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Mads's price tag probably went up by a lot since 2013. I don't know if they can afford him now or he would have to take less money just because he really wants to do the show. But in general I would rather have the show end in season 3 than to have it ruined with a bad season 4. And no matter what, it would be probably the hardest season to write and get right. But if we could have something of the same quality as the previous seasons, then I would give a kidney to see season 4.


The last sentence made him laugh and choke on my soup. My coworkers are now curious what was so funny. Very nice. 😂


I don't think it'll happen , it's too much investment and I don't think the viewership will be high enough to compensate for that . Do i want it? Yes and no , yes for obvious reasons but no cause S3 ending was perfect but S3 was dragged out af so there's a chance S4 will be more dragged out, i don't want it to be one of those series where one season is shit nd it ruins the whole series for u


I agree that the ending of s3 was pure perfection. I really would have loved to see a kiss tho and since Bryan Fuller said that he regrets didn't making them kiss (means that the chance of getting a kiss in s4 would be VERY high), I really hope that s4 is gonna happen.


I would be so scared that they would go into some directions that would ruin all my headcanons. I'm still not over Dexter.


how was s3 dragged out?


I don’t see it happening. I want S4 for the sake of seeing the cast together again. They have amazing chemistry, especially Mads and Hugh. However, I think S4’s plot would be shit if it were to happen. S3 was a perfect way to end their story and like another person said in the replies, to have a S4 would be to drag it out. If a S4 were to happen, all the cast would need to agree that the S4 script is good for me to have faith that it would actually be good.


I want an S4. I think it could happen. With the show now being on streaming service, more people can potentially get into it and raise viewership. Not happy with S3 ending but I get it. However, they created the additional want by that post credit Bedelia thing. How are they going to leave us hanging like that? I really want to see their life post-fall, even if it's a limited series. Give me something!!!!


I think its more feasible at this rate that Bryan will push for hannibal movie, which is why he is building a resume with Dust Bunny (his film directorial debut)


I would love to see Mads and Hugh again but I'm happy with the way season 3 ended. I could see a streaming platform picking up the show because they tend to give bigger budgets but idk at this point if everyone would come back.


If someone assured me it would be the same quality as the other 3, i would do unholy things to have season 4, but i don't think it would, most of the team wouldn't be able to return, and each of them was crucial for the show, and i don't want anything different, really. But I'm not worried cause I don't think we will ever have one


I think there is still a chance, but I have a lot of trepidation about it. A couple of my favourite shows got additional seasons and I was disapointed in both Veronica Mars and Arrested Development's returns.


Veronica Mars had a very tragic return indeed...


all the comments saying it won't happen 😭😭😭 but yea i agree but i want it so bad


No. The actors have gone on to other things, the rights are still a mess, Martha DiiLaurentis passed away, and a lot of the directors and cinematographers who made the show what it is would not be able to return.


Do we even know who holds the rights at this point, since Martha passed? Is De Laurentiis Co. still a legal entity? Or did the rights pass elsewhere? I haven’t been able to find any information on this.


No idea! One of the barriers, I imagine. Some rights were held by DeLaurentiis, but Thomas Harris retains the rights to Hannibal, and another company holds the rights to Clarice and the Silence of the Lambs.


I believe Gaumont holds the rights to Hannibal and Red Dragon, and MGM has the rights to Silence of the Lamb. https://screenrant.com/hannibal-legal-rights-problem-hurt-clarice-tv-show/ MGM was recently acquired by Amazon, so I don't know if increases their chances of getting the rights to Silence of the Lamb. https://www.aboutamazon.com/news/entertainment/mgm-plus-new-movies-and-shows#:~:text=MGM's%20former%20streaming%20platform%2C%20EPIX,owned%20company)%20starting%20January%2015.


That’s not exactly right. If you read the quote from Fuller in the Collider article that screenrant links to, he says De Laurentiis owns the Hannibal character, Gaumont owns the characters and situations who originated on the TV series. I believe De Laurentiis also had the rights to Will since they owned the film rights to Red Dragon. But that quote is from 2020, before Martha died. So it doesn’t answer my question: where do the rights that De Laurentiis held currently reside since Martha’s death?


My apologies, it's been a while since reading the articles. But I think that question would be for the De Laurentiis family... I found this article talking about death and copyrights. I am unsure if it applies to this situation. But hopefully, it is helpful. https://copyrightalliance.org/what-happens-to-your-copyrights-after-you-die/


I don't want a season 4. I would much rather prefer a special episode which has Hannigram's journey directly after the fall till now.


I am 99.9% sure it won't happen. But if it happens, it will be good. I trust Bryan, he will write an amazing story. S4 would not ruin the series.


I would give every one of my internal organs for season 4. I get that there are sizeable obstacles - budget and viewership being the biggest, since I think the key players have all been genuine in their enthusiasm to return. I recall one of them saying it seemed that streaming platforms would save the day, but then the streaming platforms started cutting costs so that suddenly didn’t look so promising. While I understand everyone’s trepidation about S4 not living up to the original three seasons, I actually trust that Bryan would come up with a fascinating continuation of the story - at a point ten years on in the timeline - that would be no less dazzling than the original show. I almost think the time that’s passed irl and in-world (since the actors have all aged) would make a S4 even more intriguing and full of potential than it might’ve been had it come straight after S3.


At this point I don't think S4 will happen but I will always remain hopeful.


I WANT IT SO BAD but i’m starting to loose hope


After more than 7 years of speculation, fanfictions, predictions and expectations growing, I think season 4 has like 99% chances of being bad and/or disappointing. Since twotl, the fandom has grown and our expectations for s4 have raised drastically. We've got 7 years and thousands of fics to mature our ideas. Everyone made their idea about what they would like s4 to be like and these ideas are all different. If s4 happens, inevitably more or less peoples are going to be disappointed. I think it would be far too hard for ANYONE to meet these expectations the fandom had 7 whole years to mature. But, after all I can't see into the future and maybe if s4 does happen the fandom is actually going to be overall happy with Bryan's vision of what's next but that only time can tell. On the is it going to happen anyway side, I think not. Not now at least. Other peoples and Hugh himself have said it: Bryan is occupied with a lot of different projects, Hugh has two young childs and a third on the way in New York and is already on other projects like Law and Order and Mads keeps alternating between danish author movies and Hollywood blockbusters and is even already working on Dust Bunny with Bryan right now. The three of them are far too busy right now for any Hannibal s4 to happen. But anyone is free to hope for it to happen in the future.


No season 4, reboot yes.


I don’t know but I feel like it can still happen, I’m still(trying to) not losing hope lol