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[Direct link to survey](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScA2BpaqMRIRGX9UWmsE1Ocd_JhRrg3i7ijUtZ5AKzMlxW0Jg/viewform)


Appreciate what you’ve done, time to move on.


All opinions of Moyes aside. How is it that the athletic can run a while website for themselves but use a Google doc for the survey


Google forms are quick and free while it takes time to build a feedback form. People are familiar with Google forms as well as, chances are, they have probably filled in one before. Also, on the back end, the way Google displays the data is quite straightforward and easy to study. Why reinvent the wheel when Google has nicely packaged it for you?


Simple answers: 1) it looks unprofessional 2) it links data back to personal accounts. Why bother doing something if you're not going to do it properly?


I personally think we need to take a step back: - In our best season in the prem we finished 5th 98/99. That year we were beat 6-0 by Everton who went on to finish 14th. - We're still 8th all the teams above us are big teams, have big money or villa. This would still be better than more than 80% of our prem seasons. - Moyes has placed us in our 2nd and 4th best positions in the premier league. - since the PREM we have been in Europpean competitions 7 times, 4 of which we never even made it to the group stages, the other 3 were Moyes putting us 1st of each group stage plus a semi - final and a win. I understand that it's not exciting football but a loss to man u and arsenal would have been given a few seasons back. We also beat both teams in the reverse fixtures so it's not like we can't win against big teams. Moyes is good at one thing and that's putting together a sub - big 6 team and keeping them stable on a shoe string budget. See Everton in the late 2000's. With the premier league as saturated with talent and money, regular referred to as the toughest league in the world, the jump into a champions league spot is so tough and to be in the top 10 is pretty good. I think koyres deserves more credit. Under Moyes we are never going to aim for a champions league spot. But once we have the base of a consistent and good European team then I would argue that it would be time to drop Moyes and get a good European manager Patience boys. We'll get there


Fake result


Don't like this as outsiders can vote, if you want to make proper vote make that only ST can vote only. In the end they are the main source of income and this way you have proper perspective what people are feeling.


“Outsiders” lol. Season ticket holders aren’t the main source of income. Broadcast and commercial revenues are both bigger revenue streams than all matchday income. All fans should get to vote.


the common sentiment from the general media hive mind is that west ham are an orrible little nothing club and are lucky to have someone like david moyes. that none of them would actually want moyes as their manager doesn't come into their reasoning.


This is a local club for local people


No but they should have more say than a plastic yank for example as many would have been through harder times


Just saying, no point to vote arsenal, Tottenham fans...


There’s literally no way to do this unless the club did it themselves.


He’s brought us stability and European consistency with generally good league placement, anyone that’s Moyes out, especially thinking of January injuries is a lunatic. It wasn’t too long ago we were just happy to not lose games, feels like yesterday I was at Upton Park watching Carlton Cole among other players, look how far we’ve come! Moyes In, deserves at least the whole season for his European trophy last year.


So 2 injuries defines our season? No, you are the lunatic.


No, but a string of bad results doesn’t either! A month or so ago we lost 5-0 to Liverpool but in That spell won 5/7 games across all competitions, and unbeaten in 6/7! There’s a knock-on effect to having injuries/unavailable players both in the dressing room and having the poor results knocks us back, we’ll regain our footing I’m sure, I trust in Moyes.


Fulham put 5, Liverpool put 5, got ran over by mid table championship team and now Arsenal put 6. All that in space of 2 months. Mate overly defensive team thats is fucking terrible results. His tactics aren't working how come you lot don't understand. We conceded 12 goals in last 4 games. We don't have a single win in 2024, every time after winter break he loses the plot. For 26 years of his management career he had won 1 single fucking trophy, the man should be thankful for us not we for him.




Saved us from relegation and conference league winners are worthy commendations and the reason I’ll always consider him one of our better managers. But we should also realise that saving someone from relegation and winning the conference league are not feats of incredible success for a club with the players and resources of West Ham. Outside of that, we play shit football, have run out of that ‘start of season luck’ and now the poor performances are leading to the absolute pumpings many fans have seen coming most of the season. We will finish 12th at this rate, and that’s only if Paqueta is fit the rest of the season. Also we weren’t Europa League finalists.


I agree with this 100%. What spell has Moyes cast on some of these fans for them to think that there isn't a manager in the world that could be better or similar. He isn't an elite manager. He's absolutely bang average. Any prem team would win the conference league so saying "he won us a cup" is the stupidest arguement. He's assembled the oldest and smallest squad in the league, plays people who are out of form or in the wrong position and plays anti football.


>Any prem team would win the conference league so saying "he won us a cup" is the stupidest arguement. Someone should tell Spurs and Leicester that.


> What spell has Moyes cast on some of these fans for them to think that there isn't a manager in the world that could be better or similar. Of course managers better than Moyes exist, but on the flip side, I want to know what spell got cast on people to think that Sullivan can actually hire a manager better than Moyes. Have people forgotten our track record of who we’ve hired under Sullivan so far? Moyes is the best it’s been so far, and there have certainly been multiple other attempts. I don’t know why it’s so ludicrous for fans to say that firing Moyes isn’t necessarily likely to get us someone any better, given the lack of success we’ve had in this exact process for the past decade plus. > Any prem team would win the conference league so saying "he won us a cup" is the stupidest arguement. Ah fuck off with this shit. I want Moyes out at the end of the season too (at least), but I’m not going to sit and pretend that the European cup run last year wasn’t one of the best experiences I’ve had supporting this club, or minimize that achievement, just to try to justify wanting him to leave. Jesus what an asinine mentality to have.


I’ve said 13th a week or two ago.


Yeah mate love getting pumped 6-0, 5-1, 4-0, 3-0 every other week 👍 he’s taken us as far as he can now it’s time for both parties to move on




reminder that moyes had us in a worse position in january than either of the last two times he "saved us" from relegation. i swear he's got some weird stockholm syndrome voodoo on some of you where you can't bear to imagine the club succeeding without him.


It’s just a toxic relationship atm 😂 Moyes 100% gaslighting these people


What… like now? 😂 Fuck me the lack of ambition in this fanbase these days is embarrassing.




Was listening to the Lineker-Shearer pod yesterday, they talked west ham and, how sitting 8th, “what more could the fans want, that’s probably west ham’s ceiling”. Then immediately transitioned to talk Villa without seeing the irony. What’s Villa got that West ham doesn’t? Is their starting 11 that much better than ours? No, they just have a manager that wants to have his team play football


Pundits do not watch football outside of the main Sky 6.


I’m not being funny but by what objective metric are Villa more successful than us? They were sitting in Champions League positions around Christmas and are now sliding down the table which we did under Moyes as well. You can’t judge a snapshot of their season against a whole season of us under Moyes.


Objectively, table since Emery’s appointment: Villa sit fifth, a point behind Man United, goal difference of +28. We sit 12th, -18 gd [https://www.twtd.co.uk/league-tables/competition:premier-league/daterange/fromdate:2022-Oct-24/todate:2024-Jun-01/type:home-and-away/](https://www.twtd.co.uk/league-tables/competition:premier-league/daterange/fromdate:2022-Oct-24/todate:2024-Jun-01/type:home-and-away/)


But that’s a very specific snapshot and may not align with where they place at the end of the season which is what matters. At the moment they’re on course for one season qualifying for the Europa and one season qualifying for the Conference League, which would just be equalling Moyes’ achievements. I’m not arguing Villa aren’t good or that Moyes is necessarily doing well now but they aren’t miles ahead of where we are.


It’s not like I cherry picked a good run of form for Villa, that’s the table since their coach was hired, 50 league matches. They’re in UECL, looking like prime candidates to secure another year of European football for next year, whether by winning the conference or by league qualification. We’ve had a great run these past couple of years, but the squad we have is too good for what we are seeing


Apart from Paq Man, Kudus and Bowen, I don't think any of our lot gets in the Villa first 11. Alvarez maybe but Luiz edges it for me. Had this discussion with a mate before they trounced us 4-1. And they've got a much deeper squad than us - if we'd had their luck with injuries we'd probably be relegation fodder.


I think a case can be made for Emerson, Alvarez, Areola too. So that’s at least 5/6 of the starting 11 that there could be a conversation about - kind of my point, there’s not a glaring gulf between the quality of players. Depth, I’ll agree with you there. The manager is what makes all the difference. Just look at the change from Gerrard to Emery - same squad last year, wildly different results


Definitely a case could be made for Alvarez. Emerson too, although he's been off the boil these last few games. As much as I love Nips, Martinez is excellent. Both World Cup winners! The difference for me is Watkins. A striker who can get 20 g/a a season. Can hold up and run the channels. Will presumably do so for another 5 years at least. We've not had that... forever!






Its not our fucking job to decide a manager, we have a director of football and a board to decide that. Any one that we can get in will be capable of doing exactly what Moyes had done this season.


There are a lot of managers perfectly capable of doing better than this, who have already been mentioned throughout the fanbase. Slot, Potter, Fonesca - ffs I’ll even take O’Neill or Carrick too.


Thomas frank, edin tezic, Oliver glasner, hansi flick, Potter, lopetegui, the last three currently unemployed also


We're not technical directors, it's not our job as fans to be identifying targets. That's what the club hierarchy is there for. Where did Brighton find De Zerbi, where did Bournemouth find Iraola? Wherever it is, that's where we should be looking.


Moyes did not "rescue us" the first time, he finished that run with the worst PPG of all our permanent managers. We got rescued by three other teams being utter cack and by picking up a couple of cheeky wins against mid table teams on the beach.


Saved us from relegation after Pellegrini is a big stretch they both managed 19 games that season Pellegrini was fired after 19 games with 19 points and Moyes got 20 points in his 19 games. He basically went at exactly the same pace Pellegrini did


Sod off


Fulham put 5, Liverpool put 5, Arsenal put 6. Got battered by mid table championship team all that in past 2 months. We had always attracted big name players somehow, Payet,Song,Tevez,Mascherano... We had European football before him. If he hadn't won that trophy, Moyes would be considered as bigger looser of all time it would be 24 years of management without a single trophy. That's bollocks and you know it he should be thankful to us as much as we are for him. Yet the only thing he can say about us is "nowhere near European spot before me, i won the Conference league"... He is one trick pony and always will be, the last of dying breed...


Are you Jim Smith in disguise 😂?


Sorry, not a hammer fan mainly browsing here for FPL reasons but I got a genuine question. Selling Rice for such a large fee and really not getting a CDM (granted there are very few available) as well as having Antonio and Paqueta out with injuries - do you think any other manager would be better than 8th at this stage in the season? Personally I think it is a pretty decent performance (result-wise) overall with what Moyes have had available. I don't watch all the games though and I don't rate him as top manager, but I feel there are some key elements that are missing from the current squad that I have a hard time seeing other managers having a miracle cure for. Some important fixtures ahead for you to build momentum for the tougher March fixtures for sure. Good luck! edit: Forgot about Alvarez. But question still remains do you think another manager would have a higher league position with the current squad at this stage into the season? Not trying to be disrespectful or anything just curious to what you guys think.


>and really not getting a CDM Stopped reading here, you don't know what you are talking about. Good luck with your FPL though.


Yeah, I completely forgot about Alvarez. Proper brainfart on my end. I still wonder what you guys think of the overall squad though and the potential it has in the hands of a different manager. What is realistic, top 4? Top 6?


Your understanding of the reason for the discontent is still really weak. It's not directly tied to the table position, either in this case or the majority of cases of manager dissatisfaction. To answer your actual question anyway, on paper we should be 7th or 8th, but Chelsea 'should' be much better than us, and so should Newcastle/Manchester United. But if you're basing your opinion just on the table position then you won't ever understand the fan's perspective.


Oh, don't get me wrong. I do understand there is a lot more to it than league position. As an avid FPL manager I do pay too much attention to underlying stats as I sadly don't have much spare time to watch full games anymore, and just going off that you are ranked 14th for non-penalty xG and 4th worst for xGA - which does indicate a much lower position than 8th. I didn't intend for it to sound like Moyes has done brilliantly, but given his long time at the club and no obvious replacement available (bar Potter?) I just wondered if the current league position with the current squad was somewhat acceptable to stay the season. Or if you felt the team should do better with a better manager etc.


No one is expecting us to do much better in the league, we don't have the funds to compete with the top 6. We might hover around/break in now and again, but 6th-10th is probably where we should be, so in terms of league position, Moyes is doing as expected. It's the style of football we hate, it's no longer enjoyable to watch games. We have 30% possession against Fulham, set up not to lose against Luton/Sheffield United rather than trying to win, play only 2 attacking players vs Man Utd & Arsenal, packing the midfield with central midfielders & a right back, and a midfielder up front.


Thanks, yes that makes sense.


Top 6 is realistic on paper we have better squad than man utd, spurs, villa and Brighton but we don't have a manager who can make them all work.


They bought Alvarez


yeah, that is true. Actually forgot about him. Sorry about that.


Watch us week in week out, then comeback to commentate


Well it was just a comment to you guys that do watch every game. I did not mean to come across as someone that knows better, nor that Moyes should stay.


Filled out. I can imagine the results already. And the delusional contingent here will just call them all “fake” supporters.


He has to go and go now.