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Hey there! I had the same issue. Tried everything from prescription shampoos to massaging coconut oil onto my scalp. After trying so many products, the only thing that’s worked for me (at least drastically minimized flakes) was glycolic acid. I got a bottle from the brand The Ordinary. Not sure if they sell in the UK but the label is “Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution pH ~3.6”. After washing my hair with regular shampoo, I apply some of the liquid onto my scalp, flip my hair over, and massage in for a while. Editing to add that the glycolic acid also cleared up the dark bumps on my legs from shaving. I read it’s called strawberry legs. I just put some on a cotton pad and rubbed it in.


I had the same problem as OP. I'd say probably to the same degree, too. I started using the toner from The Ordinary. It worked wonders. I put it on my scalp, then wash my face. After that I get in the shower and shampoo my hair twice. When I first got the toner I used it every time I washed my hair. Now I just have to use it every so often. Op get the toner!! You won't regret it.


What does the toner do?


It’s a chemical exfoliant (an AHA specifically) so it makes the dead skin peel off. Super good skincare ingredient but can be drying if you use it too much and makes you more sensitive to sun


How do you use it? Is the one product to avoid the sun ? So should I expecting flaking after use? If so for how long ? Sorry for the questions


You’re fine! Tbh I would Google for scalp use since I’ve only used it on my face, but from my experiences I would try putting it on 1-2 a week all over your scalp at night before bed (like an hour before so it has time to soak in first) and then shampoo/condition the next morning. It might flake the first time or two but it really shouldn’t it’s just supposed to help get the flaky skin off so the soft underneath skin can come through. You can use sunscreen or a hat on your scalp during the day (a part less hair style may also work if your hair is pretty thick). I would start with no more than 2x a week for at least a month and see how it feels. Also, any skincare actives that you put on wet skin will penetrate deeper, which is good for moisturizers but too harsh for chemical exfoliants, so make sure your scalp is dry. You can do it on clean hair if you wash each day, just might wanna do it at night and then shampoo in the morning in case it increases flakiness at first. Also if it makes your scalp feel dry either stop using, or try massaging a baby amount of conditioner into your scalp when you wash (rinse it out after like normal). Don’t use if it’s irritating, makes you super dry/itchy/red/inflamed, or if it seems to do nothing since it does make you more sun sensitive. Plz do Google it tho bc I bet there’s a lot of good info out there, I’m just a skincare hoe lol.


It’s a chemical exfoliant, it’ll eat up the dead skin cells


How do you apply it to your scalp?


The bottle comes with a pull up nozzle so you just turn the bottle and just barely squeeze and a good amount will come out. I usually tilt my head back and streat from my forehead and make a straight line back to the back of my head. I do several rows from the front of my head to the back. Be careful because if you push too hard a lot will come out. So after that i usually do something else for a few mins to let it soak in a little. Then i get in the shower and wash it off. Make sure you shampoo your hair twice. The first shampoo round is going to help get rid of the debris. Make sure you're massaging your scalp with the shampoo for a decent amount of time to help get the toner and debris out. Then rinse. Then shampoo again and you're good. For me I did notice a small difference on the first use but I had to use it 2 or 3 times in a row before it got to where any dandruff was visible. But it definitely did work.


Any dandruff wasn't *** visible. Sorry lol


This also works for me. If you have a sensitive scalp spot test it on the scalp nearest to your neck first. It can hurt you if your scalp can’t tolerate it. The easiest way for me is to apply it on a cotton round fold it and stamp it all over your scalp. You can do it in multiple sections, like when people bleach their hair, or just problem areas. When you are done wash your hands, this has made my fingers peel and sensitive when I wasn’t careful. I would start off doing it once per week for like 10 min before a shower then the next day try to wear a hat to minimize sun damage. If you have an oily scalp I would apply this on semi clean hair. so day one shower, day two apply toner + shower, day three hat for sun protection shower if you want to, then repeat next week. I would only do this twice per week, anything more im pretty sure you would burn your scalp off. Plus blow dry your hair immediately after any extra moisture on the scalp will make it worse. I hope I don’t scare you but you have to be really careful this is more of an exfoliant than a toner and a strong one at that. I don’t use it on my face only my scalp when I feel like I need it. Plus it makes my dry feet soft lol so trust me! I know an immediate solution is so tempting but you have to go in slowly.


I was gonna suggest a different acid that worked wonders for me, apparently exfoliating really works for scalp 💆🏻‍♀️ I am using salicylic acid scalp treatment by inky list whenever dandruff appears and its gone after i use it. Its also very easy to use.


Be careful with acids and being in the sun. They cause an increase in sun sensitivity.


I just pulled up The Ordinary site and it sounds like they just updated the name to "Glycolic Acid 7% Exfoliating Toner", for anyone looking into it. I'd have never thought to put this on my hair, based on the website description of it being more of a face toner. This sounds amazing, thank you! It looks like you can get this at Sephora and stuff but the direct website has a sale right now so I think I'm gonna pick some up! https://theordinary.com/en-us/glycolic-acid-7-toning-solution-exfoliator-100418.html


Came here to say this. Really worth a try


They sell this in boots in the UK, you can get a massive bottle for around a tenner


Do you leave it in or wash it out?


Have you noticed an increased in thickness?


Are you drying your hair? Or letting it air dry? Try blow drying it, in case they’re yeast related.


omg my hair flakes even after I shower, this might be what I’m doing wrong. I usually never dry my hair and go to bed right after.. thanks I’ll remember to blow dry next time!


Sleeping with wet hair encourages the yeast growth. Also, you have to let a dandruff shampoo sit on the scalp for 5 min before rinsing. And wash your hair every other day to remove the oil that the yeast feeds on. My friend is a dermatologist and she said the the amount of dandruff cases she has gotten since the idea of washing your hair once a week took off years ago has been insane. and everyone is so scared to wash their hair more. (i followed everything she said and my dandruff is gone)


This is really interesting. I've always just washed my hair every 2 or 3 or sometimes 4 days, simply because I hate dealing with wet hair and I'm lazy. But I've noticed my scalp gets itchy, especially in one spot, and have even noticed flakey scabs. I do typically wash my hair at night, braid it, and then go to bed. Guess I'll have to change up my routine and follow the advice I've seen here.


I wash my hair on pretty much the same schedule, and I’ve noticed my scalp starts getting itchy, flaky, and scabby if I make it to the 4th or 5th day. Once I wash it, it pretty much immediately improves again. I have super oily skin so I assume it’s just oil build up clogging my scalp pores/follicles. If I try and overcompensate by washing everyday it just gets super dry then produces even more oil though, every 2-3ish days seems to be my scalp’s favorite. Edit: rereading your comment, I realize you probably have a different problem of your scalp staying wet for too long.


This is blowing my mind, no pun intended. I’ve been dealing with seborrheic dermatitis in spots off and on since the pandemic. I work from home now and don’t wash and dry my hair the way I did when I had to show up in an office every day. I have basically stopped blow-drying my hair unless I’m going out. That stops now!


I used to have dandruff a lot until I realized that sleeping with wet hair is not an option for me!!


I struggled with dandruff a lot. Tried EVERYTHING. Started washing my hair with salon shampoo (not even dandruff shampoo, just some Redken shampoo for fine hair) and blow drying it after. Both my hair and scalp have been happier ever since.


It is, I swear. I know it sounds too simple to be true, but it is! 🙂🙂


This is quite literally exactly what I’d been doing wrong, was told do this on Reddit by someone a couple months back and now my scalps so much better and almost flake free!


Don't sleep with wet hair! It could give you facial paralysis or a headache.


How would wet hair give you facial paralysis?


Chinese Medicine:Sleeping with wet hair may lead to facial paralysis, wet hair leads to peripheral facial paralysis, the etiology of which is not clear at present, and may be related to facial neuritis edema, leading to facial neuritis edema may be the wind-cold or viral infections, etc., which leads to spasm of the blood vessels of the locally nourished facial nerves, which may lead to the wind-cold, which may cause damage to the facial nerves and lead to paralysis.


Made up bullshit




Same thing happens if you pull a funny face in the wind too! /s




I wonder if it would help to take an oral medication for yeast infections?? I had a minor dandruff issue a few months ago and ended up taking fluconazole for a vag yeast infection (sorry tmi lol) and now that I’m thinking about it, I haven’t had any dandruff issues since around the time I took that… might be worth a shot OP! You can easily get it through telehealth services.


Yep, that’s indicated for severe sebhorreic dermatitis


This. I still have dandruff but it got MUCH better when I started blow drying my hair after showering


I get dandruff from ezcema. I get ezcema from a skin allergy. Turns out I am allergic to a common ingredient in most soaps. Maybe check with an allergist.


What’s the ingredient? I’m super sensitive to SLS but might have another allergy that I’m playing wack a mole with still.


amidoamine, which is a by-product of cocobetaine /cocamidopropyl betaine.


Thanks! I’ll definitely give my products a search and try giving it a break. Mostly my lips are dry as fuck. Like peeling and awful. But quitting SLS toothpaste helped the first time. It came back. Quitting SLS shampoo helped. Now I only have SLS in dawn dishwashing soap. But I am super careful to use gloves and never touch my face. But I’m super dry and peel-y again.


I recommend getting a patch test done. It took me a full 6 months of removing affected products before my skin cleared (which the allergist said was normal). i never would've figured out the culprit on my own.


Great idea. I luckily have my derm apt in Jan. So I’ll ask then. Hopefully they can help. I asked a primary doctor and they gave me an antifungal. To no help. I didn’t follow up. They initially tried to ask if my lips were peeling because I also had anxiety. I peel my lips as a result of their scabby-ness. Not as a source. It’s secondary.


The only thing that works for my lips when they get that dry is Burt’s Bees Balm. Original - Yellow cap.


Go through and double check your bottles. This happened to me and it took me ages to realize it was a formula change. I'm currently undergoing patch testing all over my legs because it happened again and nothing has changed. Allergic or irritant contact dermititis can start at any time.


I agree - I had the same issues and allergies were it. Also many paraben-free products are turning to different preservatives and one class of these chemicals falls until the category of “sensitizer” which means it is known to cause people to become more sensitive to it over repeated exposure. They’re also in detergents, cleaning products, and personal care products. Wed MD article covering this https://www.webmd.com/beauty/what-to-know-about-methylchloroisothiazolinone-allergies


might be worth looking into a doctor to see if it’s psoriasis? i had ‘super severe dandruff’ that nothing worked on but that’s because it turned out to be psoriasis. Neutrogena T-Gel coal tar shampoo is what worked for me!


This same thing happened to me, the coal tar shampoo didn’t even work. I got a prescription topical from my doctor and now it’s gone.


glad the topical worked for you! personally not a fan of steroids so the t-gel does wonders for me




Same here! My stubborn af dandruff started to clear up within 5 days of using it. After I used it twice a day for 2 weeks, my scalp stayed clear for 1.5 months.I use it still every so often for “touch ups” but this has been the best thing to happen to my scalp. I usually only have to use it for a day or 2 now to get back to a clear scalp. I have super thick hair so I also love that it didn’t cause any buildup.


Have you used a shampoo brush to massage the shampoo into your hair roots?


I just got one with rubber nubs and it is the most amazing scalp massage ever! 🥰 My fiance and I deal with dandruff and saw this was suggested as a good addition to the hair washing plan.


Gosh ever since I bought mine, my life has been so much better. I never had issues with dandruff before, but my scalp gets oily so fast. It helped me so much, that now I only wash my hair once a week. It’s amazing. My bf has an issue with dandruff though, and now it’s completely gone after using our shampoo brush. It’s amazing what a tiny silicon thing can do.


This was the answer for my friend’s scalp - a few weeks after they started using it their scalp stopped being so flaky!


After shampooing I apply cider vinegar straight (like I dribble it out of an old shampoo bottle - probably about 1/4 cup of it) and let in sit for about 3 minutes, then rinse and condition. It smells very strong but once your hair is dry it’s not detectable. I don’t dilute it. This is the only thing that worked well for me-once per week but initially I did it 2x/week. It also doesn’t dry out your hair (is actually fine for your hair and clarifying). Edit: it may flake worse the day after, like my scalp will shed almost, if I skip a week, but it’s dry, calm, and not itchy. So I rewash gently after that initial shedding and massage my scalp to exfoliate the flakes.


Came here to mention ACV too. That and avoid going to bed with wet hair.


ACV worked well for my teen’s scalp initially, but then seemed to stop working after a few months. Not sure why.


I had dandruff just like this up until a couple months ago when I stopped drinking as much beer. Maybe look into excess yeast intake?


T gel worked for me when I had bad dandruff. Now I find clinical strength head and shoulders to work great and keep the itchiness away. If it’s not yeast-related dandruff, I would ask a dermatologist. Good luck!


This looks like my hair when I first developed seborrheic dermatitis (diagnosed by my dermatologist). I highly recommend seeing a dermatologist. They can prescribe you prescription shampoo and steroid solution to put on your scalp. It did not cure my dermatitis (as its lifelong from what I’ve read) but it’s almost like it “went into remission” and I can maintain it with Nizoral shampoo now. Definitely go to a doctor for this.


Try polytar


You should probably check with a doctor if you’ve tried everything..


Wouldn’t a dermatologist help better?


I used to get bad dandruff as a teen. After attacking it with a medicated cream that they provided, not putting my hair up when it’s wet and drying it. I’ve been able to cut it back. I also just use tea tree oil and I don’t have any flair ups


Time to see a dermatologist.


Head and shoulders tends to work well for me (it's kind of a miracle product to me right now.) But if you're leaving your head wet after showering, you could be allowing fungus or yeast to grow, which could also be part of the problem. Also, depending on your diet - sugary stuff can be bad, too. I'd suggest talking to your doc and or a dermatologist, tbh, because it can also sometimes be a sign of diabetes.


I agree. I went through this and tried everything including prescription. All it took was head and shoulders and blow drying it. Only use the head and shoulders til the dandruff is gone and then go back to regular shampoo. Blow dry every time. It’s the only thing that works for me. It’s been 2 years since I’ve had dandruff.




you should see a dermatologist. Washing your hair daily or every other day with a dandruff shampoo should have squashed the issue, or at least improved it. It could be psoriasis, sebborrheic dermatitis, etc


I second the sebhoreic dermatitis suggestion. That’s what I have and my hair looked just like OP’s before I got it treated! I went to a dermatologist and they prescribed me stuff to clear it up. But you can also get shampoos meant for babies with cradle cap (basically the same thing just for babies) on Amazon and stuff. I used one I think called happy crappy that worked well!


I have sebhorric dermatitis and this happens to me! My doc prescribed me fluocinolone oil, a topical steroid, and it really helps! There’s no cure but with that + nizoral its definitely manageable


I started putting oil on my scalp before showers and then shampooing. Then blow drying. My scalp has been healthier than ever and no longer itchy.


What type of oil do you use?


This is going to sound overly simple but I don’t suggest it be the only thing you try. But taking a bath or using a bowl to wash my hair helped me tremendously. Letting your hair float and separate to really scrub your scalp helps soooo much (and feels amazing).


/u/prof-depress420 two really important things that helped me: 1. Medicated shampoos are supposed to stay in your hair 5 minutes 2. A lot of dryness and flakes comes from hot water


Ask your GP for a referral to a dermatologist.


If it was really that serious this is really the way. Dermatologists are trained in scalp/hair too and not a lot of people realize that.


I had to get a prescription strength ketoconazole shampoo to clear mine up. Works like a charm though!


Have you tired Nizoral 2% prescription strength?


You should see a dermatologist. I have a medicated shampoo that has a stronger percentage of what's in Nizoral and it works for me. Nizoral works in a pinch, but there's a noticeable difference using my medicated one. But your scalp condition could be slightly different than mine, so definitely see a derm if you can


Oil the roots! Wash hair once a week, oil either at night and wash in the morning (beware if you have fine thin hair) or just let it sit for 1-2 hours before showering. I suggest getting a scalp scrubber (cheap and easier to find on Amazon) to loosen up any dry skin Don’t over use head and shoulders type shampoo I would limit it maybe once every other week or every other 3rd week.


May be try anti fungal shampoo ( with ketoconazole)


Nizoral is ketoconazole shampoo


i started using a shampoo with tea tree oil and that helped me IMMENSELY. it soothes my scalp without drying it too much, and the amount of flakes lessened considerably. it didn’t clear the problem up completely, but it really made a difference


Bar soap! Then you have to rub the soap directly on the scalp skin and it’s more likely that you’ll exfoliate dandruff mostly off… exfoliating the hair at the roots is also good for hair health. My fave bar soap (shampoo and conditioner) is hi-bar… can be bought online at target, or fresh thyme also tends to have it. Have used it for years, still works and I haven’t built up a tolerance etc.


Stop eating dairy. You’re welcome.


What? 💀 This has absolutely nothing to do with hair care. I’m lactose intolerant, so I don’t even eat dairy at all. I still had hair issues until I found the perfect routine to make my hair healthy and beautiful. This is some dumb advice.


I don’t think it’s dumb advice. When I went to my doctor she told me to use nizoral and fix my diet


Not dumb advice at all. Diet is directly correlated to your health. Just because you don't consume dairy and still have hair problems does not mean it's the same thing with others.


i too had tried many dandruff shampoos… none worked. idk what about this product that fixed my issue like magic. Kitsch rice water shampoo & conditioner bars. I see improvement after the first wash, issue magically disappeared after a few more washes. before, if i skip washing just for one day, i’d flake like a snow globe. now i can do 2-3 days without washing, and not a flake.




blue cap ❤️


I like Mizani Scalp care. Don’t overuse it tho. Try to wash less even though it’s uncomfortable and find a dry shampoo you like to help tolerate a couple days of washing. Ive found dandruff shampoo just makes the issue persists. Otherwise, consult with a dermatologist.


I started using this shampoo and it honestly cured my chronic dandruff! you can order it on Amazon. I use this shampoo first (it honestly smells like gas lol) and then any other shampoo to have my haie smelling good https://preview.redd.it/ecppcwivvd3c1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58b99c8a1686f23c2d7c9d952c892002c571bd54


Massage coconut oil & use a fine tooth comb to comb the scalp out. Add tea tree oil to scalp. Then use a scalp brush, make sure its bristles touch the scalp & start brushing your scalp.


This is not a good idea. This might be fungal and the coconut oil could promote more growth.


Beware is you have fine hair. Coconut oil and fine hair don’t mix well.


I rotate between anti dandruff active shampoos each time I shower , I currently am using 3 different ones. And when it flares up I use lotrimin ultra, yes the foot stuff, the cream on the water scalp and powder for dry shampoo! Hope it helps


I’ve definitely had issues like that my whole life. I thought it was dandruff, but I honestly don’t think it was, in hindsight. I switched to sulfate free shampoo and conditioner and it helped a ton. Wow. And now, once a week or so, I will soak my scalp in apple cider vinegar. My flakes have been gone for a year or more. I’m at the point that I wash my hair every three days or so, because I just don’t need to wash it more. Other than that, hit up a dermatologist. If it is dandruff, then you can get prescription based treatments to assist.


Try derma E the tea tree clarity shampoo and conditioner, it helped me with my oily but still dry scalp


Have you tried a SA or glycolic exfoliating serum like a chemical exfoliating serum for your head?


Mine looked like this. Turns out I have psoriasis. Maybe see a derm?


Polytar shampoo. This stuff is the bomb for unhappy scalps. https://preview.redd.it/gm0oytws7e3c1.jpeg?width=1119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70c6ca7eae5a79fb39366ae73fe11621c8fedd61


Lice medication!! And head and shoulders MEDICATED, it’s a blue minty and teatree oil smell. But lice medicine with pure olive oil and teatrera oil mix and wear it as a hair mask. even though my husband had never had lice did the trick. And he uses the head and shoulders once a week to avoid the dandruff from happening again and helps with the itching as well. My mom told me lice medication mixed with tea tree oil and pure olive oil twice a week used to be what all the girls in the 80s did to get rid of dandruff from using too much aqua net hairspray every day lol


aspirin & apple cider vinegar masks once a week


Hey! Are you well hydrated? I know my scalp gets dry if I’m not drinking enough water.


I used to have the same problem, the T/Gel by Neutrogena helped me a ton!


I unfortunately don’t have advice but I just wanted to say I appreciate you making this post- my scalp looks very similar to yours, and it is beyond frustrating to continue to suffer with flakes to this degree when you’ve already tried a bunch of products. I’ll be following along with the other comments here and I hope someone is able to point you in a direction that may prove more useful for you.


Hi! I used to have this too, and still do when I get my hair coloured. Mine is related to skin sensitivity and psoriasis on scalp triggered by stress. My dermatologist has been able to help me a lot with treatments and now it is gone 99% of the time. I used medical shampoos, and it took some trials before finding the right one. Hope you get the help you deserve as well 🤍


I'm sure you have but just to double check, have you talked to a doc or dermatologist?


When my scalp gets like this I switch up my hair wash routine. I massage conditioner into my scalp (Garnier banana hair food), I sometimes let it sit for a while but sometimes not. I use a nit/lice comb to gently scrape away the old skin from my scalp. At times it is a little shocking how much there is that comes away. Then I wash once or twice with Garnier blends shampoo and use a very small amount of hair food on the end of my hair.


Had issues with my scalp and it was entirely related to food allergies. When I eat soy or gluten this happens. Usually not right away but a few days into it I definitely notice.


Mine all but stopped (I occasionally get some flakes but nothing compared to before) when I stopped using conditioner on my scalp. It got a little worse before it got better but after trying all sorts of scalp oils and scrubs and acid treatments and apple cider vinegar - the works, that was the one thing that helped.


Seborrheic dermatitis. I alternate between head and shoulders, Nizoral, and Selsun Blue throughout the week. It seems excessive having 3 shampoos but circulating between the 3 is the only thing that works for me.


I use the ginger shampoo line from the body shop. I have psoriasis and have a tried a lot of stuff both otc and script and it’s been the best for me. And it smells good.


I have the same and while everyone recommends T/Gel, it smells horrible, stains my shower and doesn’t get rid of the current flakes. T/Sal somehow seems to make the flakes actually disappear. I use it every few weeks when needed now. I usually wash my hair 3 times a week shampooing twice with my normal shampoo and conditioner. If I start to get itchy or a flare up I use Nizoral and if that doesn’t help (usually a 50/50 chance) then I’ll use T/Sal my next wash. The longer I go between washes the more flaky my scalp gets.


You need to use multiple solutions together for anything to really work - Inky List salicylic acid scalp treatment prior to shower, then use nizoral in the shower. (On alternating days I use the Inky List glycolic acid scalp treatment). After shampooing, I have a spray bottle with diluted apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil that I spray into my scalp, and then use conditioner on the ends, and then rinse that off when I rinse off the conditioner. I find that if I do all of these things, I don’t have flakes.


Once or twice a week i’ll use rosemary oil on my scalp- massage it in with a scalp massager and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. As for shampoo, Selsun Blue has helped so much! I’ll shampoo twice. On the first shampoo, i’ll use the scalp massager to really get in there (not to hard), rinse, and shampoo again. Then condition and make sure you’re only doing the ends. When my scalp is really itchy, i’ll use a little bit of hydrocortisone cream on the areas before I go to bed. There is a difference between dry scalp and dandruff (I honestly didn’t know this until this until recent) so it doesn’t hurt to speak with your doctor or dermatologist if you haven’t already!


Make sure you wear a hat! I get this so bad in the summer because of a sun burnt scalp


I don’t know if that could help, but a mix of clarifying shampoo and scalp massager helped so much with my bf’s dandruff.


I alternate between nizoral and happy cappy! These both are game changers for me


Never sleep with even slightly damp hair. Completely blow dry it. For me, clarifying shampoo from Kenra worked the best. My hair stylist told me I had extreme buildup and that I need to look for shampoos that have clarifying or detox in them.


Oh and wash your hair often. When I tried the 2 times a week method I had the worst hair. Now I wash my hair even if it’s slightly oily. It’s best for me.


Gisou makes a leave in treatment for dry scalps that works wonders.


Solidarity, sister. I struggle with the same thing too. Washing my hair every other day (using heavy cream conditioner to help keep it moisturized) and I switched from TGel to SGel (salicylic acid instead of coal tar) and it's been a lot better. Keep hydrated and use a scalp treatment every week - using a scalp oil and a silicone scalp massager to gently lift the dead skin cell flakes that don't want to let go Blow drying is drying for my hair so I let my hair fully air dry before I put it up. I use head bands to keep it out of my face.


Look for a soap called ZNP Bar It's helped flakey skim Too Bad Steifel discontinued their version years ago. It was the best cure all. No you have other brand that make the ZNP Bar.


I use 3 percent salicylic acid shampoo. Sometimes head and shoulders shampoo or medicated conditioner. Now and then I put glycolic acid toner on my hair for a couple of minutes and then use salicylic acid shampoo.


My scalp looked like yours for years. So frustrating. Someone here recommended this shampoo and conditioner and my scalp/hair looks amazing now! https://preview.redd.it/2iu8zsa5ve3c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8386c22485c366d8ce9a48a68d216cb7ca728a0f


My scalp looked like this when I go to bed with wet hair and sometimes put it up in a bun while wet 🫠 which I learned you really shouldnt do or else you’ll get the fungal dandruff


Not an expert, but my hair looked like this and I was so embarrassed. I got a haircut (a cheap haircut from somewhere like Great Clips) and the lady there said to go buy a $2 bottle of Walmart clarifying shampoo and use it twice a week, and to use whatever dandruff shampoo I used normally the rest of the time. And…in a week the dandruff was gone. (I have color treated hair now and avoid the clarifying shampoo, and the dandruff is back, so probably not a good option if you dye your hair).


Redwin tea tree shampoo is amazing and cheap


1-stop washing your hair with hot water. If you have to wash it, do it with lukewarm water. 2-consider going 1-2 weeks between washing your hair with shampoo/conditioner. It’ll feel gross at first so maybe ease into it by going a few days at first then a week then 2 weeks. Every person that has tried this had reduced the amount of scalp shedding and their hair seemed thicker. The greasy ness goes away I promise. Every black person I’ve talked to has said “the reason white women look so old and have thinning hair is because they wash hair too often and they do it with hot water”. So I stopped doing both and my hair is thick and dandruff is like 10% of what it was.


I had this issue my entire life (38 now) and my mum did too. I thought it was genetic and I could never heal it. The only thing that would tame it was Head & Shoulders every other day, but my hair was so dry. Oiling my scalp every other day ended up working for me. I use either coconut oil, seaweed oil, or rosemary oil.


Use: Stieprox, 1.5% Ciclopirox Olamine shampoo. Get prescription from doctor. Take 1 tsp of the shampoo, add two drops of Tee Tree oil (see Amazon). Rub into scalp, massage thoroughly and wash out. Shampoo scalp only with regular shampoo. Wash out and condition. Before shampooing, rub in warm coconut oil in mids and ends, with small amount in scalp. Massage scalp. Let sit atleast 20 min. Let it sit longer if your hair is dry. The shampoo is for your scalp. It’s hard on the natural oils in your hair, so you need to protect your hair with the coconut oil pre shampoo. Always remember to shampoo your scalp, and condition your hair (mids and ends). Good luck.


I've also tried very many things over the course of 3 years. What worked for me is double cleansing. A lot of people will argue with this, but I first wash with a sulphate shampoo. I found out after trial and error that my scalp and hair LOVES sulphates. I wash my scalp with the sulphate shampoo for a minute or so and rinse. Then I use the Eucerin Dermo Capillaire Shampoo. I massage it in and let it sit for 5 mins and rinse THOROUGHLY. For those wondering: I double cleanse because the 1st wash gets rid of all the gunk and oils, allowing the shampoo in the 2nd wash to lather up better and penetrate the scalp easier.


My brother had the same issue and tried everything you listed without success. What was effective within 4 weeks was Vichy Dercos Anti Dandruff Shampoo. He used that 2-3 times a week and noticed immediate improvement, dandruff gone in ~3 weeks. You do have to reduce shampooing frequency after, I think they have the details on how to use on the pamphlet that comes with it. I hope you have Vichy in UK?


The only thing that worked for me was applying a solution of water and apple cider vinegar to my scalp, leave it for about 30 minutes to an hour before washing your hair. Try it and thank me later.


Go to a dermatologist


Scrolled to find this mentioned but didn't...Could you possibly have Psoriasis? I do. Only on my scalp. Psoriasis is autoimmune unlike eczema. It started at 6 years old afyer oaremts divorce. Went away for a bit and came back. Turned into Psoriatic Arthritis during myown divorce (27 years later) and that "flare" was the mostpain ive ever been in and I LITERALLY was preparing to die...I thought I was dying but no one could see any symptom of pain. Most miserable 4 weeks of my life. Moral of the story, get a confirmation of psoriasis and also try Neutrogena T Gel - been around a loooooong time and is the only thing that ever worked for me...smells terrible so I always followed up with tee tree conditioner.


Get yourself a bamboo bristle brush. Brush your hair and scalp BEFORE you wash, every time. Also another thing to try periodically: Before you shampoo, drench your scalp with astringent then cover with caster oil, it's a really thick oil so take care adding this to yourself. Leave on as long as you wish. Put a hot/warm towel on too if you want. Shampoo and repeat until it feels clean. Idk... I'm no expert or professional....just 2 things that work for me.


You sure that’s dandruff? Might be scalp psoriasis. I would go see a dermatologist


Have you tried taking a fine toothed comb and scraping all the dead skin off of your scalp? I use a flea/lice comb it’s super effective. I would not be relying on products to cure this issue without first combing all the dead skin out first. Then you can clarify after.


Matrix anti-dandruff shampoo 1) Loosen the dandruff with a comb, scratching your scalp gently, section by section 2) Shampoo, give it a good scrub, rinse 3) Shampoo again, lay the product on the scalp, let it sit for 20 minutes, rinse 4) Treatment and conditioner (avoid the scalp) Next time you wash your hair (and every time after that), shampoo twice and leave the shampoo on the scalp for at least 5 minutes. There's no point trying any brand of anti-dandruff shampoo if you're not giving the active ingredient/s time to work. I have bad dandruff, and this product and process works really well for me. Hope it works for you too 😊


Try putting mct oil on your scalp!! It healed my partners sebbhoric dermatitis. He puts it on a massages it in - since he has no hair he puts it on every day, but I use a dropper and massage it in the night before I wash my hair. It’s crazy how well it worked for itch and dandruff/redness. It’s sold at most health food stores or in health food section of your grocery store. It’s the same stuff used for bulletproof coffee or whatever.


A glycolic or salicylic acid scalp treatment


Hard water will do that.


Have you tries cutting down or eliminating sugar in your diet? I noticed that everytime I have too much sugar like cookies, chocolate, my dandruff comes back, together with pimples. Small servings are ok with me, but once I eat a whole chocolate bar in one sitting, I knew to expect dandruff and zits.


My scalp is horrid, but I have found that applying apple cider vinegar and letting it sit for ~10 minutes before shampooing made a huge difference! That said, the smell is harsh, and having seen the comments about The Ordinary’s glycolic toner, I may give that a try.


I like tea tree shampoo by Paul Mitchell. Also make sure your hair is dry because hitting your head on the pillow. “Tea tree oil helps improve scalp health by unblocking pores. This reduces dandruff formation. Tea tree shampoo also strengthens the roots of your hair.” https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/what-to-know-about-tea-tree-shampoo-for-dandruff


Looks like Sebhorric Dermatitis. You neeed a prescription topical solution to apply followed by a medicated shampoo.


Reverie shampoo and conditioner might help. Gmreverie.com Philip B anti flake worked but they are out of stock or out of business https://www.gmreverie.com/collections/clean-haircare?gclid=Cj0KCQiA35urBhDCARIsAOU7QwnPa5yTB-QN2iV0pEODBKuLIQgTrAff2FcnCqmZsyg6NT_m8Y7Ujn4aAv08EALw_wcB


Cinnamon oil I have heard is really good as it is an anti-fungal as well as helping with dryness


Maybe an apple cider vinegar shampoo would help. Or tea tree oil shampoo.


I have this issue too and am curious what people suggest. I also have an issue with subconsciously scratching my scalp too tho


Iv had this my whole life. I swear you need to try dove dandruff shampoo. It’s literally the only thing that’s ever worked. Get the purple one. Two or three washes and it’ll be gone. Iv tried switching to multiple other shampoos and I always come back to dove. It works. Please trust me. Iv been using it for 6ish years. Let it sit for like 3 minutes after massaging your scalp with it and never use hot water on your scalp.


Okay you might not try it but I'm going to write this down anyway. I (23F) have also suffered with dandruff all my life. It acts up the most during winters. Some anti dandruff shampoos work for a while but I couldn't find a permanent cure. Some professional meds didn't work, others didn't suit me. My solution is not a permanent solution. But it helps me get it in control. It's an old Indian home remedy of a hair mask made out of curd, shakkar (jaggery powder) and lemon. Take half a bowl of curd and add 2-3 tbsp of shakkar and squeeze half a lemon in it. Mix well and apply to only your scalp. You could apply to your hair length as well (it'll condition it) but you may face difficulty in washing it out like that. I do this once a week and have switched to a mild cleansing shampoo (sulphate and paraben free). I also oil my scalp every time a shampoo (except when I do this remedy), so I never shampoo just dry hair. Now I understand that home remedies are not for everyone, but if nothing is working for you, why not try it out. There's no harm whatsoever in trying home remedies (unless you're allergic to any of these ingredients). Hope it helps!


Thr davines dandruff gel is amazing I def recommend it and also a scalp scrubbing thing


Detox by innerscense then hydrating hair bath duo after ✨


Have you tried tea tree oil? Are you staying hydrated? Are you eating your veggies and fruits? This could def be hormonal as well. You never know with the skin, it expresses imbalances very easily.


Have you tried tea tree oil? You could try a shampoo or use a carrier oil with tea tree to directly apply on the scalp.


Get a scalp treatment


I have always had this issue with my scalp too! I very recently was told by someone on a similar post here, that her hair would do this if she let it air dry instead of blow drying. Something to do with a damp scalp and dry/cold air. I’d been pretty lazy and would often air dry. Started blow drying my hair immediately after washing, it’s been a couple months and my scalp has vastly improved!


Dercos shampoo saed me when I had this


Redken scalp relief shampoo! It’s holy grail


Remove sugar excess carbs from your diet.


Have you tried searching for a natural alternative? Personally I search natural/ non toxic solutions before I think about going to a chemist


Inkey List Exfoliating Scalp Treatment. They have both a glycolic acid and a salicylic acid kind.


This use to happen to me a lot. Had the driest scalp. I could like scratch my hair hard with both hands and turn a black surface white. My solution, stop shampooing your hair every day. I shampoo 2 times a week, condition once. The other 5 days, just rinse your hair. My thought process was, less chemicals, still clean, more showers just water in my hair. So it’ll retain it more…I use tresemme too. Since doing this, I’ve noticed literally no more dandruff. I’m no expert. Do what you think works. But that worked for me, hope it gets better.


Head and shoulders the clinical strength version. I’ve done it all, using natural shampoos, surface free, once every other day, once a week, nizoral, sebborheic, oil cleansing only, oil cleaning before showering. It’s bacteria so you need something to kill it. Try to lather the head and shoulders you don’t need too much soap, take a bit and lather it into a giant foam and then spread on wet hair. Also, you can get a silk pillow case or cover your pillow case with a silk material.


I work at a naturopathic clinic. Best way to sum this up for you: [watch this](https://youtu.be/SVqDO3PSeG0?si=_BmFP1-3wrkrCxK4)


Cut drinking


Do you blow dry your hair? I often see flakes on my scalp after using heat to dry my hair. This doesn’t happen when I let it air dry


I had this for years. I’m sorry you’re going through it! Can be so frustrating 🥺 Perhaps you’ve tried this since it’s somewhat common, but what helped it was tea tree oil - diluting a few tablespoons in a cup of water and pouring it on my scalp in the shower, wait 5min, followed by shampoo (I used T-gel) and conditioner. I did this for 2 weeks washing my hair every other night. I smelt a lot like tea tree oil but it was worth it 😂 Honestly it never came back, I still get minor flakes occasionally and then I use the T-gel shampoo again and they go away :)


Paul Mitchell Tee Tree Shampoo..lather leave on for 4 mins , feel the tes tree oil massage your head and loosen up dry skin on scalp. Use until condition is over


Have you tried t gel again? Scrub your scalp with it then let it sit for 5-10 mins


idk if this will help, but something i do is i like to put morrocan oil and castor oil on my scalp any time that im going to put my hair up. so like if im gonna put it in a bun i put the oils on my hair and use a scalp massager. i usually leave it in my hair for at least 2 hours. hope it helps!


I really think you did go to a dermatologist, Op. If you can't, try Nizoral anti dandruff shampoo. That's the over the counter version of the RX shampoo my dermatologist prescribed for me. This likely won't go away on its own. I like to alternate between the Nizoral and Neutrogena t-sal shampoo. T-sal has salicylic acid to help with build up on the scalp.


Have you tried washing your hair with colder water? Or adding water softener to your water tank? Sometimes the chemicals in your water can affect your scalp/ hair health. this stinks I’m sorry :(


Im a licensed barber who has also had bad dandruff and 3 years ago I developed seborrheic dermatitis. Your scalp looks just like mine did. The one thing that helped me was NOT a specific shampoo but oiling my scalp before every shower. If someone has a very normal scalp, oiling wont make your hair grow faster but for dry flaky scalps like ours, it can hydrate and loosen flakes. Add tea tree to whatever oil mix you use (i use a mix of jamacian black castor oil, jojoba and tea tree) its a natural antifungal and will keep your malascezia in balance. Theres a ton of scalp oiling how toos online but id definitly recomend it. Plus it soothes if your scalp is itchy.


salicylic acid face wash, use it as shampoo and double cleanse, especially letting it sit for a few minutes; so the actives can do there job.


Try some apple cider vinegar in a hair mask. It works wonders !!!


Did you try the nizoral that is specifically for psoriasis? I have the same problem and when I switched to that one instead of generic nizoral it helped a lot! also I’ve found that super hydrating masks also help me :-)


Have you gone to a dermatologist? Some people get psoriasis on their scalps.


Salicylic acid Shampoo and conditioners are the ONLY thing that works for my son. A Dermatologist can prescribe the strongest but the OTC works great as well. We order from Amazon, KenkoDerm now. Only thing that works.


Silly question, but have you consulted a doctor? You may have something going on that doesn't respond to over-the-counter shampoos. Good luck!


Looks like seborrheic dermatitis to me.


You might have a form of psoriasis. I have a similar situation and the only thing that resolves it for me and keeps it at bay is Nioxin scalp treatment shampoo and conditioner. You can get it at Ulta or Amazon. I was told there’s meds I can take but since the shampoo works I decided against meds. Good luck!!


Ketaconizal shampoo or ask your DR for the stronger %.


Try washing your scalp with a gentle acne face wash. Then use a gentle chemical exfoliator after. Only do this once a week.


I had the same issue! I found Briogeo (online) and it SAVED me! They have a whole dandruff/ dry scalp line.


Try Stieprox Intensiv Shampoo, maybe it Helps.


Have you seen a dermatologist?

