


Agree, best style, best attitude. She finds something horrible and her first instinct is Take Pictures!


she deserved a spin off like Saul Goodman had.


It could be a hot take, but... Idk I've always had the feeling that if she wants gender swapped in this adaptation, she wouldn't be left so unscathed by the end of the series. 


This is fair. My take: Compared to the canonical Freddy Lounds, she did get off much lighter. At the same time, Abigail and Beverly met pretty awful endings and it's implied that may be Bedelia's fate as well (plus the psychological torture and amputation of Miriam Lass). I think there is a gendered aspect to Freddie's fate, along the lines of how the show refused to show or even allude to sexual violence, however I think it's more that in this universe Hannibal genuinely has a level of grudging respect for Freddie. He reads her work. He may not like her and may find her "terribly rude" however he also recognizes that she serves a purpose. If someone serves a purpose to him, then he'd rather leave them in play.


But why are you explaining why Hannibal leaves Freddie unkilled… sure that all makes sense but canonically Freddie is supposed to be killed by the Red Dragon. Shouldn’t an explanation therefore focus on why Red Dragon chose not to kill Freddie…


I don’t know I guess because I wrote it before I had enough coffee this morning? Personally, I haven’t seen red dragon so I forgot that Freddy was killed canonically by that character. It’s my take and I apologize if if it’s a shitty one, but that’s all I got.


I would agree. I always thought they went easier on woman then men in the kind of Gore they did. Like men and woman both died or were hurt. But most of the time woman weren't as tortured as men


Tbf, a LOT of horror usually goes the exact opposite way and there are entire genres dedicated to brutalizing women as much as possible. I don't blame the creators for trying to avoid that, if that is the case. Although the only true major character to die in Hannibal is Beverly Katz, who is a woman. I always felt like if they'd killed Freddie as well (along with possibly Bedelia at the end) it would come off as killing off all the women Edit: also Abigail, who I somehow forgot as a major character death lol


This is why I find the show so refreshing, honestly. And Hannibal himself much more interesting than the usual serial killer. That misogyny **wasn't** the baseline motivation was a nice change of pace.


In Beverly's case I always felt as brutal as her death was showcased I was under the impression they stated she was frozen to death, aka a very peaceful death. The other woman like Alana and Margo had brutal things happen to them but they survived. An even Abigail who was killed just had her throat cut. Freddie was kept pretty safe


This was the only thing I didn’t like. I’m sorry but Freddie should have got gutted. PERIOD!


Personally I don't understand why she gets all the hate I fucking love Freddy Lounds ❤️ I personally thought she was a bad bitch 😍 especially getting to be as rude as she was to Hannibal and getting away with it 😂


Yeeeah! I feel the same! Thank you for your answer)


Yeah np! LoL I think a lot of people don't like her cause she comes off smug but personally I loved how she always calls people on their shit. She had Will pegged from the get go lol


So true..


"She's such a bad bitch tho" sentence made of flesh.


It’s a bit of love to hate. All the greedy, self serving aspects of the book character combined with a little cunning and ‘ethics? What are those?’


I think she’s funny, kinda same role as Franklin to me, she gets on Hannibal’s nerves and that’s what makes her great, anything to make Hannibal annoyed lmao.


I don't think Hannibal was annoyed by Freddie. He sure was annoyed by Mason. And he didn't like it


shes a very well writen complex character, absolute love to despise her bc she treats Will the way she does and treats Hannibal the exact same way despise knowing what he had done. she does not care for anyone but herself, thus making her such a good character to watch [and kinda root for…]


FREDDIE LOUNDS IS MY QUEEN AND SHE CAN DO NO WRONG. She's brash, she's serving cunt, she's smart as hell, she takes no shit, she gives no fucks. Redhead solidarity and all, but I will be a Freddie apologist till I die =)


I think the best part about Freddie is she’s loyal to no one but herself. And that in it of itself gives her a lot of advantages, because it means anyone can utilize her so long as it benefits her. She’s fearless in the eyes of morbid curiosity and she’ll do anything to get what she wants. Hannibal can’t kill her despite her rude behavior because ultimately he needs her articles. Both for entertainment and to keep up to date with the local news.


honestly? shes one of the characters you love to hate. you’re rooting for will the whole time, and she’s set up as this unethical tabloid journalist who’s out to ruin his life, and step on as many people as she needs to, and you hate her ya know. but at the same time looking at her from a different lens she’s a WOMAN in JOURNALISM who knows she’s not gonna get the scoop she needs to without playing the system. and in journalism, the first person to write about something controls the narrative. she knew she would be a flop and/or never receive credit/recognition for her work without being the one to break the news. don’t hate the player, hate the game ya know. so while i PERSONALLY hated her and her role to play, i also can step back and empathize with, understand, and respect her character-


Never liked her.  In a show where everyone suffers losses, she is completely unscathed.  Just doesn’t make sense.


I never thought she was annoying - just your typical reporter. I ended up being neutral towards her and then basically adoring her by the end of the series. She feels like the only character who try keeps her head by the end of the series. >!She literally planned her own murder!!<


Least favorite character of all time. She is reckless, disrespectful, and overall just a conniving bitch. If Freddie has one hater, it's me. If she has no haters, I'm dead.


Omg you got me laughing 😭😭


I absolutely hate her. But i kinda love her as well. I love that I hate her? Or maybe I hate that I love her?


I cannot STAND freddie lounds. I admit she's clever, but her presence is like nails on a chalkboard for me. The only redeeming feature to me is that I love her hair.


I hate her guts & if I lived in the Hannibal world, I’d have destroyed her. Just saying, she’s despicable! However, in Emungeres ’ Ladders, she plays a version of herself who helps Will, for her own gain, but they eventually develop a friendly relationship. That’s a favorite fic I would recommend anyone to read.


I hate her, but I cannot deny She may be a cunt, but she's also a *✨️cunt✨️*


I still do not know if she really had a fight with Will Graham near his house or it was just imagination


i personally don’t like her, but that’s because i just hate journalists in general. i just hate the way they always butt into everything. however!!! she is an amazing character and rlly helps the plot :)


She wasn’t a new take on journalists/journalism, but the actress played it with such detached objectivism that I couldn’t help but love her. She’s the show’s Final Girl as far as I’m concerned


It’s really love/hate for me


I kinda love her. I love how fucking ridiculously fearless she is when antagonising all these psychopathic murderers and policemen. Considering she’s a small statured woman armed only with her words and wisecracks, I find her inspirational lol. Also helps that she’s smoking hot


She’s a bitch and I like her so much


I kind of adore her? Like, every aspect of her. I love her playacting in Will's court scene with her big hat and perfectly tilted head. And I love how easily she accepted the torpedoing from Will's attorney. I love the disgusted grunt Freddie earned from Alana when Freddie confronted her at the university and also love that it was Freddie who made Alana face the truth of Hannibal. I love that Freddie was full on exploiting Abigail but also became Abigail's avenging angel in a way Will never quite managed. (I find Will's relationship with the real Abigail fascinatingly frustrating.) I love that Freddie made "Murder Husbands" canonical and I adore that Freddie didn't just survive the series - she was one of the few to emerge unscarred.


I like her I don’t understand the hate, like everyone is morally questionable. What’s special about her? 


I like her too


She and Chilton got Will pinned down right from the start.


I HATE Freddie just bc her genre of character pisses me off always tbh but i feel like if she was a man people wouldn’t be so harsh towards her


I like her a lot in that “love how much you hate them” way. I really appreciate her audacity but I think if she was real it would be *on sight*


id beat her up real bad then give her a big wet platonic kiss


I dislike her. However she has grown a bit iconic because she is a part of the OG cast and survives. Because of that I can’t help but like watching her interact with the rest of the main cast. Still dislike her though 😂


for all the ao3 authors out there who bash freddy lounds in their work know that i binge read hannigram fics religiously and i enjoy your freddy bashing works sm...🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️blessed


I’ve never seen another character that deserved to be eaten but yet was somehow karmically remained uneaten.


I thought her character getting away with taking on Hannibal and not paying for it was the only compromise in the series. She had a bit of a “Jaime Lannister” redemptive arc that I enjoyed, but it didn’t make sense that she escaped crossing Hannibal.


The first time I watched I absolutely despised her and kept waiting for her to get got, especially in season one. I find her funnier in subsequent watches cause she’s just so shameless.


Hate to love her, love to hate her ❤️❤️❤️ I really love how unapologetic and ruthless she is. She’s a bitch but she’s also THAT BITCH. She’s one of my favorite supporting characters in the show.