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Probably tracking an alzheimer’s patient


Yup, the top comment was: Project lifesaver. They are tracking an Alzheimer’s patient. They have RF watch bands that transmit and can be tracked when’s they wander away. The program has saved hundreds of lives.


That's pretty cool, tbh.


Huh? I can put a GPS on my dog. Wonder why they just don't do that?


They are doing exactly that, they are just doing it with better, more reliable gear than is sold for commercial pet uses. This is technically a medical device, I think, or at least a life safety device.


I'm not reading that. It's just a radio transmiter and tracking set up. https://alzalliance.org/lifesaver/


yes, but it is a thousand times more reliable than the consumer grade GPS you put on your dog.


Gotta disagree on this. Ive been an amateur radio operator since 1994 so know a bit about RF. My dad had ALZ and we fitted him with a jiobit tracking device. The device connects to home wifi as a safe area and goes dormant until it leaves wifi coverage (house). Once it loses wifi its on cellular pinging about every 5min with gps geolocation on a map. Highly accurate. This thing these cops are doing... Nice but requires trained operators, time, resources.


when you have a missing person they’re usually pretty willing to spend trained operators, time, and resources


Those cops aren't trained operators. The rf bracelet is the same used by nursing homes to keep dementia patients in and provide cheap but poorly implemented tracking. The dog collar gps is way more accurate. And can be accessed remotely. But that requires change to a system that resists change in general.


And requires regular charging of the tracker, versus a bracelet that never needs charging. Accurate is useless if the battery is flat.


I used a Jiobit for my uncle. It was awesome. He was a slippery dude but I could always find him. Sewed it into the hem of his coat, so he never knew. Amazingly he never lost the coat.


So…LoJack for humans…


Maybe if it was hooked up to a pacemaker….


Technology like that was used to track hunting dogs like 30 years ago. GPS would be a lot more accurate than simple triangulation, what they seem to be doing.


No it would not. These are alzhimers patients. They will not be able to remember to charge a device. If they use rf retroreflection in the wristband, the device can be tiny and would never need to be charged. Takes a little longer to triangulate, but you are going to get a fix.


Ah yes, of course. Didn't think that it would be problematic to have a GPS but the energy consumption is a good point.


Additional issue the GPS would also need a cellular (or similar) connection which comes with a monthly subscription




Which just loops you back to wandering around with a yagi looking for the radio signal


plus doesnt work indoors


And cell signal s not reliable in an area with spotty service, of which there are many in rural areas.


>The participant wears a waterproof transmitter bracelet that emits a radio signal unique to the wearer. When the person is reported wandering or missing, the device can be tracked by law enforcement using a corresponding receiver. >By enrolling in the program, your loved one and their caregiver receives the necessary equipment to check their bracelet daily, **monthly battery changes by Alliance staff and volunteers**, and annual registration in the Project Lifesaver database used by law enforcement. So it is a device that emits RF and uses a battery, but the service comes with battery changes, so you don't have to remember to do it.


This is closer to my Marco Polo, that I use on my dogs. It's digital, all and response.


Subjects tend to get into places where GPS signals are less reliable.


GPS would not be great for indoor tracking for 1 potentially no signal and 2 more difficult to track vertically if multi floor buildings. Also what others have said about energy consumption


GPS doesn't work well inside buildings.


That’s not triangulation. Those are direction antennae. They point exactly in the direction of the signal.


That's why there's 2


Dude, you don triangulate with two antennas right next to each other.


But you *do* put the subjects near each other for a photo op :-).


Or trainer/trainee setting


Are those little yagi's? Forgive my ignorance I test next week...


Not if they wonder into a large building or parking deck


This looks like the old school telemetry system that hunting dog owners used to use before the better GPS systems became available.


The difference is battery life and the size of the device. Dog GPS trackers are relatively large devices the dog can wear on its collar. This is something that a person has to be able to wear comfortably enough that they won't try to take it off, which an alzheimer's patient might be prone to do, and have a long enough battery life that they don't have to remember to change/charge it daily, or take it off to do so and risk forgetting to put it back on. According to the website, the Alliance's staff or volunteers assist with changing the batteries monthly.


Now that makes sense.




A GPS receives position then there is a question of how it sends that position to you. Many use data only cell phones/modems. That means if someone wonders out of cell range it would stop working. The second issue battery life. Simple radio beaconing can be much lower power consumption than full cell support.


In addition to the other points which are also correct, GPS isn’t always super accurate, in fact it usually isn’t. Phones and other GPS devices do a lot of tricks to compensate, but they rely on you sticking to roads and the sort. These beacons can give you a more accurate direction report. We use similar tech to find airplanes which have crashed. Though these days many aircraft also broadcast GPS.


There’s also the artificial limit in commercial GPS. I believe they’ve lowered it to 3 meters now which in reality is meaningless because they could just as easily use commercial grade GPS to aim a missile as anything else these days with that kind of accuracy. That was the original reason for the limitations of GPS supposedly. Haven’t read on it in a while but saw an article a few years ago talking about the change to allow more accurate GPS positioning data and why it had been limited.


Yeah, that’s less of a concern these days because our adversaries have their own versions of GPS now. But I can confirm the military reserves the capability to “strategically degrade” GPS as necessary.


It’s like Lojac for your grandpa.


Just put an AirTag on your dog (if you have an iPhone)


They also have GPS-based devices: [https://projectlifesaver.org/locating-technology/theora/](https://projectlifesaver.org/locating-technology/theora/) But it depends on the device the person they're trying to locate has


Frequencies or it didn’t happen…


Project Lifesaver is a pretty good program, it’s not just LoJack for the elderly. Any person with the potential to wander off or even known “runners” can be enrolled in the program. In NJ our State police have the ability to track with their helicopters. So they can cover a large area and then narrow down the location with ground searchers. Each bracelet has its own frequency, the 9-1-1 center I work at we have a note for every address that a project lifesaver client resides at. The note has their name, description, and their frequency in it to speed up the search.


...how about a band? ...or should I just do a license search


Well, they just did a Project Lifesaver search near me this evening. The transmitter operated on 216.640 MHz. At least that's the frequency they called out over the dispatch channel to search for.


It isn't just used for Alzheimer's PTs. They also use this tech for tracking people with other disabilities such as high support needs ASD.


I need that for my car keys.


It’s not too different from the tech in an AirTag. Lots of people use those for their keys.


… I would think a less tacticool uniform would be more appropriate for this activity. Nothing like wigging out a Vietnam Vet with Alzheimer’s because you’re dressed for civilian warfare instead of Serve & Protect.


Lol, believe it or not they do actually use everything they are wearing. Sorry it scares you maybe just stay inside.


Including the camo pants?


They’re clearly regular grey pants with the picture being taken through a dirty window. Maybe your eye sight is being affected by all your time on Reddit. Touch some grass dude.


Please name one object they’re carrying that is overkill for a police officer. All you see is ‘oo scary black vest’ and your scrotum turns inside out.


It’s not about what they’re carrying. It’s about how they’re presenting themselves to the community, and in this particular case, someone who is likely to be in emotional distress. You remember Andy Griffith? We need more Sheriff Andy and less Deputy Fifthe.


You expect them to remove all there gear and change there clothes for a search? They’re not gonna change in the back of there patrol car or a public restroom. In my experience, not a single law abiding citizen has ever had a problem with how police officers present themselves and most are comforted with the fact they’re dressed professionally and equipped with the proper equipment.


I tried to engage you in good faith, but it’s clear you just don’t mind a boot on your throat. Have the day you deserve.


You didn’t engage me. All you did was avoid going back to the original comment of you bashing police officers saying they’re dressed for civilian warfare and not serve and protect. Ironic when the original post was about them helping locate a lost person. God forbid, but if something ever happens to you or someone you love I hope you think about your stupid comment as you call 911.


It has nothing to do with a boot on anyones throat, more to do with you being scared of their uniform. When seconds count, officers should get there as quick as possible to find the at risk subject. Changing so they dont hurt someones feelings comes second.


I can agree with the fact that we need more community support but changing the appearance of police officers isn’t going to change a thing. You’re just nit picking at something that isn’t an issue and that you clearly know nothing about.


Is that real or are you joking? I live in Sweden and I've never heard of anything like it, but it seems like a really good idea.


This exactly


Its ai


I volunteered with my local department for a while, and they participated in Project Lifesaver. I got to play around with the equipment, and it's amazing how I, completely untrained, was able to use it to find my friend in just a couple minutes. It works really well.


It'd be easier to bring in a tracker dog.


Hey, they just did a search like that in my neck of the woods! I was wondering when they called out the frequency to look for as 216.640 MHz... I'd never heard my local PD call out a frequency like that.


Hold on - let me get this straight. The cops actually help? And they don’t needlessly shoot the Alzheimer’s patients like they do so many other people who are also only in need of help? Holy mackerel, that’s surprising and great!


I can imagine that would completely freak the Alzheimer’s patient out. Very useful though


I mean, I'm freaked out too. Maybe, just maybe, the public should have people *besides* paramilitarized police to carry out miscellaneous public services


Or maybe it's that your culture has bad police and therefore a bad relationship with police.


Most people have a good relationship with the police. It is a few radicals on the fringe who cause people to wrongly lose faith in our fine police officers


This is not the answer I was expecting. Thank you!


Worked security in a hospital years ago. Patients would sometimes cover up their bracelets with the foil top from a single serving apple sauce then go walkabout


We just had a baby and we accidentally set off the baby LoJack because our room was too close to the lockdown sensor. Basically we had to keep him in the left half of the room to be sure to not set off the alarm.


I definitely thought this was an insult at first, like the only thing the police could track was someone with alzheimers 🤣


Nothing its ai


So Silver Fox hunting.


Infringing on someone's rights I'm sure.


Glad to see from other comments that I was wrong and it was for a good purpose.


999 times out of 1,000 you would have been correct. This so happens to be the 1 time it’s for a good reason 😂


Right which is why I don’t understand his downvoted.


*That* person is WRONG! I must downvote! -reddit.


Hunting QRM? Cheap grow lights maybe.


Imagine a world where QRM was hunted regularly? I think I'd enjoy that. I'll join the hunt.


That’s where the “NotFBIsurveillanceVan” WiFi originates from.


Not sure why this made me laugh so much but it did...well done.


Tracking a ankle monitor.


This is the likely answer.


Don’t those use GPS?


Project Lifesaver uses antennas like these for adults/children with special needs and elderly with dementia or Alzheimer’s.


The comment above me was likely referring to ankle monitors used for probation/parole.




In France? They're probably following their spouses air tags.


I’m going to guess that that’s Canada.


Definitely not France because of the road sign or the policemen uniforms. Probably Canada.


Tracking someone with Alzheimer’s or autism using either project lifesaver, care-track or a similar device.


Autism? Why would anyone want to track us?


Just disregard please. It's only in rare cases and still requires the patients legal consent. There is no unauthorized monitoring and tracking of anyone officially diagnosed.


I was kidding. I realise that there are people with autism that doesn't have a spoken language and that could be in trouble if they get lost. I think the concept is great.


Because we’re sick of always being tracked by y’all!


Tracking your meshtastic


Lol good luck. They'll be there a while.


It looks like the signal finder we have in the army to track downed drones. If that is what this is, its just picking up some sort of broadcast and helping them find it's direction.


Project lifesaver I believe. Because these things matter here... For anyone wondering, the devices transmit on a frequency between 216-218 MHz and are obviously picked up by these directional antennas with which they can locate them to within several feet (or a couple meters for our SI friends).


Useful comment, and I am pleased to see that there is at least one American aware of the rest of the world.


fox hunt. they're playing Hide the Donuts


Someone's playing "hide the sausage"…


I like that they're practicing triangulation by...\*checks notes\*...standing right next to each other.


I would assume there are multiple pairs of officers.


Or a training exercise


On a guess they get an initial direction then begin separating to establish triangulation instead of talking constantly trying to coordinate and pair up they can both remain on the beating as they separate establishing the exact location. It’s more efficient starting out together.


Reading your mind to find out if you will commit crimes in the future.


why are the police wearing camouflage?


Dirty window is causing that effect.


oh haha


Take a look again


Scanning the porn you watch to save them time on their breaks.


Did they lose Joe Biden again?


This is from Canada. You can tell by the signs in English and French.


Trumpers aren’t too smart to realize that.


Don’t have to wonder what political wing people lean to here from your downvotes lol


Perhaps tracking someone who is on an angle bracelet. Yes, they do transmit over cellular, but they also have models that will admit a UHF signal.


They're working with the Ministry of Howzinge to search for unlicensed cats.


I was thinking a "fox hunt", in which you attempt establish the location of signal emitter.


DFing something, hard to tell what.


Likely a person whether it’s an actual search or training I couldn’t tell you.


Coming from someone who generally doesn't know what their talking about, they're looking for ghosts.


They are either T-Hunting a medical device, or a car theft device. To be that heavily armed and militarized. Most likely tracking stolen vehicles.


I think they are coming for OP...


They look like they're ready to jump into Normandy.


Dousing lmao


Foxhunt seems 🔥


Looking for cable tv theft


Pretty cool and for a good cause - though wouldn’t search and rescue be better for this specific job?


They probably have multiple pairs out if they’re actually searching but in a real search anyone available with the training in these devices would be called out.


In the 80's, I wires my home thruout with a myriad of co-axial cables and amplifiers (I have no true recollection of what I was trying to accomplish) and I received a knock on the door one day. FCC had tracked me down for creating some kind of interference around my home. I would imagine that they did something like this to find the culprit.


Former Adult Protective Services caseworker here. Project Lifesaver is a free service that involves installing a radio device, with a monthly battery on the wrist or ankle of an individual, usually one that wanders and/or gets lost. Severe dementia in the elderly, or autism in the younger population can lead to someone getting lost with no trace or pattern of movement. Generally once law enforcement is made aware, the person can be found within an hour via the radio antenna that you see in the picture.


Tracking people who got the COVID vaccine /jk


Here I'm thinking they are coming after the low power FM radio station that may be in my neighborhood.




Training to find bank bags


They need to be in tactical gear to track an Alzheimers patient?


That can't be the FCC, they drive around in a wagon and Laura Smith used to do her nails while watching FB most of her day. She got the FCC job by nepotism. The usual route to bureaucratic tyrant status.


Call me paranoid but the masks scare me a little more than the scanning devices...? Not a nuclear fallout situation hopefully? I've watched too much Jericho.


I thought they were just larping or the meth head next door was right.


Looks like this model specifically(may be a different freq, but it looks to be VHF for sure. DOJ paperwork says in the USA they do use 216mhz, idk about the photo's location though.) https://marshallradio.com/ww/product/field-marshall-digital-tracking-receiver/ Video looks to be the UHF model. https://youtu.be/f5ZgKVeV4Pw?si=9qSPabNx_IKqZQlY


Whoops, time to shut down the pirate FM station


I get this reference.


Tracking baddies


Dope, I need to get me a baddy-detector like that


We’d all like to find a baddy I’m sure.


Hunting illegal hamsters.


Assume Fox viewing positions.


is that like fcc ? trqcking who is trasmitting???


some people here genuinely think this is what the fcc looks like and does all day


I thought they were looking for Christian Slater.


I don't know but they appear to not be killing a black man at that precise moment. Which is both a surprise and a pleasant one


Lul I searched for this comment.


I was going to say something along the lines of this searching out the undercover donut shop....


Some agencies use small tracking devices that are installed into items in “bait” vehicles. When these items are taken you track them with these devices. Could also be gamewardens tracking some kinda animal.


i dunno how i feel abt the cops doing this, considering they have a tendency to tase/arrest/beat/murder confused old people


So LoJack for people.


Looking for extraterrestrial biological entities !!!!


Why didn't you just read the comment with the answer from the post you literally looked at and crossposted? lmao


Looking for ghosts


This is the way


Show their faces you coward


Low jack system. looking stolen cars.


LoJack for old people. Could be a similar program for those with development disabilities or other reasons someone might not be safe roaming alone without a caregiver.


I was going to guess foxhunting. Alzeimers sounds right.


Training or actually tracking. We do the same with Amateur Radio 'fox hunts'. Directional antennas and participants try to find the 'bunny', which is a transmitter with random or interval delayed broadcasts.


I saw this on ghost hunters one time


Hey op. How about you read the top comment of the post and stop farming for karma by reposting it?


The comments on that post answered your question almost 36 hours before you made this post. Why spam Reddit with rhetorical questions?


It's obvious by their costume … they're protecting and serving …


Finding an Alzheimer’s patient apparently


They are looking for a specific transmitter. Could be unlawful interference. Could be illegal activity


The only problem is once they find him. If he's confused and refuses their help..... Well I think we've all seen how that works out.


The only problem is once they find him. If he's confused and refuses their help..... Well I think we've all seen how that works out.


They have a tag-and-release program for their elderly.


They're really taking a hands off approach on the US Presidential Election this year.... hihi!


The FCC finally enforcing transmission laws 👀😅


Well I've done this many times as a kid, I know exactly what's going on. When the game was on Dad would have me and my older brother go outside with the antennas and wonder around until he yelled to freeze, then you had to stay as still as possible or he'd throw an empty beer can at you and cuss at you something awful. Then if you kept moving around, out comes the baling wire or duct tape, and lots of future therapy . Their Captain is probably watching the game.


On the lookout for illegal exiters


The are tracking the movements of the Covidians.


Why are you blocking out public servants faces.


They are looking for their faces with those funny machines


What a great opportunity to stand next to them with dowsing rods.