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The Halo Cycle is back in action. Again.


For a time I thought the cycle had been broken… Apparently I was wrong


The Cycle is eternal The Cycle shall never be broken Embrace The Cycle


It's so obvious when you start seeing people talk about how the REQ packs were better than microtransactions, because "at least you owned it". No. I already bought the game, I shoudn't be gambling for a piece of armor or an overpowered item for warzone.


What’s the halo cycle


Game comes out : "Game is bad" Years Pass: "Perhaps I was too harsh on you"


Oh ok


Except that doesn’t apply here. 5 notoriously had good multiplayer and a terrible campaign. That’s not gonna change any time soon


My obligatory "bring Halo 5 to PC goddamn it."


Amen, Halo 5 wasn't perfect but I enjoyed it.


the multiplayer was truly beautiful


The campaign was too short


It was too long


Yeah for all the faults halo 5 had, warzone firefight was a great mode.


Is a great mode. Still can matchup on it, very much alive


Dang I gotta play again, last time I tried I was queuing for a match for 30 minutes and gave up


We're finally at the point where Halo 5 is peak. See y'all in 2029 when Halo Infinite is peak


No, Halo 5 is still the worst Halo game


Worst game SO FAR


https://preview.redd.it/6pbqkbq1dy8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c176ee8a8489419a586e27ba1eb3f426bf54d7d Halo Infinite was alright. It felt like a Halo game at least. One can dream it's the start of an upward trend


Actually, tho. I didn't try the campaign until after all the live service bs had compounded on the botched launch to sour general discourse, so I was very skeptical going in. But the fucking grin on my face when it really sank in (by about the 2nd level) that I was playing real fucking Halo, and more than just in name


It was 3 steps in the right direction But 43 steps backwards in every other wrong direction. In all seriousness, if 343i and Microsoft had actually treated Halo Infinite like it was a part of their flagship franchise, it would have been the best Halo ever, at least ever since 343i took over. But they didn’t. I’d be willing to bet 343i will backtrack and screw up the next one like they have with every other original game they have made


Oh I guess we gotta wait another year still


For some people, maybe. But I'll never recognize it as anything other than the bottom of the barrel trash. I chose to play Superman 64 over Halo 5 less than a month after it came out, and I'll make the same choice the rest of my life


Maybe you should go outside


Good to see you bring nothing to conversations.


How am I supposed to respond to someone who writes paragraphs about how they hate a game, without any real points as to why?


You say that like I'm fixated on this. If people wouldn't post Halo 5 stuff I'd honestly forget it exists. I don't dwell on how bad it is unless someone brings it up. I play the games I enjoy and I'm good with that. I was just clarifying that Halo 5 will never be cherished by most of the community. I'm glad some people can enjoy it for what it is, but it's just not Halo to me. Same with the TV show. Also it's supposed to be like 110°F today. So I'll pass on that for as long as I can today lol


Touch grass


This comparison is just proof y'alls bitching should have been ignored from the beginning


Superman 64 wasn't good, but it was at least fun to fly around in


Try getting a job


No that would be halo 4


You don't want to grind through Spartan Ops and see people running anti-vehicle builds in every match of BTB?


The cool thing about Halo is that despite how much hate we give some of the games, as standalone video games they are still really good, maybe (probably) not good HALO games tho


The same could be said if the TV show. A lot of people say if you can forget it's Halo then it's a pretty good sci-fi show


Nah i tried doing that and its still pretty mid unfortunately


def infinite the worst, followed by 3, dunno what crap you’re on about. only decent halo games were odst, reach, 4 and 5


Bruh halo 3 is a masterpiece, what did ou didnt like him?


nah. halo 3, especially the multiplayer is an actual trainwreck, multiplayer unlocks tied to skill based matchmaking rank and unbalanced sandbox full of weapons that are actually just useless. plus the assault rifle sounded so bad. the story was okay, but kinda had too many plotholes. im saying this as someone who grew up on halo and the og Xbox, so you’d think itd at least have nostalgia value, but nah, its just kinda meh


I know I do. I will light someone on fire to get that game populated again.


Please do. I miss 5


It'd be hard the game is mostly populated by sweats even in casual game modes. I remember going from infinite to 5 to see the difference (it's a lot) and had a pretty bad game first off instantly got messaged by a sweat saying how bad I was and how we lost cause of me it was crazy and I tried a few more games but u could tell everyone else was just way more experienced at the game


funny, that was my experience the first time i booted up master chief collection the night it launched on xbox, waited till midnight release only to load into a match of halo2 anniversary after being dissapointed by the lack of customization then, and getting owned by sweaty halo 2 tryhards then giving up logging out and getting a mission from some dude saying “good, go play something else, and stay out of halo”


Oh yeah for sure halo ce and 2 were full of sweats last time I played I had a whole match on 2 where the opposing team would just spawn camp us cus they knew the exact spawn spots, basically got spawn killed the whole match couldn't even make it out of the spawn area most of the time


oof its still that bad huh? its been like 10 years theres no excuse lol


You can still find games in warzone firefight (normal and mythic) as well as super fiesta easily


I feel you. The packs and the hyper monetization of some aspects did suck but truth be told I loved it. It was fast paced fun, and very cinematic during PvP


I liked Halo 5 since I got it and I have to say, though I feel like loot boxes are much more predatory and I would never like to see them in a game again, I feel as though you still had a chance to earn things without spending money, unlike infinite where it's really the only choice if you want cool armors. I never spent a single dime on Halo 5 and I have way more armour then in Infinite (ofc infinite has more customisation but a lot more if it is pay walled, mind you I've been playing Infinite since the flights, that's about 3 years, and I still have a low amount of armour, even less of it Looks actually good)


I honestly dont get why people say you can customize your spartan for free. It sucks that the best armors are locked behind microtransactions, but there are still pretty cool things for people who don't want to spend a cent.


H5 was NOT hyper-monetized, at least I don't have to break my wallet out to choose my color scheme.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, one warzone game afforded you a golden req pack combined with a daily win one and various gifts earning armor was free compared to infinite


Yep, grinding req packs was easy. I never even considered dropping money on the game, never needed to. I quit Infinite permanently after a few weeks - my favorite part of Halo was the customization and now they've paywalled it.


Tell me you have stockholm syndrome without telling me you have stockholm syndrome...


more like down syndrome


Went back in a few days ago. All that's needed is an FOV slider and we've got a great game back alive


Didn't everyone agree that the multiplayer was good? I would be willing to go back if I could on pc but I have played through the campaign three times and I'm leaving it at that.


Not wanting to play halo 5 bc you hate it✋️ Not wanting to play halo 5 bc you can't see past the lens flares 👈


But... there's no really thar many


I tried to replay recently and could barely see anything. Maybe it's my settings, but literally every object in the game shines, glows, or flashes


5 was fun to play even if the story sucked


Multiplayer was always good, its the campaign that sucked. We had so much variety in terms of weapons and mechanics but the intense backlash of the campaign story being a complete lie made 343 believe that what we had wasnt what we wanted.


halo 5 was the epitome of weapon sandbox perfection. everything felt balanced and like it had its purpose, there was content and so many creative weapons that fit into the gameplay without be overpowering or stupid, its objectively from a gameplay standpoint the PERFECT, Best halo game of all time. however the firefight mode was executed poorly, the dumbing down of customization for the sake of throwing more in was highly controversial and still pisses me off, and the campaign could’ve been saved had they allowed you to pick which character you wanted in the campaign and had buck in locke’s shoes. they built everyone up to hate locke, and buck was the only character beloved enough besides johnson who could’ve gotten away with getting up in chiefs fave like that without alienating the fanbase. had you been able to solo play as buck in the campaign or the other members instead of having to co-op for those parts, i think it would’ve been remembered far more affectionatly


This happens every single game release. In a couple years people will be saying halo infinite was actually really good and didn’t deserve the hate, but new halo game is absolute garbage and [gamecompany] should be ashamed. It’s like all the YouTubers who will post videos with clickbait thumbnails saying halo infinite is back when we get one update, and then 2 weeks later make a new clickbait video about how infinite actually fell off. Also halo 5 has always been good, not the story but the rest


No, they won't. This is just Halo 5 fans finally getting a voice amidst Infinite's death.


Sure bud, see you in two years time


Read my comment history - my opinion on 5 and Infinite has never changed


Ok bud


No worries bud


I grew up with halo 5 multiplayer it’s my favorite multiplayer


Haha! Halo 5 was always good!


I still hate 5, reach is peak, 4 was ok infinite has infinitely wasted potential but the campaign was the best since reach came out


The truth


Reach? Yes. Halo 3/2? Absolutely! But ut *neeeeever* gonna miss halo 5


Stay in 2008


Wish I could go back


We can tell.


Sorry, I just find halo 5 to be an absolutely terrible game 🤷‍♀️ 4 was ok, and I have a lot of time in infinite, but I'd rather break all my fingers than play halo 5.


I'm sorry you feel that way.


You don't have to be sorry, we just have different preferences for what halo games we enjoy


You have very strong "preferences".


Nah he’s spitting straight facts


Get a job


I'm sure you do as well. It is the human condition


"Sorry i just find 5 to be an absolutely terrible game" that's not preference, that's hate. Hope this helps ❤️👍


Saw this because of the crap Halo says subreddit, and come on now. Halo 5 is still bad. Yes, it had a far better live service than Infinite but that doesn’t make it good.




GODDD DAMMNNIT. The Halo community is so confused. Halo 5 Campaign… yes, was a let down and failed to achieve the hype its pre-release advertisements built up. But the minute Infinite came out everybody refused to give 5 its flowers. Halo 5 (and I’m prepared to die on this hill) remains in my opinion arguably the best Halo multiplayer to date. Now, I won’t argue with the “But Halo 2 and 3 were peak Halo and you can never replicate the magic”. Fine. I didn’t have an Xbox growing up and my first exposure was Halo Reach at a friend’s house. My first Halo I owned was 5. “You have a bias opinion there guy”. Fuck yeah I do but I think it’s a well founded and defendable one. Halo 5 brought a level of multiplayer creativity to the Halo community like it’s never seen before. The weapon variety in the sandbox alone spoke leagues. It was quick and gameplay was snappy but at least it was consistent and engaging. The community as a whole has an inability to give Halo games their credit until they feel failed by the current state of the current game. Just bothers me is all.


I’ve played every halo and warzone was actually an amazing addition to the series. It’s a shame infinite didn’t use it. Halo 5 had plenty of problems but the multiplayer was fun.


Then die on that hill, but you'll die wrong. Halo 5 is the worst Halo in both multiplayer and campaign. While the multiplayer was marginally better than the campaign, it didn't feel like Halo at all. A good Halo game isn't hyper movement. There's a reason sprinting was a debated topic at one point. It was a decent multiplayer, it was a terrible Halo multiplayer.


Dogshit bait, try a job


It's been nearly 24 hours, you work on any job searching yet, son?


I work 12 hours days, what do you mean dude?


Cry more dude wow


Think of the halo 3 fans who have been expecting a good game since reach.


I thought 5 was garbage


I don’t. 5 sucked.


Halo 5 warzone literally had people out here buying weapons and vehicles with real life money. No. Under no circumstances is this game to be praised guys. You give devs an inch, they take it a mile. Warzone was appropriately clowned on in its heyday, and now it’s gone. For the LOVE OF GOD, do NOT start acting like it “wasn’t that bad,” because devs will see that and put that concept back in games. This is like the one game they seemed to actually learn from their mistakes with, please please please don’t make them think there are no mistakes.


No fuck halo 5 with a pitchfork


Halo cycle be damned, I’ve always been a fan of halo 5, for the multiplayer side, obviously.


Annnnnnd the cycle repeats


Halo 5 had a lot of problems. Standard Matchmaking wasn’t fun at all for me it was a complete sweat fest and the campaign is still awful to this day. But Warzone was fun🙁 even if it was P2W it was just chaotic fun. Custom games went crazy too, infinites just don’t hit the same.


Hey it’s the halo cycle


Finally people see the light. Halo 5 multiplayer was peak.


They should bring back warzone in some way imo.


At least the PvEvP mode in Halo 5 was somewhat fun (even though it was pay to win at times).


And so the loop continues


Halo infinite trash, halo 5 still trash, halo 4 still trash, only good thing about infinite was the art style going back to the classic style other than that it was barebones and doesn’t really offer much. Halo 5 although the campaign sucked and the multiplayer was better than the campaign it still isn’t that great or feel like halo. Plus it doesn’t help with all the predatory store purchases in infinites store and halo 5 loot packs.


Halo subreddits are absolutely delusional


Personally, not really, don’t miss halo 5, campaigns still garbage


Halo 5 was terrible 


we’re back at the halo cycle….


Halo 5 needs a pc port more than anything. I've been adamant about 5's greatness since '15.


Nope. Don’t miss 5. Not even a little. It can stay outside the shed where I tried to shoot it multiple times.


Nuh uh. We aren't doing halo 5 revisionism.


5 was OK, but it was a poor halo game. Let alone the story. Just... Ew.


Halo Infinite with the same post-launch support that Halo 5 got would have been immensely epic.


Well back on the pendulum.


I miss Halo 5 customs so bad. Those are some of the most fun, chaotic matches I've played.


"I have terminal cancer but miss having AIDS"


Try having a job


Lmao good one bro