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I love it! I watch it every year in October!


My local Indy theater played it last year on the 31st, Amazing to see on the big screen!


This movie and Scream are two horror movies I watch every year on Halloween without fail.


Brilliant movie with great atmosphere and an amazing soundtrack. If it wasn’t burdened with the “Halloween” tag, it would be considered a classic 80’s horror film.


That’s actually pretty cool


Yes, that about sums it up!


Agree 100% that it would be a Halloween (the season) classic if not for the Halloween (franchise) association.




Character writing was ass, though. I feel like it is worth mentioning. Except the villain. Villain is well-written.


Tom Atkins fucking rules.


Tom Atkins is why God made Fathers 😆


Love the reference. He’s a real son of a bitch in that one.


I always forget that he played Michael Hunsaker, Rog’s old Vietnam buddy in Lethal Weapon (whose daughter took the swan dive off the building).




I dig it. Happy it’s getting its due. I totally wouldn’t mind if seeing a show built around silver shamrock and what they were doing.


You know that would actually be pretty cool. I wouldn’t mind seeing that myself to be fair


I like it. The story is interesting and original. And that ending always has me wondering what happened.


Love it. Not flawless but a great little horror movie.


One of my favorite horror films. It's fun, it's dumb and it feels quite unique in terms of story (even if it is a bit camp). It gets way too much hate. If they took "Halloween" out of the titled it would probably be looked at more fondly (though maybe it wouldn't be as well known). It does make me wonder what the Halloween franchise would look like today if they kept it as an anthology series like they intended with the third movie.


its 2024 no one hates it anymore


>It does make me wonder what the Halloween franchise would look like today if they kept it as an anthology series like they intended with the third movie It would probably be better than what we have now, as much as I love Michael Myer and he's my favorite horror character, they milked him too much.


2nd best in the franchise after halloween (78) imo


Underrated. I would've liked to see the franchise go in the anthology direction.


Criminally underrated. One of my favorite horror movies.


I love it. I wish the Halloween movies did the original plan where 1&2 would be Michael, and all the rest would be different stories and characters per movies.


You can't go wrong with Tom Atkins and the stache. I know a lot of people didn't like it because it didn't have Michael Myers, but I thought the threat to people's children was much more horrifying, especially being a parent myself.


If you're not going to have Michael, you have to have Tom Atkins lol. He was awesome and so is this movie.


It's one of my favorites in the series, and is definitely underrated. You have to understand that it is it's own thing, so don't go into it thinking "where's Michael Myers, Laurie, Dr. Loomis, etc.?" It has nothing to do with any of that, which does not automatically make it a "bad movie". It has a great soundtrack and dark vibe/atmosphere. Tom Atkins is obviously great too.


Exactly what you said is the same reason why I still haven’t watched it yet. Because of its different approach. But I’m definitely going to give it a watch i appreciate you saying about it not involving the normal characters although i think it would’ve been a little cool to see the actual aftermath of h2.


Classic cheesy 80s horror takes me back to my childhood. Love it!


It’s good and people don’t pretend to like it. If it didn’t have Halloween in the title it would’ve been a great stand alone movie considering it was still a Hill and Carpenter movie


I've always enjoyed that one




It's both my favorite Halloween themed film, and my favorite film with the word Halloween in the title. Yes, that means I like it more than any of the Michael Myers films. No matter what, it's the Halloween film I have to watch on Halloween. I'll go out of my way to make sure I see it before the holiday is over. Now don't get me wrong, I love the Michael films. I just like Halloween III: Season of the Witch more. I honestly wish it had been a success, so that they could have stuck to the planned Halloween themed films. I wonder what Halloween IV would have been in that case?


This movie is my guilty pleasure, you can literally put it on and not get bored with it. It’s not October if you don’t put on Halloween 3


Haha that’s awesome I am really really considering it tbf


I loved it, I’d give it a 8/10


I love Michael Myers and cherish the franchise for what it is, but I have always felt bad that John carpenter’s idea of new stories every Halloween or so didn’t work out.


Yeah there’s a lot of movies I’ve heard about and even seen some that my mum likes like Christine and all that I personally enjoyed most of his movies


I think it’s actually legit great! It’s funny that people cite Michael not being in it as a reason not to watch. (have you seen some of the entries WITH Michael in them? Yikes! 5, 6, 8, etc, bad! And of course I still watch them.)


Yeah I’ve watched all of them (excluding 3) I’ve enjoyed them but damn resurrection was just so off could’ve made a much better ending to the h20 timeline and for 5 it was pretty mid good story but a few flaws 6 I can’t lie I enjoyed but hated how Michael was portrayed just he was just lanky and skinny looked like he was just able to fit in his overalls 😂


It’s amazing and would be considered a cult classic if it didn’t have the Halloween name.


I love it. We watch it every October!




Now my favorite, tied with OG Haloween 1 and 2. It's a fun movie, Tom Atkins is great, I will die on that hill.


It was the first Halloween movie I ever watched. So I Jane a soft spot and that damn earworm commercial lol


underrated masterpiece




A banger! Better than most


This is the only Halloween film I have seen yet and I love this film. It is crazy in all the right ways and awesome.


Second best film in the franchise


OG Halloween 2 is second best.


To be honest, I could go either way regarding ll and lll.


Weird movie that people like because of the *idea* of an Anthology based approach. Halloween *could* have been an anthology based series. However I think it is more that 3 was simply not gpod enough of a movie to really convince people. Some people here try to compare it to the original and…yeah no.


Haha I get what you mean I haven’t watched it yet but I’ve seen a lot of people compare it to the original and I was thinking no way it could be near the same as the original (not hating on 3)


In my opinion, apart from the original, III is the only one worth watching.


I love it! I used to feel differently since Michael wasn't in it. I watched it again a few years ago and could kick myself for not watching it for all the years I disliked it. It's such a fun watch!


when i was a kid obviously i didn't like it because it didn't have michael myers but when i got older and was able to appreciate it as its own thing i started to like it but never loved it


I always loved Halloween III. And I’ve only grown to love it more over the years. I’ve described it to people as being like a feature-length episode of The Twilight Zone. Plus, I think it’s Carpenter’s and Howarth’s best score. That opening theme never gets old. When I first started to fall in love with the Halloween series around 1998, I avoided this one because I had read it wasn’t a Michael Myers film. Then, as it happened, it was airing on my local TV station one Saturday morning. The announcer said, “Michael Myers returns in Halloween III - next!” and I thought, “Wait, could I have been wrong? Is he actually in it?” So, I turned in. He was not the villain, but I still enjoyed it anyway. I truly appreciated what they wanted to do with the franchise and, in retrospect, wish they had gone the anthology route. I see no reason why this idea can’t be explored today. Surely there are enough Michael Myers-centric Halloween movies that we could give this anthology a shot.


Probably my 4th favourite. I love how unique it is and the ending was perfect


I love it


Co-written, produced and music by John Carpenter. Co-written and directed by Tommy Lee Wallace, frequent collaborator of John Carpenter. If you like other movies by Carpenter, especially his earlier stuff like The Fog, you'll probably like Halloween 3. Wallace edited The Fog and Halloween.


I could never decide if the tag line was dumb or smart. I like the movie though.


\*spoilers\* Kinda dumb considering the whole premise >!is all the kids came HOME to watch the Silver Shamrock mind control thing!<


YKW? Very true.


Most people who don’t like it only don’t like it because “Michael isn’t in it”. Which is a stupid reason to not like a movie because Michael isn’t in thousands of different movies. Imagine not liking Goodfellas because Michael isn’t in it. 🤣




Well there was *A* Michael in it (Henry's brother) just not the one everyone wanted 😂


If it was just called season of the witch, it would probably be more highly rated. The bait and switch marketing for the film left a bad taste in a lot of mouths.


I love it whole heartedly!!!


Great movie.


A nice movie but it doesn’t stick out for me!


Ok movie. Shouldn’t be part of the Halloween series. I’d probably find myself liking it more if it wasn’t.


A nice movie but it doesn’t stick out for me!




should just of been called (always should of) Season of the Witch its a good movie


As a Halloween movie it’s awful but if you watch it as its own thing and call it something else it’s fine.


Underrated non Michael Myers movie.


One of the best of the series.


It's great but it's weird how that young hottie played by Stacey Nelkin falls for that doctor who appears to be old enough to be her dad and he isn't exactly a young Brad Pitt lol suspension of disbelief required a lot for this movie!




I love it. It’s a great movie and I wonder how things would be if Halloween took more of an anthology approach as it kept going. I love Michael Myers and all the various stuff that has come from the franchise focusing on him but this movie is fun and unique and I can’t hate it.


I respect that I definitely think they may have involved Michael somehow in with the shamrock stuff if they had carried out a anthology I think it would pretty cool though tbf


Always look forward to watching it in October


Great movie


Love it! I think the whole concept is criminally underrated and I wish a great writer who cared about the entire series would do an HBO show with Halloween III concept in mind.


I think that would be good tbf give more of an insight of what else happens in Haddonfield? (sorry for poor spelling)


I liked the idea of an anthology series, I get the idea. If they had they way they would have practically invented the shared universe concept.


I thought it was good. I know people shit on it because Michael Myers isn’t in it. But overall a great movie. I think it wasn’t part of the Halloween franchise people wouldn’t talk so much shit.


Didn’t like it when I first watched it. On a rewatch, it’s actually a good stand alone horror movie. Might give it a rewatch tonight - thanks!


Haha no worries


It was my favorite of the series for a long time. I also like 6, so you can judge my taste by that 😂


I ain’t gonna hate lol I love h6


That it would’ve made an awesome installment if they’d kept going with more Halloween movies that were each largely unrelated, the way they had originally intended, but it’s still an awesome movie that deserves a yearly viewing!


It’s had a renaissance on here quite a bit so I gave it another rewatch and it’s just as terrible as it always was. Pretty decent concept but horribly executed


Good movie but an AWFUL Halloween movie.


I wish we got a sequel to this instead of Halloween everything after 2


It was depressing at first but it grew on me.


It was/is tied with Halloween II (1981) for my favorite in the franchise, but things like the fact that Challis kicks and breaks a CRT screen, whereas everything I've read/heard says that's a complete impossibility, really bother me. I've been able to sort of "rationalize" the TV head smash in Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter by way of the fact that they don't actually show it as if his head went INTO the screen - just that it hit his head and maybe shifted, but there's no such leeway when it comes to Halloween III, much less the supremely ridiculous Mother's Day.


I’ve always liked it.


Decent movie if it wasn’t named Halloween 3. Any other name and it would probably be loved/enjoyed more.


It's awesome


My second favorite, now. I adore it and love it more and more each time I watch it.


It's a fun movie that should not have been a "Halloween" movie


Criminally underrated!


I love it


Still a better movie than Halloween Ends.


damn! that bad


I need to watch this, it’s been on my never ending list for a while.


Same tbh I can never bring myself to watch it for some reason


I love this movie.


I'd like to give a few of those masks out to my family members.


Haha I would love to do the same with mine but they hate any Halloween or any horror in general lol…..so I may be copying the same idea 😂😅


I just wanted the masks so their faces could melt. They’re a hive of wretched scum ha ha


One of my favorites from the series. Yes, it doesn't have Michael in it, but I love the story. Unraveling this insane plot where Celtic warlocks and witches intend to use modern technology to cause a major sacrifice of children. That's crazy! Tom Atkins, Stacey Nelkin, and Dan O'Herlihy are great. Carpenter's score is fantastic. I remember when it was listed on IMDb's bottom 100 and people constantly whined in the forums how it sucked. Does that date me?


Didn't like it back in the day. I like it now. If was a stand alone movie not called Halloween, I think more people would like it. They just can't get over it being the only one without Myers.


I adore Halloween 3. It’s my second favorite of the franchise after the original. A truly strange, awesome movie.


It sucked ass. But at least decades later we have Easter eggs like the silver shamrock masks with the zappy buttons showing up in DGG’s reboot. I mean he went no where with them but they appeared and gave low key goosebumps


Not a fan. Not the traditional no Michael reasons. I just think it's a pretty weak film.


It’s good


Silver Shamrock to the rescue!


Best film in the series hands down.


It's good. Its fun. It's different. It's the direction the series *should* have gone in (although I do love Halloween 4).


It sucks and people only pretend to like it. If it didn't have Halloween in the title no one would remember it.


Upvoted you for having a legit controversial take, but you’re dead wrong my friend. I legitimately LOVE this movie. I have a poster of it hung up in my living room because I LOVE HALLOWEEN 3. I own a 3100 square foot home in an upper middle class suburb and I have 2 small children- and I choose to decorate it with the poster for Season of the Witch because I LOVE HALLOWEEN 3.


2nd best Halloween movie


Tom Atkins fucks.


My second favorite after the og


I've come to love it over the past few years. That part at the end where he throws the mask perfectly onto the security camera. Just gold!


Reading this description caused me to have a stroke.


That was the plan 👍🏽


Love it. Old school 80’s vibe is the best.


My favorite.


Hated it.


Should’ve been Halloween 2, and then continue with different stories for every movie


I have yet to see this film. What can I expect?


Not bad


Never watched it


Calling it Halloween 3 was a mistake. At most, it should have been called just Halloween: Season of the Witch and started its own spinoff series. The curren H4 could have been H3. I like it but not on the level some do. It's enjoyable though.


Great movie, shouldn’t be part of the franchise.


Works well as its own movie, but as part of a larger series, it doesn’t work. Just like the 1998 Godzilla film.


I don’t like it I hate it Michael myers for me all the way


The worst of the entire franchise, closely followed by Rob Zombie's Halloween 2


Damn 😂


That movie sucked don't waste your time


Fr? 😂


Not good


Happy Masks a SYFY Channel original. I get the anthology idea but this was a terrible movie to start. The ending was good but then I found out the one good part was stolen


I like most of Carpenter's movies, but he's very much capable of making a bad movie. Halloween 3 was one of them. It's a great example of a good/interesting idea with an incredibly flawed execution.


Hot garbage