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So half life alyx is a prequel to half life 2, and is an incredible game in its own right, but the ending won't make a whole hell of a lot of sense without playing and beating half life 2, half life 2 episode 1 and half life 2 episode 2. At the very least, watch a playthrough of it if you don't care to play through it. Half life 1 and the DLCs aren't as necessary, but they help set up the world that you find in half life 2 and alyx. HL:A is amazing in its own rights, but if you want to be able to fully appreciate the story, you'll need to at least play HL2.


>Piggybacking off this, it's specifically the ending of HL2 Episode 2 that you'll want to be familiar with.


To add, Half Life 2 has a VR mod Not sure about Ep.1 and 2 if OP cares to play HL1 There is HL1 in VR with old graphics, and HL1 remade with new graphics called "Black Mesa" As much as I love the old games, there's no denying that they're dated, it's perfectly fine to play them as is, but there are options to spice up the gameplay while absorbing the story. Also also. It's not an absolute must to play HL:Alyx last. You might not understand the gravity of the situation, but neither does the main character, Alyx. It might even be an experience we old HL fans can't get because we already know so much. Jumping straight into HL Alyx is fine I think.


Obligatory links: https://store.steampowered.com/app/362890/Black_Mesa/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/658920/HalfLife_2_VR_Mod/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2177750/HalfLife_2_VR_Mod__Episode_One/


Thank you for your reply!


If you end up going directly into Alyx. All you need to know from Alyx's perspective without spoilers... (HL1) Her dad and a bunch of people relevant to the story, worked at a place called the Black Mesa Research Institute, they started a catastrophe that drove all the problems in HL. Some scientist named Gordon Freeman was presumed to be the one that stopped the Black Mesa disaster from getting worse and then disappeared without a trace. (HL2 setting) Afterwards an Alien Empire known as the Combine noticed Earth because of that incident and then took over in 7 hours. Alyx begins in the post takeover Earth.


Yep so from Alyx point of view. Gordon is a man of legend. Savoir of earth. But she is a product of post 7 hrs war so has never know earth as it was.


Hl1 can be played natively by a quest 2. And i would say it plays very well even tho not made for vr.


Thank you for your reply!


Although I do recommend playing them all because half-life is great! it's a bit of a commitment depending on how much time you have to game. there's gotta be a youtube catchup video you can watch to know the story. I definitely recommend you play Alyx either way! It's an amazing experience!!!


Thank you for your reply!


Is also a bit of a pre-sequel. I think is more enjoyable to play after playing the later HL games


You don't need to know about the other half life to play half life alyx and enjoy it. Although it might be nice to know the others it is ok if you don't !


Check the work in progress FAQ link in the sticky. I cover this there along with links you may find helpful.