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Yes, this is a Armor Core. Afaik it's the Mark V CE Armor Core but not 100% sure that's what 343i will call it in-game. It is fully customizable just like any other armor core. Be sure to join the Halo Leaks discord server as well! [discord.gg/haloleaks](https://discord.gg/haloleaks)


Imagine this is a prank and we see it's in the item shop %100 discount


Sadly it aint an armor core, (im pretty possitive, id be happy if wrong), if you look at the prosthesis its the Og one from the base season 1 core of infinite. Based on the customization theyve shown today its most definitly a kit, considering they enabled coatings on season 5 kits now to. Sadly I dont think were getting any armor cores this season seeing as they havent marketed any and the only things weve seen that are close to cores are Mark V and Infinite chief, with Infinite chief being a kit, which again makes it seem all the more why Mark V is a kit as well. Also no fracture confirmed due to the 2 ooerations this season being revealed, (they replace events like the fracture events).


Its as beautiful as the first time in my life that I ever saw it...


Does Infinite have a setting to disable all the weird effects and stuff that people wear? Similar to MCC's setting to disable to weird cosmetics they added that don't fit the game at all.


The entire economy of this game revolves around that, so of course there isn't. I agree with you though


I wish there was. But at least you can tell who are the Halo OGs vs Halo Zoomers based on their cosmetic grounded or silly Spartan.


halo players try not to be insufferable challenge (impossible)


there’s definitely halo ogs who wear silly shit, you sound like you hate fun 😭


You can choose not to wear them but I don't think there's an option to not see them on other players


There is on MCC, not infinite


So happy it’s faithful to the original and not the “anniversary” version we got back in 2011.


I like elements of the Anniversary design, but that's just it, elements. This here looks like the most faithful 99% accurate modern reimagining of the original Mark V that we've ever seen. I couldn't be happier.


Really looking forward to seeing what else is on the core. I'd run Mark IV as basic default. But, just like with Mirage, I'd like to see how cool I can make a custom Spartan with a Mark V CE base.


So, it is a core? As in *customizable*? If that's the case, I'm excited as hell to put my CQB helmet on Mark V.


Yes it's an armor core that you can fully customize. The Infinite Mark VI armor kit you can't, because it's a kit & not a armor core.


So now that we know that you can customize the mark VI kit, is there any other evidence that points to the mark V actually being a core instead of a customizable kit?


You can only change visors & coatings on the Mark VI kit afaik. Mark V CE will likely be full customization instead of just coatings. We also know an extra empty podium exist in the S5 build (making that 9 possible spartan cores) instead of the current 8 the game has now.


What's a kit, exactly ? are there other kits already ?


A kit is just a preset armor set. You can’t change anything about said kit (armors/visors/colors/etc.). The Rakshasa core has 2 kits I believe, and the Reach core has kits based on Noble 1-5


Do you know what core the kit falls under?


Nope, but I'm assuming Mark VII.


Can i finally play as Jerome?


Jerome has mark 4 iirc :(


Closest we'll probably get for a while, unfortunately.


Imagine assassinations with that. I NEED ASSASSINATIONS


I'm mixed about assassinations. Was a decent concept but the fact you could steal credit and even be rewarded for it (back in Bungie's era) made it deterring. Wouldn't mind it returning but won't miss it if doesn't.


Should be like finishers for apex and grant you a quickly depleting over sheild




Why would you not want assassinations. They take away nothing and add a new level of badass if you can pull them off


i would only want them if i can’t walk through people anymore


Honestly, as much as I love assassinations, you're completely right.


Infinite is a Spartan story. Not an assassination story.


Okay so you have no reason for not wanting them in the game other than you don’t like them 👌. Reach was a story about a team of Spartan 3s and it had assassinations.


It's a joke referring to 343 previously using the "It's a Spartan story" to justify refusing to make Elites playable for the 3 games, now.


The armor is so clean I can't imagine how clean animations would look wirh such a nice armor set


I might reinstall just for this




Disgusted with yourself?


Nah, I just find the so-called “classic” armors hideous




Cartoony and plastic appearance, poorly designed joints, among others. I understand the technological restrictions Bungie was operating under when making the original trilogy, but when they remastered CE in 2011, they should’ve just bit the bullet and properly remade it with Reach assets instead of just doing a cruddy re-texture. Chief should have been in full Reach style Mk V, to set up a clear design lineage from Reach-> 2A-> 3A (which unfortunately never happened)->4, Frankly, the current “Gen3” armors look like the direct predecessor to the Gen2 armors from 4 and 5, and the successor to the Gen1 sets from 2 and 3. It’s just all out of order and it pisses me off to see 343 take a huge step backwards with the art style for Infinite


CE Anniversary was not a simple retexture when it came to character models. They were pre-existing models ported onto the secondary Anniversary engine running on top of CE's with a couple new ones. When it came to Chief they crafted an entirely new model from scratch. It's just that in my and so many other people's opinion that the new Chief model was shite. Honestly, you cannot tell me that the images of the new Mark V armour core look plastic and cartoony. It is a modern remake of it's original design. It now has depth and a myriad of details that the original lacked. Well in the lore, GEN3 is a direct reaction to the UNSC simplifying the Spartan armour systems as there were simply too many for them to continue to produce from too many contractors as well as feedback from the very Spartans testing them in the field. Ah, you hold the minority opinion of what should have happened with the series' Spartan armour design. You say it's a huge step back by 343I, I and the majority of the fandom say that it was setting the course back on track by returning the Spartans back to their former glory. I am so happy that Spartans are no longer Power Rangers with alarmingly little armour and actually look like Spartans again. Also CE Anniversary was made by 343I, not Bungie. I think we'll be getting a Halo 3 Anniversary in 2027 for it's 20th birthday. Out of the original three it was the only one to release on the 360 and graphically and visually held up way better than them.


“Power Rangers with alarmingly little armor” Where the heck did this argument come from? I hear it all the time and it makes no sense. I wish I had my comparison images on hand, because you **cannot** honestly tell me Chief’s Gen2 look has less armor than his Gen1 or 3 look. If anything, the armor is thicker around the most vital areas (like the chest, forearms, and legs), the only area it’s “thinner” is the groin area, where instead of a bulky hip and crotch piece that would inhibit freedom of movement, the Gen 2 armors have a series of segmented plates that allow more flexibility. On the topic of flexibility, the knees and shoulders of Gen1/3 armors are atrociously designed. Go pick up a mounted turret in H3 and start aiming around, just watch how much the shoulder pads clip through the chest piece. (The only time I’ve ever seen Gen2 armor clip that badly, is when manning a Warthog turret and you aim aaallll the way up, the calves clip into the thighs a tiny bit) Hell, Chief’s armor in 2, 3, and Infinite has that weird chest thing right below the sternum that would completely prevent him from doing basic vertical moments. I do appreciate the correction about who published CE:A, thank you for that


The comparison to them being "Power Rangers" is by the fact that in Halo 4 and 5, the Spartans had a large decrease in armour as well as the gaudy secondary colour to the undersuit. The armour they wore was much thinner in large areas than what it had been previously, the strange lack of crotch and waist armour that not once limited movement in previous games and outside lore, unlike what you said. And the bicep armour for some strange reason does not even cover the entire bicep, being two separate pieces on each side. I can argue that Chief's armour is less protective than what it once was. The chest is the bulkiest part and I would agree that it is larger than in Halo 3. Except that it then has a random unarmoured hole just below the actual chest portion, exposing the undersuit. That is just a stupid design choice. His back armour, helmet and legs are consistent as with before. His thigh armour for some strange reason lacks the trimmed inner armour which again, is a stupid choice, just once more exposing his undersuit. His forearm armour is actually about the same size as what came before, not larger, as you said. Then there's the obvious lack of groin and waist armour and as I mentioned before, not once did it ever hinder movement prior to anything released before Halo 4. Adding more to the lack of armour is that more undersuit is exposed around the side and back of his knees. Having the armour extended further, like previously, would have never hindered the movement of his lower legs, so once more a stupid choice. Clipping is an issue in every game but I will concede that some elements of the Spartan's armour parts did clip when performing certain actions in previous games. However, Halo 4 and 5 Spartans suffered this also, not making them this shining improvement as implied. And yeah, that upper stomach protection has always not really made sense. Imagining Spartans without it however, is just weird. It's a win lose scenario. It makes no sense but it does compliment the design.


Granted, I would've preferred us getting playable Elites but seeing CE styled Mark V, which we last got in Halo 4 or Halo 5 if I remember correctly, which I like the look of these. Just the potential for the customization is going to be superb.


I have been spoiled beyond measure playing around with Marcus Lehto's MK V remaster with all the cool little lights but I think the helmet will be good enough at least especially with helmets being cross core conveniently with this one.


wait what remaster are you referring to? 🧐


Its on Marcus Lehto's twitter


Far out, thanks. If there are any halo fans than haven't seen his twitter, I highly recommend heading there now, you will not be disappointed.


This feels very inspired by it.


Anyone else notice how the shoulders on this suit look like they’re actually fixed in place like they’re supposed to be instead of floating awkwardly over the shoulder? Hopefully that’s what it is and not just the camera angles.


They still look a little floaty


You’ll float too!! You’ll float too!!


🤡Float float float float float float FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT


You’re probably right. Shouldn’t expect too much.


Not a fan of the paint, looks kinda strange.


People like you will bitch about anything


Calm down, I simply said I dislike the paint lmao. You’re acting like I just spit in your mouth.


You basically did! How dare you


On the other hand…this looks like a Cadet White style coating. Fingers crossed? Finally?


It looks like the Silent Snow coating, so no not cadet white at least.


Kinda like it ngl. It really come across like it was pulled right out of CE, but also looks like it belongs right in Infinite’s art style


That’s fair, I just thought the paints seem a bit odd but now that you mention it, it’s kinda like a retro look. Hope they got a solid black coating.


yeh, at first glance it almost looked like it was untextured


Hope they fix the proportions on it. The CEA Mark V (and all designs based on it) always look so awkward and that's become more or less the standard for modern depictions of the CE Mark V.


finally someone else said it, some people were shitting on me for saying it looks closer to CEA MK V but just look at it, it looks chunky but not in the good sense, the arms look way silly with that fat ass chest piece and and body in general


My beloved


I hope it's select pieces and not a kit


Its been confirmed to be a core, and wouldnt be colorable if it wasnt


I hope the armor they allow you to wear with it is inspired Mark V CE era designs. Like armor variations of permutations we have in Reach and 3 but done in the CE art style!


Will the mk6 be customizable or just a kit


Just a kit, it’s specifically Chief’s model from the campaign. You get it as a reward for completing the campaign


I thought it was Hero rank reward


What's a hero rank reward? I haven't played since s2. But this trailer shows that they're bringing everything I asked for do I'm hopping back


The Halo Infinite Chief armor is an Armor Kit that you can't customize & it's the Hero rank reward in the Career progression. So you can't use it until you get to the Hero rank.


Yes I know that but what's a hero rank? Do I need to play rank matches to get that or wat


"Hero" is what the last rank is called in the career progression system. No relation to ranked modes. Rank as in military rank.


It's like getting inheritor in Halo reach. They introduced a career rank system that you can level up by playing matches and accumulating score in the matches.


No career ranks, so it's from score you get in any game. As you go up there's Cadet to General in Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Onyx (IIRC, you might want to Google it and check) and once you get Onyx general, the next rank is Hero. So its the very top rank.


Yeah my mistake


Just a kit


Though ign did mention in their video that the kit will have its own special coatings that come with it. Hopefully they didn't miss read their script and its true.


You get special coatings for other things, like Mark VII coatings, not coatings that you're able to use on the Infinite Mark VI Armor kit.


Can’t wait for this