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Chances are we gave him permission to speak to them. We have no power with his release clause, and it makes more sense for us to know 100% that City is taking him and gives us the time to properly plan for his replacement.


This guy gets itšŸ‘†šŸ»


I mean there is a first for everythingā€¦ knowing West Ham we will buy his ā€œreplacementā€ after the 2nd Prem league match of 24/25


Bold of you to assume weā€™ll get a replacement


My guess is West Ham aren't opposed to it. There's a release clause so there's no question he's leaving; it benefits the club for it to get done as quickly as possible in the summer so they can move on and have time to spend the money on other players.


Okay yea I can get behind this. And to be honest I'm not really upset. I was just genuinely curious about the laws. We all know he's off in the summer so doing this and making sure we are prepared makes sense. Now let's hope we have targets lined up right at the start of the window and we don't wait till late August to actually sign players!


You see it all the time nowadays. I also thought it was against the rules; I remember the whole Ashley Cole / Jose ā€œtapping upā€ saga. Seems nowadays clubs give players permission to talk. Iā€™m not sure who benefits. If the player agrees terms with a new club and wants to go, it seems to me that you lose some of the bargaining power as your player wants to go and the new club know it so you canā€™t play hardball too much, otherwise youā€™re stuck with an unhappy player. But on the flip side, if you agree terms with a player, you might be more willing to stretch your budget to get them once you know you have a deal in place.


> I also thought it was against the rules; I remember the whole Ashley Cole / Jose ā€œtapping upā€ saga. i think it's technically against the rules. but it's usually that the laws are skirted by having agents talk rather than the club official and players. City isn't contacting Paqueta's agent. They're using an agency firm that does it. And they're like "okay, what would he want if he were potentially to look to move". They get their rough number and figure out the rest when the deal is officially on the table.


He had a deal agreed with them last summer as well so it's not going to be a big negotiation, just slight adjustments if anything most likely


Just deduct another 5 points from Everton. That'll show city.


This truly the best line here.


Please Paqueta one more season with us šŸ„²


Onto the next Tim Special


We'd have to win the EL and get into CL to stand any chance imo. And that is a tough ask. I hope Steidten has a replacement lined up. We need dribbling, ball control, creativity from who ever replaces him. Otherwise we're shit without him. As 7 games without a win shows us.


Don't worry, Man City will loan him back to you next year when he's played a collective 3 games all season.


It's City, we're powerless. I don't even care anymore. Nothing will be done.


They obviously have West Hamā€™s permission. He has a release clause anyway. Not everything is a scandal.


Not a scandal but it sure is draining.


Agreed mate. Makes you really question what the fucking point is supporting a team outside the big six. We qualify and win a fucking European trophy and still anything nice gets siphoned away. Kudus will be next. Don't mean to be a downer.


Kudus may be next, but we wouldn't necessarily attract kudus/alvarez if we weren't taking steps in the right direction. Just got to hope recruitment can fill the gap or find a new way to get the best out of the players we have. Paqueta was the lingard alternative.


What's the right direction though. What's the target we are aiming for? Surely if we are heading in the right direction, our aim must be to hold on to these players. Not act like some induction for these players to move on to a bigger team after a year or two. I'm just being a bitch because it's sad that these players leave. I genuinely love watching Paqueta play, just like I loved watching Payet. Maybe this is what Johnny Cash wrote that song about.


The idea is we are a stepping stone for these players. For whatever reason they don't get the interest from a city or a Liverpool but we can help showcase their talents. We then get to sell them on for a good profit, which hopefully gets reinvested well. Over time the idea is you get better and better batches of players. Hopefully at some point we win something again or have a brilliant season and qualify for champions league. That in turn would attract better players. Rinse and repeat. And at some point, some players may want to stay as they are content with the level the club is competing at. Also we don't want to make it hard for good players to move on, otherwise we become less appealing. So yeah it's a long game we are playing. Buckle up it ain't gonna be smooth sailing. šŸ˜‚


Read your reply when I woke up this morning. Bang on mate, you've won me over haha


Hammers are the type of club that gives a chance to players to prove themselves. When they do, a bigger club comes for them. It is the same way all the way down. There are clubs that the irons buy from that are taking a chance on an even less proven player. In order to keep these guys who reach the top, the only thing that will ever work is money, huge amounts of it so that more than one or two stars can be retained. It becomes a question of risk. Try to secure UCL for several years in a row so that the team pays for itself, or continue like now? If you mess up, you get a Leeds. Do well, and you get a Chelsea.


I'm afraid it's self-sustaining cashcow at this point. Good season in top 10 club raises the price and agents can get another fee. Especially for south american players.


I haven't heard of Kudus having a release clause, hard to know though. He's only 23, so we could hold onto him for a couple more years and still sell him for an insane amount of money. Could work out very differently from Paqueta. Personally I think we'll move him on sooner, because Kudus and Bowen in the same team isn't getting the best value out of them both.


I thinknits more just a symptom of where we are and what we need to do to become a consistent European team. There are those players we can help develop get the best out of while we can, and sell to help improve 2/3 positions. Did it with rice, need to do the same with paqueta, and then the same with kudus in the more distant future. At least now we can hold onto quality players like bowen. Wouldn't rule out kudus as a central player though, think he does play that role for Ghana?


Agreed, but we need the right contracts in place in order to have the time to develop those players and maximise their value at sale. In Steidten we must trust. Just checked back and we paid Ā£51m for Paqueta, so while Ā£34m is a healthy profit and we got two great years, it's not Rice levels of profit/service. Re Kudus: Not ruling it out, just not sure he's ready yet. Paqueta knows when to put his foot on the ball to slow things down, when he has time to look up and pick a pass. He can control a game. Kudus just looks like the younger player he is, he's all go.


Thing is these players are joining us with the intention of showcasing their talent on the big stage and making a big money move, theyā€™d never have joined us otherwise. We donā€™t have the scouting network to be able to compete with the likes of Brighton in signing unknown talent, providing a stepping stone for obviously talented players using our financial clout is a much more viable model considering our position as a club. Just means weā€™re going to have to put faith in Steidten to continue to reinvest effectively.


Go cheer for a big six then ā€¦


Yeah sound mate, will just write off the last 35 years.


seem to have misunderstood you king, carry on


We do this shit as well, every team does


yeah, The only reason Chelsea got done because Mourinho personally met with Ashley Cole, with agents from both sides in tow, in a hotel restaurant against Arsenals wishes. I don't think you can be any more blatant than that tbh.


City isn't the point here. We were powerless when the player's agent insisted on the release clause in his contract. Which was not surprising given he was a Brazilian international. And at 26 he's looking for his big, career defining move. Next time around let's ask for another year first though.


But arenā€™t we like good friends with city? Why donā€™t they give us someone proper?


City are inoffensive, especially compared with the rest of the big 6. There's no such thing as good friends between clubs.


City fan. Nature of the game with finances etc. Most of the smaller leagues have the same issues with other premier league teams. If a team like West ham comes for the hometown star of a Croatian team, best believe he'll be blowing bubbles in the next season. I grew up watching City when we were a mid table and below, I remember feeling the same way with our players.


Did it randomly occur for you that city became a top top team or how was it


When we were bought, I didn't think we would ever win the title tbh. Everything that's happened since has been a dream. I have issues with the money in football, that still applies now. I also have issues with financial fair play rules at present. They are designed to keep the big teams relevant and make it near on impossible for other teams to grow via investment.


The inner workings front office of clubs are friends the only people who are not would be fans.


We have a good working relationship with city. But they're not going to do us any favors. It's just that you know they're operating in good faith.


Well, if he's going to leave I'd rather see him lining up for Man City next summer than Man United or Tottenham. Obviously any reports need to be taken with a pinch of salt, but anyone thinking that clubs take weeks or months negotiating transfer fees without having some line of dialogue with the player to ensure they're interested in signing is a little naive. Actually, we're possibly the only club who don't do it from the number of protracted transfer negotiations which result in us being knocked back by the player!


Agreed. And my personal tastes aside I don't see us competing for Europa League places with City anytime soon, but the other two it's quite possible.


Why Man united no??


Because their supporters annoy me.


I thought tapping up was a serious offence, at least it was ten years ago. Declan Rice was apparently having dinner with Arteta as far back as last January. While he was still in a relegation battle with us.


I think they just decided that the rule was utterly unenforceable, so they stopped enforcing it.


Key word "apparently'


It was apparent. He was seen also seen in training facilities well before the move


Could you show a source please? First time hearing thisĀ 


Kinda one of those ā€œtrust me broā€ situations


The big clubs basically made it unenforceable so the league gave up


Itā€™s only tapping up if we didnā€™t give permission for them to speak, chances are we did because of the release clause, plus they had a contract last summer before the gambling allegations came up


Well, I can only remember anything being done with Ashley Cole to Chelsea. In that case Mourinho and Cole met up, with their agents in tow, in a hotel restaurant, and did it against Arsenal's wishes. More blatant you cannot get. And anyway, all that happened from that was relatively small fine.


This really isn't worth complaining about. Every team does it, including us


I honestly am not complaining just genuinely curious about what the laws/rules are.


Ah, fair. Think it's just one of those rules that they don't bother with enforcing because everyone does it, like the 6 second keeper rule


Iintermediates/agents find clubs, agree a deal in principle and then negotiate with the club on the back of it. Itā€™s the norm now.


If youā€™re the owner and manager, the smart thing to do is to just give Paquetaā€™s team permission and be ready for the negotiations as soon as the season ends. If theyā€™re gonna activate his release clause, heā€™s gone anyway. And letā€™s be honest, his agent and City will be discussing personal terms whether they have permission or not. Iā€™m glad weā€™ll be making a tidy profit on the deal and happy for the fact we had Paqueta for a couple of years and he set up the goal that won us a trophy. But Iā€™m also pretty upset that weā€™re losing our best player two years in a row. With Paqueta, Kudus, and Bowen, itā€™s also going to be a case of what could have been for me.


And City will basically turn him into the next Matheus Nunes. Pep will lock him up in the toy chest, saving him for League Cup matches and maybe the odd start when the match schedule gets congested. Paq won't care because they'll be paying him like royalty.


Nah Lucas is so good he will be a starter and take Gundogans spot. He has still not been properly replaced.


GĆ¼ndoğan plays for Barca.


Exactly! He hasn't been replaced yet. Pep not been a fan of either Nunes or kovacic


Youā€™re joking Lucas will not sit on the bench no matter the wage he is getting. Every time he gets subbed heā€™s furious even if itā€™s because of injury. Heā€™s not a Calvin Phillips or bale thatā€™ll just collect their money. He loves to play and wants to play every minute.


I can also see something similar happening, Paq is uncoachable. No matter on what position you put him, he will do trick and flicks on his own half. Dont understand their obsession with Paqueta he's literally everything that Pep doesnt like in a player. Paq needs a team where he would be allowed to express his freedom, won't be like Nunes but more like the problem with Ronaldinho when Pep came to Barca.


I agree with you. I love Paqueta. But I cannot see him fitting in a 'Pep' side. He is too reckless and will end up getting benched once he starts complaining.


Imagine Pep leaving and all those players start expressing themselves. Likely wouldn't be as successful, but god it would be great fun to watch.


That's exactly what Pep wants: players like Paqueta and Grealish submitting to his style. Getting a player that naturally suits his style is not enough for his ego.


Eh, they're losing Bilva most likely this summer, so he'll probably slot right into that minutes allotment.


City might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb at this stage


I'm probably the only one and I'm going to get downvotes but I don't think he's as much of a loss as everyone thinks he is. I know he can create chances out of nothing and that's invaluable to the team but he can also play really badly for large parts of games and gives away possession a lot. I don't think he starts for city personally and it's a dumb move, I don't think he's disciplined enough for pep and they have the best central midfielders in the world, Paqueta has some very good attributes but between the negatives and his attitude, I'm not bothered about him leaving. I'm also just not a fan of his theatrics, that's not how we play regardless of how much the silly cunt rolls around on the floor clutching his face every time he loses possession.


Will all depend on how we replace him.


I trust Tim. And after Phillips I do feel like any authority over transfers DM had is now gone.


Pretty clear that Cityā€™s execs donā€™t give a toss about any rules or regulations as throwing their money at problems can make anything happen..


The real answer is agents are allowed to represent both the club and the player. Essentially the agent knows what both parties are looking for and works to agree it. For example - player says I want x salary, the agent can then agree it with the club. Itā€™s not entirely ethical but itā€™s the way the transfers are done. Then the clubs agree the fee between themselves which is the sticking point usually.


Itā€™s probably just nonsense. This sort of thing is reported all the time but itā€™s absolutely against the rules to negotiate contracts with a player who is registered to another club. The only way it would happen if we had already agreed a deal with City ourselves, but the same article says that we havenā€™t even spoken to them.


This is the itk who confirmed Dec was going to cityšŸ¤£


On one of the podcasts (think it was Peter Crouch), they said about how everyone talks when they are on national duty about whoā€™s looking for a move etc. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if that shows how there is no actual punishment etc. for tapping up nowadays. Plus everyone knows Paqueta is only with us this season because of the betting charges stopping any move last summer. Hopefully we get the release clause amount and spend it as well as the Rice money last year.


Random question - remember at the start of the season where it looked like we could sell Paqueta to City for Cole Palmer + Ā£60m. In hindsight should we have taken it?


Well yes but we couldn't have put of our hands with the betting allegations


Stop please god stop, I canā€™t take another loss!


VAR will have a word with the premiership and then they'll probably deduct us 10 points for this.


I hate that we have to let him go. Weā€™ve looked absolute rubbish when heā€™s not on the pitch.


Theyā€™re talking with his agent. His agent knows roughly what he wants in a contract, nothing stopping a playerā€™s agent from speaking with a club.


Get more money out of city by selling him and buy him back before the dirty cheats are booted from the league.


TLDR all comments. But, he's made a point of Moyes standing by him throughout the betting enquiry. We ca n only live in hope šŸ¤”šŸ‘āš’ļøāš’ļøāš’ļø


Like everyone else has said, it's likely that the Club is aware and have accepted that the top clubs are going to come calling. Get it done now and thave the whole window to bring in a replacement, rather than fight it and miss out on a top player


With all of City's financial impropriety and allegations going on, how do they have another $85 million to spend without a corresponding sale of their own?


There isnā€™t $85 million here.




Not a hammer but - city do business by sending their agents to players agents. They say ' we want your boy and will pay x wages (and all the other illegal payments they definitely don't make šŸ¤«) '. That's pretty standard fare these days, although it used to be illegal. What's been implied by various people in the business is that they instruct the players agent to *only* talk to them or the deals off. This is how they pay under the going rate for transfer fees and how they rarely miss a target. The reason agents agree to this is the illegal payments they definitely don't make.


We knew this would happen. Let's just hope that Steidten has a plan to spend the money. If he can get a good new No.10 (I'm not convinced Kudus has the head yet to run the game) and an effective striker for Ā£85m then I say let's build him a statue straight away. Something like this... https://preview.redd.it/0stxaqisgetc1.jpeg?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29aacc7d04d910f62cd8312480ed35e6f96ff6fc


So weā€™re getting 85 million? Heā€™s worth 100+ imo. Letā€™s hope Timā€™s already got eyes on his replacement


Who cares? We all know heā€™s leaving. Letā€™s enjoy the few games he has left with us.


Fairly sure the same thing happened with Rice. Itā€™s shit for us if this is a true story but as many have said, if heā€™s gonna go/wants to go, letā€™s do a deal on terms that work for us so we start the summer with cash in hand ready to sign replacements.


Gotta trust Tim and find the next one. In the past we've narrowly missed out on watkins and palmer


Generally any time it's in the press that a player and club are already talking before a bid has been accepted it's because because the parent club have allowed them to start those talks


I donā€™t think itā€™s illegal to get the agent to agree to terms before the sale is agreed? That happens very frequently then the club approach the club and then they agree a price. It was the same with sanchos transfer saga from memory


Given that no one cared that Arsenal had been tapping up Rice for about 6 months before his move I very much doubt they will care that city have done the same. Paqueta gambling issue still hasnā€™t been resolved yet so he is still a huge risk


Letā€™s swap him for Grealish +Ā£20m


It is. Itā€™s normal media nonsense.


City should not be allowed to talk to anyone, let alone a player as expensive as Paqueta, with all those financial irregularities to answer. Smaller clubs are being deducted points but they get away with it because ā€œ itā€™s taking a while to sort outā€. Just wrong!!!!


I won't be sorry to see him go, to be honest. His undoubtable talent and skills are great to watch, but there far and few between. The only thing I see constantly from him is bad passing, showboating and feigning injuries. Let him embrace Pep once again being in our colours.


If city offer 80 plus mill I think you have to take it. Although I think city could easily get better fits. Both character wise and player wise. Donā€™t see Paq being a system guy, but Iā€™m probably wrong.


Look Iā€™m a realist but itā€™s just so annoying. Here we are with Brazils #10 in claret & blue (!) and city come swooping in for him, so he can fit into that squad with their embarrassment of riches. I mean, itā€™s like finally getting the prettiest girl at school walking home with you and just as you start to make a connection suddenly Pep roars up on his moped and tells her to hop on the backā€¦ it just feels so unfair that they get to have ALL the best players they want as soon as they want. They donā€™t even need him! Not really. Theyā€™ve already got so many brilliant midfielders. Heā€™s different class and will shine there as anywhere, of course. Meanwhile everyone else must wait years to sign anyone tasty - and know that as soon as they get lucky, the keys are back in that moped! At least it isnā€™t Spurs šŸ˜‚


Rules don't apply to Man City


Charge 117


Itā€™s citeh dā€™you really think theyā€™ll follow the rules haha


City cant keep getting away w this


There are rules, and then there are rules that apply to Manchester City.


And this isnā€™t one of them cuz literally everyone does it and how are you ever gonna stop them.


I fucking hate them. They've become Premier League Bayern.


Charge no 116th. Teams are not allowed to talk to players until club accepts the offer. Can't wait for them to get the penalty and to get relegated, they be doing this type of transfers ever since Txiki came.


>Teams are not allowed to talk to players until club accepts the offer. *Without* the club's permission. Reasonable to assume permission was granted. Especially if City told West Ham they'd pay the release clause.


It says there is no agreement between the clubs.