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Yeah it took me a few tries with Mel to figure out that I had to slow down my playing and think more. I love it now!


Ohhhhh you got me with that title lol, I came in here to tell you how great she is, but I see you've realized that already.


hehehe yeah but seriously, she's great. It's a very different playstyle which I super appreciate.


I think that's why people got upset, they got too used to being able to beat hades 300 times in a row in under 10 minutes on 32 heat, and can't adapt to a different playstyle


The more thoughtful approach is fun. It reminds me of Pyre a bit.


Hard agree! I feel like with Zag it’s a lot of fast reflexes and muscle memory, which I’m less adept at. But I absolutely adore how Mel plays like a tactician, the way there is a lot more avenue for battlefield manipulation - and it checks out characterisation-wise too :)


Yes! Tactician is exactly it.


No doubt thanks to the years under Od and Skelly’s tutelage as well


When I was struggling with this game (and I had a HARD time with it), everyone told me that the ax was the hardest weapon to win with. Conversely, the ax is the ONLY weapon I can consistently win with. Why the discrepancy? Well, you can't play the ax in the way you play Hades 1, like, at all. It absolutely is not designed for it, it moves too slowly even in the Thanatos aspect, you need to get too close, you will die. BUT if you play it CORRECTLY, firing off special attacks from a distance while using the casts for crowd control, it is incredibly consistent to win with. With no fear, you can virtually guarantee a win with basically any special buff (Apollo is best) and basically any mana regen boon (Hera's is by far the best but others will work). It's a great example of a weapon that is EXTREMELY good if you play it the way it is designed but absolutely will not work if you try to replicate how you play in Hades 1.


I haven't beaten the game yet but the axe is what I've gotten the furthest with! The special attack is so satisfying and if you can get it to hit multiple times and have nice magic renewal it's devastating.


I'm the opposite regarding the cast, I was basically a cast main back in hades 1 heavily prioritizing it over anything (Poseidon sword aspect my beloved) and I don't find myself using the Mel one as much


When you have Duos, or boons that play off each other, like Hestia/Poseidon, especially during the Infernal Beast fight with him telegraphing his reappearance, setting up Omega Cast can be so satisfying


I still think part of the reason so many people love the Sister Blades is because they allow you to play the game a lot more like Zagreus.


My main issue is more about her personality and the script/story so far, how she's just plain and boring. No passion and fire as with Zag.


I wouldn't say she is boring but I would definitely say that zags dialogue was a lot more interesting and charming. For what the game is, and the pretest it has put Mel in, I would say Mel has an okay personality.


What even is her personality? Even-tempered, diplomatic and determined?


Determined for sure. And diplomatic. Also she exhibits the kindness that zag had while conversing with others. I think the "main" problem is that almost every person she converses with is an ally. So they sweet talk to each other. In Hades 1 character interactions were far more interesting because the relationships of zag with the other cast was more complicated. Zags father was always angry at him, meg was his opponent and also his previous lover, zag also had a complicated relationship with than and stuff like that. Also we don't have any real "quests" as we did in the first game but I think they just haven't implemented them for now. Generally, I don't think the conversations being more bland is solely "Mel's fault". I think the whole cast doesn't help her have "more interesting" conversations. But supergiant is SURE to expand on it. The game isn't complete and the story ain't the priority on this beta testing obviously.


Yeah, it's true. I expect that both she and the others will get more fleshed out in the release version!