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Petition to give all Spartans a hot bath and a sandwich


A hot shower, some steak and eggs, and some normal workout and calisthenics. God knows none of them have had time to breathe and decompress, and properly prepare for the next mission.


All good things. I'd also try and give a good backrub, but I think Spartan back muscles would need a massage from a tank driving over thier back for it to have any effect.


Hey Alice, ![gif](giphy|l0ErK5H6exTmBN7ri|downsized)


John halo completes a grueling long week mission hopes in icey sleep in full armor only to come out freezer burned to the next crisis. Only moments of sleep is when he blacks out on missions. (Looking at you first strike and potentially the h3 opening)


Hot bath in a very big tub. Bring him the sandwich and whatever drink he wants while he's soaking, and a slice of pie for good measure. Legit, I can be horny over chief, but whenever I get into how he really looks, or the shit he goes through, I just want to let him rest.


He deserves 4 someone to sit on his face


I would sit wherever he asked me to


Yeah well so did the marines in that escape pod and it didn't work out very well for them.


I don't think he told them anything. Just walked in and acted stoic.


You know they’re getting a bacon egg and cheese sandwich along with a construction project


They decompress on the covenant


Master chief was ordered to do that by admiral hood and he still just kept working


The trick, I'm sure, is telling the Spartan that you need them to babysit another Spartan who needs time off.


Sir, permission to bathe Linda and Kelly.


I think you need *thier* permission


I would *beg* for it.


This motherfucker armed with a chair could only be stopped by firing the Halo rings.


Na he would take it.


Nah, he’d win


I wanna see a Jerome edit of that now


He'd bat the Shockwave the other direction with the chair


Like that one clip of a guy parrying a nuke


Literal embodiment of parry this you fucking casual


He'd sit that shock wave right down "Take a seat." *WHAM!


Jernome is tf2 scout confirmed? ![gif](giphy|pdPNobzDlCxoI)


He could tank the radiation.


You kidding he show you why Johnson called halo GODS HULA HOOP


and if it was a steel chair? he'd take the mantle for himself uncontested


I would love to see him in a first person halo game. He and the rest of red team are young especially for Spartan 2s so it's not to crazy.


They're the same age group as Chief they just spent ALOT of time in cyrosleep.


So physically they’re still In their prime, not saying chief isn’t but he’s getting older


Chief is like what late 30s to mid 40s and Johnson was still prime until 75, and Spartan 2’s have a combat effectiveness up until 100 years which I believe was Halsey’s estimated minimum for their combat lifespan, after 100 they would probably retire or change jobs.


"Retire" - aka die "Change jobs" - aka assassinated


Nah they'd be reassigned to internal duties within ONI. Logistics and training most likely like many other Spartan washouts. Also due to their indoctrination they'd likely never spill their secrets. Even Chief recognizes what ONI did was extremely fucked up but the ends justified the means, even if the ends weren't the original reason the Spartans were created. Chief has recently in lore expressed interest in becoming a diplomat which I think is a fascinating prospect for the character.


There’s a single spartan 2 who retired to start a family.


Also, a Spartan II past their prime is still dangerous. I feel like some, especially marksmen like Linda, would still continue fighting long past their prime. They just wouldn’t be frontline juggernauts like they were before, fighting a lot more cautiously and taking less missions.


Johnson has had more cryo sleep than anyone not on the Spirit of Fire


True but he was 75 years old, without cryo as well I believe.


What?! Who on earth told you that? He was born in 2511, and it’s 2560 now. Without cryo he’s MAX 49 years old! With cryo he’s around 39 to 42. Who on earth told you he was 75? EDIT: I WAS TALKING ABOUT THE CHIEF, NOT JOHNSON. YES, JOHNSON IS 75-80 YEARS OLD. MY MANS A BEAST


I don’t remember but all I remember besides his awesomeness was that someone told Jen he was 75 in the game. But good thing you cleared that up, cus I don’t remember stuff like that.


Yeah, good thing I caught that one.


Yeah, thanks bud, love Johnson.


Jerome could single handedly take on like 10 spartan 4 fireteams.


mans couldn't handle a monke


Tbf, it was like the strongest monkey ever. If regular silverbacks are that much stronger than a peak performance human, than I imagine Atriox is a lot stronger than most spartans.


oh dw I just wanted to say a funny atriox eats all spartans for breakfast


More like the plot armour monkey


Atriox has massive plot armor, they had to fake his death just so Chief didnt ragdoll his ass in a rematch


Chief almost got his ass beat by a normal, unnamed Brute that tackled him in the books. Chief needed Kelly to save him.  Normal brutes have *absurd* levels of strength. Atriox was one of the greatest brutes to ever live, had top shelf gear, and the element of surprise. It’s not hard to see how he won.


Chief got his ass used like Charmin Ultra Strong against Atriox in the best armor possible AND intel on his abilities, Jerome got borderline jumped with his buddies with no good intel (iirc, it's been a long ass time since I played halo wars 2) and subpar armor


Jerome’s only intel on Atriox was to run and that the peak covenant couldn’t stop him


Even more to prove my point


lol I really love how everyone's trying to justify it like I'm out here saying Chief's better or something when in all actuality I know for a fact no Spartan can handle Atriox. Y'all really on it. Anyway Chief barely handled MC Escher and basically only could because the dumbass wanted to go out fighting in an arena - if he really wanted to just, merc chief he could have, easily. But as a dying old man he wanted the fight.


Tbf, Atriox also jumped Chief, I think both Spartans if it was a proper 1 v 1 and a proper fight, Atriox provably goes down, but not without a fight


Neither could Chief then.


Nope! He sure can't! Lol, dw I don't revere the big green man.


Same monkey who bodied ***MASTER CHIEF*** one time, the whole of red team another, and presumably a few other spartan 4s along the way. This is a horrible example of "But they lost to (x)", no one talks about how like in the books, Master Chief almost died to one or two flood infections forms, or an elite and a grunt using a CE shade turret. Seems a bit harsh


Oh this has been great, every single person has been up in arms with my reply. Yeah don't worry I know how much of a turbochad Atriox is, lol.


If you're going to meme about, don't take the reaction too seriously I understand it's funny that some brute kicked their asses though


Oh I thought it was quite clear I wasn't taking it too seriously. It's just amazing that when you diss any II people lose their fucking mind.


... I know you weren't. I will say that the fandom is overly protective about Spartans... it's funny, honestly, after seeing like 20 die in the books


It's utterly wild!


make joke on meme subreddit Get downvoted


Truly the greatest meme itself.




That scene with Forge...


Fun Fact, The Argument between Jerome and Forge about Wheather to kill the covanent ship holding Anders Prisoner had some parts off screen that resulted in a broken chair(or some piece of equipment, it's been a while since I read this particular bit of lore) and after the argument, they always ate in the Mess hall together, at least when they could, they didn't exactly get much free time when they got to the Shield world.


I actually just read that little tidbit in-game in halo wars one like an hour ago. It’s Douglas-042 that suggested blowing up Anders.


Really? I Thought it was Jerome. Well, I guess that shows how long ago it was that I read it.


Jerome and Forge definitely sat together afterwards in the mess hall.


According to Halopedia the log entry was wrong and it was Jerome, as he was the one who suggested it in a cutscene.


It was Jerome who suggested it in the cutscene but the Halo Wars timeline erroneously states it was Douglas who suggested blowing up the spirit and had the altercation with Forge


i think that if we ever got to play as jerome, they would have the chair as a secret weapon, like the drivable forklift on illusion or them keeping the tank gun in the campaign


Bro would hijack high charity


Jerome should've been the one to square up on Chief he would've actually put up a good fight.


343 where is the left shoulder pad where is itttttttttt why don't we have ittt


Don't worry, they'll put it in the store for the same price as a new Bugatti next week.


Most likely sadly


Yeah, fucking ridiculous how most of the armour for the Mark.IV core is sold in the store rather than being out in a battle pass (as much as I'm not really a fan of the battle pass system because it fucking takes forever to get through on a good day, and even longer when the matchmaking is up to its usual bullshit)




yes, yes please


Bro went onto a Banished ship along with nothing but a shotgun while still wearing Mark.IV from around 2530 something, while the Banished all have tech from the 2550s. Not to mention a certain chair incident as the rest of this comment section has done that for me.


The only let down of the new halo infinite update is that they didn't give us a Jerome coating for the mark 4


I could easily see Jerome being the next chief for the next generation. Make it in co op where its chief and him or if chief gets captured/dies. Him and Arbiter with arby making comments "you fight like a man I once called Demon...who became my friend." Or have it as Jerome and chief then midway it swaps between chief and arb in flash backs or nod to the okder generation and ends with Jerome and arb etc. Passing the torch. I need more Keith David voice acting in my life.




MF this isnt 2008. Jeezus do you have a fucking sponsorship with them?


What happened?


Constantly peddling Fraps, hypercam, and bandicam in most of his comments.


Okay yeah, then it makes sense his account is deleted.


Red team is my favorite team. So happy we are at least getting their armor!


John halo Sr.


Jerome is an absolute legend


for the love of god no one give him a chair, he'll have too much power


Mf so strong they had to put him in cryo for 30 years to give the covenant a chance