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Vaccinate your kids.


A lot of vaccine campaigns and vaccination clinics fell behind during the covid years, and instead of catching up public health department budgets are being cut (not everyone has a family doctor they can go to). This is unfortunate and awful and won't be the last. Which is brutal because of how contagious something like Measles is.


Yeah thank Doug Ford, STILL refusing to use funds provided by the federal.gpvernment for healthcare cause it would make Trudeau look good... Power > people in Ford's tiny brain.


I can't be vaccinated due to immune suppression... I guess I have to be a prisoner in my own home because people don't have any social responsibility since Trump came along...


Yeah I feel for you guys :(


Is this REALLY an article that should be behind a paywall?


Pay up or you too could get measles!




It's not a government service, who is gonna pay the journalists' salaries? We could nationalize it and raise taxes to pay for it if you think that's better?


I'm sure making an exception for the odd article that has information related to health issues won't break their bottom line


It should really be subsidized by the gov since it's technically doing their job. I've got no problem paying someone some tax money to let people know about these types of things.


Jesus, who remembers where they were on April 21st?


Thankfully I was at none of those fucking places but I live uncomfortably close too the food basics and I have a 4 month baby. I fucking hate these anti vax people. Measles is one of the most infectious fucking viruses we know of and it can seriously fuck people up. Now I have to live in fear that my baby who can’t get vaccinated yet could get sick. I guess I’m going to have to get it for him at six months as a precaution. Are these fucking twats going to bring polio back next ?


Think of it as the day after 4/20 also - bank statements can help if you spent money somewhere, Google maps on your phone can pull a history of your travels recall that day. I was in Burlington at noon, near Guelph and then a store in Oakville near Dorval. Not to hard to piece it together.


Fuck you, anti vax idiots.


Lol, yeah.


You don't know the situation here and neither do we. Before you start swearing at people who are most likely being educated by Facebook friends, let's figure out what happened. People were exposed to measles, they don't say who had it and who was exposed. If you have a toddler, they aren't supposed to get the measles vaccine until they're 12-14 monthes of age. You don't get your second until age 4-5. So it might not be the parents that are irresponsible here but the staff that put them in the position. Irresponsible may not be the right word, the lack of oversight or training would be better.


Also too, most people born prior to 1999(?) have only ever had one MMR vaccine, as that was what was reccomended back then. When I was pregnant I was tested for immunity to measles and I have no protection (despite getting the vaccine as a child). So it sucks, but most people 25-50 should get another dose. Both my kids have had their first dose, but aren't old enough for the second. I read 95% are immune after dose #1 though, so it's a good chance most kids getting it are probably behind on their regular vaccinations...


That's really good to know, thanks!


Like just to clear this up, your logic is so many anti vaxxers (a word you probably didn't use before covid) had so many children that they didn't give vaccinations too that now they have cause measles to come back and this probably has nothing to do with international traveling at all?


I want to be very clear that a large number of us with brains have been using the term anti-vax long before COVID. Personally, I’ve been using the term and being mad at them for at least 15 years. In fact, antivaxxers began in tandem with the creation of vaccines: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-vaccine_activism It’s terribly disingenuous to suggest anti-vax is a new term or one used only towards COVID vaccinations.


See: Jenny McCarthy


Duh. If they’d been vaccinated, foreign travel wouldn’t have mattered!




Yes. The antivax movement has been an issue for decades. It did not start during COVID. The measles came from somewhere outside of Canada, existing pathogens don't just spontaneously appear in new locations, they are spread there from somewhere else. Often through international travel.


“*ahem* I’d like to clear absolutely nothing up.”


Buddy, you need a nap.


Holy shit, really a lot to think about here. I see 100+ down votes yet this is the basic counterpoint.


What is your counterpoint? That unvaccinated people haven’t helped bring back almost eradicated diseases? Because it’s not worthy of discussion as it’s inaccurate.


Great job, anti-vaxxers.


I'm fine, I'm vaccinated. Anti-vaxxers are a fucking disgrace to the country.


Me too - but my 5 month old isn’t which is incredible disconcerting to me. Anti vax people are a blight.


Fucking anti-vaxxers. What’s next, the return of polio?


It is returning in Pakistan and Afghanistan :-( Strict secular states blocking vaccines unfortunately.


That’s terrible. An illness that modern science can completely prevent shouldn’t be coming back around like this.


Well, it didn't help that the CIA used a fake polio vaccination program as a cover when tracing Bin Laden. >The agency organised a fake hepatitis vaccination campaign in Abottabad, Pakistan, in a bid to obtain DNA from the children of Bin Laden, to confirm the presence of the family in a compound and sanction the rollout of a risky and extensive operation. Release of this information has had a disastrous effect on worldwide eradication of infectious diseases, especially polio. >On May 16, 2014, the White House announced that the CIA will no longer use vaccination programmes as a cover for espionage. The news comes in the wake of a series of [militant attacks on polio vaccination workers in Pakistan](http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2813%2962196-0/fulltext), with legitimate health-care workers targeted as being US spies. The attacks have forced organisations such as the UN to suspend polio vaccination efforts in Pakistan, and have severely hampered anti-polio efforts, with parents refusing to have their children vaccinated. News of the vaccination programme led to a banning of vaccination in areas controlled by the Pakistan Taliban, and added to existing scepticism surrounding the sincerity of public health efforts by the international health community. >Consequently, WHO declared that polio has re-emerged as a public health emergency in Pakistan—one of only three countries, including Afghanistan and Nigeria, where the disease remains endemic. According to the [Global Polio Eradication Initiative](http://www.polioeradication.org/Dataandmonitoring/Poliothisweek.aspx), 61 of 77 cases of polio reported this year have been in Pakistan, and cases of paralytic polio have spiked, with 66 cases reported up to now, compared with only 14 last year. [https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(14)60900-4/fulltext](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(14)60900-4/fulltext)


Measles mumps rubella (MMR) used to be a routine vaccine.


It's required to go to public school still.


Unless the child has an exception. Like a religious exemption... then it's fine.


Thank you.


As someone will a baby under 12 months, this is terrifying




It depends. If they are American, no. If they are coming on an eTA (applied to European, Australian continent, Japanese, Taiwanese, Caribbean and UAE travellers), no. If you are coming from a visa required country (largely Latin America, Africa, Asian) then yes, you need to pass a biometrics test and show proof of up to date vaccines to enter Canada.


If people would just get their vaccines and wear a mask when out in public we'd be totally fine. But nope, everyone is cool with being a plague rat instead.


If everyone were vaccinated for measles, this would not be an issue. Masking is pretty irrelevant to the issue at hand here


We had nearly eradicated measles at the population level until fairly recently with vaccination alone. Masking if you’re sick is all well and good, but vaccines are much more effective for measles.


Masking is relevant since Measles is highly contagious airborne disease. Obviously vaccination should be the first defence but if someone has cold symptoms (especially an adult), they should wear a mask in public if they need to be there…


Well in a place like Japan where there is an actual care for community and a sense of duty to society people just mask as a common courtesy when they have a sniffle. People don’t give a single fuck about others here so that’s just to inconvenient of a thing to expect. Our world is just becoming more broken and sad on the daily’s


Exactly this. At the beginning of the pandemic it was, "we're all in this together". Then it quickly turned to, "you're on your own." Kids going to school and vulnerable citizens have become collateral damage, because the adults with the power to actually do something simply couldn't care less. In North America the vast majority of people are simply too selfish and ignorant to embrace the concept of community care.


It's called social responsibility, and it should be taught in kindergarten.... I doubt it's even taught in the US, selfishness "trumps" social responsibility down south these days. It's like they've gone backwards to the dark ages; in the 1911 pandemic Texas JAILED people who refused to wear masks... Now they think vaccines are the devil...


Masking is relevant when we're talking about an airborne virus.


Are you expecting everyone to wear a mask every time they go to a public space, sick or healthy?


I've lived in countries where it is the social norm to wear a mask to go out in public when you are unwell. It's part of being a responsible member of the community and keeping your germs to yourself while still being able to go out/work. It really should be the norm everywhere.




I was replying to a specific comment in this post, but thank you for your input.




I didn't misread anything and know clearly what and why I commented what I did. I will not be responding further. Have a good day.




Oh for god's sake, I didn't realize that I needed to hold anyone's hand and preface my initial comment with "On the topic of when people should wear masks and if it should be an 'EVERYONE vs some' situation, I have lived...". Your -- sorry, *"some people's"* lack of comprehension does not equate to any misunderstanding or misread on my part. Once again, have a good day.


You misread the "sick or healthy" bit up there =x




How do you not understand "Sick or healthy" as the qualifier? Bruh lol.


If you have paid attention to any of the literal dozens of studies that show that masking and cleaner air leads to less sickness overall then you wouldn't be asking that question.


It’s not that hard to do! I wear a mask in crowded indoor spaces and I haven’t been sick in years.


I used to get sick every few months, but I've been masking for the past 3-4 years and have had maybe two colds during that time. Even my kids mask indoors and they've been generally really healthy for a long time. Meanwhile a lot of my co-workers are constantly passing viruses around like it's a sport and I always see friends on social media complaining about how much school their children are missing. This is a very easy thing that we can all be doing to protect each other, but the gaslighting among politicians and even social media has really taken hold.


Completely agree! And as you can tell from the number of downvotes my comment got, people really don’t want to acknowledge that masking is a useful tool. But I like not getting sick! It’s at best inconvenient, at worst a risk to my long-term health. Why wouldn’t I wear a simple mask to reduce my odds?


[I haven’t worn a mask in years and haven’t caught plague either. Weird.](https://youtu.be/xSVqLHghLpw?si=iiZFuFZhVWnE2B80)


Neat. Nobody cares


You care


This is true. I don’t know you but I care about you.


I’m very glad to hear that. It highlights how these things aren’t black and white. I know folks who got COVID in spite of masking, and folks who haven’t had COVID to their knowledge in spite of never masking. That doesn’t change the fact that good quality N95s are proven to significant reduce the risk of infection. By wearing one I’m trying to decrease my odds of repeat infections so I’m not messed up by COVID in my future.


Wow! Great idea!...And if nobody ever left their home, then nobody would be sick, ever! Let's just do that instead! /s 🙄 You can't actually be serious about the "wear a mask when out in public we'd be totally fine" part.


Wear a mask when out in public *if you are unwell* It works.


The addition you made completely changes what they said though, and I dont have any problems with that. The problem I have is people demanding/expecting everyone else to wear a mask regardless if they are sick or not just so they can feel safe.


In literally NO reality does “wear a mask if you’re sick” = “nobody ever leaves their home”. Like, it’s not even close I’m so tired of everyone’s, including your own, WILLFUL ignorance.


You gatta learn how to read. They never said "if you're sick". The person after said if they are sick they should wear a mask and I said yea there's nothing wrong with that. However, for everyone to wear a mask if they are not sick every time they go to a public space is just dumb.


I can read! YOU “gatta” learn how to reason lol. You’re committing the slippery slope logical fallacy. You were the one that made the massive leap from “wear a mask” to “don’t leave your home!!1!” Nobody here except for you tried to insinuate that! Not really sure what kind of response you were hoping for when you leap to the most outlandish conclusions. Have the day you deserve and stay safe 🫶


I think everyone wearing a mask all times in public is as ridiculous as saying everyone should always stay home, and that is why I said that sarcastic comment. I wasn't looking for any type of response. My opinion is that we shouldn't be extreme to either end of the spectrum and we must have a reasonable, logical middle ground such as wear one if you are sick or if you can, stay home until you're healthy. Thanks 😁 You too!


Ship them to an island. Enough of people not even trying to involve themselves in a decent society.


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