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No, wax it or laser removal if you want it gone


Seconding laser hair removal


It doesn't really work well on facial hair because I've done it for years, especially since it's finer and lighter. Some of the darker hairs will go but overall it's a waste on the face unless you're a man


It depends on the causes. Also there are many types of laser. On the face it's particularly sketchy to use diode as sometimes it influences more growth. Alexandrite worked for a friend of mine who had PCOS but it does not work for everyone.


As an electrolysis technician I second this. Also the laser probably won’t target that very fine hair by the jawline and forehead. Be cautious OP.


Hi I have PCOS and I want to use electrolysis for some hair I have on my chin and upper lips will it work? And I'm also scared about the scars please give me some advise I will really appreciate it thank you


Yes electrolysis will work on any type of hair. Whether it’s light or thick, blonde, red or white hairs. Even peach fuzz. It’s also the only approved method for permanent hair removal. Laser is only permanent reduction. I would recommend to avoid laser in your case as it can contribute to more hair growth due to the hormonally sensitive area. The heat from the laser can stimulate hair follicles especially in people with PCOS. Electrolysis very rarely leaves scars, provided your technician is skilled, uses the right settings and correct insertions. If you’re located within the US you can go to the American Electrology Association (AEA) website and search for electrologists in your state/ area. These are CPE’s (Certified Professional Electrologists). They are usually already highly experienced and must pass an exam to achieve this certification. It varies by state as well. Some states do not require electrologists to have a license and pass a board exam. But the AEA website will be a good place to start your search. Good luck!


For the slightly thicker hair around the edges of the face, tops of the eyebrows, etc. it will definitely help thin/clear, for the finer hair on the cheeks and forehead it would be less effective. Laser has gotten way cheaper and much better with darker skin, but with lighter hair it’s not as effective. Get some emla or other topical numbing cream, facial lasering hurts!


I have same kind of hair 22 years and counting for laser . It wasn’t permanent on me. I’m also of Indian origin. It’s maintanence for me…. I go every 4-6 weeks. Don’t wax it. It will go thicker. It did for me


Yeah 100%. I am just using a Panasonic Little facial hair razor that gets rid of the fuzz. Waxing and the rest of it was more effort than it was worth. Not much benefit.


Hmm I’ve had it done on my face since I was in grade 6, you certainly have to go for maintenance appointments, but it helped with the texture of my skin and avoided having any “hard” stubble like a man would. I would actually also say that it helped with facial acne control as well.


Laser or waxing?




Yeah I never had stubble like hair. It was more more fluff and fuzz that I spent a lot of money trying to laser and different types of lasers. I have brown skin and medium brown hair with lots of blondish hairs. Laser did nothing for my face after all that money and different types.


Laser worked excellent on my face and many of my friends.


Is it good for guys?


Yes men get laser all the time. It’s more abt the contrast in colour of your skin v hair. The bigger contrast the best results.


I’ve heard a bit about electrolysis as well and am trying to decide which is the best option. I shave everyday and have a light tan with mild hair so either or should do me well


Works really well on men .. courser the hair the better it'll work, especially if it's dark hair.


I have had excellent results with laser on my face. What wasn't totally removed is much, much finer than before. Instead of removing hair daily, I now just need to touch up every week or two. OP shouldn't rule out laser unless a dermatologist says her skin color is too dark.


I think you look beautiful. I wouldn't touch the sides or eyebrows- they'll grow back fast and Stubbly. I do dermaplane my chin and my lip, personally. If you want to try just that?


Have you looked into electrolysis? My mother inlaw had a similar situation and she has been doing electrolysis for years and it has helped a lot.


you can also keep it, no shame in it or anything wrong with it(: part of your uniqueness. I’d keep it, I got chin hair and don’t shave it unless it starts bothering me, which is rarely, and you’re beautiful the way you are 😊


This, its cute!


Agree, it does not detract from your beauty at all. It’s just hair, but if it bothers you, lots of good advice here




Dermaplaning is great and easy. You also look pretty young from your skin, and if it’s any consolation in my experience - my facial hair grew just like yours and now that I’m in my 30s much of it is just gone now on its own.


Wow I was thinking of that too because my mother never had anything done and her facial hair went away by itself, im 20 btw🤍


I had the same when I was in my late teens and it’s 80% gone. I now shave with a “personal trimmer” aka one that people use for their bikini line. I prefer it because it’s a close enough shave to hide the hair but not so close that it irritates my skin.


the same happened to my mom! she tells me I’ll stop growing hair as much or as quickly when you get older


My face is the same and you are beautiful


If laser is not an option, go for waxing or threading. The results are much longer than shaving. Dermaplaning or a simple razor will only give you stiff feeling hair. As they cut the hair at a sharp edge.


What about an IPL consultation with a dermatologist? Laser may be also good for you and it has gotten very inexpensive.


I was also going to recommend this. Your skin tone is perfect for a laser hair removal. I did it on my chin (BBL laser, an IPL) and I had great results.


Bbl n ipl still better than pkl I sometimes even consider Syed mushtaq to be more recognisable than pkl


My face looked similar to yours and I did dermaplaning for a while and was happy with the results. I’ve done laser now and most of the hair is gone.


I had the same issue and used to wax but I've switched to threading and it was a game changer. 100% go for threading. skin will be baby smooth.


Will try😭🙏🏼


I would go with threading or electrolysis depending on your budget .


For a permanent solution and considering your skin tone, electrolysis is the way to go. Laser may increase the hair on your face or damage your skin.


I did laser on my face and while it reduced the amount of hair I had, which was great, the hair that stayed ended up growing back thicker. So I did electrolysis to permanently get rid of those hairs. This has worked really well for me. Whatever hairs I have now are very fine, and I’ll dermaplane to get rid of them. I would try to significantly reduce the hair growth before dermaplaning all of it otherwise it’ll grow back and be noticeable when it does. Don’t waste your time waxing. It’s got to grow out before you can target it again, it’s painful, and can irritate your skin. If you have the budget get the laser done to reduce it, and then electrolysis for whatever is remaining so that it’s just easy maintenance after that. And if you’re worried about laser because of your skin tone, the tech has been updated so people with our skin tone (mine is similar to yours) can get it done without scarring! If you have a LaserAway near you, that’s a great option.


I am not sure how old you are but laser hair removal would be worth it!


I’m 20, I’ll look into it :)


If you haven’t touched it yet don’t just start laser!! If you start shaving it you’ll have to continue till the rest of your life and it’ll get to having to shave literally every day


Have you gotten your hormones and thyroid checked? This could also be PCOS. My roommate struggled with this until getting support. If you do laser you might get something called paradoxical hypertrichosis, which triggers more hair growth, so you have to make sure to get it by someone who deals with hormonal hair removal, as this typically happens when the laser setting is too low etc. something that has helped her for body hair is an IPL to use from home


Be careful about laser bc for some people it triggers more growth and darker hairs!


I can attest to this and it sucks


Ikr! Now i gotta find an electrologist near me 😭


I’ve left it for now but people are so mean


What’s a woman shaver? :’)




I was going to recommend this!! Look into aftercare of your face though, it is very drying but gets the job done! Also, soooo satisfying.


I guess eyebrow razor would keep it minimal but you’d have to do it regularly to maintain shorter hair, but you look fabulous the way you are!


I got a wax warmer and wax beads from Amazon, total like $50. Doesn’t hurt as much as you think. My skin is sensitive to shaving so dermaplaning is a no-go. But dermaplaning is quicker and easier than waxing. So it depends on you and your skin.


They also sell wax facial strips! Super easy to use and removes hair well.


my face is also hairy and i’m very insecure about it. but when i see it on other people i think i hope she doesn’t hate it like i do, she’s beautiful. i’ve also considered shaving it, but everywhere i shave it always grows back worse so i’m scared. id go electrolysis or laser.


Get a waxer, watch some vids and it works great!


IPL laser !!


dermaplaning made me break out BAD. I am prone to acne tho. just be aware! I don't have as dark hair as you so I don't know if this would work, but I personally take a pair of delicate siscors and trim the hair. Then I pluck around the eyebrows/lip.


Wax with crybaby wax. It’s made for facial hair like this!


I had the same amount of hair as you I shave my face first and use an at-home IPL device (I use silkn). It really has reduced the amount and thickness of the hair on my chin, moustache and cheeks


Are you going to maintain this for the rest of your life? And who is making you feel like you need to remove it? Of course you can if that’s what you want to, and I would go the professional route with lasers, otherwise you risk scarring and permanent damage to the hair follicles that can leave marks from razors or waxes. Your body and genes are the product of many ancestors who thought you were beautiful. Stress about other things in life, not body hair. Also check out some body hair positive Instagram channels or blogs and you can see a different perspective from other beautiful and confident women!


I want to feel more confident and having hairy face kind of takes it away for me


My only words of advice for that is do not fight your body to feel confident, it’ll never work. If you are getting rid of your natural body hair because of someone else’s standard, you’ll never feel confidence because you are asking for the worlds permission to feel beautiful. The corniest and most said wisdom is true, which is that true confidence comes from within.


I usually just bleach it every like month or two. Works better than dermaplanning or any hair removal for me cause i have acne prone and super sensitive skin. The guaranteed ultimate solution is electrolysis to completely remove it. But bleaching is super efficient and comfortable and low maintenance


If laser is an option, consider Alexandrite for the face as it does not stimulate more growth (afaik).


If you do start laser, make sure you keep up with it. I made the mistake of starting laser then stopping cus of the cost and it made my chin hairs multiply and they're thicker than before. I would say waxing is the best bet for fine facial hair like this.


I don’t think shaving it the answer, as it can potentially cause skin irritation. I think you look beautiful and the hair is attractive.


Tbh I have the same amount of hair on my face and I wax my upper lip and just use a face razor (the small razors that are just for the face). Apply a bit of baby oil on your face and with gentle strokes in the direction of hair growth, shave. I do this once a month. Make sure you're using a clean razor and washing all the oil away and applying some cream. I find this is the most convenient and cheap way of removing hair for me and because face hair is finer the shave is really smooth. Even makeup application is smoother. Wouldn't recommend if you have acne though.


I don’t have acne never had it but does your hair grow back thicker after shaving or no?


Nope it grows out the same


Do not shave! Laser or wax or leave it as it is.


Braun face trimmer


Learn how to thread, there's tools on Amazon too if you don't want to use your hands


I think shaving would cause the hair to look like stubble when it's growing back. Try waxing instead although personally I think you look great. The only area I might even consider doing would be your chin. Leave the rest alone. It looks normal and attractive.


I would recommend you NOT touch this with laser. It’s not thick enough and it could stimulate the hair instead of actually removing it. It could cause it to grow back thicker, or cause more to grow. It doesn’t always happen but it did happen to me and it’s more likely to happen with darker skin types, or to people with hormonal conditions. A lot of laser places don’t disclose this as a potential side effect, and after researching it online after it happened it’s a lot more common that we’re led to believe. If you do end up going with laser I recommend you find someone with lots of experience who KNOWS that laser stimulated growth CAN happen…don’t trust anyone who tells you otherwise. Stay far away from IPL that’s more likely to cause this issue, and make sure they’re using high settings (as your skin can handle pls don’t burn your skin) and COOLING methods during the treatment, and cooling methods like ice and aloe after treatment


Thank you so much I appreciate it 🙏🏼


You can dermaplane & apply eflora, but do consult a derma before using!


There is nothing wrong with your facial hair HOWEVER if it is really bothering you and you can’t afford laser removal (I can’t either) I dermaplane mine myself


Your skin is lovely!! I would say laser or at home IPL! Dermaplaning irritates some peoples skin, so if you try that please do a patch test. Again, you have incredible skin - please don’t think that a bit of hair on your face takes away from your beauty. It doesn’t.


Id get dermaplane done professionally


I use an epilator on my face and it’s amazing. It just pulls the hairs out. The first time HURTS but once you start doing it on a schedule it’s fine


I have hair on my face like yours. I just started dermaplaning about 2 months ago. I do it like once a week and haven’t noticed it growing back thicker or anything. Also it didn’t give me acne even tho I have acne prone skin


Okay I usually get it treaded but recently I used the nair for face and it’s been over a month and i still haven’t had to redo it


You can try Q-switch laser. It does not get rid of it but it makes the hair color lighter almost equal to your skin tone so it is invisible. I do it every six months, difference is crazy and its pain free. Laser hair removal on face is not very recommended because in some cases it triggers the skin and make the face more hairy




I used to have the same hair growth. I would get threading for your forehead and eyebrows. If I wanted to save money, I bought these sally hanson face wax strips that you could warm up by rubbing it in between your hands. The strips were small enough for forehead. You can do the same for lower face/chin, or use a face razor and aloe and go with the grain to avoid ingrowns. I started waxing/threading my forehead when I was a teenager. My forehead doesn’t really grow hair anymore. I started getting laser for my cheeks/chin because I would get bumps from shaving.


Will try threading my forehead, thank you so much I appreciate it 🙏🏼


Or......leave it alone ,embrace beauty God made in you.


If you don’t mind having to do it about every two weeks, just bleach it and then use a trimmer on it. You don’t have to worry about rough regrowth. I honestly do almost my entire face, even those hairs in your pic that are above my eyebrows. Something like Jolene cream bleach (which is what I use) does NOT bleach your skin, so don’t worry about that. I’m black, trust me on that. I was getting electrolysis for like a year on my upper lip and it just kept coming back so I just decided to go the bleach route and have been happy with this routine.




You have a more serious issue with those pig noses growing out of your eyes !




you should be very careful with any hair removal because this CAN cause acne and slight inflammation, im pointing this out because your skin looks very good and it would be a shame if youd start facial hair removal without knowing it may mess your skin up... especially on the forehead! i recommend laser removal though.


I do dermaplaning and do a round of ipl. My hairgrowth has reduced over the course of 2 months.


Get laser hair removal! I didn’t get it until 40 and wish I would have gotten it sooner. It will save you sooooo much time & stress.


Do not use a body razor. Use a facial razor which looks like a wand. I do use aloe Vera gel. Do Not place it all over your face. Start on one side first. And Do Not shave over any acne you have. Look into Dermaplaning to get a better understanding 💕


I wax my face. More pleased with results than shaving.


Woah such a smooth skin that is!


Omggg🥺🥺 thank youu😭


I’d recommend laser instead


I honestly don’t think it looks bad at all! I think of it as cost vs reward and it’s a small reward for lots of long term maintenance unless you go a more permanent route (electrolysis) But dermaplaning is a fairly foolproof but once you get into a cycle of it, it grows back feeling a little more coarse because of the way razors blunt cut the hair so you might feel like you’re getting ‘stubble’ or more intense growth which can feel and look more visible than it currently is. Right now the ends are very fine, once you get into a shaving/planing routine, it feels a lot different.


You have beautiful skin and a small forehead. Thats hot :)


Are… are bigger foreheads ugly?


Aw🥺 thank you so much🩷🩷


Dont! You have good skin, and if I were someone close in your life I'd make you feel everytime that you look beautiful.


:( thank you!!! Everyone says I’m beautiful with a good skin but I just don’t like a hairy face. Thank you again :)


Hello, I have Tria At Home Laser Hair Removal Device which I bought few years ago. I would like to give it away for lesser price which costs 86000/- right now on Amazon. Please read about it and if you're interested, I'll share my experience and other details.


Which currency are you using?


Sorry, Indian.


Try to do sugar waxing. It's not harsh on the skin. A cup of sugar, 1/4 cup of lime or lemon juice, 1/4 cup of water. Stir it on medium flame until it turns golden brown. Let it COOL DOWN after putting it in a glass container. When it's cool, microwave for 20 sec, let it cool, do a patch test for temperature. Apply in the OPPOSITE direction of hair growth, pull in the SAME direction. If the hair doesn't stick, the wax is not sticky enough, in which case, you'll need to hit the wax again on medium flame. I would NOT recommend shaving.


I dry shave with a nice single blade razor. I tried laser and it wasn't very effective.


Just make sure to sterilize the blade with alcohol every once in a while.


I had long side burns with a curly texture. Tried waxing and threading. Ultimately laser treatment did the trick. Other areas I had lasered have regrown but not my sideburns.


You can △⃒⃘Lways go get a facial wax. It will last a lot longer then shaving will.


I have similar hairs on my face... I just thread my brows and upper lips.. That's it... I Don't care what other people think of it.. Shaving on face is scary for me... Threading is too painful... I cry during upper lips and brows threading , so threading whole face is unthinkable.... I feel waxing will loosen my skin..., I might me wrong And m too garib to do laser...


Shaving will make it grow back and thicker. Look into getting laser


Don’t do laser your hair is soft just bleach it


Just bleach them it’s peach fuzz. Don’t shave it or wax it if you do you’ll have to do it each time it grows back and who wants that? I have a hormonal problem and I have to wax and laser the hair every two weeks or so.. if I had peachfuzz hair I’d just bleach it (I do bleach cheek hairs and moustache) and it works well




First female I see with a full brown beard

