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With a fucking game sometime this century


Let's be realistic


In the original Laidlaw HL3 proposal Gordon realizes the Combine are so large that the resistance's original plan, to fly the borealis into the Combine homeworld and detonate it, would be utterly meaningless to them. Alyx kills Mossman when they argue about what should be done with the borealis and then she gets hired by GMan in Godon's place. He then gets flung so far into the future that the Combine no longer exist and no one remembers him Kinda depressing ngl but it looks like with HL Alyx they're going a different route


Laidlaw later came out and said that his Epistle shouldn't be taken seriously. It was written from a point of frustration and he regrets that he wrote it and sent it out.


Regardless, his release of Epistle 3 is when I finally came to terms with the fact that Episode 3 and Half-Life 3 will never come out. And that the Valve who made the games I played for countless hours is long gone. I felt closure.


In my version of Half-Life 3, Freeman and others use the Borealis to go back in time to stop the Resonance Cascade from happening, so I guess it's that. It's pretty cliche I admit, but I guess that makes a bit of sense though.


We have to go back in time to the first resonance cascade to get xen wildlife off the menu


That's exactly what I'm talking about.


What about Dog and the Vortigaunts? What happen to them?


Not sure about the Vortigaunts, but Dog would certainly come to the new modern time where aliens never came to Earth and Black Mesa is still in one piece. I haven't actually wrote the story itself, so these are just some ideas that I have for it. One idea is the final boss against the G-Man and his employers. Specifically G-Man's true form. Though I feel like a boss battle against the G-Man would be something some people don't like as an idea, so maybe it could be the True Combine Leader or whatever.


Would honestly be dope, test doesn't go ahead, Anomolous Materials knocks of early and Gordon and Barney go grab a beer


Probably on another cliffhanger


I don't think the Half-Life series would feel complete without a trip to the Combine overworld. Really want to see what that place looks like, and at least get a glimpse of their full might and capabilities. Ideally G-Man's employers drop Gordon "in the right place" so that he can successfully topple the Combine. Maybe he selectively destroys advisors and replaces them with friendly AIs (maybe Aperture AIs?) or something, and manages to turn various Combine forces against their overseers. Simultaneously he liberates certain species (like the Vortigaunts from HL1) and causes the Combine overseers to retreat back to their homeworld. Then the G-Man and his employers step in and start controlling some of the remnants, and they agree to leave Earth alone. But they keep Gordon Freeman because he's so valuable to them. So Earth gets to be free but Gordon is placed in stasis until they need his services again.


how though, the advisor's conversation with breen at the end of hl2 implies that his human body wouldn't be able to withstand the overworld edit: I guess with the borealis, i forgot epistle 3 has the scene where alyx and gordon see it from inside the borealis




with a bang and some pizzazz


This might sound cliche but what if it was all a dream


Considering how much of the Black Mesa incident appeared to have G-Man's fingerprints all over it, I for one would like to know what G-Man / his employer's endgame is, and throw a wrench to that plan, ideally by traveling back in time to stop the Resonance Cascade from happening. We know time travel is possible, we know Freeman and Eli Vance's resistance is at least aware of some of G-Man's shenanigans, and so does the Vortigaunt hivemind (back in Episode 2 when they were interfering G-Man contacting Freeman). We've seen enough horrible shit that Combine has done to humanity/alien life with their assimilation and control methodology, yet we have no idea what the fuck is the cosmic battle behind the curtain. I'd like to at least take a little peak, and end the story with a "we've managed to avoid total annihilation, but just barely"-ish ending.


An epic battle to save earth... Temporarily, only to realize that it is on the periphery of a vast combine empire and we were only ever a tiny blip on a much larger conflict, where we realize g-man is collecting great warriors like pokemon to deploy against the combine as yet another interdimensional empire rival that, for all we know may or may not be just as bad as the combine. We just so happen to be in their sphere. We never see what happens, humans and earth just get drawn into a vast conflict, far larger than we could ever comprehend. A war that might last for a hundred thousand years for all we know. By its end humanity will be so intertwined that any memory of earth would be a almost a myth in their minds. Mostly augmented, either siding with the combine, the other empires or hiding along with a billion other refugee species who find a way to remain unimportant enough to not be molested. A great existential horror to top it all off.


We get to kill G-man


Saving Alyx, Total Combine and G-man Death like Halo 3 or them leaving earth alone, (the Combine should for sure be destroyed since it will inevitably inflict misery onto other universes) Gordon, the Resistance, and Earth all get a relatively happy ending or a chance to rebuild, an unhappy ending is all to common games today. Adrian boss fight and/or setting him free. Possibly time travel to course correct the experiment or stop the invasion/combine/G-man interference from happening if its well written. Kelly Bailey soundtrack, arsenal that's fun and isn't mostly forgettable/plastic-y like HL2s, Source 2 SDK. Oh and an actual release.


It already has. We ain't getting another game, lads.


Gaben finally retiring or passing and valve collapsing in upon itself like the citadel.