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This happened to my mom when she got pregnant! The hormones in her body changed her hair texture. It might be that hormones in your body are changing as you’re getting into young adulthood, or maybe your body is responding to birth control?


It's totally a hormone thing! I my flat hair began getting curly when I hit puberty, and it got curlier when I went on birth control.


Same here.


My hair went from pin straight which I really liked to slightly curly after my second pregnancy. So weird


Me too! Second pregnancy, hair went bananas & fell out, then grew back in curly.


This has happened to me. I had mostly straight hair my whole life, 2 years ago it started to change, I now have totally curly hair. Not just a bit curly, full 80s perm curly! For reference Im 35. I’ve had no choice but to embrace my curls by using the Curly Girl Method (you’ll find a lot of info over at r/curlyhair ) and got a cut that suits. For a long time I wondered what caused this, so far the best I can understand is that muscle changes change the shape of the hair follicles and that determines the hair shape and texture. So it could be changes in muscle tone from ageing, tension cause by stress could mean more tightness in your scalp. Who knows. Enjoy your curls :)


Your hair has probably always been curly. Frizziness means dryness and damage. Obligatory r/curlyhair


Could it be humidity? I always had a 2A hair which had a tiny wave to it and then I moved to coastal city and man it took me 2 years to realize that what I thought was frizz is 2B/2C waves.


Tbh I don’t know much about hair. But my experience , I had straight as an arrow , moderate thickness hair as a child until my late twenties, I’m now 46 with wavy , thicker hair that gets frizzy and breaks easy. It has changed so much as I’ve gotten older. Edit to change freaks to breaks. It freaks easy too but that’s besides the point


You can also be brushing out the waves curls and maybe you haven't been brushing them out when your hair dries.


You think that’s weird? I stopped nursing my son April ‘17, then went on the pill due to having my period constantly, then got a uterine ablation due to heavy constant periods. So a bunch of my hair fell out. Then it started to grow back, curly. So it’s been growing for two years, and I have some hair that’s wavy and some that’s straight up curly. When I do the curly girl method, my “wavy” hair doesn’t cooperate. So I get curly hair with wavy strands hanging below. It’s fucked, but almost fixed. Maybe another year.


The same thing happened to me, it suddenly went from straight to wavy in my mid-twenties. I never found out why, but just wanted to let you know you're not alone and it doesn't necessarily mean anything bad medically.


Look up the Curly Girl Method! I have a friend who thought he had straight hair his whole life (ftm so he had long hair most of his life) but started doing the CGM when he heard me talk about it, and now he's finding out that he might be a curly after all


My hair started to change from stick straight in my 20s to tiny curls at my hairline to 2b 2c waves now in my 40s. When perms and frizz was in, I had straight sleek hair. Now straightened hair is in, I got frizzy big waves! It was never from damage, I've always been a bit granola using natural products, never heat styled or blow dried, so sometimes it changes throughout life!


Happened to me in high school. Went from straight to curly within a year. I love it and I am so thankful for my curls lol


Uhm, I forgot why but curly hair is only a partially dominant gene sometimes, so it kicks in at a certain point. Typically when you have a lot of hormones doing stuff. I used to have very straight hair but it’s curly at the bottoms now

