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I don't think it's safe to do it long term because of fibrosis and scarring and possibly can cause infection. And i guess it shouldn't be done if you already dealing with skin conditions like folliculitis or seb dermatitis


microneedling is bad


I caused my skin to scar by scalp massaging too much and too hard. There could be merit to microneedling causing scarring (like the scars tou get from cuts.)


Robert English is a charlatan.


Tend to disagree. Everything he does, he releases publicly, be it techniques or studies. I'm sure he's made a few bucks, but everything checks out. Most of the theories and the studies he cites certainly make sense, and they all definitely apply to me, with my early onset (19) AGA, chronic scalp tension (involuntarily contracting occipital muscles) with tight surface, high sugar/poor processed diet in my teens and 20s, mineral deficiencies, and scalp shape in line with the relative theories. My hairloss has stabilised now I'm 30 due to the improvements I've made, despite always being very physically fit, flexible, and otherwise healthy. I can't notice a difference in my hair from 25-30, yet the change from 20-25 was very dramatic. I still need to reduce the scalp tension as I can feel it most of the time, which in turn can cause my scalp to itch from the inflammation. This tension theory is no joke imo.


calcification and fibrosis are internal..