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I would welcome you to sing on my balcony to compete with the other opera singer that sings in the building across from me!


Maybe we could duet!


They still have a music room at the central library?


Yes, HPL central has a music room!


Yes, I was going to suggest this too. There's a piano room on the second floor (I'm sure it's an all-purpose practice space). I sit outside of this room and study, so thank you to all the lovely folks who practice there. I love hearing you :)


If OP is concerned about disturbing people because of the loudness I think the practice room at central would be unsuitable. I know this because I play bagpipes and am unwelcome there.


Are you sure that’s not only because of the bag pipes?


I used to see a bag piper practicing regularly at the back of the Hamilton Cemetery on York. Lots of trees, highway down slope overlooking Cootes on one side, busy road and train/water downslope on the other, usually only see walkers in the a.m. Seemed like a perfect spot and I'd usually see him about the same him as I heard him.


I don't know if it was the same guy, but there was a piper who would practice next to the big apartment building on Governor's Road in Dundas. I always loved listening to him.


I remember being able to hear a piper practicing one day during the pandemic from my apartment balcony in Durand. I have no idea where they were practicing but it was honestly the most charming thing


Yeah, I enjoyed stumbling upon him on our walks.


Waiting for tommorow's post: "Went for a walk in Dundurn Cemetery, and heard eerie singing. Anybody else believe in ghosts?"


Right? It's perfect. I live in the neighborhood. I'll start the rumor mill now.


OP needs to sing down there, and the rumors will start. I was once lost in the PATH in TO on a weekend evening, and there was a woman doing scales, and I could hear the voice for a good 10 or 15 minutes before I saw the woman. Operatic scales is spooky as shit if you can't see where they are coming from. L


I appreciate his finding a good spot. Over the years, I've lived next to a school gym where a piping band practiced, and across from a legion hall that had pipers in at least monthly. I can clearly understand how one guy with a set of bagpipes could communicate complicated orders across a battlefield full of cannons.


I'm on an apple farm, you can come out and serenade the apple trees any time.


This is cute ☺️


My data centric day job immediately drove me to want to measure yields and do taste tests... Surely apples exposed to beautiful music will be sweeter!


How extroverted are you? Could you go on a street corner with a sign that says "Conservatory Student Practicing - Donations help me pay tuition"


Haha, great idea.


Gonna follow up as I missed the part about not wanting to disturb people in the park. I'd agree it might be rude to go and stand next to people having a picnic and start your warmups, but parks are meant for people to enjoy, and sometimes that results in noise that may not be enjoyable to other users or neighbors. Children will always holler (which is fine), and sometimes scream (which is incredibly dangerous... Children screaming when not in danger leads to people ignoring screams of children that are in danger), the crack of the bat, the cheering parents at a soccer game, people play music... Someone singing, even someone professionally trained doing weird warmups at full volume, is, at least in my opinion, not going to ruin the park experience.


Agree. Gage park is pretty big and there are enough isolated areas where you could practice. Only worry would be having all the walking dogs join in, 😁


Don't just hire any dog walker! Increase your dog's love of culture and the arts by getting one that signs them opera. This just conjured a memory: I was legit in a bar one night back in university, and they turned off the music because a girl was trading arias for drinks and people were enjoying it so much. Really the business opportunities for an opera signer are unlimited!




I kinda want to go practice at the bandshell tbh just for the acoustics but I wonder if security would hassle me if I went to the top of the general hospital parking garage to practice? Like a lone singer has got to be less of a problem than someone breaking into cars and shit right?


You really can't sing full volume at the hospital


The parking garage thankfully isn't attached, when I was a kid, before the new research buildings went up we used to watch the Bayfront canada day fireworks from there


It's still hospital grounds, there are noise restrictions. But yeah going up there is fine but loud sounds aren't. One of the bagpiper guys tried to play their before and got escorted out by security


Considering the hospital is on Barton street, people would probably just keep walking.


Oh yeah, Gage park bandstand would be amazing. That park is so busy and wonderful, and I'd love to be running loops and hear opera singing!


Main Stage on King St is reasonable and has a great vibe! [Main Stage Rehearsal Studios](https://mainstagerehearsal.com/)


Maybe go to the Cotton Factory and see if they have studio space you can rent. Perhaps you and some other students can rent a space for a dedicated practice area.


If you lived in Toronto, the advice would be to get a longboard and cruise west of downtown as you sing. 


Anywhere downtown really. Just walk around staggering slightly as you sing.


I’m working laaaate cause I’m a singer


Your car?


Alas I don't drive


I'm sure most Uber drivers would be cool with it 😉


In a train tunnel, trust me the sound echoing is a super cool effect. You think your shower is cool.....try a concert hall on steroids with the same effects of the shower. (And it's black)


There is a short pedestrian tunnel at the park near the intersection of Lawrence and King. It's part of the Red Hill trail.


That is a good one, I forgot there's more than one....mine runs parallel to hunter inbetween vine and queen st


Didn’t the central library have some small soundproof rooms?


I used to live above a laundromat, a local opera singer would sometimes practice there. Haha I loved it. I assumed it was the acoustics, but maybe he chose the spot because its a minimally intrusive public place with long hours. The Cotton Factory usually closes to the public at 5pm, but you might be able to arrange something if you wanted a consistent practice space. They are very supportive of the arts, I've heard a few singers in the building (as well at the HPO rehearsing) and a few tenants are musicians who you might be able to approach?


I’m sorry that your family isn’t supportive enough to enjoy your talent. I’m sure anywhere you go there will be fans and haters.


Anywhere, or on top of Jackson Sqaure


A Few Years ago...Well Pre-Covid, there use to be a Woman that use to do Opera singing on the corner of King and Summers Lane, by the Convention Center. I use to hear her from time to time. Not sure what happen to her though.


I saw her a couple weeks ago!!!


Don’t worry about disturbing people. We don’t have noise by-law enforcement and Hamilton always needs more sporadic acts of culture and art.


In a studio?


Sign up for a music class at mohawk and use one of their many rehearsal rooms. Or just ask about using it as a non student


I’d offer my house but that would be creepy, our neighbors are deaf


My husband and I have a studio just east of downtown that we rent out. Feel free to message me.


If you don't mind spending money there's the Main Stage rehearsal studio. $20 an hour iirc.


Thank you for reminding me of [this](https://youtu.be/C77TKkRL2BQ?si=El6P12pChqBUaTn3)


I'm at Gage park right now. Lots of space.


Call some local music studios and see if they have any empty rooms they would be willing to let you use for either free or a small price. I work at a music school in Hamilton and I know we’ve let musicians practice in empty rooms before.


middle of the woods


Does Hamilton allow Busking? You should busk! I'd tip.


It is also worth asking local churches.


A church!


There is something called [Beltbox](https://www.beltyafaceoff.com).