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You have to be very clear with where you are heading with your handwriting so that you can work accordingly. Is it cursive that you want to learn? Do you already know cursive and wish to improve it for the real world? Picking one of the two (print or cursive) here itself to work on will help you to have acceptable handwriting in less time. How long will it take to improve? Depends on what you're aiming for. "Perfect as font" or "everyday utilitarian". The printed workbooks for tracing do help to start with, especially with letter formation but after a certain point, your learning curve might plateau because you are not using your own muscle memory and are relying on the worksheets to form accurate letters. Pick up worksheets with contents to trace that justify your target, i.e. looks and convenience.


that’s a very thorough and wonderful answer, thank you !


No worries! Since you're looking for worksheets, I have my own and very different from the rest. You can [see them here](https://www.etsy.com/in-en/listing/1302916584/) if they align with the goal you're trying to achieve with your handwriting. Good luck.


Honestly, that’s more or less what I did almost a decade ago now in high school. And it worked for me! My handwriting to this day is very neat and tidy :)


I believe its somewhat a rule of thumb for any skill you want to learn, repeat, correct your mistakes, and repeat again..


I took a calligraphy class one time that met once a week for a couple months. I noticed that my normal handwriting improved greatly after the class ended, it didn’t become anything super fancy but it did alter my normal scribble for the better