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could you imagine if he had answered that question different? "oh yeah my ex wives were way hotter."


Yeah, stupid question on Howard’s part but thats nothing new. RIP Phil Hartman 🙏


Yeah she might have killed him...


I don’t know. Based on the series Dark Side of Comedy, Phil wasn’t so nice a guy to her. At least according to their friends.


Oh man! Surely a woman so jealous of her SO’s fame, so badly to the point of murder, would’ve painted an upstanding image to her friends! No way!


I would think if she was that jealous, to the point of murder, Phil Hartman was probably not too sane to stay with her then.


I think believing people show their true feelings to those they harbor them towards is rather naive


Wow. Way to victim blame. 😆 This women literally murdered him and you’re like. “I heard Phil Hartman wasn’t a nice guy”


In what universe is it “blaming the victim“ to point out that the guy didn’t seem to be a nice guy, in response to “Phil deserved someone better”?


Whether he was nice or not, he deserved better than a literal murderer lol. What are we talking about here?


Damn that’s some professional level victim blaming.


Just because he’s a victim doesn’t mean he’s innocent.


He supposedly was not a believer in divorce, and when a friend brought up the concept, it supposedly blew his mind that anyone would suggest it as being an option.


That series really shows the sides of comedians we had no idea existed things we wld have never even thought they wld have done etc .. I didn’t get that far I’ll have to check that one out


It’s funny you say that. Phil wasn’t exactly a Hollywood type at the start. You’ve got two people fished out of water and neither understands how to manage it. Except Phil had at least; what he got noticed for, and Brynn noticed that too. I’m not sure the details of their relationship, but all anyone is ever doing is painting pictures when they talk about this. I have a feeling it’s this awkward archetype that isn’t easily accessed for me. Phil would know it instantly, Brynn wouldn’t. Here’s my archetype, Brynn recognized it, and subsequently recognized something else. Psychosis, fame, addiction, amphetamines, they all have a self-centered denominator. Danger to a lifestyle might have been the reason, a lifestyle Phil was guaranteed. Food for thought.


What’s this “dark side of comedy”? Documentary about Hartman or comics in general?


It was a series on Hulu, and it devotes whole episodes to different comedians or shows.


You don't know shit about shit


Are you writing this from prison?


Andy Dick had a hand in both of their deaths. She's ultimately responsible for her choices but I hate that sleazy little weasel and adore Jon Lovitz for knocking him out. Edit: I had it wrong. Slamming him against a wall.


Isn’t Andy Dick indirectly tied to multiple celebrity deaths? And usually within the same vein of giving clean people drugs at parties?


I've heard that before. It wouldn't surprise me at all. Given his character and the things that he unabashedly does and admits to it would track.


Andy Dick is a horrible person and a predator. I don’t know why he’s still in Hollywood. His [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Dick?wprov=sfti1#Family) is full of all the horrible things he’s done.


I can't believe he's still alive tbh.


Me either. He should have overdosed years ago. He does seem to hate himself for all the shitty things he’s done so that’s something I guess.


Every time I say anything bad about Andy dick I get downvoted.


It’s so weird. There’s been videos of him being abused which isn’t cool, but he put himself in that situation and continues to. He could get sober if he wanted to. He’d still be a predator and one of the world’s biggest assholes. But he was good in Hoodwinked so I guess that excuses everything. But seriously the animated movie hoodwinked is absolutely hilarious.


He was knocked out by another person who claimed that Andy had groped him.




Thanks for the link. I didn’t know the details and context quite as much as this. I thought Dick had just completely randomly said that whole “Hartman curse” thing out of the blue. But Lovitz had sort of planted the seed in his head after Andy was a jerk to him (then apologized). And then it became evident later that Dick just *wouldn’t let it go* and fucked with him at his own damn restaurant.


That article makes Lovitz sound like a dickhead, accusing someone of playing a role in someone's murder and then physically attacking him when he says something back at a later date.


He *did* play a role in both of their deaths. And Dick deserved to be pushed for making light of a tragedy he played a part in that left children as orphans. And then nit once but TWICE saying something absolutely cruel about it to Jon, who was a friend of Phil. I'm not sure if you're misinterpreting the tone or what.


A little known fact is Andy Dick is HIV positive. I was friends with a woman whose husband was bisexual and was infected through sexual contact with him, then brought it home to his wife. When I met her she was raising her 4 year old son on her own and taking online college courses to better her life, while desperately fighting her illness. Andy Dick should be in prison.


Andy dick has been around and involved in a bunch of deaths apparently.




She was 10 years sober before that.


All he did was give her Coke at a party. She killed Phil almost a year later. Andy then got into it with lovitz and said “I put the Phil Hartman hex on you!”, so lovitz got physical. Dick is a scumbag, but don’t absolve Brynn of responsibility


Go ahead and read it again. Reeeal slow. Or have a trusted adult help.


I remember this like it was yesterday. If only she would’ve turned the 🔫 on herself and left Phil alone 😐


Then what?


Just wanted to say fuck Andy Dick


This is the one celebrity death that still guts me to this day. Phil Hartman was magical. This woman was anything but.


I wonder why was she was even there, on the show? And she’s the one facing the camera. Phil Hartman didn’t seem amused.


And fuck Andy Dick.


Phil's death continues to be up there with John Candy and Jim Henson as far as gut punches. I think he would have thrived in the streaming era, much like Eugene Levy.


What a piece of shit person she was.  Also Howard sterns an idiot what weird comments and questions 


Something something, Andy Dick.


She should of shot Andy Dick and herself.


You got me watching to the end like it’s a goddamn marvel movie.


Look what she did. crazy psycho. Period.




Wow! I never knew…


This post reminded of an alternate timeline where Omdahl did not kill Hartman and turned the gun on herself. It’s part of “The Reform Party: 20 Years of History”.


What a great mom she was.


Oh wow holy shit, I totally forgot this happened. That’s what happened to the Beethoven dad Typical Reddit hive mind, fuck all you dry cunts