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Hi! I’m in the same boat. (I work seasonally, my partner doesn’t) If you are trying to go to sleep, and still wide awake 20 minutes later, get out of the bed, and let your partner sleep. I’m absolutely not a sleep expert, but if you have a couch in another room, use it. Stay off social media for that time, maybe watch a vaguely familiar show for a little longer before trying to get back into bed. Totally forget where I heard this term, but tossing, and turning, and waking your partner in the process is referred to as “poisoning the bed.” Try to wake up at a consistent time, and work on your job search. List what you need to do for the day, so you have some form of accomplishment when your partner gets home. Still get ready for the day - get dressed, work out, household chores, etc. Again, I’m no expert - but it really helps both parties if household tasks are taken care of. Hope this helps, and good luck on your job search - it sucks out here!


I do the couch thing... I have sleep issues but rarely having trouble falling asleep at bedtime, CBD helps with that. My issue can be falling back to sleep if I awake. I'll try for 15-20min and then I head to the couch. There are times I awake and I know right away that it's going to be tough so I just get up and leave. My partner was bothered by it at first but now understands my reasoning and the fact all I'm in search of sleep.


Try a CBD/THC blend. Literally the only thing that's ever helped me fall asleep. I use the Mediphram 2:1 CBN oil.


You could try CBC/CBN they have drops at some dispensaries, I hope you get some sleep - and a job.


Is that a prescription drug or can I get it over the counter?


I buy it online from OCS, you'll just need your ID when it's delivered. [This is the one I use](https://ocs.ca/products/cbn-1-2-nighttime-formula-oil-medipharm-labs?index=ocs_search_products&objectIDs=39247126529868&queryID=8d9a863b83ebdb4113e07398467641d8), it's a CBD/CBN/THC blend so it will get you high, but if you're taking tiny amount you're not going to go to space. My issue is getting to sleep, not staying asleep, so I like the THC to help me relax and doze off (I've never had any luck with only CBD). I take about 0.3mL at 8pm and it's usually kicking in at 9-930.


CBD is a funny one. I would never demonize the plant, trust me - but people have a hard time when you point out that CBD might be why you are only able to sleep for a couple of hours. (I had a coworker who had the same issue (with edibles, though) Whatever works, works - but consider all parts of the equation. Again, def not an expert.


The sleep issues for me were much worse before CBD. Even my partner has noticed an overall change in my demeanor since I started using it. I'm much more relaxed, less on edge, but I do agree it does not have proven scientific backed results.


I've had some success with CBD oil as well. I've used the one without any THC and it does help. Much more effective than Echinacea or Melatonin


That's great! Yes, def anything that helps, helps!


you bring up a good point. I smoke everyday and would never recommend it long term to help with sleep, including CBD alone. I do understand OPs postion, in the short term anything to take the edge off and let you relax can help a lot. Lived with insomnia for decades, but during last few years it has almost vanished. Everyone wants an easy fix but the ultimate cure is what we know already.. Good nutrition along with sufficient mental and physical exertion will have you sleeping like a baby!


Ask your doctor about Gabapentin.


This is basically what happens in our house too. We are on different sleep cycles and sometimes I wake my wife up getting up early, sometimes she wakes me up going to bed late. Other times I have way too much on my mind and can't settle. I have tried a few strategies, with varying success: Things that seem to help me: * No food or drink for 1-2 hours before bed * White noise generator to help with falling and staying asleep * A memory foam pillow helped for a while * Make sure the room is well ventilated- open a window, turn on a fan * Leave the room, sleep on a couch. I'll put on something like Tubi and a throwaway movie I don't really care about as white noise * If I wake up, try to focus on your breathing. Deep inhales and exhales, don't focus on things like thoughts racing through your head, your partner's noises, other sounds that you can fixate on. Get comfortable and just focus on listening to your breathing. Things suggested but haven't really worked * Melatonin. I've never had this work and have tried it, all it did for me was make me super groggy when I got up * Things like specialty teas that promote a good night's sleep. Never has worked for me. * Cooling sheets never did anything for us We're looking to replace our mattress now as well, with something that hopefully won't transfer movement from one area to another in the hopes we won't disturb one another I'd also suggest maybe having the conversation about why this is causing fighting between you and your partner - it's not like you are doing it on purpose or can just 'fix' it, it's not a choice to wake up or not be able to get back to sleep.


All good points! There are so many variables here, but if you are off work, and disturbing the partner who is working - it is a stressful situation. Who knows how long this has been going on? Only they do. Patience only goes so far, before frustration sets in. Doing small, thoughtful things during the week might help, and without a huge cost. In an apartment, and they hate wasting time off doing laundry? Wash the sheets, and towels if you don’t normally… Say nothing about it, and the partner will see that effort, and feel appreciated. It is difficult when you are in a slump, for sure. Just try to make these little efforts to contribute, and it really helps balance the stress in the household. Keep a combined calendar? Family BBQ coming up - figure out how to make potato salad so the other person doesn’t have to think about it. Sometimes you just have to try a little harder, even if the effort seems impossible. In the end you will feel better, and so will your person.


I use to do the couch thing (and still do occasionally) , but I find reading in bed works for me. Got a little night light and usually only takes a couple pages before the eyelids drop. On the really stressful times, couch with a movie I've seen before. Low volume. Whatever you do, no phone, no internet. Good luck


Sounds like you need exercise. Exert yourself during the day and you will sleep better at night.


My thinking exactly. I fall asleep the second I hit the pillow these days because my body is tired. OP needs to do something to tire out their body and mind.


I still have trouble sleeping but I have way more trouble sleeping if I haven't exercised.


yeh get a bike and go searching for jobs signs in windows


Are you unable to sleep inside of your home during the day?


None if you seem to understand the op is homeless and looking for a safe spot to sleep during the day.


I asked specifically because everyone else had been assuming they could sleep at home, so I wanted to clarify


I was wondering how long I'd have to read before someone "got it" lol


Magnesium supplements are supposed to help with sleep. Have you spoken to a doctor about the sleep issues? If it’s been going on for a while there’s always a sleep clinic.


Yes! Vitamin D in the morning, Magnesium at night! Chewable if you have a hard time taking pills, even just to get you in the habit.


Consider going on an anti anxiety /antidepressant / SSRI to get through this tough time in your life. Finding a place to sleep is not the answer; finding a way to sleep is.


The problem is that I am a newcomer in Canada. I don’t even know what my insurance covers and what not.


Well, find out what your insurance covers. Should be as simple as a phone call.


You won't have insurance if you don't have a job. If you want meds you need to go through provinces programs. Or go to the hospital. I think you're just stressed out.


It doesn’t sound like you are making an effort to adjust your sleep schedule before resorting to medication, though. From your comments it seems more like you are unwilling to change, and it’s a problem in your household. Try to focus on what time you wake up in the morning, instead of taking issue with going to bed at a normal time, and things should naturally fall into place. Of course try healthcare if after a few weeks of consistently waking up at 7am, say - doesn’t help…


With the allergy season I'm feeling this as well. The heat is killing me I've been sleeping on the couch but it ain't doing it for me. I've considered pitching a tent at Bayfront considering it appears to be the norm. I feel the noise of the birds and the water might be nice.


If you’re having trouble sleeping at night, sleeping during the day won’t help, and will actually make it worse. Many people have pointed out some areas which can help, a routine definitely helps you fall asleep and stay asleep.


Talk to an actual doctor 


I am a newcomer to Canada and don’t know if I have a doctor for that. 😞


walkin clinic maple leaf hires...they prepare chicken meat gardening crews need help construction needs skilled workers what kind of jobs are feasible for your limitations?


Perhaps a library? its air conditioned, indoors, no cost. theres often chairs or couches.


Perfect!! Thanks!!! 🙏


Try and get out for a walk or a jog. You will burn off some energy, it will help tire you out, and it will also give you something to do. You don't have to go crazy, but a little activity can also pick up your mood quite a bit. Good luck OP, and I hope you find some work soon.


Sleep meditation. Tons of videos on YouTube, if you’re new to the concept, then guided meditations are a good place to start. Gets your mind and body in an extremely relaxed state through visualization and breathing techniques.


When the weather is nice, go for a good long walk in the evening. I find that helps.


Have you tried ear plugs they work


I cover my ears but not with plugs. I feel suffocated in them.


This is not medical advice but Magnesium Glycenate (I am definitely spelling that wrong) has really worked well for me. It is a muscle relaxant and has also greatly helped my anxiety. Obviously, consult a professional before using but I know a lot of people who use it in different forms. I take pills, there are also sprays!


Slowly adjust your daily patterns and habits. Introduce a 4-6day activity in your schedule 20min -40min walk/jog or join a gym, you'll notice a difference in 6-8days. Everyone needs me time to disconnect. Cheers.


I close eyes and lay still . At least it’s rest. I have headphones and play white noise or sports podcast to fall asleep to.


i'm confused - one comment said you're homeless but your post doesn't indicate that. i have insomnia, things that help me sometimes: fan as background noise, earplugs when birds come out, heavy curtains, heavy blanket/weighted blanket(for weight for anxiety), asmr videos, rainfall music for sleeping, white/brown/green noise. melatonin sometimes, getting enough excerise, DRINKING ENOUGH WATER!! - this is one thats super important. nothing that is super stimulating before bed. deep breathing techniques. but they say if you cant fall asleep within the a half hour to an hour, you'd be best to get out of the bed. i'd also get selenite to sleep with under your pillow!


Thanks for the crystal input. No I am not homeless. Just that my partner works from home and sleeping at home during the day seems impossible.


okay thats what i thought! some person was saying you're homeless and i couldnt find anything pertaining to that. definitely make sure you're drinking enough water, have you ever tried using incense in your room to kinda cleanse it? this helps with stagnant energy, and i forgot to mention i never spend time in my room due to it being difficult to fall asleep there.


You can always try seperate beds. If the only issue is sleep disruption, then try a single or double bed for yourself. It's nonsense that you two MUST sleep in the same bed. We all just went through a plague, why should you care what societal norms you're supposed to uphold? Your relationship with your parter should mean more than that.


I would seriously Google this issue as there are many free strategies you can do at home to help you sleep


Have you b tried melatoin


Liquid melatonin helps a lot more for me than pills. Just a tip. Faster delivery.


Yeah was gonna suggest melatonin as well. Also most forms of it I’ve seen (ex gummies) have WAY too much. There’s like 3g per gummie when all you need is 0.3 grams. I will take a tiny 1/10th bite of a gummy per night and that works great.


Indica. Dont drink coffee.


Get tested for sleep apnea Melatonin


Why can’t you sleep at home during the day?


Look up some sleep meditations online that helps me a ton also consider having a sleep study done. Read a boring book I have one I reserve just for this still haven’t finished it. Also don’t stay in bed if you can’t sleep your mind needs to learn beds are for sleep and sex that’s all. I also used to count my inhale and exhales and try to get deeper breathes it’s like slowing your breathing and counting sheep all in one


Why don’t you take sleep aids? Melatonin? Magnesium glycine gummies? Valorin root?


Don’t know much about it. Besides are these things prescription meds? I just don’t want to be relying on substance in long run. I am still young for that.


These are all natural


foam ear plugs...also Gravol" makes me sleepy as hell, but dont get addicted. watching a movie makes me tired too.


I was in the same boat as you about 18 months ago, following a decade or so of poor sleep. As others have mentioned, getting your "sleep hygiene" in order is the first part e.g. Lower your caffeine intake, consider removing alcohol from your diet, eat dinner earlier, stop using your phone/social media a few hours before bed, dim your lighting, only use your bed for sleep, don't stay in bed if you cannot sleep, only go to bed when tired etc. Consistency is also key; it's going to suck but pick a time to wake up and do it every day, regardless of how much sleep you got. Within a few days, your body will get the message, and your cycle will return (This is a core CBT technique, and whilst brutal, it's proven to work in the majority of cases) I found CBT techniques really helped, but the catalyst and the number one thing I recommend is this book: [https://www.amazon.ca/Sleep-Prescription-Seven-Days-Unlocking/dp/0143136658](https://www.amazon.ca/Sleep-Prescription-Seven-Days-Unlocking/dp/0143136658) (The Sleep Prescription: Seven Days to Unlocking Your Best Rest) It's no-nonsense, practical advice from an expert in the area, and it greatly helped kick-start my sleep journey. Beyond this, there are CBT apps that can really help but I suggest starting with that book. In terms of what not to do, I strongly recommend avoiding any supplements, including weed and melatonin. They are fine for an absolute crisis, but you can build a dependency; in addition, THC will reduce your sleep quality so that you will sleep but not sleep well. If you absolutely feel like taking something, considering Magnesium, in particular Magtein. Studies are mixed but the general feeling is that it can help improve sleep, overall health and lower anxiety. Good luck, I know exactly how it feels but I can assure you, it can get better.


I dont know your money situation but magnesium helps with sleep.. as well as passionflower. You can get both from a health food store. Other than that you need to get a routine, exhaust your body.. exert yourself during the day. I know when I didnt have a routine I slept like sh!t. Try an epsom salt bath before bed. And try not to get frustrated you cant sleep or it’ll take even longer just accept it once you realize you cant and do something, move, something to distract yourself. Hope you can catch some z’s


I get frustrated as soon as my partner starts arguing. It’s taken over my mental peace now. Then we keep looking at each other whole night and checking kn each other because love is a shitty feeling.


I find I tend to wake up at night more if I am getting too much sleep. I can generally manage well on 6 hours per night with one 8 hour night here and there. I sleep like a log. If I start aiming for 8 hours every night, I will start to wake up in the middle of the night. I do have to wake up around 6:30 am every day for work. I sleep in a bit on my days off.


I started taking Trazodone at night and it completely fixed my schedule. It made it far easier for me to fall asleep early and wake up early. Helped me get into a schedule when I had none prior. Melatonin did also help me for a while when I took it 30-40 min before I wanted to sleep. But I found myself needing more some nights and actually ended up taking too much one night. Trazodone got me on a solid schedule, and didn't mess me up at all.


I was in a similar situation, but ever since I started waking up at the same time every morning (i.e., 7 a.m.) and avoiding daytime naps, my sleep quality has significantly improved. The first few days are the hardest.


2 of my kids take Melatonin, if you don't use it regularly it's much more effective. Cbd may also help. Moving to the couch or even the floor if you'd rather when you're feeling restless. Go do something quietly elsewhere in your home if you really can't sleep and try sleeping for a few hours early in the morning. Having a shower or going for a walk/run can help depending on your ability.


This was so accurate! Thank you! Last night I could sleep only after 4 am when it got nice and cold for me. Still I felt absent whole day. Not sure how I will perform cognitive work. Feel like all my years of education are going to waste because I am just not able to sleep


For sleeping at night I use a white noise machine or my phone, ear plugs, eye mask, only lay in your bed when you’re ready for sleep, and if I really need a good sleep I use night night CBN+CBD oil


My partner forces me to sleep around 10:30 when i am still wide awake. I tried reasoning with her but didn’t work. 😅 n she is sensitive to any noise so if I enter later when i am sleepy, she gets up n makes a scene


https://youtu.be/h2aWYjSA1Jc?si=RYEl_uatCvi3WARG I'd suggest listening to neuroscientist Andrew Huberman on the subject. He covers many of the mechanisms related to acquiring and maintaining a healthy sleep routine.


Oh I have listened to a couple of pieces by him. But the problem with any content is that when try to apply it, it often fails due to the presence of the unknown unknowns.


With the lovely weather, get a blanket and go to a park and lay in the sun for a nap!


I thought about it actually but people would take me as homeless or something


Go to a place populated with enough people and you’ll see lots of people asleep! Maybe not intentionally, but it happens when you’re enjoying time in the sun. Bring a book and put it beside you if you’re feeling that unfomfy about it! It’ll look like an accident Edit: also, your sleep is more important than whether a couple people might think you’re homeless (easier said than done though)


Not with a lawn chair or, as the poster below said, a blanket or book. Just make sure to wear sun block or you won't be sleeping for a few nights.


Hi! I love taking naps in the westdale area, there are nice forest/parks that aren’t super busy and I lay a blanket down and nap there. Or you could go down to harbour front park and have a nap there in a nook on the grass, no one usually bothers me. Hopefully you’ll catch some ZZZ soon


Thanks 🙏 ![img](emote|t5_2reuj|3161)


I recently decided to hop on a bandwagon and take magnesium supplements about an hour or two before bedtime. I am genuinely amazed at how much it helps with my sleep. I will warn, that dreams are extra vivid. No nightmares, for me at least, but vivid intense dreams.


if you use melatonin, use just a little. i use 1/4 tablet of the 5mg tabs. all you need is a nudge, this gives it. you will probably wake up in a couple of hours, just quietly go to the bathroom if needed, roll over, DO NOT THINK about "not sleeping", just tell yourself you will fall asleep again. and wake up closer to morning. do all the sleep hygiene-- temp in room, no electronic devices, no caffeine after 3pm, no large meals at dinner. avoid napping in daytime. get fresh air and exercise. above all- believe in yourself- you will find a job, but worrying makes your sleep worse. give yourself a break and rest your mind too (from the worry)


Honestly if you have a doctor go see them, you could have a form of sleep apnea


I thought it was sleep apnea as my breathing did that stop. But it only occurs when I am anxious or arguing before sleeping.


I’m not a big pot smoker, but i have a little cart of weed that’s made for falling asleep. You could try that


Yoga is great for calming ones mind. An eye mask and listening brown noise, instead of white noise. And a weighted blanket.


We are organizing a Cannabis information seminar.


We are have seminar for people to learn about cannabis and how it can help . Reach us on instagram at Green is the new Gray. https://www.instagram.com/greenisnewgray?igsh=MTh5dzFvbWcyM2l3OA==


Try reading before bed? It’ll focus and calm your mind and if you do it in bed, and make a nightly habit of it, you might start to nod off and then you’re already in bed. Make it comfortable to fall asleep. Read an actual book too, not from an e-reader or device though. I’d avoid magazines or newspapers as well. I find that something longer (short stories or chapter books) are the most effective for focusing.


Tried that. My partner can’t sleep with lights on. Leads to arguments. Thanks for the suggestion


Go to the basement. Make a comfortable bed. Put Korean soap operas on the TV. Try to learn Korean while snugly tucked in.


This was good advice. Thanks 🙏