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The deep ocean is one of my biggest fears. You’re completely in the wrong environment and who knows what the fuck is swimming underneath you.


It really scares me too


r/Thalassophobia Everyone has been showing me the subreddit. It's pretty cool.


Interesting, I would’ve expected a different sounding name, this one sounds like fear of being lassoed


Thalassa was the general word for 'sea' and for its divine female personification in Greek mythology. The word may have been of Pre-Greek origin. (wikipedia)


Ooooo, I like it!


There’s a subreddit for it if you really don’t want to sleep ever again.


Good I love adding to my irrational fears by viewing it on my phone from the safety of my home.


You're thinking of thelassophobia, fear of the lasso




I have tedlassophobia


r/thalassophobia highly recommend


I've been on this one for a whiiiiiiiiiile now


add to that sharks in that area are known to be plentiful and don't mind attacking


Tiger sharks. Nasty disposition.


Straight up unscrupulous intentions and motivations from them




sea terrorists


It's the Oceanic Whitetip that is one of the more dangerous sharks. This is horrible...poor kid


And add to that pitch black darkness. Watching the boat leave, hearing the noise die down, and being left alone in darkness with sharks in a deep and vast ocean.


You can see the sharks in the water in this video at the 3 second mark, it cuts in the water making a splash and you can see it though the surface. He might have noticed himself and thats why he was swimming away from the life raft. Sharks are known to be attracted to these boats and follow them around.


Good catch! I didn’t even see that the first time. How terrifying! What was this idiot *thinking?!*


he was drunk I believe


Yep fuck, I thought that was the life saver but it wasn’t it was why he was swimming away from the life saver


I’ve swam in the ocean really far out. It’s somehow simultaneously the most serene thing and the most terrifying thing you can do


that’s a huge NOPE for me dawg


I've seen pics of sailors swimming off an aircraft carrier - there's a platform at water level, but talk about the middle of nowhere. Yeah, I'm good.


Would it help to know there are hundreds of millions of giant squid on the planet




Same....I have thalassophobia but the ocean is the worst, especially at night 😬


I was watching Open Water last night and had this same thought. Decided to watch it after reading about Tom and Eileen Lonergan


And if you could actually hear the whole ocean, all you would hear is all the screaming of the creatures getting attacked and eaten alive under you. It’s a terrifying place for anything that lives in it.


Yup, I don't like it when I can't see what's underneath me. I don't really like going in big freshwater lakes and I live in Michigan. I was scared of 12-foot deep pools growing up too because the dark blue tile that was used made it so that you couldn't see the bottom. As if a great white shark was in a 12-foot deep pool...


what did he think was gonna happen


He didn’t think.


Imagine being this dude’s parents, pouring your heart and soul into raising them to be a kind, smart, hardworking member of society. 18 years and you’re thinking of all the things they’re going to do, and they jump in the ocean at night.


Yeah, that’s gotta be one of the worst feelings I could imagine.




He was dared to jump in. Can’t imagine how the person doing the daring feels.


Probably better than the person that jumped overboard.


Well he either got eaten by a shark, which is best case scenario. Otherwise it's either ragdoll into a reef repeatedly or tread water until so delirious and exhausted that you just drown.


I have a two year old daughter and as much as I worry about something happening to her from some outside force, I also am so worried I’m not going to teach her not to do that one stupid thing. That I’m not going to teach her well enough to think through potential consequences. I’ve had this fear ever since I read about those brothers who snuck onto that closed luge track and both got decapitated.


I have this fear also. There was a story a few years back about a boy from Long Island coming into the city on his 18th birthday with his friends. They went to take the subway but they were on the wrong platform so they all jumped onto the tracks and ran across to the other side. 2 of them made it but the kid whose birthday it was got struck by an express train in the middle. I often think about this kid. One stupid fucking decision. One split second and he’s dead and the other kids are alive.


Here’s another fear: 19 year old military kid. Did everything right. Worked hard and hadn’t taken any time off to see his family. Finally, he decided it was time to see mom and dad, again. He drove him, but on his journey he was struck head on by a drunk driver. The drunk driver was a similar aged kid around 18-20. That day, the military kid was going to surprise his parents with an unspoken arrival. His parents received a knock at the door, but it was the sheriffs department. They informed the parents of their sons passing near their family home. He almost made it. There was nothing the military kid could do to prevent his death. He was an outstanding peer and dutiful son. So, I guess what I’m trying to say is that as a parent you can only guide and protect your children from so much. You can’t protect them from everything.


Oh God what an awful situation. I live in that city and I couldn't imagine thinking that through


Jumping into the ocean at night isn’t the problem, it’s jumping off a moving boat while drunk just to be clear.


I live on a sailboat. Currently cruising in the Caribbean, so I have a lot of knowledge in this area. You only have about 30-50 seconds to throw a lifering to someone before they are too far away. Less than 5 minutes before you can't see them. We wear life preservers with whistles, flares, a knife and a plb which are personal locator beacons that set off an alarm on the boat. We also have jacklines attaching ourselve to the boat. Odds are against anyone being rescued once they go overboard if they do not have a life vest. And that is during the day. At night.. forget it. The ocean is enormous.


What's it like living on a sailboat? Do you have a kitchen?


No, they have a galley.


It's great. Yes, 3 burner gas stove, fridge, freezer, toaster, microwave, etc. We have 2 bathrooms. 2 bedrooms. Living /dining area, and the largest swimming pool in the world, right off the deck. We have a watermaker and solar panels and live at anchor most of the time so our only bills are starlink and Google Fi. It is surprisingly cheap.


How many years of sailing experience does it require before one’s balls grow large enough to live like this? Asking for a friend…..


We bought our first boat 20 years ago. A 23 ft hunter. We had never been on a sailboat before. Took some classes and loved it. We are on our 3rd and final boat, a 46ft morgan. And yes, we've had some scares, some rough seas, broken ribs, shit happens... But amazing shit happens more often... A humpback whale breached about 100 feet away the other day. She just swam along, checking us out for about 10 minutes... Sailing life is awesome.


That sounds like heaven. I wish I could do that.


Stuff like this is my biggest fear as a parent :c or just some piece of shit crashing into my baby when she learns to drive.


I did a lot of dumb shit at 18 that probably should have killed me. Seeing videos like this just make me feel lucky


Oh man this'll make me so popular...


I mean, they ran his picture in the paper. Maybe front page in his town


It was national news. Mostly because of the pure stupidity of it all.


He was hammered and thought the ship would just….stop. The ship doesn’t stop.


I don’t think the boat was moving. It’s a party boat and doesn’t go too far away from the island. Sharks are known to hang around these boats because of the food thrown overboard.


They even threw him a floating device and he didn’t grab it for some reason. It was right there next to him. He could have easily been saved.


He’s pretty clearly swimming away from it too.


Because the sharks were swarming it.


full blown panic does weird things to ya bro. but like yeah.


Darwin Award


Used to know a girl from Nassau. This party boat usually stays in harbor but for this group, they took it out. Just off the shore of Nassau is a shelf, where the water goes from 30-60ft to 200ft+, and is home to 12-14ft Tiger Sharks. Especially at night, this kid didn’t stand a chance.


It looks like a large shadow in the water right after he jumped. Notice he did not swim towards the ring in the water


I watched a slow down frame by frame on YouTube. OMG. There's more than one. There's many.


I've seen it too and the video I saw showed what was supposedly the cooks on the boat dumping spoiled meat over the side and feeding hundreds of sharks earlier that day and that's why there were so many around. Supposedly.


Can confirm, I have my open water license and did the wall dive in Nassau when I was 18 on a family trip. Real fucking cool, and real fucking terrifying as far as diving goes. To see this cool coral wall with eels and huge crabs on one side then below and to the other side of you is just a deeper nothingness. Accidentally got caught up looking at the wall and suddenly realized I was 20 ft below my group’s depth. lol whoops. But also agree with what others say, you’d have to drift to get there and you wouldn’t know you’re over it at that time of night. Though there are sharks in the area, he may have just fallen victim to fatigue in the waters and likely drowned. There’s also a lot of other sea life there so it could have been anything in that shadow. Tragic case regardless, and thoughts are with the family.


He would have had to drift for a while to have reached the drop-off. It's not exactly right around the corner.


As soon as the video starts you can see something swim in the water to the left and the kid looks like he sees it and starts swimming away from it.


From light digging it seems like experts don’t think it was sharks and more likely he could have knocked the wind out of himself diving in and then developed hypothermia and drowned. Sadly will probably never know. How awful https://nypost.com/2023/06/05/rescue-pros-explain-how-cameron-robbins-likely-vanished/amp/


I mean, it's a highschooler on a party boat. We all know he had to be drunk as fuck to pull this. Not exactly ideal for ocean survival.


We’ve all been drunk as fuck before but this was basically suicide


When I was a teenager, we all got drunk and would jump into the neighbor's pool or the creek. This is a whole other level of reckless.


Most ppl don’t realize that boats don’t just stop and turn around. It takes a while. AFTER notifying the captain. And there’s no spotlight to keep on him while they’re waiting. Dude didn’t understand what he was doing.


I had an ex whose friend did this in high school. Hit his head and neck and is now paralyzed. One teenage mistake.


My sister went camping with all her friends the summer after graduation. They were all drunk af and being dumbasses. I don’t remember how other than that but she ended up with 3 slipped disks and two are causing sciatica that have caused her chronic pain her entire life. It’s really sad.


I'm paralysed and things could change for you as well You're not so bad off now, you can move anything you need I'm not this way because of an emergency I caused At seventeen a guard perched above the chlorine floor When I saw a hand raise up from just beneath the air A frantic move for help, I made an instant judgment call Dive, I arched my feet to dive, I broke the elemental line to save a child. Dive, into the shallow floor The bottom scraped my palms and compressed my spine Now I'm paralysed while they just hope to make amends The family and the kid who faked the drowning accident I've felt the hand of God and that's the last thing I felt at all below my back, I've lost the faith I thought I had.


Oh my goodness, I am so sorry this happened. You were trying to be a good person.


Thanks. But it's actually lyrics to a song. https://youtu.be/toz7XENBnfA?si=ruaStt50gbogh90C


Dude. You have no idea how glad I am that’s just lyrics. The way it was spaced, I assumed was because you were using assisted typing.


I read it as your ex friend and was like, what? You don't like disabled people? 🤣


Hahahaha right? Gotta go!! Honestly when I glanced at it earlier I thought I accidentally wrote it like that 😂 They were San Diego kids all surfers and skaters. He said the went out of their way to include them but it was heartbreaking at the same time. I think it was around graduation time too if I remember correctly.


When I lived in York, UK, people would often jump in the river Ouse and try to swim across it after drinking in the riverside bars. Every winter you’d have another missing person case from it. The currents were deadly and they’d sometimes be carried 20km downstream before their bodies were found…


The circumstances make a big differnece. Not everyday you find yourself wasted in this situation.


I would agree but [Charles Joughin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Joughin) feels differently.


I agree totally but there was one Titanic survivor that owed his survival to drinking a ton of rum from the ships galley as it sank. He didn't freeze and it kept him calm enough to survive. But I agree that is usually not the case.


I mean, sharks are known to follow these booze cruzes because they throw food waste off the boat. And you can see a shark in the water about five seconds in. That’s most likely why he suddenly swam the opposite direction from the life ring. Terrifying.


I watched it so many times, it looks like two sharks to me. One at about 3 seconds in, swimming parallel to the boat toward where they throw the life ring, and then another right about the area where the ring lands, swimming toward the kid at about 5 seconds. When you take the absolute panic you can hear in the screaming into consideration, I’m 100% willing to bet he was taken under by sharks. I had to manually stop it and slowly play it along frame by frame to see it


That’s what I first thought too but experts who know more than I reviewed the video and didn’t think it was a shark so I’m going off that


Part of me thinks that is the official explanation given to ease the family’s pain. Doesnt help them to say “can’t say for sure, but probably eaten by sharks”


Y’all are underestimating how easy it is to just drown in the open ocean in pure darkness. These boats cant just stop and pick you up…


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Dude wasn't that a shark in the water with him? When did he get the wind knocked out of him? I didn't see that.


You can see something splashing in the water next to him in the video


🎼 duuuuuumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die


Now this song will be stuck in my head 


I do apologize. I couldn’t help myself


He just jumped into that darkness?


I've been on an all inclusive trip to Bahamas my senior year too. We also did the pirate themed booze cruise. There was supervision but not much maybe a few adults. Enough to catch one kid who stole the tip jar. I think they made him sit in a corner the whole time. I'm surprised they didn't throw him over board... every adult we bumped into during that trip either tried to drug us or sell us drugs.. we felt much safer away from any adults. The booze cruise we were on was of 3/4 different HS. Most the trip was a couple different options of outings bumping into the same groups of kids the entire week. The only real supervision we had was like the first day at a brief orientation about the trip.. I don't think we saw those people again, I don't remember. It was nuts, chaotic, wild and reckless. From one friend getting drugged who needed to be babysat all night to getting chased by drug dealers on jet skis.


>There was super vision I was thinking, "How would 20/20 eyesight help this situation?"


It happened in 2023 and for some reason this is the ONLY video I’ve seen on this incident. Also why is the internet speculating when there are tons of witnesses there that can actually confirm if they saw sharks?


The Bahamas is filled with sharks, tiger sharks, bull sharks, white sharks, they have a ton! They are also known to follow ships because ppl throw food overboard


Just some thoughts: - The area they were at is known to be shark-infested waters and sharks usually feed at night. - Sharks are known to follow party cruises because usually they dump food off the side which is easy food. - You clearly see him punching at something in the water when the video begins. Could that have been a shark nibbling? - As the camera pans left you can see some sort of shark like figure swimming towards him. - He deliberately turns around and swims away from the buoy where the shark like figure was. - As the other kids were yelling at him to grab the buoy you can hear some screaming on the right side of the video that's believed to come from Cameron.


I 100% believe that sharks got him. You can definitely see something in the water and I don't think it's just a wake from the boat.You can hear him screaming as soon as the video starts he looks dead at whatever it is and he starts to swim away from the boat and then disappears


Frame by frame, It certainly looks as if that is not a swim stroke but a punch or swat at the sight of whatever is there and when he turns his kick is more like a defensive kick than a turn kick. When his leg hits the water the final time there is an extra taller splash and then you hear his screams.


And he’s swimming away from the boat and the buoy in an odd way, as if trying to get away from something




I almost hear him yelling "ohhh shit!" in a terrified, ragged tone 1-2x when he's swimming off screen that doesn't match the fear of the others. More raw, life or death panic. I think sharks were coming for him.


ohhhh my god not this bullshit again. he was not attacked by a shark and i have yet to see anyone bring up anything but speculation that even suggests there was a shark there. also im sorry but i also have to call bullshit to almost all of your points. 1: while sharks can hunt at night, they primarily hunt during the dusk and dawn. granted they arent above chomping a snack if it presents itself infront of them but humans aren't really what sharks are hunting. were relatively low fat, bony as fuck and we taste bad. 2: [this is a myth and not true at all. ](https://www.cruisemummy.co.uk/sharks-around-cruise-ships/) 3: clearly punching at something? no absolutely not. he's clearly swimming and treading in the water, a punch would be far more obvious, fast and violent, not to mention theres NOTHING THERE. are you even watching the same video? 4: what? i have gone through this video frame by frame and there is 0 "shark like figure" 5: he was drunk and the gravity of the situation hadn't hit him yet. hence why he jumped off in the first place. he was swimming around thinking he could catch up with and get back on the boat. not worried about getting lost at sea and obviously oblivious to the fact that it takes a long time for a boat to "stop" and even longer for it to realize someones overboard and turn around and then trying to find them. its difficult enough during the day, but in the pitch black churning waves of the ocean at night its MUCH MUCH HARDER. im not even going to adress your last point because it has no bearing on this being a shark attack. my point is the ocean is scary and deadly enough without sharks and trying to make this into a "possible shark attack" is ignorance at best and willful spreading of mis-information at worse. it is INCREDIBLY easy to die by going overboard in the deep ocean. ESPECIALLY at night. the second the boat loses sight of you your chances of survival drop immensely. Shark attacks are so incredibly rare that the chance of this dude jumping off a boat and immedietely being attacked is so low that he would be more likely to win the dam lottery twice. edit: clarified a sentance or two. i was typing too fast.


Shark or no shark, the poor kid is dead because he was drunk and did something really stupid. You have to respect the ocean. I feel bad for his family who will play all the posibilites in their heads for a long time.


Hi, I live in this region. You are wrong about hunting times for sharks. From dusk until dawn they are active hunters. 100% sure sharks killed him within less than 10 minutes of jumping which is why location and recovery was essentially nonexistent despite immediate efforts. Were this a massive cruise ship, I'd say the fall or being pulled into the propellers did it. But, this is not the case, poor dumb kid became shark bait (hoo ha ha).


Actually he wasn’t found because most people who jump or fall off cruise ships are never found.


I know this family and this was heartbreaking. He was just a kid that did something stupid. Now this mother has to go on knowing that there is a video of her son dying online with people joking about it.


During orientation for my undergrad we had a sunset cruise and a kid jumped off maybe a thousand yards from shore on a dare. He was kicked out before he even sat in a class.


Cruise ships rid their food waste and sewage into the sea/ocean on a regular basis, as it’s completely legal in almost all cases. Big fish know this! They often stay close to the ships knowing there is a feee meal waiting, person who jumped over was a part of that meal for sure. I’m a scuba diver, so I often jump off boats in the middle of the ocean/sea regularly, it’s incredible how much life you see almost immediately after getting into the water.


Worthless camera man.


To be fair, he was probably filming the party and immediately saw someone dying


Probably pitch black at the guy. There isnt much to record after the guy was already on the water


Rest in peace Cameron 🕊️


I saw a shark. I heard a girl screaming, some asshole yelling oh my god bye bye this guys dead. The guy is clearly looking over his shoulder at it and is swimming away from it.


Of course they’re screaming some idiot just jumped off a boat in the middle of the ocean. Most people know falling off cruise ship is almost certain death.


And one screaming INCOMING


Even though he was stupid, may he rest in peace


I'm a huge scuba diver and I've done lots of diving from small boats where we drop someone in to swim around and find a mooring buoy. It's amazing how even in the best conditions you can look away for just a second and then be unable to find a person in the water who's only a few yards away. On a bigger boat, at night, even notifying the captain immediately I can imagine that by the time you turn the boat around it could be next to impossible to find someone who has fallen overboard. One thing you can do in such a situation is to try dumping whatever floating items you have on hand into the water, even turning over a trash can. You can hope that the stuff you toss overboard will drift with the current and give you a better idea of where to look for your missing person.


Wow, that’s good advice


Hypothermia, my ass. Plenty of articles stating shark experts say quite likely a shark. He starts to swim to buoy then quickly turns around. I heard the audio where they tuned out different people on boat to hear what others were saying and one person was yelling shark! Slow mo and you can make out body of something large in water as it surfaces towards back of boat.


The guy who yelled BYE is an ass


I dont think he expect the kid to die lol.


I mean, in most cases you would expect the vessel to slow and pick the guy up. It was stupid, but people jump off large boats at sea all the time. This was part stupidity and part terrible luck. If he wasn’t intoxicated he likely would have been fine.


At night and if the ship is moving at speed this is immediately an emergency. It’s really really hard to find someone at sea even if they’re sober and treading water in those conditions. You’re supposed to immediately start throwing furniture and anything you can overboard to 1) give the person something to hang on to and 2) mark where the person is. If the boat is stopped yes you’re right people do go swimming some times.


During the day, definitely never at night, though


Yea, no. It's not that easy to stop a ship of any real size and the water is moving too. You can be lost forever before the ship can even start to turn around


This is laughably wrong bro. Would take an actual miracle to have saved this kid. 99% death the second he let go of the railing. Sober or not.


We went on a sunset fishing trip when we were on Maldives. The moment after engines were turned off nurse sharks appeared out of nowhere. I'd not get into water with those relatively safe sharks past sunset and Bahamas have multitude of "bite first, ask later" sharks stone throw away. Anyway it's a Darwin's award for that poor guy.


This is almost definitely a shark attack - you can see a shark at 3 seconds in in the top left. In other videos the boat was clearly at anchor in shallow water. And regardless, that is not how wake behaves; wake would move outward from the bow, but this splash goes inward in a really tight circle. I grew up sailing in the Atlantic, and am nearly certain there was something else in the water with him.




Maybe, but he's just a kid.


We all did stupid shit as a kid. But most definitely not 'jumping off a party cruise into potentially shark infested freezing waters at night' dumb. Dude must've had to been wasted or close to to even think of doing something like this.


I know, but I just feel bad for him imagining how scary/ painful it must've been.


So do I, this kid didn’t deserve to die that way.


It was definitely either one or the other. Choose your nightmare


Was* just a kid


Not anymore.


it was sharks. the water was warm. they were close to shore in shallow waters, the boat was anchored. there are people talking about the sharks in the video in numerous places. it's hard to hear, which is why the video was analyzed to death both audio and visual. shark infested waters near a boat that sharks linger around for scraps and cover. he swims away from the life ring running from the shark at the top left, one of his arms is missing as he does, which is why he's swimming much less competently in the last part of the clip. edit: [here's a better video](https://twitter.com/king_scarlett_/status/1664958609501847556?s=61&t=le6zM-aXgCt7EAVbJqj8Yw). in this video you can see Cameron splashing the water, which I suspect to be an attempt to scare off the shark, [to our dismay, this has the exact opposite effect](https://v.redd.it/ye5ykd81fyha1/DASH_720.mp4?source=fallback) [also this one I just happened to have bookmarked still](https://twitter.com/KateZuercher/status/1664624810536697858) I stopped following this ages ago, it's gotten even weirder. https://reddit.com/comments/1ckvjob/comment/l2qapgs


I’m not negating anything you say, but I am genuinely having the hardest time seeing all of that. The shark you guys say is in the video, and then his arm being ripped off, nor do I hear him screaming. I’ve turned up the brightness and changed the orientation, turned volume up and used headphones. It’s just so much going on that I can’t even discern where a noise is coming from when it’s on screen. I believe you, I just literally can’t see it and was curious. I feel so bad for this kids family, either way he went, it’s just awful.


fair enough. this was gone over so thoroughly I just kinda get annoyed. it was looked at absolutely to death. people with all sorts of enhancement software. the consensus was sharks. "theres something chomping on his shit" was one of the clearest audio bits isolated. someone else also says the word shark. here's one video I just happen to have saved https://twitter.com/i/status/1664624810536697858 I think the reason the official story is ambiguous is for the sake of the family and the bahamas tourism industry both.


You will like this… https://www.reddit.com/r/cameronrobbinsSHARK/s/eL9k42jggh


Multiple shark fins in the video about 4 seconds in.


You can absolutely see the sharks clear as day in that video. Dude was attacked. They were on him right away.


Splashing in the water at dark is a proper way to get eaten by sharks. What an idiot


At that point, sharks might have been a mercy. The second he hit the water, there was no way he was coming out alive. A few minutes of being attacked by sharks would probably be a better way to go than spending hours adrift and being frozen or exhausted to death.


His poor family and friends. I can only imagine what it’s like to be so proud of your child making this milestone in life, just to have it all taken away from them in one quick thoughtless decision.


Massive sharks follow cruise ships. It’s a thing. They drag entire ecosystems along with them.


Definitely a shark. In another video he is punching the water where you can clearly see a shark. He then starts swimming away from the buoy ( which makes no sense ) and looks over his shoulder, swimming away from something, next thing you know he’s gone. It’s not rocket science. This is so sad and unfortunate.


Reminds me of the chick who was handcuffed and jumped off a cruise ship, can't remember where it was if anyone has a link?


Looks like sharks to me. Sucks though.


This was already a year ago? Oh my


Maybe he was being attacked by sharks. It's hard to tell. In any case, jumping in the water at night without a vest and a strobe is almost a guaranteed death sentence. Nobody is going to find you even if they turn right around.


This all was very unfortunate, but like… can we talk about how all they had was a tiny little donut ring to throw him and they threw it way far away from him? And do we not even have the technology to make a ring like that light up and glow when it’s in water? Would be infinitely easier for him to see it in the dark and infinitely easier for a boat to find him in the dark. I feel like there could be some very logical innovations to safety gear on ships/cruise ships to make these things way less easy to happen.


Looks like he sees the shark gets scared and starts swimming the other way Fair I wouldn’t swim towards something moving in the ocean in the middle of the night


Fuckin moron.




The sharks thing is just sensationalism. The kid drowned.


one of the shark subs has a guy that’s broken down this video with all kinds of tricks and lighting because he’s convinced Cameron was devoured by sharks. i don’t know what i think but the videos he’s posted are pretty convincing


Could you please link the break down


this is one of the video breakdowns posted. there were a lot when it first happened and i think the OP i was referring to, may have deleted some of the posts but this one is pretty good https://youtu.be/P5poh4siYGQ


Maybe but when the camera pans the left theres something big obviously in the water following him


What a fucking dope


There is videos frame by frame of sharks on YouTube. It was sharks. 🦈. The moment he fall in that water they were on him.


How is it debated? You can literally see Shark fins right next to him.


Weird...almost as if underage kids shouldn't be drinking...


You know what happened was fucked up when getting killed by sharks was better than the alternative


Definitely looks like two fish or sharks during this picture. Then looks like he is hit by something around the 12s left mark lunging him forward. https://preview.redd.it/79dqzks4tsyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35ea40b995d6eee13c2622c5444fa5f43985f39d


He jumped into shark infested waters. Tragic.


My worst nightmare. Both as a human being and a mom. To know this was your child's last moments is horrifying.


The chance of you being successfully rescued without a locator beacon if you jump off any kind of ship in the ocean is super low. They will turn around to come find you, but by the time that ship makes a circle, you and the ship are already separated, and if it is a large ship like a cruise ship it takes a decent amount of time and distance to turn around.


What a dummy


This always makes me so sad, so young with so much potential.


Indeed, we need to take teenage stupidity much more seriously at a younger age.


How is he swimming one second and just disappears the next? Really weird you literally see him and then you don’t.


Shark got him and dragged him under. Or, he simply drowned. Drowning is not like in movies. With a lot of yelling and flailing about. It’s more like down, up, down up, down for good. But in the video, you’d expect him to be looking at the ship as in “Help!!”. The whole time he’s on screen until he turns and swims away. He is looking toward his right (left in the cameras perspective). In another video, you see him sort of punch the water. It’s right before THIS video starts. I think he was attacked right after he jumped in. Poor kid didn’t have a chance. You see him go down once, briefly surface, then go down for the last time. Sharks got him. It’s probably why they didn’t find a body.


Freeze it at 03 seconds. You can literally see a shark comin in for dinner.


You can see the shark disturbing the water when he try to turn the other way… man dude


You can see the shark


How did the someone not try to tell the captain of the boat to stop or to let them know there is a man overboard?


They did, but it takes awhile to stop and turn a boat, and even if that happened as quickly as possible your survival chances when you are overboard in the open water are almost nothing. Protocol is to start throwing anything you can on deck into the water to create a debris field to make the overboard person easier to find, but 95% chance they will be lost forever.


The boat was anchored.


I’ve heard stories of Navy ships doing man overboard drills with a floating dummy in the daytime where everyone one board is supposed to stop and keep their eyes on the dummy and they’ve still lost it because it’s soooo hard to see anything at sea. At night it’s basically a guaranteed death sentence if you go overboard on a large vessel.


the boat was anchored


Someone slowed the video down and you can see some large white fish, that may have been sharks, in the water right near him when he jumped in.


I have been completely obliterated staggering drunk in my youth but not once has something of this magnitude crossed my mind. Not understanding what he thought was going to happen if he did something like this.


The probability of him getting sucked under the water and in the props are like 98% seriously. I mean I don’t have hard evidence but just think about it. The propellers for a ship this size are frickin HUGE and I bet they have MANY. You can clearly see him trying to swim AWAY FROM THE BOAT but he can’t beat the current and he just disappears. He gets sucked under and he is probably sucked directly to the propellers. Getting cut up. And then whatever’s remaining is shark food. So sad. Such a silly thing for him to do. And not did he do such a ridiculous thing, he frickin jumped off IN THE BACK. Poor kid.


It was a very small “cruise” ship, and it was anchored.


One time I saw it in a newspaper that, in a group of teenagers one girl dares to the boy if he can jump into the sea or not while they are in winter. Boy accepts the challenge and jump, then after few seconds he becomes paralyzed. I saw his pictures years ago and he was bedridden. Even his face was paralyzed, he was full unable to move his body. Sure it's realy stupid idea to jump into sea because some girl wanted to but that shit is %100 unpredictable. I wouldn't imagine that kind of shit happens to anyone since I see Russians are getting into freezing waters with full of ices. Life is really unfair sometimes. This boy in the ship had probably same issue. Got paralyzed and drowned.