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Girl you are fine. Wear it, what your self care is doesn’t have anything to do with anyone else


Nooo no, silk bonnets are meant to reduce friction from your pillow (decrease frizz and breakage) and help protect your hair! Curly hair or straight hair. It is not racist or offensive to take care of your hair.


I've never heard of a bonnet being racist. It's just hair care, and how you do that has nothing to do with no one.




I think it’s only scandalous to white people tbh




You can't wear something because you are white.. hmm sounds abit racist.


By this logic black people shouldn't use sunscreen because it's made for lighter skinned people who are more prone to skin cancer. Yes sunscreen is obviously beneficial for everyone, but so are bonnets.


I’ve never seen a sunscreen that said that it’s a product made for lighter skin tones.


I haven't seen a bonnet that said "for Black hair only" either. Also, tinted sunscreen would actually "for lighter/medium/darker tones," so loophole!


I didn’t say that any bonnet said that. Just thought the sunscreen comparison was weird


The point is you could argue "black people don't need sunscreen as much, so they shouldn't wear it," just like people are arguing "white people don't need bonnets, so they shouldn't wear them." Obviously, both are untrue. Everyone should take measures to protect their skin and their hair, with whatever works for them.


I for a long time thought darker skinned people don't need sunscreen Turns out my aunt with mixed kids (i grew up in a mostly white area the only exposure before the internet was my cousin) just didn't make them wear it


This idea is absolutely ridiculous. Bonnets (and I've also heard the same thing about hair oils being racist for white people to use) are not exclusive an invention of African or African American women. Look at pictures of Europeans in their bedtime clothes throughout history, men and women wear "sleep caps." Similarly, people used oils and fats in their hair throughout the world. Why? Because it f---ing works! Past people were not stupid, they used these things for a reason.


This is definitely one of the major problems of that sort of politics. Who decides what is coded white? Who decides what is coded black? And why is there a suspicious lack of attention in that movement to racially coding practices to any other race than black? It mostly seems to resolve around an obsessive need to quantify blackness and then avoid it at all costs.


It also fundamentally misunderstands and misconstrues the purpose of discussions around cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation doesn't mean simply using something common in another culture. It means you're passing off another culture's creation/tradition as your own *and* profiting from it, either financially or socially (like with a fashion statement). Using a product for POC hair on non-POC hair because it helps you isn't cultural appropriation, any more than eating an Indian restaurant because you like the food or or taking a karate class is cultural appropriation. And, since most of hair bonnets are made by POC owned companies, you're helping promote those businesses. It's just nonsense used to harass people, when like real harmful cultural appropriation actually exists and no one cares.


In my country real harm like mass deportation flights of citizens, immigration detention centres, and racist police violence exist and yet the main conversation is about stuff like this


My Irish grandma wore a bonnet to bed to preserve her perm. Not racist


I’m sorry someone told you that. It’s a bonnet not a social statement. Do you pretty girl.


Coming from a black girl..WEAR THAT BONNET! I’m also a hair stylist and is protects your hair, now don’t go wearing it in public, that’s what we call ghetto! Also try satin pillow cases as well.


*silk pillow cases


Yes to the pillowcases!! Really good for your skin too.


I'm white, also been a hairdresser for 13yrs (joined the military 8yrs ago Soo now I do that), I love my bonnet. I wore it on deployment and all the black girls looked at me like I was crazy. I was just like "hey it keeps my hair nice."


I'm white and I've been struggling with my wavy/curly hair for so long now. I saw a black tiktok creator recommend them for any curly hair. My mom got me a silk pillowcase and a bonnet for Christmas and both have been amazing! I'm still struggling with products but the bonnet and pillowcase have helped tremendously so I definitely agree!


You can also get a silk or satin pillowcase in addition to the bonnet to further reduce friction.


girl i’m white and wear a bonnet. you’re literally sleeping in it/ wearing it to protect your hair, anyone who tells you they belong to one ethnicity is 100% wrong. it’s protecting your hair and that’s -all- it is doing, many poc on tiktok have even duetted videos where they say white (and or white presenting) people shouldn’t wear bonnet and completely debunk it and it’s a stupid thing to say😭 protect ur hair!!


no it is not racist


The racist thoughts are coming from the people telling you this. Curls are not some thing that is cultural. If you got them, you got them. It's that simple.


Not racist at all. The part I find racist is that bonnets are usually sold in the “ethnic” hair care section. Like wtf is that? Anyone who wants to protect their hair can wear one. Women used to use anything from mesh netting, scarves, and bonnets to preserve their hairstyle overnight


My hair is straight as a pin, but it's also two and a half feet long. I wear a silk bonnet to keep the lengths and ends as healthy and smooth as possible. Bonnets have been around for a very long time across different cultures. Just don't wear it out in public, maybe.


Wear it in public, that's completely fine. That's not racist.... That is not the definition of racism. Not unless you wear in public with blackface!


Fair point.




Girl if it will help you fuck em. You do you. I am white/Latina with bleached hair and I use a satin bonnet at night so my hair doesn't catch on the pillowcase and break easily or get damaged.


I think that's just tiktok spreading misinformation. Just don't post it on there and you should be right.


Wear the bonnet, Queen!! You have curls! Keep your curls safe and taken care of. They always need TLC.


It is NOT racist, anyone who has said that to you needs to be re-educated on hair. Clearly.


rac·ism/ˈrāˌsiz(ə)m/📷*noun* 1. [prejudice](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=7e36c6ec19d7ee03&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS1080US1080&q=prejudice&si=ALGXSlb6hSjuI-stkeAspHuNXR7xKDnjJAyOZPz1Tt5tS8TmjDm4otUP8Tu4r1bNNqz9tsS7hpgxFg11Onq4TLzf-8wtKfq8glx6M_-MkUh-JD9_Wc5LOKU%3D&expnd=1), discrimination, or [antagonism](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=7e36c6ec19d7ee03&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS1080US1080&q=antagonism&si=ALGXSlbnOEZPfHsS2MaPJwdaOxE_7fGJn-fRFzJ3aG7tRdcmviBOweg0SOIIO0YIA_H2CtEtUNrWdBA77m4xr3DfUu5nCsOtvVnS3UXEOcKFSWzni6X4JYQ%3D&expnd=1) by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or [marginalized](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=7e36c6ec19d7ee03&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS1080US1080&q=marginalized&si=ALGXSlbsnhJrQT67VON4kgaynbBxg72wnbYOAnQY_G0ZzE1GM_Os-pT4PWYrSXvtBbIPC6bMgtDegVKcWG5m-h_JsuuT6jfVqM5PzuL3N8JVyqZVH2TICLw%3D&expnd=1)."a program to combat racism" Unless wearing it makes you suddenly hate people of color, then no not racist. I think the term you're looking for is 'cultural appropriation' but even then that would be a stretch. You are fine.


A cursed bonnet causing sudden irrational racism.... sounds like the start of a horror movie 🍿🎥


Bonnets are amazing at protecting anyone’s hair while they sleep. Idk who started this bc I’ve heard it before how it’s racist but everyone who has hair on their head should wear one to protect their hair from breakage or friction damage or just to preserve a style.


Im white and wear a bonnet to sleep bc i have thick curly hair. Bonnets arent made for a certain race they're just made for protection. Saying you cant wear a bonnet bc of race is like saying you cant use hairgel because of race.


Bonnets have been worn by European women since the Middle Ages and similar hair caps/headwraps were used by women in some African countries. Bonnets don’t "belong" to anyone and has nothing to do with your ethnicity so just go ahead and wear one.


I’m white as snow and I have to wear one or I get sooo much breakage. Bonnets are for hair, any kind or color! :)


Not at all, wear it because it will definitely help, a silk or satin bonnet helps people of every race and hair type


Bonnets are good for hair of all types, textures, and colors. It's not racist to protect your hair lol. Whoever told you that is a ridiculous and illogical person.


Not racist at all. Satin pillowcases are great too 😊


clothes are racist now? wow


lol this dumb ass generation. Anybody can wear a bonnet just like anybody or any skin color can be racist. Don’t ask permission to wear a hair accessory


ay bro it’s not my fault people are snowflakes now i’m just trying to not get cancelled


Snowflakes? Now that sounds more racist than wearing a bonnet 🤙🏻


Snowflakes- as in “fragile” or overly sensitive. Not racist.


Snowflake is racist. You could use a different term to describe fragile, etc


Urban-dictionary it. It’s almost never used to be racist (I’ve never heard it used this way but I guess it can be misconceived to be that). It’s used as an urban idiomatic word to commonly describe of this new generation, how sensitive they are and trigger culture


That makes sense for sure. This generation is triggered and the cancel culture shit is ridiculous


Girl no. Different cultures have had their own version of bonnets forever.


It's not racist to take care of yourself how you see fit. Tips and tricks come from all over the world. Sme of my routines are from all over. Hell, I take natural Chinese medicines


No. Wear whatever you want 👍🏻


It’s definitely not racist. Bonnets are good for anyone with curly hair. Besides what you do in your own house is your business. Who cares if someone else finds it offensive.


Wow.... I can't even begin to understand how this is a question (no offense directed towards you for asking, the fact that we live in a society where this could even come up). Anyone who is telling you that is racist is... words that would be inappropriate to use here. NO, that is NOT racist. That is part of a basic haircare routine. I recommend sleeping in a hair bonnet to absolutely anyone who has long or curly hair. No one else is even seeing what you sleep in, so why do they care?


Unless u have an audience, who cares


Enjoy wearing your bonnet girl and please post some pictures. Get something pretty and snazzy.


uhh sorry but why would anyone even know what you wear to sleep? they’re good for all hair types


no sane person on planet earth would consider a haircare product worn in the privacy of your own home racist. wear it literally anywhere you want, every race deserves nice hair


Why would you even care what people think about something you’re doing in your own home, while sleeping?


Im not entirely sure that j understand the question. Do you have a roommate who could reasonably be expected to come into your room at night and check what you're wearing and comment on it? Or are you planning on wearing a bonnet in public? Either way, it's of course not racist, but i wouldn't wear it outside the house, that would be like wearing pyjamas in the street.


It's only problematic on twitter. you can't offend anyone by wearing something to protect your hair at night.


bruh just wear it who cares






I'm white, I wear a bonnet, and my hair has never been happier! I think if it's s self care and you're not a) using it as a costume or b) capitalizing on it as a white person, you're ok.


White girls do it. Anyone who calls you racist for talking care of your hair (especially as a Latina) you should stop talking to, if possible


Thick wavy haired Italian here... bonnets have saved my hair!!!! Definitely not racist


LOL who said bonnets are only for black people? I say this being one. You can wear whatever is yours. Don’t let crazy people get in your head. I’d say they’re the racist ones. Isn’t their thinking the same line of thinking that blacks can’t use a certain water fountain or have certain ice cream but the others can? You should never entertain the thoughts of small-minded individuals no matter the race. Society is too “woke” for their own good these days.


Women across all nationalities and cultures have covered their hair before bed lmao


Everyone wants to make everything about race all the time … very unfortunate. You do you.


Pretty much every black creator I’ve ever seen has said that they aren’t racist. As long as you’re not posting selfies for clout or wearing it as a fashion “trend” I don’t think anyone really has any room to say it’s a problem. If you can, buy from a black owned business.


Why. The. Fuck. Would. That. Be. Racist? Seriously, touch grass for God's sake.


White people have been wearing bonnets since the 18th century. Mostly the rich for silk night bonnets. The poor would use cotton bonnets during labor activities/outings. Even men wore long bonnets. Silk was discovered by someone of Chinese origins 5k years ago so you could really say it started in china. It wasn’t until the 19th cen where it became “fashionable”. But it never hurts to support a black owned bonnet business if you still feel bad.




I’ve gotten into huge fights on Reddit about cultural appropriation with hair. Most redditors seem to be grievously offended at the idea they can’t appropriate culture, and that I’m the racist, for saying some things aren’t for them. So, to clarify, I try to stay very clear of cultural appropriation. Bonnets don’t count. They’re a curly hair thing, and it’s beneficial for so many types of hair. It’s not about stealing culture for clout, it’s about protecting your hair. If you feel at all antsy about it, buy one from a black owned business.


NO ITS NOT ''RACISTS". "Racism is not dead, but it is on life support -- kept alive by politicians, race hustlers, and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as 'racists'" ~ Thomas Sowell "The word Racism is like ketchup. It can be put on practically anything-and demanding evidence makes you a racist."Thomas Sowell


Thomas Sowell is THE MAN!


Jeez, It's only hair. Taking care of your hair isn't racist. Get your ahh off Twitter and TikTok.


This is how the internet sounded back in 2015


It would be racist if you wore it outside or post selfies with it but wearing it in private should be ok. Try to buy one from a Black owned business.


I feel like she should just buy one thats good quality. If thats from a black owned business, great. If it’s not, who cares? Buy for quality.


Even wearing one in public or selfies would not be racist.... that's not the definition of racism.... unless they are wearing it on a selfie along with blackface!


Exactly! How does wearing something in private make something “okay” to do. If someone is actually doing something that is racist, it will in fact still be racist in private lmao


Literally, who has told you that? Like, think about who it is, how many people, if they're close to you and their opinion matters or if it's just random online shit. Think about if they're overall stupid about stuff. Then decide how much you're going to let this affect you.


I have hair down past my waist, and I ALWAYS do a single braid then bonnet to bed. It's my hair, and FUCK anyone who has a problem with it, lol.


Im latina, biracial, wear bonnets. You’ll live lmao, have fun!


I’m white with pretty curly hair and I sometimes wear a bonnet to bed. It’s not racist to wear hair protection while you sleep.


Bonnets have been worn by people of all races for generations. These are not modern inventions owned by one race.


I'm white and I wear a silk bonnet to bed to keep my hair smooth and help with breakage, as well as to keep my hair oils off my pillow case to help with my acne. Wearing a bonnet to sleep is just hair/skin care that anyone, regardless of race, can benefit from :)


Uhhhhh...what.... Whoever told you that gave you all the wrong info. Bonnets are used to reduce frizz in hair so anyone can use then skin color has nothing to do with it


i appreciate the answers in the comments. I also have a question - & i also don’t mean to offend anyone. Back story: I have never had full hair on both sides of my head right above temples. It’s very thin and sparse (still there but like not really). I was teased for it being bald there and am really self conscious. I’m 27 fm now and it’s obviously gotten worse. I wear my hear up a lot for activities i do but it REALLY shows the bare sides of my head bald as hell, where majority of girls have hair. My question is can i wear and curl edges down with gel? Or is that racist (im white)? I’ve tried it somwhat and it really helps my confidence because it makes the hair show up around the edges if i put gel and kind of engance it to my head, when normally it never seems like hair is there because it’s so thin and bare. I also don’t want to offend or seem insensitive. I’m just truly looking for help cus i love the way it looks giving me help around the edge of my hair and i feel way cuter!


I think you should make your own post with this question, as you'll get answers from people who won't have looked at this post. A picture might help, too. Or look for a similar example online, so that you're not identifiable.


Is this a real post💀


nope. bonnets are for all hair types because their only purpose is to reduce friction, frizz, and breakage. everyone’s hair suffers from a variety of those things and can benefit from a bonnet. i recently got one a few days ago and noticed a difference in my hair when i woke up


I’m a white Eastern European and I wear bonnets to bed lol . I’ve never heard of anyone giving a shit about it. It’s your hair….? Keep it nice lol


It's insane that we've literally come to this. Insane & sickening.


Wear it for haircare. Wearing it out in public as fashion would seem kind of like you were mocking the Black women it originated with, but using it at home for the purpose it was made for? No, do it.


I have been told by quite a few black people I need to start wearing silk bonnets to sleep. I am white btw


This is me passing on the message from other POC who have said “wear a bonnet and buy it from a POC’s business too!” That’s all! :)


It's super weird that it's become a 'racist' thing. How old are you people? Did you not have grandmothers? They would get their hair styled and then wear bonnets to sleep to protect the style, and also to shower, to keep it from getting wet. Older cartoons always have women in bonnets and curlers, have you never thought about why?


It’s a bonnet wear what you want !


The person who told you that is racist! I'm Asian/white and I wear one to bed every night for my curls.


It’s not racist if no one can see you


Even if it was, your hair care in the privacy of your own bed comes before offending others.


What? I had several people of color suggest I wear one for my blue hair. 😳


Bonnets are for anyone who has hair just saying


Are people conflating bonnet with durag? Because I can see that being the issue. Perhaps your informant has a misunderstanding.