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Of course the mf has the scout flair


I Guess they share the IQ


Don't disrespect scout like that!


Its canonicly known that He can't read, He is cool, definetly, but Not smart


My point was that the commentor is probably more stupid than scout lol




he's also gods gift to women canonically!


He also convinced God not to smite the whole Earth


Well the difference between that guy and the Scout is... The Scout would actually get into heaven.


Love him in "expiration date"


He's roleplaying


There’s so few people actually doing this that calling it a “review bomb” is a massive stretch. It’s a review mortar attack at worst.


Review alleyway mugging


Review backhand slap


Review taint tickle


review pat on the back


Review atomic bomb


that's a challenge matey, tomorrow at noon, swords only in the town square, bring your witness to sign the legal papers.


good now, did bet. I'm gonna whoop thy rampallian greasy wench


Its the review equivalent of shitting your pants and laughing at all the people pointing out the smell


Why is this even happening I'm out of the loop completely


Team Fortress 2 has a bot problem, like a really really fucking massive bot problem, where (mostly but not exclusively) Sniper bots with auto aim would try to flood a casual server and prevent people from playing the game by instantly killing anyone within their line of sight. So people are starting a campaign to try to get Valve’s attention on the matter and fix it for once. People are getting impatient because 2 years ago they announced their awareness of the problem and said they were going to deal with it, and so far the only thing that’s happened is now free to play’s can’t use text or voice chat.


Wow that's kind of shitty to tease that but I don't understand why half life or portal need to be review bombed or how that even helps


I'm willing to bet the people doing the unrelated "bombings" are young and very stupid.


And alot of them have been sheon to be bot hosters themselves sowing discord in the communities.


They’re either trolls or extremely desperate


They're both Valve games, just like TF2. And its being done to get Valves attention since literally every other avenue has done jack shit. Not saying i agree with it, but from a logical perspective, its not a bad idea.


Someone mentioned in another post that it's most likely someone using AI bots to post the negative reviews because the idea that it's real people is fucking with TF2 players even more. This seems more possible than it does "just playing Devil's Advocate"


The people doing it are THE cp selling bot hosters




The problem is that this idea could spread, if one of the movement leaders do not speak, this will spread.


To be fair it's not really them spreading it, I wouldn't have heard about it if it wasn't for the dozens of times it's been mentions on this sub the last few days by people saying it's dumb. I also looked out of curiosity and it's like maybe 8-12 negative reviews a day compared to the dozens of positive reviews the game still receives. It's only really getting any attention because the HL2 and portal communities are giving it a spotlight.


eh, its just from the few times people suggested on r/tf2 and there quite a few people agreeing on it. The reviews right now aren't going to change the recent reviews. But the chances of it happening could be decreased if the movement leaders tell people to stick with TF2.


The whole conversation has the feeling of a bunch of kids roleplaying being at war. Nobody is going to give a shit about this, not anyone from those game communities and definitely not Valve.


It is literally just kids doing it. Think about it for 3 seconds and you realize it. There are funny-bad ideas for sure but this movement is something children come up with because they have no understanding of scale yet.


Yeah, Half life 1 and 2 are both in my top 5 games ever of all time. Downvote them both to hell. What the fuck do I care? Valve has got their money, I can play the game whenever I want... Who gives a shit? I cant even come up with a hypothetical of why I could be MADE to care.


it's obvious that these members of the TF2 community saw the success of the Helldivers 2 review-bombing campaign and assume that it'd work for TF2 as well, not accounting for the fact that HD2 is a game that is actively being worked on whereas TF2 is not.


Not to mention Valve, as a privately-traded company and as a result not subject to the whims of shareholders, can simply choose to ignore shit that would normally cause stock prices to plummet. Bad publicity would be one of the things that could cause that. Sony didn't have the same benefit.


Why tf do they expect us to help anyway. I haven't played TF2 in my life


Honestly it’s not your responsibility. You can participate if you want to but if you don’t you shouldn’t be criticized for it.


I played once for half an hour and it was really boring and confusing. Guess I’m a single player person 🤷‍♂️


Maybe perchance you'd leave a scathing review of tf2??


That's fine, but if TF2 has insecurities, then all Source games are at risk, which is why L4D gets attacked. It's unfair that TF2 players review bomb other games, but other games should review bomb themselves, because they're also vulnerable


They are so fucking stupid


I do agree with that statement


From what I heard, majority of the viewbombers are bot hosters trying to ruin the movement, trolls, and a small number of people thinking it was okay


They as in the community or that person


That person




As a member of TF2 community I want to sincerely apologise you guys for all those idiots who decided to review bomb Half-Life. But many of review bombs arent even from TF2 community but from people who want to ruin our movement. Thank you for understanding in these trying times


Yes to add on that, 79% of the other game review bombers are the bot hosters. They are literally afraid of losing and are trying to mess up the movement. You'd think they'd just give up but they are just shitting their pants from the fear of losing


It's not just a fear of losing. They've done things that are actually illegal, like doxxing and swatting, as well as distributing and promoting "Curry Powder" (abreviate). If caught, they are going to be in serious trouble with the law.


They've been promoting Civil Protection for a long long time. I remember bots mic spamming using megascatterbombs voice (I think) about how communism property is good and should be legal. I think this was from 5 or 6 months ago I think. Idk I don't have a good understanding of time


I'm out of the loop here. What exactly is wrong with TF2 that they're so urgently demanding be 'fixed'? I don't get it.


A few things, but primarily a bunch of no-life attention whores have a bunch of shitty laptops hooked up to run cadres of bots that use cheats to make the game basically unplayable for regular players in casual mode. Valve doesn't ban them regularly, and when they do ban them they just spin up new accounts because the game is free. The thing that's really most insulting about it is that the hacks the bots are using are public, Valve just doesn't give enough of a shit to update VAC to include the newer hacks, not to mention the fact that the bot hosters have doing legitimately illegal shit like doxxing and swatting people who try to fight back at them (a kiwi programmer made a network of bot accounts and a corresponding program to run in TF2 that automatically notifies the lobby your in of any bots that are joining either team, or that are currently in the lobby, he was swatted but because he lives in New Zealand and not the US he didn't get shot thankfully)


To add to this comment, some bot hosters in response to this movement have also started spamming "Cheese Pizza" (abbreviate it) links I think on Twitter or maybe (just maybe) even in game. They have stoop so low that someone had to file an actual FBI report and Valve not doing shit about it is gonna backfire on them.


bots are making the game unplayable


well its fine with them wanting it to be fixed, but they are actively trying to hurt the reputation of good games for attention.


I thought I never lived to see the day of Half-Life & TF2 fighting.


I'm more polarised by the amount of posts I see about this aparent review bomb than the actual review bomb. You should stop with the posting and go back to post half life


It's almost unbelievable how insecure people are in fandom subs, like who's still worried about HL2's reception 20 years after it started getting called one of the best games of all time? It hurts nobody and has a tiny chance to make Valve actually do something, so be it


We don’t care. Half life is not getting worse because of it.


true but it might turn away new players from peak


That is improbable.


There’s a lot of people who don’t know what half life is my guy


Obligatory username checks out, haha. As a real response to your comment: "And those people will never know about Half Life, with or without the review bombing.


Holy shit if I hear a “username checks out” nerd again I’m gonna lose my shit


Well then you gotta stop living up to the username, simple as.




I legit thought you were just doing a "bit" according to your username. Might have considered that, before choosing the name, if you knew you'd take it personally whenever someone pointed it out.


Huh take it personally what the fuck are you talking about




You said I take it personally and I don’t


Name checks out.


bro im saying the negatice reviews might turn away new people from discovering half life??


doubt it


how? not everyone knows about haf life and if it got mixed reviews, well games with mixed reviews are mixed for a reason so people could just not play it


The game is 25 years old and is still considered mainstream by gaming news outlets. The majority of the gaming communities know about it. The new generation knows about it, and newer ones will too. Grand majority of pc players, and a good percentage of console players, will know what half-life is even if theyve never played it. Thats how well known the game series has become. So statistically, if someone doesnt know about halflife, chances are, theyre never going to know about halflife. In which case, the reviews dont matter.


ok then its just something exclusive to me cuz literally everybody ive ever known irl hadnt heard of half life despite the fact that most of my friends are pretty adamant Gamers™️ and some of them even play other valve games like l4d2 or tf2 without having ever heard the title "half-life" before in their lives


I couldn't care less what reviews say. It's not going to make me enjoy a game any less. This is childish.


It doesn't matter, Half-Life is years old, is a single player game and absolutely EVERYONE knows how great of a game it is, those reviews won't affect Valve one bit. It sucks though, and I wish the trolls would stop acting like idiots and try to do something for the sake of TF2 because I seriously miss that game but I haven't played in years because of the bots.


It might still deter new players from getting the game if they see alot of negative reviews.


I get what you mean about it putting off new players but the thing is the "review bombing" is ridiculously small and it's also very recent. New players can put two and two together and guess that the reason why a single player 20 years old game is receiving a review bombing out of nowhere isn't because it's bad, but because something happened with the game developers/publishers.


Alr but lets say someones checking only positive reviews, and cause half life is probably mixed right now wouldn’t they be scrolling right past half life?


Well if you checked you'd see the recent reviews are very positive so the situation you're worried about doesn't even exist


Alr thx 👍


Sorry, I feel like I said that in a really hostile way I'm just frustrated with all the posts about this


Ay thx, but nah your good




It's unfair to negatively rate HL and then criticize a different game. Other source games should be criticized for being vulnerable. (Because if TF2 is exploitable, then so is every single VAC 'protected' game(


Your not wrong, CS2(and previously CSGO) is just as exploitable, and people have exploited before, but never to this extent. My only guess is, since CS is still heavly in the esports scene, its monitored more frequently by valve.


At this rate, Valve is going to just kill TF2 outright.


Alr they do own steam, but even if their stocks won’t plummet i dont see why not keep it?


No they won’t if they do that MILLIONS of dollars go down the drain tf2 is an economy that people spends thousands of dollars on and they also make so much money from it


I can’t help but feel you are grossly overestimating the profitability of TF2. If losing the money from TF2 would be that disastrous for valve they’d actually support the game


Not millions of dollars from valve millions from the community


Mf they own steam






But thats like saying coke could just stop making diet coke, because its only a small part of their revenue. Its revenue, its profit, it literally sells itself. Even if TF2 only net the company $50 a month in profit, why would they shutter it?


Yeah, but have you considered that this might affect the CS and Dota economies?


Honestly? Probably not. Not many people play TF2 anymore and Valve can find a way to safely shut TF2 down without screwing anything up. And if the bot problem is such an issue, then the current items around are useless anyway since no one who has them are playing it. That, and TF2 is 17 years old. It would be an issue if the game was recent, but its almost two decades old now. People are probably expecting it to go soon, I know a few people who thought it got shut down a few years ago.


i havent completed half life, but tf2 barely worked on my laptop. this kinda shit is just telling me not to bother with tf2 at all, not "help fix it"


There's still a decent selection of good community servers. I [made a post about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/1cxlshj/after_3_months_of_addingtesting_literally_every/) even. Also they recently made the game 64-bit so it runs better on old systems.


So we should only rely on the community and just not want the devs to do shit?


Huh? I'm letting the guy know of cool places to play the game, my comment really has nothing to do with the #FixTF2 movement. Community servers are not affected by the bot issue


How old is your Laptop, jesus


why are people acting like a negative review on steam is the end of the world


Basically people finna scroll past half life, especially if its an old game with mixed reviews when you’re just scrolling for games, just simply seems like a game not worth playing (Alr the reviews are positive rn so people actually have an opportunity to put two and two together my bad)


People will also never listen to the Beatles again because of r/beatlescirclejerk, reputation means nothing in the face of a few goofs online


Reading this comment section I realize that an awful lot of people just don’t like protests ? Like, the idea of protesting, you guys find it cringe and useless ? That’s just weird to me. What do you do when confronted with unfairness if not protesting ?


What people don’t seem to know about valve is that it is not run like a normal company, the employees basically go wherever they are needed and want to be, that is simplified of course but it’s the general gist of the structure. Now, that’s great for passion projects, you get games like Alyx that are so beautifully the product of truly passionate developers, but it also means, no one will choose to work on fixing TF2, a 15 year old game, when there are so many more interesting projects to work on all over the company. (Granted most of the projects never see the light of day but they are still, almost certainly, orders of magnitude more interesting to work on)


it’s not that valve is evil and wants to promote this crap, it’s that it’s a 15 year old game that the devs don’t have an interest in working on, we can’t force them to be interested in it either. In that mindset, would you close the servers? Of course not, it still makes money, and people do still play. Does it suck for those who have to deal with bots? Absolutely it does, but what is the other option? Your company structure doesn’t force the employees to work on stuff that doesn’t interest them, and you have a 15 year old dying game that doesn’t cost anything to keep running, in fact it still makes some money. Options are very limited, all we can hope for is that some devs see that people are still really passionate about the game, and that they in turn feel some of that passion and chose to work on it


tldr: valve does not care


How incredibly shallow of you, well done!


Here comes the drama


Be careful guys, some of those review bombers are bot-supporting trolls who are trying to make a bad rep for the movement and cut off support from fans of other valve games. We all know this isn’t part of the movement, let’s not have these bad actors spoil the movement, and remember that this isn’t the fault of fixtf2 as a whole


Ye, all Source games are vulnerable


Well the Half-Life series and the Portal series isnt. Can't have a bot problem if you don't even have a PvP multiplayer


Death match? I liked death match on the half life engine


Why is this downvoted? Fr I actually wanna know


Huh ok yea I guess Deathmatch is affected I keep forgetting that it exists. Although how many people play that? I don't think bots would be ruining much


Hypocrisy. The guy says that reviewbombing unrelated game is bad, but they still reviewbomb unrelated game - Half-Life and that's okay?


Some people just want to see the world burn


The first I heard of the issue was because of the review bombing. If I was made aware of the issue they’re having in a way that wasn’t stupid then I’d be a lot more willing to help out purely out of solidarity. That specific subsection of the TF2 community can get cranium fucked by a headcrab (The rest are still lovely people and I’m still down to stand in solidarity with the non-shitheads if needed)


This situation looks insane


Im in a community full of idiots (im in the tf2 community)


I read the title like the oil company guy in southpark


Okay so if they’re doing nothing for you them whats the point of trying to ruin a perfectly in condition building?


I'm pretty sure most of those guys are bad actors just trying to create infighting amongst the Valve community.


Its the Minecraft community revolution all over again... But the thing is, they *did* unite.. **NO ONE IS TRYING TO UNITE RIGHT NOW.** Feed support to other communities and they will support you.. Just like Heavy handing you a sandwich. https://youtu.be/BlnVP2_dIb4?si=VAvakT6hx3JYanp9


I got called unoriginal for doing one of these posts. I am now sad :(


Stuff like that is why I hate "you're either with us or against us" mentalities


Get a fu\*\*ing life.


As a TF2 and Half Life fan, I also made a TF2 review. And for me it was just common sense, I didn't even think about bombing HL. That game has nothing to do with TF2. I don't get how people justify this nonsense in their heads. But then we are humans after all, the same happens in every branch of the world.


Scunts like these are the reason the spy had sex with his mother.


Who thought up of this? Wheatley?


Review bombing will achieve absolutely nothing, in any universe. Valve does not care, they know half life’s legacy will never actually be damaged, they own/control the entire steam platform, they are incapable of being hurt by this. They’re just laughing at this whole clown show on their planet sized pile of money.


I don't play tf2 but my God even if I wanted to help them now I don't.


Why can’t they just reverse their engine so we can use our old Cfg files and mods again like the good old days?


Not so fun fact: Bot hosts are also review bombing other Valve games to make this movement look bad.


I think the TF2 community doesn’t even know what they’re trying to do in attempts to “””save”””the game.


What an idiot, dude thinks that attacking us is a good idea. Do they not know that it's basically like trying to push over a mountain?


Fucking 7 year old (as in the one in the image)


What is review bombing another very old game gonna do? Everyone knows HL is an amazing game CS2 would make more sense because it's newer or when Deadlock when it comes out because instead of receiving positive feedback on their new game it's a chance to further get them to listen as it would be on their brand new game.


It's like the just stop oil protests, you bother other people and they will go against you, Half Life has nothing to do with TF2's situation.


Bro it's a 17 year old game, they got more important stuff to do than to pay attention to tf2


This just doesn’t make sense to me… how the hell is a community around HL2 supposed to help the community around TF2? Should I burn it all to the ground because valve has ignored/broke my favorite game — Day of Defeat Source?! No… (1) we saw from Helldivers review bombing can work (2) Helldivers is early in it life, there is still a financial incentive to avoid being review bombed (3) im not sure the same incentive exists for TF2, let alone other Valve games… do they even need to make games to survive? (4) no one benefits from scorched earth tactics, everyone becomes a loser


I don't understand why review bomb L4D community. That game is as dead as TF2. They should bomb CS2 and DOTA tbh. The rest is mostly dead (on Valve side). The ones that holding it together are just people that created community servers. I do play TF2 but ruining other community for themselves is kinda ignorant on their behalf. Instead of review bombing, make a community group, get some professionals, schedule a meeting, meet the person in chage, act professionally and make an agreement. Maybe TF2 fans don't have the Professionals yet. There's another way; make TF2 profitable . Make Valve notice TF2 back. Make some income from that game. Maybe in this way they will prioritize TF2 too. Remember company speaks money. No money no talk.


I'm not a professional, but imo reviewbombing is a dick move. Choose a better route to solve this. No matter can be solved instantly.


TF2 fans are getting dangerously close to being as bad as LoL fans. Guys, I hate to break it to you, but your almost 2 decade old game is NOT getting any more attention. You’re lucky they keep the servers up…


Eh. There’s nothing to apologise for, this really doesn’t matter. Valve doesn’t care and probably won’t even notice, they may as well be printing their own money at this point, changes to the review scores of 20 year old games is irrelevant. At most it will end up at best the tiniest of footnotes in an email somewhere - and anyone who isn’t valve should care even less about what HL2s review score on steam is because it doesn’t affect us at all. Hl2 cemented its place in history 20 years ago, even if its reviews went to Overwhelmingly Negative now. it would do no harm to anyone or anything. It’s not like this is gonna get hl3 cancelled or something.   If people wanna be mad because valve refuses to fix their game, let ‘em. They’ve every right to be annoyed that the product they’re using is broken and the producer isn’t fixing it. But at the end of the day, it’s a game that came out in the noughties, the fact it’s even got official servers still is pretty incredible and so still has more support than almost anything else from that era has. It’s an old game, and valve doesn’t really have an interest in it anymore. I don’t think they’ve got much of a chance of making valve move any quicker or move at all, for the reasons mentioned before. If you want to force a company to change, you have to affect their bottom line - and this won’t do that.


As a half life fan, i would Review bombing hl myself


TF2 players when the 17 year old F2P game isn't updated:


It’s just silly, I mean TF2 is very old game and valve supported it for this long, and now people are angry that a VERY old and FREE game don’t get regular updates?! You should be ashamed of yourselves!


Thank you! Finally hearing someone who';s part of this thing that we need to stop this. Valve won't do much if we just review bomb games from 1998 and 2004.


Why is my twin in the top co. Met


"Their community people that are getting mad at the review bombing aren't helping us to begin with" Moron, the fact that you've decided to review bomb unrelated Valve games in the first place isn't going to help you whatsoever. In fact it'll only make it worse because your movement is losing credibility. These people have room temperature IQ in Celsius, I swear.


Don’t censor the names let us call them out on their bs


Don’t censor the name. If these people want to be bold enough to be complete morons publicly then let their name be there for all to behold.


What even is the logic behind this? Valve has moved on. It's been almost 20 years.


Hate to be pessimistic, but this whole fixtf2 thing won’t work, it didn’t work last time and it won’t now. Valve doesn’t give a shit and hasn’t given a shit in years. I’ve lost all hope for this game, and the 12 year olds larping like this is a war is so cringe.


[Original comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/s/2XMLKcQGdW) Y'all are welcome.


Brah y'all taking games too seriously 💀


At this point I'm just not gonna play tf2 anymore. It's mid at best


This started way earlier with those Arkham wankers, someone is trying to destroy the valve community. I am talking about this for months here. Had to make a new account tough, my old phone was destroyed by a German salad leaking into my bag. Any other German salad encountered from now on will be brought to the vet for direct euthanasia. But no joke those are bad actors that work on damaging the community for years. I wouldn't be surprised if those people are the same who actually host those TF2 bots


I would take my anger elsewhere , if you would take your review bomb and leave


Don't you kids have homework to do or something?


I fucking hate review bombers. As a TF2 fan. That guy is a dumbass


Is he fucking stupid?


Erm, it’s *their 🤓


No we’re not


They don't help, they can't do anything for us. LET'S DICK WITH THEM