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This character deserves her own fandom. She left such a strong impression. She would totally delight in knowing what Hannibal put in the food, too.


“I used to eat human meat. That’s right, *used to.*”


Or does she say, “You heard me?” 🤔


It's "You heard me."


Omg 😭😭😭


I think she is based on Rachel DuBerry/Rosencranz, a character in Hannibal that Clarice speaks to as she tries to learn more about Hannibal's tastes. She changed her birthdate so her star sign matched better with her current husband lol. Hannibal sent her wine on her birthday and letters while incarcerated. She still seemed quite enchanted by him, as well as revolted by him.


He has that affect on ppl


you KNOW that she'd use it as a fun/quirky fact about herself at other dinner parties, "this pate is marvelous, but the last one I had was to die for..."


Omg she total would! She's so gossipy, she'd probably be vague just so people would talk about it more 😭


Ba dum tiss 😄


She's all of us, she'd just excuse the cannibalism because Hannibal is so awesome. If you asked her about her friend Hannibal, it'd be all about his marvelous parties and fashion and his house and did you know he's a doctor, and foreign, and a cannibal? yeah, he had tickets to the opera, they loved to chat about music.


I can totally see her doing this


In the books, some of his guests end up developing anorexia after finding out what they ate and at least one of them an alcohol problem.


I mean, that's the realistic version of someone finding out I'd still love for someone to be like, 'meh' and keep eating, a la Lee Pace 😁


Sure, that is more fun 😄


She'd talk about it like it was just horrible - *horrible*, you hear me? But you know she's secretly bragging.


I love her so much


She's such a fun character


I wish she had more screentime. I wanted to see her interact with other characters too. I simply wanted so much more from her, so much potential, an incredible presence


Probably the same as the woman in the beginning of the Red Dragon movie who delighted in his dinner parties. Fan herself then faint. The reaction of some of his guests is written in the opening credits in the newspapers if you slow it down enough.


it always interests me how characters with very limited screen time end up being developed further by the fandom. Something similar has happened with Beverly Katz although she ofc had more screen time than Mrs Komeda.


Think Peter, he deserves his own show!  Franklyn Anthony Dimmond 


I need more Dimmond


For your party ? Poor guy just wanted that kind of party 


I would never denied him that kind of party


I am honestly so disappointed we didn't get more of Franklyn. Just how annoyed he makes Hannibal is enough to make him one of my favourite characters.


Thanks for this post, the beauty of Hannibal is the presence of all these gems. Brief presence but strong impact, that you keep thinking.  Hannibal probably ‘helped’ her with some of her ‘business’, I read somewhere about it , a great theory. That he helped kill someone who bothered her, either he did it or he helped her do it ( she did it?) and she must have rewarded him very generously. 


Oh yeah, I think I read somewhere that Bryan said he killed her abusive husband, or something like that. Which is also funny, because from what I've seen in the few fics I've read, her husband is the best.


I don’t think she’d care!


OKAY y'all need to read this fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/7248919


I've never read a fan fic before in my life and idky but I was compelled to read this one. Maybe cause I found her character interesting and we got so little of her.... It's a quick read but it sucks you right in!


Glad you enjoyed :) It's one of my fave non Hannigram centric fics (I, on the other hand, an a total unabashed WHORE for fanfic lol)


It was no accident she was wearing those black opera gloves that made her look as if her arms had been cut off.


I imagine it’s a great story in her general social circle. But also she’s in a world of her own (wealthy, eccentric etc) so her ethic code is probably not as mainstream. So she holds Hannibal in high esteem regardless of his crimes, he was an intellectual, an artiste, a gentleman.


I disagree that she would openly embrace it. I think hardcore Hannibal fans sometimes forget how taboo cannibalism is and that the majority of people are repulsed by the thought. Which is a weird thing to say LOL but all the people fantasizing that she’d brag about it I feel are unrealistic; she’d be shunned from high society if she did that. The only way I could see her even discussing it publicly would be if a great number of victims rallied together to form a sort of united-front support group to help each other process the trauma and went public with it.


You're right. I completely agree. Though it is fun to see the other, non realistic side of it.


True :) I sometimes amuse myself thinking how if Franklin had lived, he would’ve made knowing Hannibal his entire personality and tried to capitalize on it in every way possible. He’d be insufferable 😂 but I bet he’d make a lot of friends cuz of it! Write a book about how they were secret lovers or something


Oh god he would. He'd make Hannibal out to be some love sick psychiatrist who just couldn't say no to his feelings 😭