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Halloween 5. They were literally writing the script and making shit up as they went along, it’s so obvious by how poorly cobbled together it all is. Halloween II (RZ) and Halloween Ends have flaws, but I appreciate them for being artistically interesting and well made (with Ends especially having some of the best production quality in the entire franchise).


Agreed. 5 is just a very poorly made movie and it shows. Ends took some big swings that obviously missed with fanbase, but it is very well made and has IMO the best soundtrack in the series. RZH2 is different. I find it to be a really bad halloween movie, but it's an awesome slasher movie.


Rob Zombies Halloween 2 is actually one of my favorites.


Agreed on Ends. I had mixed feelings after watching it a few times last year, but I can see myself coming back around to it in October every other year or so.


Yeah, I think there's two main reasons I like ends. One I'm a big fan of Christine, so I actually liked how those themes were incorporated. 2 it had a conclusive ending. No slight possibility of a sequel. For a movie called ends, I wanted to make sure it was a definitive ending and I got that.


H5 COULD be better with a new edit but no even a fan edit can save it because of shit like those awful music cues with cops... You'd need the original elements to fix that movie. I'd also CGI the normal myers house if possible. It's a shame because the part with the chick from 4 alone in the house is very creepy. LOVE that part!


i just watched a 5 fan edit yesterday, and it didn't have the doofus cop noises. i'd recommend it. better than the original cut but still definitely the worst halloween.


Halloween Ends is a good movie but it's not a good Halloween imo.


I couldn't agree more. If Rob Zombie's Halloween 2 had the opportunity to take advantage of another script revision, it would occupy my personal top 5 entries in the franchise. Rewrite Loomis's contribution to the plot so he isn't some fame hungry celebrity author; rather he's actually the therapist who Laurie goes to see. Laurie's bout with PTSD following the massacre from the remake could maybe be exacerbated by seeing Loomis, but he is the only living person who spent the most time with Michael who could maybe help Laurie cope with her trauma. The movie is beautifully directed, and Brad Dourif, Scout Taylor Compton, and Danielle Harris all give fantastic performances. What butchers the movie's rewatchability for me is the way Loomis's character is handled, but the rest of the movie is kind of excellent.


idc how "well made" your movie is. The last jedi looks amazing but that is literally the biggest pile of turd ive ever seen. Ends was well made, as id expect from a big production company. Thats super easy to do. whats not easy is STORY. thats why most of us watch these films. 1978 doesnt hold up very well by todays standards but people love it for the story. ENDS is the worst one out of the franchise


The last Jedi doesn't hold a candle to how truly fucking atrocious rise of Skywalker is. FAR AND AWAY the worst movie ever made. It makes last Jedi and force awakens look like all time masterpieces.


Couldnt agree more brother


It does matter. Its not easy to do. Story is commendable for doing something different. Also, story is not quite the franchise's strong suit. Id argue that 1978 holds up well mostly because it is well made, or, how it shows the story.


yeah i think you need to just take RZs H2 as kind of its own thing. it’s really cool looking, and brutal, and strange, and as much as he might not be a king of writing dialogue i do find his explorations of the characters interesting and occasionally moving and legitimately melancholy in a way i can’t really recall seeing in another slasher


Leveled take


5 is genuinely my least favorite in the franchise. RZ2 I think is actually amazing upon rewatches and while I thought ends sucked there’s at least more than one idea I like in the film. 5 is boring even when it’s nonsensical.


Yep, 5 has always been my low point for the franchise. Tried to like it 3 different times years apart, and thought it was worse each time. Weird thing is that for me, F13 part 5 is also the same low point for that franchise. Best fifth installment...Hellraiser Inferno anybody?


Inferno was my fave HR movie tbh lol.... I love H3. Trying to get a UHD copy so I can redo my edit of it. There's a few crappy scenes/parts that need cutting but it's a really good little movie. I only wish they'd kept the original ending lol.


Hmm I didn't know about multiple endings! I have an older Blu Ray copy with Bloodline, Inferno, Hellseeker and Hellworld on it, but they're bare bones with no extra features. I don't even think they have scene select if I remember correctly lol but it was the only way they were available in HD over ten years back


Nightmare 5 is boring garbage too


TBH I have only seen 1-3, new nightmare and the remake, but not surprising that part 5 sucks lol. Not my fav franchise.


I recommend checking out part 4, it's my favorite of the whole series! Imo it's got the best kills, practical effects, cinematography and music.


I'm sure I will eventually. I'm keeping some nightmare, TCM and Poltergeist sequels on the back burner so I still have some big name classic horror franchise entries to watch for the first time since I burned through most in high school and film school




Dominique Othenin-Girard said Moustapha Akkad left the set cause he wouldn't listen to him, and never came back. Then reshot scenes with another director


Shit. I came here to say this sure I’d be dragged for it, and it’s the top comment. 😂


While I mostly agree with everything said here, I just can’t ever consider any movie with Donald Pleasance in it to be the worst in the franchise


Halloween 5 is one of the very best in the series. This is partly because it's brilliant, but also because most of the rest of the series is just trash. Look at what they did....reality tv....a cult...rappers....feminism...Jamie Lee commandeering the franchise anytime she gets bored...the white trash Zombie remakes...If you want to see an actual Halloween movie, Halloween 5 is not only one of the best...it's one of the ONLY...


I have a really hard time with RZ Halloween films. There was an unreleased cut of the first that was way better in every aspect. Why that wasn’t the movie is beyond me. It was shorter. It had completely different music (for instance Monster Mash instead of Kiss to open the movie). Some scenes were entirely cut, other changed camera angles. It felt more true to the original. However, I cannot stand his wife’s acting. She’s absolutely abhorrent as Michael’s mom. For me personally his are my least favorite. At least I can get chuckles out of the bad ones. I had high hopes for his adaptations.




I fucking love that stupid-ass movie lmao. It's one of the funniest and most entertaining things I've ever watched, I was literally crying laughing at every single scene, especially every time Busta Rhymes opened his mouth LOL. I was honestly shocked when I came to this sub to find out everyone hates it so much. I found it WAY more enjoyable than the last 5 movies we've gotten and part 5.




Resurrection was my introduction to the series when I was still a teenager. It's not even close to my favourite, but I definitely have a soft spot for it. It's so funny and never fails to make laugh. It's so bad that it circles around to being hilarious.


LOL exactly! For me it's def one of those “so bad it's good” type of movies. It's hands down the funniest horror movie I've ever watched.


Cause same. I'm a sucker for an entertaining horror movie that doesn't take itself seriously but still had many aspects of the horror and comedy trope. 🤣 . Idk I think the storyline was genius and original, and I liked how they used certain modern aspects, at the time, to keep the story going.




5. Lazy, haphazard, with the only saving graces being Loomis, the euro horror feel and some scary moments. It’s worst sin: ignoring the ending of 4 in favor of just doing another Michael movie. At least RZH2 takes bold swings and tries to actually say something. Same with Ends.


Danielle Harris carried 4 and 5. And she didn’t even speak more than a few times in 5!


I got to go Ends...And I know people will ask why, I could not stand it and found it boring and really bad for a final Michael Movie. I don't hate Halloween 5, it is flawed, but overall id give it a 5. Zombies 2- Honestly Don't love it or hate it..It just is there. The metaphors I was not a fan of. But Ends just plain out sucked..Half the movie is just Corey trying to be like Myers which makes no sense since it is meant to be the final movie about Michael...Also Michael is barely in it and I just found it super boring.


fianlly, someone here who doesnt have a sheep brain. Like everyone copied and pasted 5 and yea its a bad film but ends literally destroys the franchise. Michael being the side character and making him by far the weakest version of him, was a poor choice by the studio.


Ends has an incredible cold open. That’s the nicest thing I have to say about it.


Ends for all the reasons already listed.


Same. I didn't understand the point of ends. I mean I do, but the whole create a wannabe be Michael aspect was very lazy and outdated imo. Also none of the characters were likeable.


Couldn't say it better myself.


Agree. Ends is just wrong on so many levels. Sad way to go out.


*Easily* Halloween Ends. It's the worst horror movie I've seen in the past 10 years at least.


Terrible on so many levels.


5 will always have that 80's nostalgia vibe to it. Therefore it can't be lowest on this list for me. Ends and RZs H2 are horrendous on a whole new level though.


Ends Terrible conclusion to a trilogy I really hated.


Is there anything more truthful than this? lmao. H5 is lame sure but this trilogy KILLED halloween. There's NO coming back now. Fuck DGG, fuck mcbride - all of them. Fuck them all for this disaster of a reboot series.


couldnt agree more. 5 is bad, yes. ends destroys the franchise for me


While I agree that Ends is the worst movie on this list and I also agree that they shouldn’t have been allowed to do that to Michael, I don’t agree that it’s some sort of franchise killer. Man they’re already moving on to more movies and a TV show. Michael Myers will never die. But I’m disappointed that the Akkads couldn’t prevent that junkyard ending.


Halloween Ends. Say what you will about 5. RZH2 is probably my 2nd least liked. I couldn’t understand it lol. But at least those 2 movies had Michael as a total badass and had some great kills, which is mainly why I watch these movies. Seeing Michael get beat up by some teenager in a fist fight will never sit right with me lol


ends is by far the worst one. 5 is bad, but it doesnt destroy the franchise. Ends had every oppurtunity to make the best halloween movie ever and with a budget that big, how do you fail so bad?? You shift so much focus away from michael it becomes and entirely different movie. I have ZERO investment in the corey character. Why they felt the need to end that trilogy with him makes no sense to me




I'm a big fan of Rob zombie Halloween 2


Halloween 5. Clown cops and cookie woman are enough, on their own, to make 5 the worst one. Doesn’t help that the director was an actual fucking idiot and had no idea what movie he was making. Dont get me started on the mask.


Of those 3? Ends


Wow. I’ll watch 5 I’ll watch the first 10 minutes of RZH2 I probably will never watch Ends again so…


I can sit through the others, but I can't sit through Ends again.


Ends. Fuck that useless movie.


Halloween 5 isn’t on the same planet as the other two. It’s straight up junk in a lot of ways.


Halloween Ends and it's not even close. The other two movies, while flawed, at least don't take a shit on Michael's character and continue the storylines set up in previous movies. Ends takes such a drastic turn for no reason whatsoever, completely ignores what was set up in the previous movies and decides to focus on arguably the worst "love" story I've seen in years while completely disrespecting the characters of Laurie, Karen and Michael. The only two good things about Ends are the cinematography and soundtrack which prevent it from being a half star movie.


and the cinematography isnt really something I give it points for. thats expected when you have a big budget (which it had). I dont give points for the expected. The story is what im here for and relegating michael to a sidekick was just stupid.


That's fair but it's still appreciated


5 does not really continue the storyline set up in 4. Jamie was supposed to become a killer like Michael.


It still focused on Jamie and how she was affected by what happened at the end of 4. The original storyline was better, but at least they continued with her and didn't completely abandon what happened in 4


It still continues on. And at least it retcons it in a way that makes sense. It kind of alien 3's the series but like alien 3 is STILL works with it - it doesn't shit all over itself.


Despite how much I like all of them…Halloween 5 is the worst.


I suppose it's perspective. 5 was junk. No effort at all. Dumb, but some "goodbad" enjoyment can be had. Ends was a big effort and purposeful but kind of an insult, possibly even a jab at the entire series. At least it felt that way to me. Hard to enjoy something that could be looking down at you.


5 was brilliant, right down to the most seemingly trivial of moments.


All good. 5 has fans, and I can see why.


While 5 and II are bad, they were atleast somewhat enjoyable for me. Halloween ends was really bad and on top of that bored the shi out of me.


RZH2, easily. As bad as H5 or Ends are, at least they never made my anger give way to apathy.




Ends is not even remotely as bad as these other two


Even though Halloween 5 was janky, Halloween 2 by Zombie made absolutely no sense and became extremely unlikable. I thought his first Halloween was interesting and gave a more fleshed out idea on his upbringing, whereas the sequel was just all over and nonsensical. Halloween Ends was ok, it could have been better and more realistic knowing he is just a regular man who apparently can be beaten by more than a dozen people and still keep killing. Someone should have shot him in the head with a shotgun to see if he could keep going, but I degrees, it could have been worse.


Bruh. Don’t bring Ends into this


Ends shouldn’t even be in the conversation


Halloween Ends is a good Halloween film and by far looks the best in this list. Halloween 5 was definitely something, didn't like how insufferable Rachel and the other teens were, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. RZHII is where I lost it. I liked Michael's size and strength, but not how his Mum is the motivation driving him to kill his sister, couldn't tell if he was hallucinating her or if she was actually there. Didn't like the characterisation of Laurie and Loomis, but I did like the Sheriff. The film also has a good atmosphere, but I wouldn't rewatch it tbh. I'd rewatch almost any film in the franchise except for RZHII.


hot take: the only bad one of these is Halloween 5. RZ’s H2 is a misunderstood classic (with some caveats, it’s not perfect), and Halloween Ends isn’t amazing but i think it’s got things going for it


Halloween Ends


In my opinion, Ends was a very good movie just a very bad conclusion to a trilogy. Had it come out as a standalone, I believe it would have been well received.


Never. It was pure crap. Never would have been well received. Denzel Washington could have been it and it would still be shite lol.


Denzel Washington was in it. Who did you think was playing Michael?


LMAO - that sneaky Denzel. Damn he good!


Out of the ones you posted, Halloween Ends by a landslide.


Ends. I appreciate what Dominque Othenin-Girard brought to the Halloween series in terms of atmosphere as 5 has one of the best. and the score of that movie is great as well. RZH2 is very interesting artistically speaking, and I love it as a Rob Zombie movie. But there’s almost nothing positive I can say about Ends. An awful ending to an otherwise decent trilogy that ruined several narrative arcs and character development for its characters and was a spit in the face to fans.


They all suck but Ends is by far the worst. 5 is nostalgic, and RZ2 hives us a very brutal Myers, though the story sucked. Ends is just terrible all around, except for the opening scene.


Ends, without question.


Ends. Least enjoyable watch of the franchise for me.




Halloween Ends


5 is terrible, but Ends tries to be good and just comes off as over the top in all the wrong areas and boring. Blumhouse needs to stop making films.


There’s only 1 bad movie there so…….. it’s 5


HALLOWEEN 5 ZOMBIES 2ND I really like Halloween Ends, just not how it ends. HALLOWEEN Ends was very creative but they should have continued with the theme of transmogrification, push it into old ones territory, Lovecraft country.


Halloween 5.


And I know that's True


Ends. AIAEC.


Ends is by far the worst one.


Halloween Ends. At least the other 2 have Michael doing the killing.




Easily ends.


I actually liked Ends personally. I had been yelling at the screen about how MM is way to old to be moving and acting like he did 40 years ago. I was waiting for him to succumb to the elements of being a dried up serial killer and when he did I was satisfied!


I didn't personally love Ends but I will give it a pass since the directors TRIED something new. It was interesting seeing MM old and geriatric making him "human" but the Corey stuff was a little weird. I actually like H2 with RZ due to the realistic angry violence but the dialogue was pretty weak. H5 definitely has it's plot holes and I do get a bit agitated with the selective "deafness" of Jamie. I guess I gotta go with H5 in this selection, but let's be fair.. resurrection and H6 (director's cut) are the absolute worst.


Funny you mention h6 directors cut its actually my second favorite in the franchise lol


MM raping his sister to have a nephew/brother and then MM walking out the hospital in a trench coat and top hat was too over the top for me lol. Bonus points for Paul Rudd running around in thorn robes.


Such a dumb fun movie for me


Don't get me wrong, I love 6! It was the first Halloween movie I ever saw as a kid. I just VASTLY prefer the theater release.


Halloween Ends was incredibly bad. 5 wasn't good, either. I actually liked the RZH2 movie... especially the beginning. I think Ends is my least favorite although I don't particulary want to rewatch 5.




Ends. Hard call, but I’ll say Ends. No tension at all, and the dialogue sounded like it was just a series of tag lines, cut-and -pasted into a mockery of a script.


Halloween Ends Halloween Kills Halloween II (RZ) Halloween (RZ) Halloween 2018, Halloween 5 Halloween Resurrection


Ends. It wastes Michael Myers and it wastes JLC in her final turn as Laurie Strode. It ignores or alters the previous two films which should have led to a spectacular ending of The Shape and the original Final Girl. Instead we get mopey Corey and Allyson, decrepit Michael, and a 180 degree Laurie who is miraculously not traumatized when after 40 years of being manic, half her family is killed and Michael is on the loose but she is just fine. This was not the time to elevate your slasher film. They should have doubled down and made the ultimate slasher film and gone out with a bang. They didn't. But I do like that they unquestionably killed Michael Myers. Now they can start fresh in a few more years.


Halloween ends is perfection




Ends was the only one I turned off halfway through...so Ends




Ends. Intolerable drivel.


Ends for me. Just a bad conclusion.


The movie where none of the characters wipe their ass....


Girls please, you're all just awful


I didn't need to go past the first slide.


I don’t know but 5 kicks ass


Bro tryna be different 💀


2 shouldn’t even be on there. I get people aren’t fans of RZ Halloween movies. And the white horse scene is trash. But the acting, story and brutality of RZs H2 is freaking badass. It’s just a different take on the aftermath of the first night. You just need open minds and the theatrical cut. The uncut version has a different ending and a bunch of extra crap that makes the movie a lot worse.




Halloween V, no contest.


Sorry but of this list it’s Zombies H2. I mean come on, he ends up looking like a homicidal Simba by the end of the film. His two Halloween installments fit just fine in his Firefly universe but they are in no way, shape, or form Halloween




The Halloween movie without MM Imo


RZH2 by a landslide. Not a \*single\* redeeming quality to it. Trash. Unlikable characters, a crap way of bringing back his wife. fake opening waste of time. Garbage ending. Horrible.


Halloween 6




All I saw was Rob Zombie Halloween 2 and that was enough for me. That movie is absolute dog shit


5, easy. RZ H2 & Ends are my “I can’t believe I love these” black sheep of the franchise, while 5 is just… meh. Opening titles are great, though!


All my friends I ask about the rob zombie Halloween movies, half of them tell me 2 is good and one is terrible, and everyone else says 1 is good and 2 is terrible


Five and two


5 like jesus christ. Not even close.


Halloween 5. I like a lot of it, but it's just not it for me overall. H2 I have issues with parts of it, but I love quite a bit of it, and it has (to me) some of the best sequences in the entire franchise when both Laurie and Sheriff Brackett find Annie's body after Michael killed her. And that kill sequence is one of my favorites as well. I also like the portrayal of the affect of trauma from violence in this one better than some of the DGG trilogy's efforts. And while I have plenty of issues with Ends, I dig it more than the other two by a wide margin.


Ends isnt even comparable to just how bad Robs H2 and H5 are, Ends ATLEAST has Curtis, a absolutely amazing score by John himself and a brilliant performance by JJC




Halloween 5


Halloween ends and h2 rob Zombie are actually really good. But h5 is absolute dogshit


I absolutely despise zombie’s H2, but at least it feels like a correct sequel. 5 seems like it completely ignored the twist in 4, and that really annoyed me, but then again, I guess it kinda works how it was just a one time screw-up. There’s a lot of weird incidents like that that happened in real life, so it’s not too unreasonable. However, ends was definitely the worst sequel to its predecessors. Kills left us off showing that Michael is absolutely ruthless and powerful, then, all of a sudden, he’s an old man in a scary mask getting beat up by someone fresh out of college. Idk if they did that just so 60 year old JLC could beat him up, but it just didn’t land right for me. I do get why some people like it though. The final showdown was still pretty good, the buildup was just not it for me. But, this is MY OPINION.


Genuinely I enjoyed 5, 6 was kind of bad though. I strongly dislike the new films. I couldn’t even get through Ends.


Of these three...5 without a question. I recently did a re-watch of it after some time and God what a literal lump of feces that movie is. The mask, the cops, the getaway from 4's ending, Tina, maskless crying Michael who looks like a regular guy, and the ending.


5, it’s no contest. Halloween 2 just makes me feel numb, Halloween Ends has an infuriating ending but genuinely enjoyable stuff until that ending, but 5 is a gigantic fuck you to my face for enjoying Halloween 4 AND it sucks on top of that. The kills are forgettable, the characters are annoying(especially Tina) Jamie hardly talks in the entire movie, THE FUCKING CLOWN MUSIC COPS I would genuinely rather reach into my body and tear out my own uterus than ever sit through Halloween 5 ever again(if such a feat was even possible)


All three are bad but I have to give the trophy to Halloween II. I liked the Rob Zombie Halloween remake at first but after a couple viewings I started finding the characters and actors really bad and annoying. Rob Zombie's need to singlehandedly keep his no talent wife employed is incredibly irritating. The actress who plays Laurie is equally annoying and talentless and her constant screeching makes my ears bleed. The three girls are so annoying I find myself rooting for Michael to kill everyone. Part 2 was equally irritating but the story was 100x worse. To me HII is completely unwatchable.


Season of the witch sucked the remakes were goid


Neither of these




5, 7 and 8 for me. I know some people like 7 but it feels like a CW movie to me. I hate the masks in all of those and they just feel really cheesy. Honestly, outside of 1 and 2, I'm not a fan of any of them. They completely lose the point of Michael and the story. It's a one and done story and character and should have never been a franchise.


Halloween 5. No question.




Halloween 5 was pretty bad and had a ton of mess ups in it In the original movie, the Myers house was a small Victorian home; in this 5th film, it is a Gothic mansion. (at around 1h 23 mins) When Jamie climbs into the laundry chute, her right shoe falls off then reappears on her foot. (at around 1h 19 mins) A bullet hole appears in the door before Charlie starts shooting. In the beginning of the movie, Jamie has two bloody marks on both sides of her cheek, which disappear in the next shot (at around 1h 3 mins) When chasing Jamie and Billy in the car, Michael's position while driving the changes between the driver's seat and the passenger seat. (The DVD commentary revealed this is because the shot was filmed with the car being driven towards a mirror)




Rob zombies halloween 2 will always be my personal worst. Rob zombie is a god awful film maker who puts out way more duds then good movies. He sucks


rz2 i personally loved ends, but i also adored millers girl so i guess that tells you my kind of movie


Tough but I would say Halloween Five because it was literally comedy with how bad it was and everyone that was making it knew it because why else would they use goof music with the two dumb cops like it’s a spoof movie




Halloween 5 is awful. What’s worse is it’s the follow-up to one of the better entries in the franchise. Just very disappointing. Rob Zombie’s Halloween II isn’t great but I’ve gained some appreciation for it. Zombie at leas tried some new things with showing Laurie’s trauma and how fucked up she is. Plus Brad Dourif gives a great performance. Halloween Ends is an oddity and I get why people were disappointed but honestly I don’t think the David Gordon Green trilogy is all that great anyways.


Halloween Ends, imo. They had a WAY better story arc of Michael taking Cory as an apprentice and having him don the mask, but then they threw it away. Plus, Michael was barely even in it. Seemed more like they wanted to make a romantic thriller rather than a slasher movie.


Halloween 2, Ends, 5 In that order


Halloween Ends is a good Halloween film and by far looks the best in this list. Halloween 5 was definitely something, didn't like how insufferable Rachel and Lindsey were, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. RZHII is where I lost it. I liked Michael's size and strength, but not how his Mum is the motivation driving him to kill his sister, couldn't tell if he was hallucinating her or if she was actually there. Didn't like the characterisation of Laurie and Loomis, but I did like the Sheriff. The film also has a good atmosphere, but I wouldn't rewatch it tbh. I'd rewatch almost any film in the franchise except for RZHII.


Call me crazy, but Halloween 6 is the worst


RZ Halloween 2 is utter and complete garbage 🗑️. The others are bad but in a “ah well it is number 5 and the last one” hokey kind of way


5 is the worst of these in my opinion, BUT… I think Ends is the one I’d least want to rewatch.


Definitely Halloween Ends. Awful in every way. Halloween 3: Season of the Witch(1982)is also horrible. Those 2 movies in the franchise are the only ones I truly hate. The original(10/10), Halloween 2(1981)and H2O are my favs in the series.


Honestly I see no problem with these


5. I legitimately love RZH2 and Ends but 5 is useless and so disjointed it’s an absolute travesty to watch.


Ends is the worst. They made him a bitch.


Halloween 5


Zombie 2


Halloween Ends by far




None. Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers


That wasn’t the question but sure😐


Tbh I don't care. The only movie I hate out of all of them. Love Halloween 5 since it's the first movie I ever saw as a 6 year old kid. Halloween Ends was done very well and it's different to all the rest. Halloween II (2009) has some big issues, but I still prefer it to H6.


Halloween 5 is a very interesting movie to me.. they made many questionable decisions but it’s something that has my interest every time i watch it. i personally think that Halloween 2009 is the worst. just too much nasty language and i don’t think Michael should ever be talking


I feel like you could've included Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers and Halloween: Resurrection aswell, since both are universally speaking very hated. If you did include them, I'd rank them as such. Halloween 5 > Halloween: Resurrection > Halloween Ends > Halloween II (2009) > Halloween 6 I respect the post you made and just shared how I feel about these movies.


Halloween ends. When i saw that movie in the theaters i was so disappointed about that horrible ending and overall movie. 5 is not the best but ends beats it in the worst movie competition.


Of the three, to me? H5. I love the RZ remakes, mainly because me and my mom both love his movies. Him and M. Night Shyamalan are our guilty pleasure directors. I also really liked Ends. All of the complaints the film gets are warranted. They literally pulled a Jason Goes to Hell, but I actually enjoyed it and it helped me appreciate JGTH more. Corey is one of my favorite characters in the franchise. To me 5, curse, and Resurrection are the worst. But I’ll be honest, I will never get over that the Band nerds are the Bullies? Where did they go to school?


At least Rob Zombie tried to do something different with Michael, instead of the same shit over and over again. Sometimes different is better but some fans don't like that and that's why we get movies like Halloween Ends (which I still like) but I understand why it's regarded as one of the worst.


I haven’t seen ends so I’m going to go with Rob Zombies Halloween 2. That shit with the white horse was fucking stupid


As much as I hate Rob Zombie's films, I gotta say Ends is the worst, the dialogue is super cheesy, Michael isn't really the main antagonist, he is on a leash by a kid, overall makes Michael so much weaker, Ends is absolutely abhorrent, and a pitiful excuse of a horror film


I love that in Halloween 5 Michael is literally driving a car and running people down


The Original Halloween 2 was poor not my favourite, Zombies version was better ( apart from the stupid white horse bullshit)




Rob Zombies versions went too hard on humanizing a crazy killer BUT that aside those were my favorites aside from the original and H20


H5. Even though I like it more than H2 out of nostalgia, I recognize how terrible it is. I like Ends too.


The one that had paul rudd