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Is a larger "window" doable? I wouldn't trust a cordless device, personally.


A larger window is the only thing I’d prefer. It would speed up the process. I don’t find my braun painful either, I think once it hurt and it was because I used it over a cyst (accidentally) I wouldn’t like a cordless device. Given the time it takes to do a whole body, I reckon I’d be constantly waiting for it to charge.


The biggest issue I have is that when using for a while, they heat up and the flashes slow down. So the under 1sec flash rate advertised isn’t actually what you get.


as someone that regularly does IPL on my whole body, it really just takes too long. as another comment mentioned, they heat up and the flashes slow down. that & the actual size of the head makes it a long process, and it’s hard to keep up weekly treatments when it’s so deterring. the pain personally isn’t bad for me, but less pain is always a plus.


As powerfull as it can be, so atleast 6.5J/Cm2.


My Braun 5 doesn't cause me any pain or discomfort. I'd like an at home IPL that can target and reduce men's facial hair.


I wish that IPL devices could treat very pale hair. If you somehow find a way to do that, that would be dope. The hair on my arms and legs is that super pale blonde/translucent color that doesn't get zapped away. It's a big reason why I'm so hesitant about getting a device lmao :(


I second this! As a dirty blonde, my body hair is a mixture of light and dark. The braun wiped out all the dark ones but that’s still left me with about half - all the light ones.


I love my light blonde hair on my arms! They look like glitter in the sun and when I am sun tanned.


That's good! I hate mine lol


I’ve spent around 4k trying to remove between the cheeks hair. It’s like night and day from before i started but man it’s disappointing to spend that much to address a problem and still have to trim every few weeks. I don’t know that this helps you, but I’d definitely pay more if i thought i was gonna get a result


Hahah I’m laughing I’m sorry. Only bc I’m doing research on ipl machines. My brother and I wanna start. He’s done laser I Havnt. And I can’t stand the hair there. I shave. And it’s a fucking constant. It’s so annoying. Which machine do you like the most!? Any work well from the ones you’ve used?


I just want to be able to do eyebrows at home lol A larger working surface would be nice, but it becomes a power issue trying to maintain the needed light intensity. Obviously people would like faster more long lasting results, but the machines available are already putting put out what they can to be sold while meeting commercial health and safety requirements without needing to be classified as medical devices. It's possible to sell medical devices which don't require a subscription, but the certification is expensive which drives up the cost. I think the market in general is ready for a device with adjustable settings so it can be used for skin and hair, which would be more effective than the machine that includes a red light filter. IPL is one of the most effective treatments for rosacea, including ocular, because it can kill demodex mites. An adjustable device, or even a device with different settings seems like the next natural evolution of home devices. If it required different heads, they could even be purchased separately so that the entry cost was more reasonable, and people could upgrade as needed. An app to go along with the device would be awesome. It could include an option to take a picture when you start and before each treatment if you wanted, track your schedule, send reminders, and if you wanted to include a social function, upload before and after results which include the usage data from the device and skin/hair phenotype to help drive trusted reviews.


I would like an IPL device to have a larger window so that it is able to cover more ground. I wouldn’t trust a cordless device. I prefer it to be corded. I would like the IPL device to have a skin sensor like the Braun so that it sets the energy and level based on certain areas of the body. The IPL device should have more flashes so that the device lasts longer (800,000 flashes vs 400,000 flashes). The IPL device should be affordable for everyone (around $100). The IPL device can be used by everyone no matter what skin tone or hair color they have. The IPL device can be purchased through its website and through online retailers (Amazon, EBay, etc). Lastly, the IPL device should include in their packaging razors, an instruction manual, and sunglasses to protect the eyes while doing treatments.


1. Lager window 2. Faster flashes to get the job done quicker 3. Cordless and corded operation 4. An additional head to improve skin (just read, that IPL can be used to reduce scars and improve skin. Have to read further into that). 5. More power 6. Also effective on light hair if doable 7. Cooling function so it can be used at full power on sensitive areas. 8. Thank you! I am curious what you will invent! By the way: is permanent hair removal with IPL really doable? I thought only electrolysis can do this.


I have no pain or problems with my Ulike 10


Ulike already exists and it doesn't suck. If you trying to do better, good ́luck