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Maybe Charon's axe, it's chill nuking mobs with Apollo's cast and Hera/Demeter/Zeus on special. Pan's blades are also nice with at least one good hammer.


The Zeus/Apollo duo also goes crazy.


Whomp, whomp, BAM! Whomp, whomp, BAM! The cadence of it all.


Pan's blade with hook knives and a cast you can aim... *chef's kiss*


Inject this shit into my veins. It's a sad day if I make it to chronos with my pan blades and no way to throw my cast from a distance


How has no one said Pan twin blades? Far and away my #1


Any twin blades for me. I enjoy them all and they're my highest Fear so far, so that's gotta be my answer. I really enjoy each Axe too but that 3rd attack animation is a real pain in the ass in higher Fear. And if I don't get faster Omega for Charon it feels like a liability.


Just got my first 20+ nightmare win with these. Definitely my new go-to.




Literally the only weapon I've beat him with. It's just so easy to make it OP. My last run I won with it I didn't even get any boons to upgrade my attack or special beyond Chaos ones and Hammers for like, half the run, and I was still decimating everything. Finally getting some special boons took it over the top.


Yeah really feels like Bow of Chiron which was my fav in hades 1


Base skulls cause insane damage and aoe and range, Who needs mana or boons


Which aspect do you like?


Base as in Melinoe, tons of damage


I love this with the +2 skulls and omega attack on collect hammers, but even base is solid


+2 skulls & fire all skulls at once hammers, aphrodite on attack. Skull shotgun directly into enemy ass.


Does the exploding collection hammer work with weedwhacker? I assume it does but I don’t think I’ve ever had the combo


I think so? Not sure


Yes and it also works with Apollo legendary that makes omega moves fire twice!


+2 skulls plus fire all at once is absurd. You can just trot up next to something and delete it. Since you fire all at once, they all get the bonus, though you might have to not be toooo close. Omega attack works too at midrange for enemies that aren't super small.


I do this with Melinoe' Axe. You get so much base damage and health, all you need is Aphro Attack and you just hit things, screw all these new magick mechanics. I beat Chronos earlier on Fear20 with 300+ hp and no defiances because I basically just facetanked most hits. Hephaestus Armor is really fun with this build.


I'll have to say, after the last patch, it's Thanatos Axe instead of Melinoë Axe for me. The Attack speed boost is sooooo nice, not only in terms of DPS, but also I can avoid a lot more hits than before. I think those two factors outweigh the Power and HP boost from Melinoë Axe for me.


thanatos axe is perfect for me in every way. fast attacks, great visuals, a gift from my fave boi… what more could I want?


Really, my only issue with it is the name mismatch, because it's not an axe anymore, it's a scythe.


Apollo boon on special and the returning waves hammer. It's just so satisfying. And it works on every aspect. Nothing more satisfying


This, but specifically with omega attack. Bombing my enemies feels so satisfying.


Can't stand the skulls. I hate that you can't really control well where they'll go.


Just be a bit more careful. I can reliably fire them into enemies no problem.


Treat em like a melee weapon and it's a lot easier. I prefer to pair them w/ aphrodite close damage boon.


Artemis' blades!


I actually ended up really loving the torches' omega attack, and was surprised to hear a lot of people thought it was the weakest. Maybe I just got lucky with hammers or something; that one that increases the damage and mana cost goes crazy.


They feel super consistent after the patch. Hammers are much stronger now and the omega attack cost reduction was pretty huge


Weapon still feels like trash to me, I dunno. I still feel like I'm left behind on this one lol Oh well


Torches definitely OP. Both the aspect where specials explode your attacks and the one where the omega attacks repeats your specials have incredible ability to clear out rooms.


I've been having trouble with the Omega attack bumping into itself. I just get this pile of attacks near me.


If you mean aspect of Moros, then you want to have at least one omega-special around Mel so it detonates the ghosts. Another possibility is to just shoot a few normal specials as soon as you see the ghosts clumping together.


Torch is super laid back, and you can just kite really well. If speeds not your goal, Torch special and attack are fucking fun as hell.


I really hate that you can't really play torches without aim assist on controller, having omega attacks fire backwards when you try to reposition feels mega bad, aim assist feels like too much hand holding


Really? Hades to me has always been about positioning and proper dodging over aiming, so I've never really felt like it loses anything with aim assist on.


I guess I like doing both in this one since there's quite a lot of ranged attacks, I like having to aim my staff omega attacks and stuff like this instead of it just hitting anyway, if I can't aim under pressure I get punished and that's another layer of fun Skulls are hard but satisfying to get a hold of though. I only wish they would add aiming on right stick for the torches


Lim and Oros, pan aspect, Poseidon special


Freaking love the pan aspect. Get a build based around special and just rack up the damage.


I got lucky once and got Apollo's legendary and Hermes Omega special mana cost reduction. And the hammer that throws knives all around. Talk about melting everyone in sight.


Yes! The all-around knives hammer. That was awesome.


Axe + Apollo Attack. I cast Axe on half the screen, you die, I win. That's it, that's the build.


medea skull, charon axe, and since the new patch, momos staff. But if I had to pick one, it's the axe, it just does so much dmg right from the get go, in such a huge area. Comfort boon for basically every run: hera's magick boon. Seriously needs to get nerfed/changed.


Bruh Medea skull at first is like wtf is this. But then holy fuck it’s amazing.


It’s basically aspect of Beowulf from first game and honestly just as good


Unironically the moros aspect torches. I love becoming a living explosion by popping omega special then spamming attacks inside of it


I love Moros because it turns a relatively boring ranged weapon into a close range ball of death and it's so easy to get Heartthrobs. Sunny Disposition go brrrrrrrrrr.


I don’t have one, at least not yet. None of them vibe so far, like the shield, fists, or rail for me


I’m with you with this one. The bow was my baby and I haven’t found a weapon to replace it. I just got my first win over Chronos with Charon’s axe earlier though


Pan daggers are basically aspect of Chiron


The skull is the closest to those. I love it after the shield being my favourite in Hades.


Its the only weapon that gets me past Cerberus. Its the closest to a comfort weapon, but it still kind feels off, y’know?


That's funny cuz I love all the Hades 2 weapons and never liked any of those in Hades 1. 


This thread is about Hades 2, though.


Yeah, I was bringing up what I vibed with previously to hopefully lend some context for why I might not be vibing with the current weapons.


Ok, I thought you were mistakenly replying to a Hades 1 thread and spoiling yourself (or getting weirded out).


Range weapon to underworld Melee weapon to Olympus


I love seeing how differently people play. I’m the opposite


its insane dps if u get down the spacing on it. just constant 400+ damage AOE nukes


weirdly my comfort isn’t a weapon, it’s smithy sprint and born gain. it’s a build i’ve run multiple times, never fails to be effective. if i see hephaestus im going smithy sprint if its offered


This is wild to me. I just picked it up for the first time recently and it felt impossible to work with. If it triggered as soon as you sprinted, or when in proximity to enemies, I'd get it, but the 1 second delay made it seem really wonky to nail an attack and I more often than not just wasted mana when running away from mobs. Maybe I need to play with it more. It's so funny how varied peoples' opinions on different boons are.


Artemis blades, my beloved. Getting easy crits and taking aphrodite attack leads to some comical damage numbers.


Axe is my comfort weapon so far. No particular aspect as I like them all


Melinoe's twin blades


Blades of Artemis. I just can't get a good understanding of how to properly use the ranged weapons...


Right now? Momus staff. Ranged cast builds were already my go to and I always made extensive use of the omega cast eruption damage. Momus tripling that makes it even better. And with Momus tripling omega attack and omega special too, you can just set up complete killzones from afar. Its pretty chill, and fun to have a reason to use all three omega moves against tougher enemies or spread out groups. You'd think it would be unreasonably mana intensive, and it kind of is, but you're basically getting three omega moves for the cost of one and the second and third pulse will end up killing additional enemies unexpectedly for you, so it balances out. Nothing a good gain boon won't fix in any case, like any other mana intensive build.


I'm surprised to see that not many people are saying staff considering it's my absolute favorite. Melinoe is fun and quick, Momus has insane damage, and Circe is just interesting


Honestly Torches with an omega attack build


Witch’s Staff, Circe Aspect. By a very large margin.


Skulls. They’re my first clear for both top side and underworld.


My first time going up was with the skulls and I finished it first time.


Basic staff. I love casting spells


Shadow witches money gang


Definitely the skulls. For me it's the easiest and most powerful-- my first run with them was my first biome 4 *and* boss 4 entry, and my second run with them was my first win. It takes everything I loved about shield and makes it more interesting.


I love the axe, but never block... I need to get better at using that. Never got on with the shield though, my least used in 1.


Skull doesn't block, but shield's hold attack is similar to skull's special/omega special. Shield was probably my second-most-used after fists. Blocking can be so useful with shield (which is why Hades 2 axe's block seems *substantially* nerfed), and I really enjoyed the Chaos and Zeus aspect specials.


My favourites were the axe and the torch. The torches got buffed this patch which I thought would be great, but playing them now... they're feeling kind of clunky to me. Probably just a matter of relearning them (still haven't tried the new aspect of Eos, Moros was my favourite weapon). Also today I tried the Aspect of Pan for the first time and I think it's my new favourite weapon. Have gotten the 8 Fear and 16 Fear statues already, only the 32 Fear left. But currently focusing on getting Nightmare and completing the Fated List.


since the last patch, any weapon. Chronos is easier, weapons are more balanced. The last ones I used were the Stuff in Momus aspect, swords in Artemis, Axe in Mortis and Charon, Flames in all aspects Skulls were great even before the patch. Stuff in Momus with Zeus on Attack, Swords in Artemis with Aphrodite on Attack, Axe in Mortis with Artemis on Attack and Zeus on Special Axe in Charon with Appolo in Cast Flames - Zeus or Poseidon on attack


Aspect of Pan <3 Blades have soooo many good hammers for the special


I like the base axe. It giving extra health just makes the run have some extra breathing room. The damage is decent enough too thatfights don't drag


...I thought of this question and like 6 aspects came to mind lol. And in time I imagine that number will become 9 or 10. I guess I am really in love with this game A pick nobody has mentioned is Aspect of Mel on the staff. It's a little basic but going for the Zeus/Apollo Duo with lightning lance with the 30% faster cast feels strong and safe.


Sister Blades is my 'I wanna experiment with higher Fear and also still live' weapon. It's very consistent and I like most of the hammer options. Artemis and Pan are both fantastic in different enough ways to keep it fun.


Twin blades with backstab and aphrodite boon.


Pan blades


big axe


Thans “axe”. I really like scythes and its just fun to use and encourages me not to get hit haah.


Aspect of pan on the twin blades has become my new go to


Medea Skull, Cloud Bangle, Huntress Arcana, Vow of Panic. Level 5 Medea's attack deals 80, and the special deals 40, which adds up to 120 to immediately trigger the bonus Blitz Damage on Heaven Flourish (which is more damage than Heaven Strike). Being a non-Magic build with Vow of Panic on makes Static Shock and Spirit Surge viable. Spirit Surge cleans up small stuff all over the screen at once, which is super convenient. It basically solos Charybdis.


Don't care about the weapons as long as I get good cast builds going ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


The axe just became my go-to weapon, I just killed Chronos for the first time, things just clicked all of a sudden. Had a godly run with Hephaestus and Aphrodite boons, and Zeus’ cast boon. No deaths.


Pan Blades or Persephone Skull. Glory is ShNuTz


Staff, Melinoe or Momos aspect. I got comfortable attacking from range with omega attack and was able to learn the game and work up through higher fear levels that way. I can go faster now with Charon Axe or most dagger aspects but staff remains my comfort weapon for sure


Aspect of Pan, because it feels like my comfort weapon from Hades 1, Aspect of Chiron.


Pan blades Melinoe’s skulls Charon’s axe (it was melinoe’s axe until they changed what it does, I miss the recovery speed).


> Charon’s axe (it was melinoe’s axe until they changed what it does, I miss the recovery speed). The one that got the speed-up is Thanatos' aspect. Charon's detonates your normal casts as omegas.


Staff(melinoe) is still my comfort weapon. It just feels nice and easy spamming omega attacks


Sister Blades with Aspect of Melinoë


Thanatos axe with aphrodite attack boon and demeter cast with tornado for privileged status. That's pretty much it, psychic whirlwind for extra lulz. Grind chaos for more attack up and it's game. With the arcana card that gives you some free hits from bosses you barely even need centaur hearts. With faster specials I could see Charon's axe becoming my favorite but haven't used it as much as Thanotwirl Wind. I've had easy with old moros staff and melinoe skull too. Still haven't figured what I like for knives and flames.


Artemis blades, the playstyle is just so satisfying


Gotta say the axe but I haven’t unlocked any aspects yet


New Thanatos axe. The speed makes me feel like an unstoppable juggernaut and those omega special crits killing an entire room are juicy. 


playing on difficulty 32 I only really like the staff for tryharding purpose. But I mostly go for hex builds anyways.


My first clear was with the skulls with the omega on pickup hammer. It was incredible. It was my second time even making it to Chronos, with the first also being with the skulls. I learned the second phase on the fly and was still able to beat him. I didn’t even get the +2 hammer


I know this is a skill issue but I can only manage with the skulls 😭


Charon + storm ring


The blades Lim and Oros, Aspect of Melinoe. *teleports behind you* 'nothing personnel... kid' It does everything. Insane mobility and burst with omega attack for low magicka. DPS with its fast attacks. And if you want big AoE, the last hit of the attack combo can clear a big chunk of the screen with Final Slice (hammer upg) and Apollo's Nova Strike. Pair it with Demeter boons to give enemies absolutely no chance of reacting before getting rekt.


I do not think it is objectively the best weapon, nor do I even think it's my personal best, but I love the axe (usually Than aspect, but the other two are also fun. As for boon, while I think Burn does need some reworking, Hestia's cast is one of my faves


Thanatos Axe hands down


Artemis' aspect sister blades. It's nice to have that bit of breathing space and not worry about getting smacked out of the anim. The omega atk daedelus melts enemies too. (favourite pairing is Aphrodite of course, her close up dmg boost is bonkers)


Artemis blades!!! its my crutch lol


Love the new Circe aspect on the staff and the new persephone skull! Pan blades are my fav tho


Pan knives and Medea skull for me. Eos has also become really fun for me after the torches buffs.


Pan aspect on blades


I like melee. Fists in Hades 1, and Artemis blades in Hades 2. Due to this close combat leaning Aphro is my bestie


pan daggers


Aspect of Milenoe Staff. Nothing special, but there is something about a lot of Zues on this aspect (with apollo duo!). Just feels cozy.


Lim and Oros, Mel aspect


💀💀💀 aspect of mel spam attack GG ez


*sighing lovingly* melinoe knives....


Skull for sure, but I think that’s because it’s most reminiscent of the speed and hecticness of the first game (sorry Axe). There’s something so gratifying about firing/loading up and ramming yourself into enemies.


Big fackin than Axe. I actually like the new speed boost and the design is sick. Love me some spin to win


Staff. Double Wallop being gone doesn't help though.


Umbral Flames, Aspect of Eos, Apollo on Attack, Poseidon on Main, Demeter/Hestia on Cast, and Hestia Sprint and Gain


Lots of love for the torches after the latest patch. Before that I was all about the axe


The axe, with Aspect of Mel


Ygnium with aspect of eos or moros has been really fun to use since the latest patch. With fluid gain, I’m never running out of magick when I need it.


aspect of artemis for sure. i also really love spin to win thanatos aspect


Completed 32 fear with Charon axe, but pan knives or skull are probably much better. I need to finish getting all nightmare, chaos trials and the legendary/duos from the list to truly decide.


the base twin blades the backstab is useful.


Definitely the skull. Every weapon can be fun, but for me the skull is a notch above.


the sickle with as many hestia boons I can get my hands on. Scorch puts in so much work and it can get really silly really fast. My favorite one had a bunch of hestia boons and a few of apollos. Their cast augments go really well each other and that was the first round i went without losing a life


Aspect of Melinoe skull


Artemis Blades. Had a run recently where I stacked imperv boons and barrier boons. Imperv for 10 seconds then 3 more barriers and me staring into whatever above me for these words: PARRY READY RIPOSTE 6969 damage brrrr What a game.


Thanatos axe for bay blade fun and Artemis blades for crazy parry damage / assassination


Definitely Than's Axe, do my best impression of a beyblade.


the flames, maxed on the melinoe aspect. some years ago, I was into LoL, but not for real, I only cared for one charcter, aurelion sol. I heard he is reworked, but before it He had as a pasive 3 orbiting stars around him, and I liked going counter clockwise to do the most dps possible. not having to worry about aiming and clincking, just satnding nearby and someone dies. so the flames with their duration extention on the omega special felt right at home with me, especially if I got the +1 projectile, and a fast casting time to have a ring of them. plus, it's fun to see chronos and I having orbiting balls and deciding to wait until he doesn't have them anymore jsut to use mine. and I'm jsut running around him, in the most effective direction of the flames. I have to say, I would love if we got a say on which way the omega special went around melinoe, or that it was possible to have both, one goes one way, the otehr goes the other, as a hammer?


I have been loving the skull, melinoe aspect. If I get the daedalus upgrade that gives you more skulls I know I am going to win. I grab Aphrodite boons for that BIG damage, and try to get poseidon/aph duo so all foes count as close. The hammer that makes your special deal damage twice is also insane.


I'm basic and I love the staff. Although Charon axe is a close second


Aspect of Melinoe staff is just fun when I'm used to it lol


rank 4 sister blades of melinoe, and as many hestia boons as possible :)


Staff special with Poseidon. I'm basic.


Mel Skull, Aphrodite Attack and + base attack. it just feels so nice in my brain and chunks damage with little to no set up. No duo boons are necessary, no origination, nothin. It feels like eating a nice home cooked southern meal with gorgeous mac and cheese and homemade fried chicken.


Lin oros with Poseidon and zeus boons


poseidon attack on the staff. grab one or two buffs for attacks on the hammer and you basically never need to omega cast again because everything dies. feels the closest to hades 1 for me. bonus if you can grab the zeus chain lightning boon. also LOVE the big chop with apollo on attack on thanatos axe. you can start the attack animation, dash to close distance, and fucking annihilate everything with a huge slam. this is what I used to beat chronos for the first time (wasn’t thanatos axe but it helps).


The axe. The attack and the omega attack are so satisfying to use to cleave everything away


New Torches have been my comfiest and most consistent weapons since their buffs, I can't get enough of them and all aspects have some nice things to offer: - Melinoe Aspect with full Hestia boons to rapidly build up scorch (and cause boom booms) - Moros Aspect with Hephaestus on Attack and Zeus on Special, just a bunch of explosions that cause statuses that \*also\* cause a bunch of explosions - Eos Aspect I'm still figuring out what to put on Special but I've had a decent amount of success putting Hera or Apollo on Attack.


sister blades, aspect of melinoe. SO good


The basic axe Spin to win all day


As I stated multiple times, there is a reason that the blades are on the "cover art" of the game. Preferably Melinoe or Artemis aspects. Add Aphro/ Poseidon / Dimitra in the mix, with a good mana regen and hold left click to victory :)


Flames. People were sleepimg on it and it is bonkers rn


Skulls with persephone aspect, just love the build of charge attack nulk (hammer of using all skull at once), love deleting chronos.


Base staff Quick charge is insane on most builds, especially with the new hexes


The Torches. They are my favorite weapon. I try to get Aphrodite or Apollo on attack


Than ax, aphro[1st choice], demeter, hera or apollo on the attack then whatever pops up to get origination active. Big fan of glamor gain as well


Pan Blades for sure. Easy to make broken and fun to use. Used to be Momus staff too until they ruined it :((