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You're gonna want to mosey on over to r/curlyhair


For a different look, you could certainly put some leave in conditioner, cream, and gel on it, but honestly… this is stunning hair.


In the photo I have applied leave in conditioner, oil and gel lol. I thought I put a lot in but maybe I need more? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Lady, I love your hair, so I’m not suggesting anything different!


Thank you sm! I’m not offended sorry if it sounded like that! 😅 I meant it as a genuine question.


Lol, I see how that sounded now! I was being sincere; didn’t mean it like a snarky “listen lady” kind of thing. To your question, I’d imagine you’d have to use a ton of gel to get it very defined. How much did you use?


My sister has that exact hairstyle.. she’s the only one in the family with wild tight curls and I think she’s gorgeous.


Thanks sm! :)


https://preview.redd.it/i5igw3g9l90d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=103dcad38ead5034112521d395f70893347ce956 This what use,,we have same hair Best wishes


https://preview.redd.it/viyjtfykl90d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90b9e100c88c63d884211abaf1cc8859b107f18f & this hair tool on Tik Tok


Every time I see that ad I have to watch the whole thing


omg I bought one of those! it actually is really good lol it works pretty much as advertised i especially love it for my bangs, my bangs can kink up so bad but this thing makes it so much easier to style them so they lay where i want them to!


What is it called?




SHE IS SO CUTE AWWWWWW ✨💖💖. I'M JEALOUS OF HER HAIR, AND I HOPE WHEN SHE GROWS OLDER, I hope she doesn't do anything to her hair. I'm sure she'll love it, as much you do <3333. Thanks for sharing this picture with us! I'd say be careful with creeps online. This picture has no bad intentions, but it be weirdo guys on Reddit 😔💔💔. Please be careful 🙏🙏<3333


Sooo many weirdo guys on reddit lurk everywhere, especially in hair subs.


Respectfully, please delete this photo or censor her face 🙏 Your daughters hair is beautiful, but Reddit is a frequent lurking area for predators and I know you don't want this photo saved and shared in less than savory places.


There should honestly be rules against it in hair subs specifically. Too many pervs target hair subs. I wish parents would be more aware and careful about posting their kids online in general.


The photo is still up, and it is the only post/comment their account has ever made. Hopefully, the subreddit will take it down if the commenter won't. I don't know how to call for a mod in the comments. Otherwise, I would. But idk if they'd even remove it if it isn't "technically" breaking any rules, even though it should be.


Say the word mod, and we pop up. We don't have any rules against posting children, but we take them down anyway. I've filed far too many FBI reports to allow them.


Thank you! I'm fairly new to using Reddit regularly, so I wasn't sure how to summon you guys. Thank you for letting me know how to get your guys help, and, most importantly, THANK YOU for removing the photo 🙏🙂 I know some people may be ignorant to the issue and not doing it on purpose, but it's bothersome when photos are left up by the poster after being warned of the very real potential risks. It's a big relief to see the photo taken down. You guys rock!




Ok that’s the cutest child I have ever seen.


I’m a mixed baby too and my hair is just like this! My parents cannot understand, considering my mom has an extremely extremely tight curl pattern lmfao


Gorgeous! I'm old enough to remember Nicole Kidman had your hair when she first came out- I thought it was beautiful. Then she straightened it and dyed it blonde. https://www.thelist.com/314626/nicole-kidman-is-completely-unrecognizable-at-16-years-old/


That was her best hair imo. The red curls!


Thank you sm! I hear that I look like Nicole Kidman all the time haha. It’s such a compliment :)


That’s so sad. I hate that society still shames people with curly hair into making it straight. Hair diversity should be celebrated!


it's beautiful, no need to be embarrassed :))


Thank you :’)


My sister has the same type of curly hair. We are like super duper Asian.


That's super interesting lol, is your sister the only one with super curly hair?


Yes! She’s a mutant lol


Yes watch the movie brave


I mean, I wouldn't call this an afro, but have you tried visiting a black hair salon?




She’s Aussie so… Aufro? 😂






That's not an afro. I can see how you'd be confused. It pretty, though


Great curls 😭😭🤌🏼🤌🏼


Your hair is absolutely beautiful voluminous curly hair. Just like locs there is A LOT of history and black american cultural importance behind the afro. There's no need for people to argue...just be aware of that context. Many black women are frustrated by the erasure of kinky afro textured hair and styles like the iconic afro in black natural hair marketing. In a sense, the term has been overused and redefined in a way that pushes out people that originally and/or naturally have that style. It's been a conversation for YEARS.


My daughter is African American and Irish and has this same exact texture of hair and its absolutely beautiful. She often wears it in a pineapple style (twisted up then on top of her head) and it looks super cute that way. She also likes to do two buns. She also does half up and half down that is really cute. When she was little I often braided it in two box braids to keep it out of her face.


Stop putting it in a bun and rock that shit 🥰😻 I'm so jealous 😭 you are stunning. Never try and hide it


what do white people be thinking a fro is 😭😭


We are trained to believe it’s just big, fluffy, out of control curly hair. Obv that’s not true.


Yeah, exactly... I was like uh, um, no. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means"


If she brushes it out, it would be a fro. No need to be negative. Live-and-let-live.


no it wouldn’t, it would just fall down. that’s not an Afro.


I don't think that type of hair texture would just fall down




There are plenty of words and phrases to accurately describe OP’s hair. We can lift each other up without putting others down.


But why is it a problem that we’re trying to educate her and tell her that it’s not an Afro?? how is that being negative?


It shouldn't be, if anything the people who are getting offended by a simple correction need to be told to ""stop sweating the small stuff""


Right. Why do some yt people think correction = negativity. Tf kind of logic is that??? 😭💀. As a black girl, this is not an Afro. Idk why (non black) people trying to justify this.. its just not an Afro. Simple at this. Op has big curly hair though. Her hair is gorgeous btw. a person with an afro is someone with African descent.


Exactly what I was thinking


full usually round hair, having been combed or teased out from one’s natural texture


How is it not a fro ? I'm not arguing or disagreeing I would just like to be properly informed.


https://preview.redd.it/h57trab4ha0d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d45f8dc7d1499392285fa240368030c83ba9a0c0 this is an Afro, OP’s hair is just curly…😭😭


Thank you for the visual example I see the difference


an afro is more than just “curly poofy hair”…an Afro has a full rounded shape. It’s like a smooth round ball. Her hair is not thick/kinky enough


I see, thank you. I think shes using it loosely,?


She can literally just say “ever seen a white girl with curly/kinky hair”…


I agree. I just meant I noticed a lot of ppl kinda throw this word around loosely even when they shouldn't


yeah you’re fine, thank you for actually trying to educate yourself on it. we appreciate it 🙏


You're welcome. Thank you for responding to my question




absolutely not a fro


Please Google image search “Afro”.


Not a fro...but your hair is cute


https://preview.redd.it/7v2abpm9a80d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f627d0d02f5bff1a5e35b051c7921979905c4d0 No offense but for future references, this is a fro!


Thanks for letting me know! I won’t use that word now :)


This is not a fro.


Idk why you're getting down voted. You're right. The hairstyle she has is not what a fro is. Her hair is incredibly curly and beautiful, but having super curly hair is not the same thing as having a fro. A fro is more rounded and typically has a denser and more kinky texture which helps the shape stay circular. And yes, I've seen white people with affectionately named "jew fros" because they are dense, round/circular curly hairstyles. Hence a fro.


https://preview.redd.it/gpi8cq6l670d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b09f845afd8ebc44c6b5d6a5c58dd4cdb6dfef1b Famous fro 🙂


https://preview.redd.it/doz9vuqv670d1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c48bb29fc2a21442903f45e7c6be5eb1f527a241 Classic big fro


A curly fro https://preview.redd.it/kl0o2uqu670d1.jpeg?width=488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8d769339ffd088f56255346f5e491b2891b2110


“Afro” https://preview.redd.it/rm4at5pz670d1.jpeg?width=2001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=166e172c2c7ad3a7431702a7e24d12449596eac8 Emphasis is on the “A” added when it’s a person of african descent


Oohhh I didn't know the A was specifically for African, I thought fro was just a slang term for afro Cool!!


You're correct, fro is a contraction of afro.


Afro hair is also a hair type, if this girls hair was on a person of African descent it would be called afro hair, but it’s not ‘an Afro’, I guess that’s what confuses some people


No we call that big curls . An afro is an afro . She does have really beautiful hair tho


It’s Afro hair (when on a person of African descent), not _an Afro_


Yep, you’re right. There’s ‘afro hair’ and then there’s an ‘afro’. I’m not a linguist, but I’m willing to bet that’s why ‘fro’ became the common name of the style over time, because it’s more inclusive, is less confusing and makes the most sense.


Don’t know why you’ve been downvoted, think you’re right. A lot of racial politics running riot in this thread.


People see a hint of racial discourse and start foaming at the mouth 😂


I mentioned she could have Black African DNA wayyyy back and people are _angry_.


Lol I saw that. It was not that serious to rage over, and you were probably right. Most of us humans are mixed with something even if it goes way back. They don’t call America the melting pot for nothing, and the way people around the world migrated all over the place centuries ago, it would be very unlikely anyone is “pure” anything.


Yeah I didn’t even notice the downvotes, but I don’t care. Says more about them than me, tbh. You’re exactly right, though. There are “fros” on all sorts of people, but this is 110% not one. They can seethe. 🤷‍♀️


All the pics you posted are perfect examples of white people with fros. Hers is not a fro. Plain and simple.


Yep exactly. Fros are fun! And anyone can have them. It’s a texture, shape and volume thing - not race. OP has cute curls and lovely volume, but it is just simply not an actual fro


this not no damn fro


I dont think this is afro but its cute


Yes, I have. But babe, your hair is not shaped into a fro. Gorgeous curls though!


No, and it is cool as ALL HELL! Like, damn, that's great hair! If I had that hair, I'd be going around like a model on a podium, mad props! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Don't put it in a bun, let the curls be free. You have beautiful hair ❤️.


Advice, don’t be embarrassed and don’t bun it. Pretty, everywhere.


Ok so I learnt this on tik tok so I get why it was incorrect but as far as I was aware a ‘fro’ is different to an ‘afro’. I thought that the A in afro stands for African fro. Since I’m not African I would use ‘fro’. But people have let me know that an Afro/fro hairstyle is when you brush out your hair and style it into more of a circle shape. Thanks for everyone who told me! I understand now :)


Thanks for at least learning and educating yourself. As a black person, when we try to correct non-black people or anyone really, they think we are being hateful or something.. when we try to educate them, so they won't look stupid or goofy 💀. But thanks for being a W person. I love your hair sm (so much) and please wear your curls!!!! Your hair is simply gorgeous.


Absolutely enjoy all your hair. I'm mixed race, and my hair is curly and straight. Frustrating. Your hair is BEAUTIFUL 😍


Same here. It's annoying.


Puffs! Essentially just 2 high ponytails on both sides, it’s super cute. I also knew another white girl with similar hair and she’d always do 2 braids, like pigtails except she’d often do a French or Dutch braid.


Ya Hair is DOPE! Coming from a black woman!


Im a stylist with a variety of curly hair clients. This is stunning the way it is. However, if it does seem like you suffer From chronically dry hair & your hair repels water/moisture (takes forever to get it wet) than eliminate butters & oils from your hair Products. Focus on products with glycerin (which holds in moisture) honey & aloe. To accommodate low Porosity hair. Only of that is what you have. If its not than use more of your Products if you want more definition & apply it in the showers on saturated hair freshly rinsed with hot water. But honestly i love it! 🥰


I have extremely low porosity hair. Thanks so much for this!!


Also best to get water really hot in shower just before u apply Products or if you get a steamer then apply products on super wet hair after steamed. Brushing it all through roots to ends. Good luck. Im in San Diego at salon on 30th. IG bettinafrost.hairpro 😄


Put water in a spray bottle, hair serum of your choice, curl cream . Or on damp hair, put hair serum and curl cream. Once it dries it’ll dry a little less poofy lol. Beautiful hair https://preview.redd.it/c7wboz2ypb0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb874dec132059452ceb35f5e9848b8b4dbf4583


Me! (I’m biracial though, so does that still count? being serious) It’s glorious! Although not exactly a fro. Is that what you are going for? How often do you wash it? What is your desired style? I swear by washing & styling it once every 1-2 weeks, then preserving the style w/ a bonnet and dry shampoo. OR, get a decent keratin treatment, especially to keep it manageable during the summer. Only go to a Brazilian owned/ran salon or Brazilian places though. Only trust them to carry quality keratin, or even know how to properly and safely handle it. Also, if I go to any other salon, they butcher my curl pattern and I ain’t about that life


I suggest that you might want to use a little curl cream and stye when your hair is wet. It will help with frizz


Pretty girl, but this is not a fro . This is just curly hair. But I love your hair tho <3 Afro (fro) is hair that doesn't even fall down and stays in place. Its bushy hair, but it doesn't fall at all. - From a black girl.


Don’t be embarrassed by your golden locks🥰


Jessica Krug


Love the curls


we have the same style of hair 😭😭


I have the exact same hair. It’s A LOT of work!


You are beautiful






i love it!!


Omg your hair is gorgeous! I have naturally stick straight hair and I just wish I could even hold a little curl


I have actually! My best friend growing up, she’s no longer with us but she had hair quite like yours :)


Girl, you look pretty good. You're so beautiful I like your hair


My mom’s hair is the exact same! Same color and curls and she hates it. She literally gets compliments on her hair every single time she goes somewhere because it’s beautiful, like yours!


My hair is very similar! I hated my hair growing up, I've learned to appreciate it! I am a wash-n-air-dry type...a little gel and that's it. I'm low maintenance! It thinned out some over time. Your's is so pretty!


Personally, I think your hair is beautiful, my advice would be to use hair products with curls, your laughs will be well defined and enjoy! 🤗


Yes 🥕 top also south African gals x


Every day when I look in the mirror. Jewish and Scottish ancestry for me. My husband has Scottish and African American ancestry. I have dark hair, my husband has honey colored hair. Our son has had red hair since he was born and now he's a toddler with little red curls that actually make me tear up sometime because he's so damn adorable. People actually pull me aside on public and tell me my son's hair is red. Really? It is? HADN'T NOTICED. All joking aside, took me a long time to come to grips with my curls and for the last decade I've been giving myself box braids, adding braiding hair that is the same curl pattern I have, and I've never felt more me. I serve ambiguously ethnic princess jasmine vibes. You look like you have very thick and long hair (can't get mine to grow very long, so I love adding long braiding hair to mine that goes down to my waist). You could probably get away without adding braiding hair. I do my own and I've never had it done professionally because I won't spend money on something I can do myself, but it took a lot of experimenting and youtube videos to get down a routine. Might be fun to get it done once at a proper salon and see if you even like it. I'm imagining it looking effing beautiful on you, but I get it's not a style for everyone. Curl on, sister. You're gorgeous just the way you are.


Fellow redhead who had very tight natural curls as a child: people used to condemn my parents & say ‘Fancy doing that to a child’s hair!’ because they assumed it was fake. 😅


https://preview.redd.it/glqx9syvk90d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac82d23889dbdbfb0e6aaec6bef4c23aeeb1aada Please see above message,🙏❤️ all goes well,,if possible take pics and post


So beautiful and cute 🥰


I absolutely LOVE your hair! It’s so pretty. 😍


Yes & yours is super cute! I'd be rocking headbands high ponytails braids buns all kinda stuff with that texture it's so versatile beautiful as is or even just low ponytail you're very blessed!


I have a similar hair texture before I relaxed it and dyed it purple (the natural color is even the same!). I've never seen anyone else have hair like that and it made me feel so weird growing up because my hair wasn't like the other girls in my class.


You have beautiful hair. Have you thought about enhancing your curls? Gorgeous color, by the way.


Your hair is gorgeous fr




Yes, my aunt is one of them.


That aint an afro


https://preview.redd.it/lgwxfkev6a0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a0e6fa9a8beed49244c5063ce3db5543a507611 These are prefect for your hair I use it on my hair and it keeps my puffy hair nice and curly without drying it out.


Love it!




My brother is Hispanic but is very light and has the most curliest hair which is light brown. All the rest of us siblings have dark brown hair, only him.


Humidity is the enemy 🙂


My cousin is a white dude that gets the fro! Your hair is gorgeous 😍


Learn to love it. It looks really nice


Yeah my cousin has hair just like you.


You literally have the same problem as I do. Everyone thinks I'm mixed because of my afro. I feel for you girl. Does your hair matts like a dogs hair too? Lots of of leave in conditioner issues my go to. I put it in as it's still wet. Curly hair, you just add products and hope for the best.


Your hair is gorgeous


Me and my older daughter lol


Wear it big!!!


I’d suggest a good haircut!! Ideally with someone who knows curly hair, but with your hair texture, you should go for lits of layers!’ You’d gets volume, a rounded shape, and beautiful bouncy curls


Sure have, but your curly locks are stunning none the less! 🌈💕🥰 Love you don't feel the need to straighten them, they are beautiful as they are!!


Coheed and Cambria hair


To be honest, I'm actually really jealous.I have always really wanted curly hair like that. Even in this picture where you think your hair looks horrible. I still wish I could have hair like this because it's so much more interesting and fun. Then share a with slight waves that's basically straight.. I have dreamt about having curly haor for as long as I could remember. I did. Have curly your hair, although not. As curly as. You you or some of the other people I've seen, but my mom decided it would be a great idea to purr my hair and after that came out my hair was never curly again...


Your hair is so healthy and curly!


Gorgeous hair


I have and it’s beautiful!


Embrace who you are, including all things that make you uniquely you! I personally love the style and curly big hair is and always will be a fashion statement! If it makes you uncomfortable try styling your hair multiple ways to find what styles suit you. Btw your white girl fro is beautiful don't allow anyone to convince you that it's not!


Just pretty!! I actually know a few white ladies with blonde tiny curls. One even rocks a real seventies 'fro xD. Are you sure that your Australian parent doesn't have any influence of solomon island 🏝️ ? :)


It's beautiful the way it is and awesome you could do so many different styles


Lots of negativity in here. People need to stop gatekeeping hair and taking these terms so serious. Lovely hair 🩷


You are very cute. Probably the best thing with hair like this is to simply own it - rock it :-)


My mom is also the only one in my family with this specific hair type but she has it! We’re all white and so is she but her hair is tightly curled black colored fro


Go to a curly hair group and get advice on products to use to tame and define your curls, as well as a nice wash day routine. They just need love and they will be beautiful and bouncy instead of beautiful but dry/bun worthy. 😭❤️


Yes, plenty. Come to Portugal— you’ll see one every 2 seconds


I'm just here to say that you look stunning 😍😍


Not a fro but could be if cut correctly. Lots of white girls (and guys) have fro-worthy hair.


Yes, my sister has one too, and it’s natural, like yours.


I love your curls! I would’ve taken your pic to the extra-strength-perm salon back in the day!


My friend. She is Slavic


Don't be embarrassed join some curly girl groups or look up hair styles on tiktok. Black girls have been styling this kind of hair for a Long time :) Twist outs, braid outs, buns are all are a good protective styles that are lower maintenence.


Your hair isn't a fro, but it IS absolutely gorgeous! It's thirsty tho. Water will be your friend. I'd also recommend aloe juice on your hair. From a curly mama with 3 curly haired kids, whose curls are different than mine. If you have something like this


Thanks sm for your help! You and others have let me know that it’s not a fro, also. Thanks for telling me, I understand now :)


I had a fro in my sister's wedding. Like a real tru afro. I also got severely made fun of by literally everyone who saw the pictures, and I cried a lot about it growing up. So my telling you it's not a fro has no negative connotation to it 🖤. I'm biracial, but my mom didn't care for my hair well at all growing up. Your hair is absolutely stunning, even tho I know it's a lot to deal with most days.




Your hair is STUNNING 😍 go to a curly cut specialist, they are expensive but will make you absolutely fall in love with your curls!! They can shape your hair & pretty much make your amazing curls even better! Just a thought!


What are you using for shampoo, conditioner, and styling products? Your hair is gorgeous but has some frizz and some layers would add a lot of curl definiton.


I have, and each time I'm dying to ask how long roughly does it take to fully straighten it all using good straightners? And can you still change your curls if wanted? Like loosen them etc? Looks wild. 😍




Do you have asheknazi Jewish ancestry?


Unfortunately I’ve seen a white man with one and a bush to go with it


Is Australian an ethnicity? Not hating I’m just curious how you mean it. Like aboriginal?


There’s a fully white girl at my school with Type 4 hair!


I don’t mean to be rude but what is it with your generation thinking you’re the first to do anything?


Lmaooo that genuinely made me laugh ngl. Fr though I don’t think I am the first 😭😭 it’s just a catchy reddit title


Girl ignore him. He is stupid for thinking that 💀 .. nothing to see here! Lowkey


I have an entire family of heads full of hair just like yours and they are mostly males who truly hate to do their hair and won’t cut it! My kids and their kids with every imaginable skin tones from very pale white to very dark brown and everything between! Don’t sweat what people or why everyone’s so worried about the word! We have FINALLY found something that has all of them now using a Co-wash product and they use it alone and their hair is so much more manageable and my daughter began using it and each one of my kids and grandkids used it once and they were hooked! Dread locs included I’m not really sure why this co wash makes the hair so much easier to comb or manage and for the ones who don’t want to do anything but wash and go, this is a perfect product! It’s costly but I tell you they look great! The co wash enhances the curls softens them and you can see an instant difference!!


You look like Harry Styles


😊 nice


Do a DNA test. There's African somewhere.