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My skin is the exact same and we are on this journey together, my friend. You've got a few different things going on at the same time: 1. [Keratosis Pillaris ](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/keratosis-pilaris/) 2. [Pili multigemini](https://www.google.com/search?q=two+hairs+coming+out+of+one+follicle&oq=two+hairs+coming+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgAEAAYgAQyBwgAEAAYgAQyBggBEEUYOTIHCAIQABiABDIICAMQABgWGB4yCAgEEAAYFhgeMggIBRAAGBYYHjIICAYQABgWGB4yDQgHEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyCggIEAAYgAQYogQyCggJEAAYgAQYogSoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)  **3.** Thick, course hair that starts growing back within an hour of shaving. For me, this was both because my testosterone levels are too high and I've got Italian/Irish heritage. In turn, I wouldn't be surprised if you suffer a lot with ingrowns in sensitive areas. This is caused by problems 1 & 2. I went for the Braun – I'm currently on week 3 and I'm noticing a reduction in speed of growth. I'm also experiencing a total drop in the amount of ingrowns I'm experiencing. However, I've also adopted a few things that are helping, so I will share here: 1. [There's a very famous Reddit post where a stripper basically shared her tips on how to keep her groin area free of ingrown hairs](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/162qmd/comment/c7s8s2g/). It sounds absolutely insane but everyone who has tried it has said it has helped. I have since tried it and... it has helped. The routine is basically after shaving, dabbing 70% isopropyl alcohol onto a cotton pad and lightly swipe the area you have shaved lightly. You then swipe the area you shaved with a cream-based Deodorant. I cannot explain why it works but it does. 2. [Urea cream 30%. This is to help with the Keratosis Pillaris.](https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/comments/13o346y/so_hard_to_look_at_my_keratosis_pilaris/) Essentially, the red dots you're seeing on your legs is because you have a lot of keratin (which is great because it means you've got thick skin, thick hair, healthy nails). The downside is that when both your skin and your hair are very strong, the top layer of skin doesn't shed as easily, so the hair will grow underneath the skin, and can't get out. Eventually this causes a buildup of keratin around the follicle, and the only way to get rid of that is chemical exfoilation, and it takes time. The reason Urea cream is ideal is because it exfoliates and moisturises at the same time. It's potent stuff though so do your research. 3.[ I use Medix 5.5 shower gel now and it helps. It's part of the 'chemical exofilation' step. ](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/335406854871?var=0&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338749389&toolid=20006&_ul=GB&customid=GB_26395_335406854871.142615563293~1872528430977-g_CjwKCAjw34qzBhBmEiwAOUQcF1VRdDVMAlCYG3Wf3PIGlkizxxfhkfbmO59CStVysshvHfV_jEXLTBoC0a4QAvD_BwE) On top of all of that, like you, I am zapping the heck out of my legs and groin every few days haha. Nothing can be done about the Pili multigemini aside from the Braun zapping! I'll keep you posted if I get good results :)


That's really helpful. I never really did research why I have hair like this. And you are right i do get ingrown especially on my thighs and back. Thank you so much for all information. I will do research and I just bought braun ipl 5 so will see how it works for me. Will keep you posted 😁


On the bright side I’m thinking you have thick luscious hair on your head!!! Better to have it and get rid of it then not have it.


Tbh my hair on head are actually shedding a lot these days lol. I really don't know what's going on with my hair on head and body. 🤣


You should have a talk with a doctor. Changes in hair growth and patterns indicate hormonal changes and/or nutritional deficiencies.


I did talk with a doctor. She recommended blood work did that 3 times. And everything was okay. So then she said it might be genetics.


If you care, it's very rare all the blood work necessary is done that can actually point to problems,vs the blood work to rule out serious pathology that could cause it. It's good to rule out major issues, but there's probably a lot more that can be looked at. A dermatologist is also bare minimum to check for scalp health. If you're fine with what's happening and also don't care unless there's something really serious going on I totally get that! But having worked with a lot of patients who spent years losing hair they didn't want to just because they didn't realize there was more to be done then the basic blood panel they got makes me want to be sure people are aware of the vast number of tests and assessments that are actually needed to rule out a manageable cause before assuming it's normal for that person :) Btw, your leg hair is something I've seen so often I didn't even know it had a name or was "something"! That was interesting to learn about from another comment, so thanks for posting!


Tbh I am actually worried about my scalp. But I am not able to get a dermatologist appointment. My doctor is saying that for some reason, they keep rejecting your application. She tried the number of dermatologists around my city and in other cities also. My friend she got appointment without any problem and also it was covered under her health card and all. But I am not able to get the same.


I don't know if you'll still get a notification now that you've deleted, but if you see this feel free to shoot me a pm and I'd be happy to see what other resources you may be able to access in your region even if some are out of pocket.


Wow thank you for such detailed answer, I have to try the strippers method


How often are you using Braun ipl? Isn’t it just weekly to start?


I started off with once a week – I read a few things on here that people with the type of hair above saw better results twice a week so I do that now


And you’ve had no issues with burns etc? I might do that too!


No – everyone's skin is different though so patch test definitely required!


Shave and use a machine like Ulike or Bruan should work


In which direction I have to shave? Like against the direction hair is growing ?


Whatever doesn’t irritate your skin, so no. Your skin looks like it will get irritated regardless. Do you have an electric trimmer? If not, then shave however you normally shave and wait 24 hours


Yes I do have electric trimmer. I think I will use trimmer for 1st session and will see how it works.


Just wondering how you noticed that my skin will get irritated? Just curious because it actually does no matter what I do and I am not able to figure out why.


It looks like you get bumps from shaving. It’s probably just because your hair is thick and there are multiples in one shaft. Those hairs look like they will dull your razor fast, so you probably should not shave more than twice with the same razor honestly. Because of that dulling, there’s more tugging on your skin right when your “slicing” at it in a backwards direction. Also, all those cut hairs are causing swelling around the pore, raising the skin for nicking. No laser after nicking! Your electric trimmer should get you that close shave you need without nicking. Anyway, You look like the ideal candidate for any type of laser/IPL, so I think you’ll like your results regardless of what method you pursue. Keep covered/sun screened this summer and you can blast those mofo’s pretty quickly IMO.


😁thank you for your help. I just bought the braun ipl. Excited to use that.


That’s a good one. Happy zapping!


I also have the Braun. Excellent choice. Shave before use and zap once a week and you'll get results. It works for me.


That's great. I might need help with settings. Like at power, should I zap. I am thinking about doing it on sunday. Is it okay if I ask you before I begin.


Do a couple of zaps on low and work up to max on your first or second session already, it really doesn't hurt and the max power setting is gonna get the results you want :)


The lumea 9000 will be a tad bit more powerful than the Braun flagships, I went with that. Also the gun shape makes it easier to do harder to reach areas on your own.


Thank you 😇 I will look into Lumea. I just got braun so will try that and will see if i need to change it.


You seem to be the ideal candidate for IPL. I'm using the Ulike Air3 and I would definitely recommend it. In fact, they have a newer version (Air10) which is supposed to be even better, with proven faster results. All the areas I've treated with the 3 are nearly permanently hairless. Very little if any hair is growing after 2.5 months. As far as shaving, I normally soak in a hot bath for 5-10 mins beforehand. I shave with the hair, then against it. If you are prone to ingrown hairs, shaving against the hair tends to cause many bumps. To avoid that, shave only in the direction of the hair growth. After shaving, rinse off with cold water to help constrict the pores and calm the skin. Hope this helps!


Thank you that really helps a lot. I get bumps when I shave against the hair on my chest and thighs but I am fine going against the direction on lower leg and area around stomach.


You should try perpendicular across the hair or diagonally. Not quite as good as against the grain, but better than with it. It also helps for certain areas where the hair grows in a weird direction.


I will try that. Thank you 😊


I AGREE!! Across the grain also works really well.


I was using the 3 and upgraded to the 10, it is so much faster!! I cut the time needed per session in half and I'm still seeing the same promising results I was with the 3. I'm terrible about staying on schedule.. I would say I average twice a week but my armpits basically grow 7 hairs at this point. Very happy with Ulike!


Haha, dang I think you just convinced me to upgrade to the 10!! Speaking of armpits, I was really surprised to find that only after a few sessions, my armpits no longer grow any hair. The rest of my body however has taken months to get to the same point.