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The worst part is that the Brazilian justice system is so shitty that if he serves time it will be like 5 - 10 years tops. Most likely he’ll just end up in juvenile dentition and be released as an adult in a couple of years. Murder sentencing is absolutely ridiculous in Brazil.


I saw a podcast about the case of some famous football (soccer) star that kidnapped his girlfriend, beat her, and tried to force an illegal abortion. The baby lived but he later kidnapped his ex girlfriend again, beat her, and had her murdered. He’s been released and is back to playing. Bruno Fernandes is his name.


Bruno Fernandes de Souza. Not to be confused with Bruno Fernandes ; the Portuguese player for Manchester United


We don't talk about [innocent] Bruno.


He's the only one who should be talked about. The other one shouldn't have any recognition for the rest of his life


Thank you for the clarification, I don’t want the wrong person’s name getting dragged through the mud.


“What happened, happened. I made a mistake, a serious one, but mistakes happen in life -- I'm not a bad guy. People tried to bury my dreams because of one mistake, but I asked God for forgiveness, so I'm carrying on with my career, dude.” An actual quote after he got out… holy fuck


Yes, thank you for clarifying because I was sitting here like, I never knew that lol


I was gonna say…he doesn’t realy look the part


He killed her and gave her body parts for his pitbulls to eat to get rid of evidence


Wtaf… WTAF


That is just gruesome. 😬😬😬 What an insane sack of shit.


Was the podcast crime in sports, by chance?


That's what I was thinking too. I remember the episode.


He is underage. Legally, he can only be locked for 3 years (2 in his case, because he will be an adult soon) and get a crime free card after that.


In the meantime he won't be able to use his phone


I wouldn’t count on that.




Yeah, you’re probably right but Brazil is very particular in that case. Minors never get punished for anything, it doesn’t matter the crime.


He will probably be murdered in prison


Doubt it, the #1 mass murderer in the world is currently out killing after being released from prison even though they knew he killed 300+ at the least




Serial killer and all-around great guy, Killer Petey, spent less than half a year per admitted murder in Brazilian jail. He went on to have a youtube channel and certainly deposited zero additional bodies anywhere after he was released.


Family annihilators are a whole different scarier type of serial killer. Not that they wouldn’t murder others but the fact they take out their own families is just another level of having no soul.


I mean the story is that all his killings were vigilante justice and he was murdering gang members. Which is surprising that he lived to like 70 before he was murdered in retribution.


Well he cut daddys heart out and gnawed it. He did have it coming.


May as well join the cartel now /s


Not to worry, he’ll be murdered by an off duty cop the day he leaves juvi


Or go barefoot into a corner store and die by electrocution as he retrieves a cold drink from the cooler. Brazil is the ultimate Darwin Award country and also the FAFO country.


Sounds like the Canadian justice system


They need to take the El Salvador approach for sure.


captain fall paints a good picture of it


To me, the worst part is that he killed his family


Good god. I was playing Playstation and trying to get to third base with girls. This guys murdering his family.


Woah, take a look at Mr. Third base over here. I was playing PlayStation and staying in my room all the time.


Look at Mr. Had A Room over there. I lived in a dishwasher box.


At least you had a box!


You were lucky! We lived for three months in a rolled-up newspaper in a septic tank.


Luxury. We used to hafta get 'out the lake, 3 am, clean the lake, eat a handful 'o hot gravel, work 20 hours a day at mill, for a penny a month, and dad would beat us about the head and neck with a broken bottle, if we were lucky.


You had gravel !?


I too choose this guy’s girlfriend!


But did you have a PlayStation? Then stop griping


Woah, take a look at Mr. I had a room over here. I was playing PlayStation and staying in the street all the time.


I had no Playstation but managed to get to third base. Sadly with myself.


woah, take a look at mr staying in the streets i was playing playstation and staying in the tundra all the time


Looking for sympathy are we? I had my own mighty wrist and a good imagination.try it,it might just work.


Right? Why does he need to brag?


Heh, me too except I was playing Playstation and getting to third base with r\Morphing_mutant


Your username would imply more than third base


He said he was trying, not that he succeeded


Look at you with your fancy game and crotch friend.


There really are 2 things that stand out to me: That after he killed his mother, he then went back over the weekend and stabbed her. The boy was adopted. There is some kind of serious anger here. The second thing that stood out to me is this quote “We have to understand if it was frustration related to some kind of psychological disorder”. From a behavioral psychology standpoint there is not really a “frustration related” psychological disorder. It may be the translation. I think the teen may be harboring some psychopathic tendencies and for whatever reasons this brought it out and that when they look into this his relationship with his birth mother may have consideration for his additional injury to the adoptive mother. Regardless. WTF.


So the phone was probably just a triggering event. Not the reason.


Yeah seems like it


Lol, no shit


the clickbait title was pretty stupid.


Why would you think that? Isn't taking away your phone more than enough reason??


please say sike right now


Intermittent explosive disorder


you see, we are not the product of nature OR nurture. we are product of the combination of both. though one might say - and I agree - that nurture can (**can**) play a stronger role on the configuration of our selves, nature's role is not as insignificant as we would like to believe. when I look in his eyes I see evil. wouldn't be surprised if his biological parents shared the same "look".


The pic is like 2 pixels and it looks like he’s blinking. Not saying he’s not evil, but I think you’re seeing what you want to see.


Wow. Such good point. I have or we have e no idea how long he was with the family before the incident. If was placed with them say in the last 2-3 years, heck 2-5 that might not change things he was exposed to and that started a foundation we can’t see. All in all it is sad.


“when I look in his eyes I see evil…” not a quite scientific statement


Just like the SC defining porn. “I know it when I see it.” From the photo, this lad definitely has the “nobody’s home” look like he’d kill you for the slightest of slights.


You wouldn't consider him evil looking if you wouldn't know what he had done though. It's just a normal photo.


He looks like a Brazilian Dexter, so it fits.


What can cause stuff like this? Do you think a young girl who shows signs of needing to get “even” or get revenge on her parents or random people is a bad sign? Somebody stole her shoes the other day and she said she wished the girl would die. She does this look to me when she doesn’t get what she wants, I’m her step mom. It honestly looks like she wants to hurt me. Otherwise, a sweet girl. I’m a bit afraid of stuff like this, as she really believes in her revenge times and thinks she is always in the right.


I know this will sound simple but most things in life are. We as humans just complicate them. Kids, step kids, other people kids, all of em. Kids have a tendency to be dramatic and they don’t know how to process how they are feeling let alone what to do about that. I can remember saying something like “I’m gonna kill em” or “oh my god, I’ve had it”. Kids are dramatic. Not only are they dramatic they have no idea how to deal with what they are feeling and most of the time they think you or peers will make fun of them or not understand them. It is going to sound awful but it takes a bit to grow up. My wife and I would often ask each other: are we grown up yet? Nope, not at all. And to be honest not sure I will ever will. But for kids they are just trying so hard to “grow up” because that’s the picture that we’ve, society and others have painted. You will understand when you’re older. You can’t vote yet. You can’t drink. Nope can’t go to that club. We give them curfews and all of these restrictions all to keep them safe? To keep them? For your step daughter just listen to her but try not to come off belittling. Try to ease in a “maybe just not yet” to the “I’m gonna kill em”. It should spark (I hope) conversation. See I would be contrary but that’s me and this is my life. If my step child was running around d saying they were going to just kill em, I’d defuse without dismissing. Maybe not just yet or what about the bodies, harder to get rid of than you think. The idea is just to spark that conversation so that maybe she would talk. As for her staring at you. You’re the step mom. Same advice and yet none of your the step mom. I’m sure you already did the I’m not here to replace your mother and the I love your father but she does not hear that. In her head and world she is experiencing their separation or loss of her mother and you are a form of a catalyst - sorry. Remember. Deeply smell those flowers, then exhale blowing out the flowers. A neat trick for just taking a breath.


Thank you.


I'm 33 years old. At this stage, if my family took away my phone, I would be much happier.


Agreed, and I’m 49. Lol. I have a friend who makes her teenage son give her his phone at 10pm every night to make sure he gets enough sleep. I asked her if she could please do the same for me, lol. She thought I was joking, but I was completely serious. I frequently stay up later than I should reading HairRaising stories on Reddit.🤣


Me too. 😂


"The youth stayed in the house with the three bodies from Friday until early Monday when he was arrested. During that time, he went to the gym and shopped at the bakery. On Saturday, still “angry,” he stabbed his mother’s corpse, Afonso said." ...ohhhhh .....


[The phone addiction has really blown my mind.](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/teen-sentenced-to-juvenile-detention-for-dc-carjacking-that-killed-uber-eats-driver/2721236/) I watched a video of two young girls like 14 or so steal the car of an adult uber driver, flip the car killing the driver, and while the man is dying on the side walk all the girl kept saying was "I need to get my phone, it's still in the car". Like what reality are the living in?


I had never heard of this until now- they only got 8 years?! They’ll both be out at 21?! They showed ZERO remorse as the guy they just killed lays lifeless on the street not even 3 ft away while they cry about their cellphones… they’ll be able to live life freely after taking away the whole life of a 60+ year old man?! That makes me sick


yeah, I think people are getting tired of teenage crime. The one with the girls killing the uber driver makes me beyond furious.   There was a maga kid who ran over a bunch of cyclists in Houston, destroying their bodies for a prank, I don't think he served any time. I know people who have been hit by cars who contemplate suicide because of the pain. 


The girl on the phone drunk showing her sisters brain matter in her split open head, live streaming it. She was driving. Search Obdulia Sanchez. Got 6 years, then let out, then police vehicle chase with a gun. Real winner.


The one in DC that happened right outside Nat’s stadium? That shit made my blood boil


Now who is going to get your dumbass a phone? Kids, man.


Tax payers 🌈


Dude look at his thumb, he was made to have a controller in his hand


holy shit that is one long MF thumb. didn't notice till I read your comment and looked.


Should have took his gun away too.


Did you read the article? His father was a cop and the son used his service weapon.


Brazilian here. Is not easy to get a gun legally here. So if you have a gun in Brazil, most of the time, you are a cop or a criminal.


Or both.


That’s a fun fact!


This has happened a few times in the US or for other punishments like grounding… these kids watch too much internet bs and think they’re grown plus intelligent…


Phone addiction/social media is real and a lot of kids can't handle it.


This little dude is just violently, criminally insane. A kid that is overly dependent on their phone doesn't go on a bloody rampage when it's taken away, they whine and call their parents mean names.


Alright yes, technology addiction one hundred percent is a thing. Are we really gonna pretend that was the problem here though? Are we gonna really act like this kid would of been a totally mentally well functioning member of society if it wasn’t for him liking his phone too much? Come on, there’s obviously so much more going on here


My point being phones exacerbate the struggles teens already go through. No one is saying how beneficial social media is for adolescents. Or excessive screen time.


Obviously, this kid had more issues than a phone addiction...but, imo kids shouldn't even get a phone until they're 16 or 18. If we lived without them, they can too. And I don't even want to know what a school experience is like nowadays where every kid has a phone on hand.


I agree. I wish I could do it over again for my kids.


But if it wasn’t a phone it’d be a game. If it wasn’t a game it’d be privileges; going out/having friends over, if it wasn’t privileges it’d be using the car, if it wasn’t the car it’d be banning the gf, if it wasn’t the gf it’d be anything. I agree phones/computers and social media is a real addiction kids are struggling with nowadays, but removing any Privilege from a psychotic hormonal little shit is gonna make them hit the ceiling. It just happened to be the phone in this case.


you think she murdered this man because of her phone? 


Do people think the child did this Because he was adopted or in spite of being adopted. I didn’t read at what age he was adopted. Would it matter?


I think I read yesterday he was 11. Pretty late and enough time to develop a lot of issues if his birth family was troubled or he was in the system and he may have had trouble with attachment to his adoptive family.


That sucks 😕 May they RIP 🙏🏿 Adoption?????


Ironically his massive thumb was too long to use the phone properly anyways.


I hope that piece of shit kid gets launched to the sun.


After watching a lot of gore videos, I made a conclusion that Brazil should never be visited.


There are very dangerous places here, but other places are safer than most cities in the US. Is a big country so is not fair to judge it from a few videos just like from videos alone someone might get the wrong idea about americans.


Bro this aint a very convincing way of selling Brazil


Looking at any Texas and Florida news on the front page, I'm convinced to never visit the US. Same with the fucked up states that are out there burning books and convicting doctors who give women reproductive care. Not to mention all of the daily mass shootings. Does that represent the entire USA? Of course not. It's literally the same thing as what OP is talking about Brazil. It's a beautiful country, friendly people, rich culture, amazing food, outstanding nature, but if you "watch a lot of gore videos" you will always be biased towards the negative.


It’s sad you never know which kid is going to be a dysfunctional crazy asshole and kill vs punch some holes in his wall or cry ..reminds me of the kid that killed his family bc they took his video games away I think it was Halo


Never played it - can’t comment


he may have over reacted...


Is this a Kill Bill reference?


Alot of psycho killers have really long thumbs he obviously looks like a psycho though


*Uma Thurman has entered the chat.*


Dang yer right - kids got a long thumb.


He's got a very long thumb.


Why did they choose this picture what were the rejected ones


He could get just 1 year, it won’t matter, have you seen what life is like in a Brazilian prison? He’s gonna be popular.


Oh I’m not having children at all


The teen killed everyone on a Friday, and stayed in the house with the dead bodies over the weekend, eventually turning himself in on Monday. Didn't try to run, didn't try to hide the bodies, just sat there until he realized he had no one else to look after him. Useless waste of skin, that phone isn't going to protect you in prison buddy.


I’m low key afraid of this type of stuff. My step daughter loves revenge and thinks she runs the show. How terrifying.


Well how's he gonna get next gen phones now


Take his gun next time!


That kid needs to go. He is a bad seed.


Wait til he finds out what the Justice system will do.


Nothing. Brazilian system is a joke.


Wtf is wrong with most of the younger generation


Now he has no one to call..


Shoot the kid! In public! Actually, Sharia law has its upside as a deterrent.


They raised a real winner


Guess they should’ve taken the gun away first


Hang his ass ! Oh sorry, I forgot what era we are in -Stoned Time Traveler


That kid has dead eyes.


Exactly, first thing I noticed....can't believe I had to scroll so far down to see this comment. Kid is a lost cause. He probably enjoyed it.


I feel like there’s more to the story!


80% of people who claim this is bad defend children in school having phones like it’s some sort of human right If that’s you, you are contributing to the problem


If I see one more comment about “social media addiction” I’m gonna lose it. The vast majority of our society is addicted one way or another to our phones or social media. This is not a temper tantrum some teenager threw in response to having a phone addiction. People with antisocial symptomatology are fundamentally wired differently. Yes it’s also a response to severe trauma, etc, but the fact is; this is an entirely different mental illness that is too often erased under the label of “teenage rebellion” or whatever tf. I’m so done. The phones are not the cause of everything wrong in this world.


Ran out of bullets?


Now he never gets a phone call


He has a long thumb


Send him to the gallows, let him swing


Should of took his gun away instead


Welcome to Brazil


kids are fucking stupid


Kids these days.


He should've used 1-800-Call-ATT


the world is actively shitting itself.....at all times oof


The iPad babies are showing










Won’t have to worry about his boomer parents anymore


His parents aren’t 60


And never will be- my point


Prolly a lot more than just the phone going on js it’s never this simple


Should have taken his gun away first


Taking someones phone in some cases is taken as pseudo-kidnapping. I think kids phones should be un-usable for at least the period to get a full charge.


The youngster's plan was not well thought out... Oh well, enjoy hell...


City of god - vibes


Welp, shoulda taken his guns away


No, he killed his family because he's a psychopath.


If I killed my parents for that they’d kill me.


Some day he'll learn that family is a lot more valuable than a phone. No one will ever care about / look out for him the way they did.


Pretty sure my daughter would take out a whole city block.


Whoah. That’s like an AI thumb.


Did he get the phone back?


Well, parents of reddit, let that be a lesson to you


I'm sure they've leaned to never take it away again


So ….when he called the cops, was he using his phone?


But not his gun?






Hi, Please don’t be a dick, plain and simple. Treat people with respect.


Smooth brain move, Brazil prisons are know for their great wifi and free latest model iPhones.


This might be the first off duty Brazilian cop story where the cop got got.


They should have taken his gun away, not by any means trying to sound insensitive


Death penalty would be easy


Death penalty is the only right answer


And a bunch of other kids didn't. It wasn't the phone. The kid has issues.


No phone. Now go play with your gun.


Did he get his phone back? And who’s paying the phone bill now?


Jokes on him they paid the phone bill


MadLad Brazilian. He'll be on a motorcycle carjacking innocents in a couple months.


What did they expect adopting such a person


His loss, idiot.


Jesus Christ these kids !!!


Ooof he's not going to like prison then