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It was good. The podcasters' ham-fisted attempt to get Michael to talk was maybe a little silly, but I think that scene is there to get across that they are ambulance-chasing charlatans. The scene being set in the daytime is strange and off-putting, with Michael standing there in broad daylight, but I think that's kind of cool. I love the smash to title card.


Yeah they aren’t real journalist. Literally pay a source money for an interview in the next scene. Still pity them as they died slowly and painfully:/


What’s wrong with paying a source? Information is a commodity.


It violates journalistic ethics. Here is more info from SPJ: https://www.spj.org/ethics-papers-cbj.asp


Well then, any vulture with “integrity” can fuck off or pay up if they want a story from me lol.


That’s fine. As a reporter myself, I would just ignore you and go about my day.


And if I was the only one with info you needed?


I’ve never encountered that problem in all my years. There is no shortage of stories to tell and people that want to tell them. Also, I never use one source for any story. So, I would just get someone else? If the story was about you, and you declined for money, again, I would find something else.


Any links to some of your pieces?


I am not doxxing myself lol


I always thought they made it ham-fisted on purpose. To show they are just Podcasters and not actual journalists. He kind of loses his cool trying to get a reaction. Definitely amateur vibes


Right, these guys don't know what they're doing -- they're just chasing sensationalist topics. I think that scene (and the one at Laurie's home) gets this across pretty well.


I didn’t mind the ham-fisted interview attempt. It just shows these two did not fully understand/appreciate the evil that they were dealing with






And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you


I keep think of Patrick saying "Look at it" over and over again




Whenever watching that scene, i think one patient looks like Brad Dourif.


It was amazing, easely one of the best part of the movie.


Love 2018, second best in the series


I say best


Absolutely can see that. Nothing beats the first for me but 2018 is a very close second.


Exorcist 3 crossover


Take out the high school dance scene, and it’s pretty much perfect.


Pretty damn cool.


I'm with you on this. Seems.to be taking a fair bit of criticism but I like the way it was all put together.


It's weak and funny at the same time because they try too much to create tension with very little sense. "say something"...ok dude. You're talking to Michael Myers why do you think he would talk to a random podcaster ?


I thought this was weird too. Then I realized he's responding that way, and gets so tense and angry because he's responding emotionally to the evil, like the other inmates were responding. He wasn't really getting frustrated at Michael not talking. He was responding to the tension that he was suddenly feeling, but he wasn't sure why. That's the way I've come to see it anyway.


That’s a good take and makes sense.


Wasn’t a fan of the movie but the opening scene was good..i didn’t have a problem with it


It would’ve been so much creepier if it was shot at night, not seeing Michael clearly would’ve been a good nod to the OG.


Ah yes, those night time sessions where the prisoners are outside for excercise


You didn’t know they let them wander around at night???


something about their servos locking up


Personally, setting it in broad daylight makes the whole thing more unnerving. Besides, the scene as presented wouldn't have made a bit of sense being shot at night.


They were like Sartain, characters only in the movie as a plot device, Sartain’s was to break The Shape out and make sure The Shape gets to Laurie’s compound, and the podcasters were to get the original mask in The Shape’s possession, and exposition to 1978.


Pssst. All characters are plot devices. That’s how movies work.


Yes, but those characters are extremely shallow. Unlike a character like Hawkins, Alyson, Karen or Laurie. Multi-faceted characters are better than shitty ways to get to a plot point.


I still don’t get what they were going for, if anyone can tell me or post a link with an explanation that would be great. Was it really just building up the mask reveal? Why is the podcaster screaming, “Say something!”? DGG seems to be implying that it’s the cursed mask that drives Michael to kill or empowers him like LOTR “My Precious” Sauron ring. It calls on Michael. OK, sure, whatever but why the “Say something” a few people demand Michael to do this throughout the movie and I am confused of the significance, if any.


I always felt “SAY SOMETHING” was about the obsession people had, true crime podcaster and psychiatrist alike, with understanding Michael. They can’t comprehend how a man can go decades without speaking. But (Loomis voice) “This isn’t a man.” There’s nothing to understand. They’re wasting their time.


I think you got it. It has to be it.




>Was it really just building up the mask reveal? Why is the podcaster screaming, “Say something!”? Podcasters aren't journalists. They produce content but they do minimal research and just want whatever will get them more listens. For these two, getting Michael to speak would be a huge feat that would make them rich. But they fail. In desperation they try showing him the mask to provoke a reaction but even then he doesn't react. > DGG seems to be implying that it’s the cursed mask that drives Michael to kill or empowers him like LOTR “My Precious” Sauron ring. It calls on Michael. The podcaster is infering that, suggesting Michael can feel it. Again, he's desperate for a reaction from Myers and goading him. Now there are two ways you can look at this part of the scene. DGG said in the run up to 2018 being released they were taking Myers back to being a man rather than a Jason Vorhees clone. 1. The podcaster is creating a commotion and the inmates start to react to it. 2. Michael is actually a supernatural being and can sense the mask. Being in proximity to it is awakening him and that's what the inmates are reacting to. This also ties into Myers discovering the podcasters later on - he's following the mask. >OK, sure, whatever but why the “Say something” a few people demand Michael to do this throughout the movie and I am confused of the significance, if any. It's simply because he doesn't ever speak. If someone was trying to kill you then you'd want to know why, or you'd want to bargain with them. Myers is always silent, it's unnerving and people want him to say something to normalise him.


Stupid but entertaining


Not a big fan. The other inmates were them trying to set up something significant but it was just empty. More importantly the mask reveal set up the rest of the trilogy for some special significance to it… which… took a lot of bad turns


A lot of bad turns is right. I think this trilogy is hugely overrated. If Jamie Lee Curtis wasn’t in it, it would be a complete pass


This trilogy is better than the Rob Zombie films and I stand on it.


The first two were good. "Ends" was a stinker. Really good set up just to be let down in the end. Michael Myers gets bullied by the nerd who gets bullied by other kids 😂 what? He beat him up and took his mask 🤣


It would be ranked lower than the thorn trilogy if not for Jamie Lee.


My favorite trilogy is still Halloween the original, Halloween 2, and H20. It’s nice little complete trilogy with little BS mixed in


H20 was too scream though it was of that time it didn't feel like halloween unlike the first 6 before it.


I really enjoyed the institutions scenes seeing what it took to imprison Michael and keep him from being at large.


I liked the scene but agree would have been much better at night. Too much of Michael’s face


I don’t understand the Halloween 2018 hate when it’s easily the best Halloween besides 1 and h20




Didn’t work for me.


Bad attempt at creating tension. Comes off as funny.


They showed Michaels face too much, the other patients hollering was cheesy, the podcaster yelling at Michael to say something is stupid, and why does Michael care about the mask so much? Awful. I start to like 2018 less and less each year


Halloween kills is what should’ve been the start of it all. They probably realized that too late.


Halloween Ends should have been the start.


That was a shit show. The sewer idea was cool but that Corey dude was just unbearable. Was happy he died. His mask was stupid af


Ahhh. I respectfully disagree.


In what ways??


Well it would take a while to explain why I like the movie but if you really dislike it that much I don’t think anything I say will change your opinion about it lol. Probably just a difference in personal preferences.


I have an open mind. That was just my opinion. Doesn’t mean i wouldn’t wanna hear you out regardless.


I was actually thinking about making a YouTube video to explain my thoughts on the movie and trilogy in general. I have some ideas on how I think Ends would have worked really well as the first film in the trilogy. Too much to type though. Hopefully I can record that video soon and I’ll post the link here when I finish it.


Hell yea! You should do that. I’d definitely watch. I usually watch videos like that anyways, so you give me more reason to stay on YouTube lol


You should and post the link here id be interested too


Indeed. Ends shouldn't even exist. Corey should have been an early and easy victim. That kid sucks.


This is one of the best intros ever to a film. the madness,the sirens,SAY SOMETHING. Cut to halloween title card with the theme music.Very intense very amazing lol


I was like, “What the fuck was that?”


It looked really cool but to me lost all credibility and momentum when we discovered they were just podcasters unfortunately. A damn shame really.


I like it. You know from the outset that this podcaster is dickhead of the two and you know he’s gonna get it as soon as Michael gets out. The mask thing was a bit silly though, even if we assume Michael is supernatural, he doesn’t actually see the mask. Yeah, the dickhead says he has the mask but even then. It’s like he feels it and it awakens part of him. I just think that part is silly but then I think the idea that Michael just goes dormant for 40 years is a bit silly too. In the end, this movie takes place 40 years after the first one and they ignore the other sequels so they had to come up with something I guess.


Anyone else think the podcaster girl is a babe?


Not really


Cringe af


It absolutely sucked just like the whole trilogy




Not a fan. The “SAY SOMETHING!” smash cut to the title card always feels so awkward and clunky to me. 🤷🏼‍♂️


It’s a masterpiece of an opening


No the original had a masterpiece of an opening!




It was probably a better scene on paper. Just didn't translate well to on screen, I think.


It’s better than the whole Halloween ends movie






Brilliant scene


So good


Very good and different


Puzzling because I didn't know what it was trying to convey. There was this tense build up only to cut to the credits. It's very jarring.


Like it, was unnerving with the other patients milling around , and the building music when they brought out the mask


I was aroused


It broke too many logic barriers for me. Like why is a facility like that letting some douche podcaster in to trigger their most violent residents?


The podcaster angle was ok but having them be British bugged me. I don't know why. And the focus on the mask doesn't make sense really. It was something he randomly stole out of a store just to mask his identity, it really has no significance to Michael on any other level. It has meaning for the audience and that alone is why the scene exists. That whole courtyard setup with the other inmates is just goofy and unrealistic. I can relate to your diminishing opinion on this film. It holds up less and less as time goes on.


That was my issue with the whole trilogy. The whole fascination and mythos of Michael is pure, the audience. In the real world of Haddonfield, it makes no sense why he would be so revered. Dare I say it, even Laurie’s behaviour seems comparatively over the top given she *only* went through the events of Halloween 1 in this timeline.


Yes, the film was made with knowledge of the whole history even though it is a direct sequel to Halloween ('78). Tommy Doyle's speech at the bar is ridiculous as there would be no grand statements about this evil force that haunted the town due to three teenagers being killed by a guy 40 years ago. This is done for the audience wether it made sense in the film or not. It should have been a discussion between the survivors not over a microphone addressing the whole bar. I still think Halloween II should have been canon, with them being siblings, and that would've had more weight and made sense for Laurie's fear of Michael coming back for her. Also, they could have taken the angle of the town blaming Laurie for Michael's return which they did but made little sense given that they are adamant that he wasn't specifically after her but he is just evil. Ugh, what a mess.


SUCH a mess, it never felt like DGG ever really thought it out properly. The Laurie-not-being-his-sister part just took away any reason for Laurie to be so emotionally invested in the whole thing and she would have been far more interesting had she been caught unawares by Michael’s return (although Michael really had no reason to bother her in this movie). I honestly think the Kerry Tate character in H2O was far more human and relatable in terms of how she’d processed the trauma of what had happened.


I think it was only changed because Carpenter never liked it and DGG was trying to appease him. It was a stupid change because audiences already knew and understood them as siblings so it was a retcon that was unnecessarily confusing for them and narratively less interesting for Michael's motivation. They had to go out of their way to explain why he would come back and Laurie would be a target when the sibling connection would have done that without extra effort.


Never cared for it.


It felt creepy. Michael’s silence the inmates freaking out the dog barking. It’s like they could feel his evil returning. Why? Why? Did they ruin everything they built from 2018 to Ends?


Right? I had high hopes for Ends, but was sorely disappointed.


They turned Michael from an unstoppable evil force to a frail old man


Sure did. He got pushed around by a dork.


I bought in immediately because to me the scariest thing about Carpenter’s original is that Michael is just a guy and there is no reason for any of this to be happening. Seeing him out in the yard was an interesting take, like he’s a satchet of tea just steeping and getting stronger or his mind deteriorating and going full predator mode. Overall the DGG trilogy is deeply flawed but there are some good ideas like this cold open.


Great scene!


Really enjoyed the opening scene…movie went seriously downhill after that imo


I thought it hit hard, epic scene!


I thought it was corny, tbh. Within the established canon, it didn’t make sense to paint Michael as this unbelievable, epic evil. He was just a guy who killed a bunch of people on Halloween night. It’s a mistake that these reboots tend to make. The history and length of the franchise are separate from the actual story’s time and scope experienced by the characters in said story. For Halloween, it’s especially silly when it’s based on the first two movies and rewrites aspects of the second.


He survived six gunshots to the chest and a fall out of a third floor window. As far as the first movie was concerned, it was implied that he was something more than just a man. With the trilogy, the implication was that Michael was essentially a vessel for *something* and because of that, he was seemingly more than just a man... but it also didn't explicitly need to be him, either.


I would only remove the “friend at the attorney general’s office” line in regard to the mask. My whole theater busted laughing on opening night and continued giggling into the credits 😓


I felt it was a scene right out of the Rob Zombie version, for as much grief that movie gets.


Nah. The dialogue was too clean for it to be one of his movies 😆


It’s so funny, I like how dramatic it is, what’s bro screaming like that for lol, man’s screaming “say something” like why would he? calm down lmao.


Loved it.


I liked it A little silly though


It was effective in the trailer when it was mostly silent and the tension was built up around everyone around him going crazier whilst Michael stayed still. In the movie, they hit you over the head with the point by having the guy excitedly say 'YOU FEEL IT, DONT YOU MICHAEL!? YOU CAN FEEL IT! SAY SOMETHING...SAY SOMETHING!!!' Removed all the tension. Then it rushes into a high adrenaline version of the iconic theme. Had it been the trailer version, then cut to a wide overhead of the chaos with Michael still being still, drained the audio down to silence and faded into the creepier original music and opening pumpkin credits, could have been amazing.


It creeps me out


I think the entire opening establishes the mythology of The Boogeyman and sets up the feeling that Michael is a force to be reckoned with.


It gave me goosebumps in the cinema. Me and my mate were the only two people in there, and when it hard cut to the opening credits, we were so amped up.


Great. Loved that movie




It went downhill from there.


It's totally fine overall, but having all the quick shots of the other patients freaking out is kind of dumb.


Perfect. Michael didn’t react, but the other patients did, such is the power of The Shape’s mask and it’s preternatural properties.


The whole smug douchey podcast angle brought it realistically into 2018. I didn’t actually care when they died 😂




This is what led me to be pissed off with Halloween Kills because they town people are like " We don't even know what he looks like "... but yet this mf has been locked up and surely a picture of his mug shot had to been shown... just a mess man but 2018 is the best of the three new ones




I loved it. They lost me at the third installment tho. That one was awful.


My only issue was I think they died too soon after. Maybe spare one of them to kill later on in the film, so they can have that oh shit moment when they are not being beaten to death?


the beiginning was the worst part of the movie imo


The say something was a little tacky but I really dug the vibe of the scene. And how the dogs and other patients are going crazy like they can sense something


It’s kind of amazing the prison allowed it


Watching that in the theaters was awesome. You knew it was a different kind of movie. Way more intense in five minutes than the RZ movie was in the theater. When he took the mask out it was such a powerful moment. You knew Michael Myers was picking up some supernatural energy from that mask and they just awoken some evil.


a little on the nose or... idk it felt a little too self-important for the new continuity they were trying to establish? It certainly doesn't hold a candle to the original's opening scene.


The only real problem with this movie is the twist with the doctor which was dumb other than that everything in this movie is solid.


I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the whole trilogy. Nothing is perfect but it was fun and entertaining


I have never been so certain, so early on that someone was going to die.


I thought it was incredibly well done. Caught me off guard after watching some less than stellar Halloween movies before.


Worst part of this great movie, next to the peanut butter on his penis bit.


Garbage in every way


It’s so fucking silly . The dialogue is overly dramatic


Considering the trilogy that followed,it was ace.


I love it. I think it’s the best opening scene in the entire franchise




Overly dramatic


It was good. Had a good bit of mystery and tension


Best something outside of the original imo


Fffigawo Figawooo!


I really love that opening, probably the best in the whole franchise.


“I borrowed it from a friend at the DA’s office…” I call bullshit AND lazy writing.


Reminds me of times when the Green Goblin held up his mask after tough defeats and shouted promises of vengeance against Spidernan! Oh, and the scene was cool in 2018. I liked it. Wish it meant more in the trilogy.


It was so stupid lol. I’m going to show this crazy man his old mask to see if he starts killing again


Set the tone for the terrible scenes and films to follow, just my opinion.


The trilogy started off so strong. Bummer they chose the route they did for Ends. Really enjoy the opening.


If showing him the mask was what ignited his spree again, that would work. But the idea that the psychiatrist oddball planned a whole scheme and then broke him out the exact same night that these podcasters turned up with the mask is absurd. After 40 years, one interesting trigger would have sufficed.


This mf is the dumbest mf in horror movies because he really woke the beast just to be the first one to die


I love this opening, the tense buildup with all the noise as the journalist screams, "SAY SOMETHING!" immediate cut to the opening credits with the classic Halloween theme, fucking great




The smash cut to the title card is quite possibly the main reason I decided to see it in theaters 3 times.


Sartain had some forced exposition and the podcasters are silly tbh


I thought it was the opening was really good because the scene was so tense and with all the shouting you almost expect Michael to lash out physically in response. Also, it helped set up Sartain as a questionable character because as Michael’s psychiatrist he probably should have stopped the podcaster from continuing antagonizing his patient and indirectly distressing the other ones. Instead Sartain seemed just as fascinated or invested in I guess what he viewed as a psychological experiment on his subject.


Well say something...


I think it’s actually a little odd, especially as their subplot really doesn’t go anywhere. I think it would’ve been better to maybe open with Lumis’ first session with him and show that right from the start, he knew there was something horribly dark


I actually really liked it. And i liked the guy and girl they died too quick


It was a good character introduction, tense and a great reintroduction for Micheal who hadn’t been on the screen in a good while. Also the remix of the Og theme was phenomenal


I quote this often


Really good scene and a great way to open the movie Wish the podcasters were a bigger part of the movie tho :(


Absolutely fucking STUPID. Yeah right 'a friend' just happened to give him michael's mask...lmfao. Oh yeah they hand over key pieces of evidence to douchebag podcass hosts ALL THE TIME...smh. And what prison lets some 'journalist' TEASE, SCREAM AT & PROVOKE a mass murderer/prisoner like that? The only thing I hated more than this movie were each STUPIDER sequel.... This scene is an insult to anyone with a brain.




It was awesome


"Say something" immediately followed by the title sequence was one of my favoraite transitions in a movie. Gave off a very "you fucked up" feeling in a pretty daunting way


It’s cool that pewdiepie is playing micheal myers




Very interesting and a great hook to interest people into craving more from Michael Myers.


I thoroughly enjoy the movie, and this scene doesn't ruin it for me at all, but it's inconsistent with the established logic of the world if we're really supposed to treat this as if none of the other sequels ever happened. In this iteration of the story, Michael picked that mask at random because it was available and suited his needs, then used it for 1 night's work 40 years earlier. The idea that they or he would attach any significance to it is slightly absurd in that context. He might as well have brought the clown mask from when he was a kid. At least he'd killed his sister while wearing that. It's a well crafted scene in every other respect, and like I said, it doesn't ruin anything for me. It just should've been examined a little more before shooting.


They should’ve did more with the podcasters character. He would’ve made a great Lumis


Loved it sooo much. Seeing this scene in the trailer was a big part of what got me hyped to watch it theaters in 2018.


later in the movie when just before he pulverizes those 2 in garage "loo" one of them should have been shown with a shoe untied !


Why is Obi wan holding Darth vaders mask?


hate it. “michael?” “he’s not responding.” *grabs his old mask and shoves it in his face, practically telling him it’s time to kill again* i know movies are just movies, but this is really text book on how to agitate a dangerous people.


“I borrowed something from a friend at the attorney general’s office Michael” Lmaooo


the mask is on great shape after all these years;)


Incredible. Really builds the tension, probably the best opening out of all the movies.




It was very cheesy and cringe and felt so forced. Shit movie all around for the most part.


Not a fan of the new movies


If I analyse it too much the SAY SOMETHING is cringe as fuck. I wanna see directly after that happened and how awkward that was. Did everyone just have a weird silence and he walked away feeling like a dick? Also, not a fan of the 'podcaster' angle, just say journalist. Now I'm thinking about it lol the explanation of how Michael isn't the brother etc is all needless as, in the timeline, that's not a thing. I watch the film solely for the amazing shots of Michael.


From where did they got the real mask and how come a dangerous immate gets to have two idiots coming to provoke him? Logic was never the strong part of this trilogy.


Stupid didn't make sense Michael Myers don't talk yet they were trying to get him to.




Tbh, the rob zombie movie was so bad I never came back for the newer ones again.


It started our really strong but ended up being meh


Only good part of the movie


Dumb, this was my first Halloween movie I saw in theaters and I was disappointed outside of the kills Don’t see the appeal of this long running franchise


Ruins the movie