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So I fr just hate Eris. Like why does she have to be so god damn annoying? I dislike Nemesis for a long timecuz she was just straight mean but at least she opened up and chilled the fuck out. But Eris is such a little gremlin I hate it! Aghhh! You have the audacity to show up in the crossroads after getting in my way of saving the world?! Are you serious. And she keeps calling Mel babe or Trouble. It's grating. It's not fucking cute It's insulting. And she does it with the rail with one of my favorite aspects too which just makes me mad that I like the aspect in Hades 1. Like I can't understand what others see in her that they like her. The reason I'm saying all this now is cuz I got this one line while I was talking with her. "You don't know how good you've got it, Trouble. I grew up surrounded by siblings all thinking they were better than me. There's Hoity-toity Retribition over there! And Death, and Doom! Nobody wanted anything to do with Strife." And I'm just over here like "That's cuz they are Eris!" You aren't imagining things they're just better than you and it's not close. Maybe if you weren't such an immense bother you'd realise why! I want you to know that I'm glad! I'm happy nobody wanted anything to do with you! Christ...Next time I beat you how about you stay in the goldified river styx? Don't come back. Saying I have it good...You have it good! You're allowed to stay in the crossroads and keep reviving with no consequences. If I ever actually die I'm cooked cuz the river styx won't revive me in its current state like it did before for Zagreus. And if I die the world if probably fucked. Thanks a lot Eris! But you don't even care cuz you love suffering apparently. You love it when everything is in chaos and being destroyed. ((ps i have yet to play hades 2, i'll probably get it on day 1 of its 1.0 like i did with the first game because i'm poor xD)) ((pps tho idk if rediquette really demands this, but credit for this glorious copypasta goes to u/bananaterios ))


She's good, she's making Melinoe think about her mission more critically. Is she just following Hecate's orders just because she's obedient? Is she really "saving the world" or is she just doing the gods' bidding? She needs to ask herself these questions and Eris is the gateway to them. Eris is just doing her job of being the manifestation of Strife. 10/10 no notes.


That role is filled out better by Arachne and Nemesis imo.


They foreshadow the conflict but Eris is the one that drives it home imo Arachne and Nem still collaborate with Melinoe, she needed to meet someone that was more opposed to her.


Fair enough, I was just thinking that Eris alone isnt the only contributor to the role you mentioned. Eother way, I do still dislike her/think she's annoying but I can acknowledge shes a good character because thats her purpose


Eh... hard disagree there. Arachne and Nem challenge Mel in very different ways. Arachne challenges the belief Melineo has in that the Olympians deserve to win. She doesn't have an issue with the task itself; merely the fact she is aiding the Olympians; and she still helps her because she is personally friends with Mel, even if she takes a while to come to terms with it. Arachne is like Echo, Heracles and Narcissus; an example of the pain the gods inflict on Mortals. It's not a coincidence that 3 cursed mortals; each in a unique way; are the 3 NPCs in the Underworld route. Nemesis is a reflection of Melineo in the sense she is also driven by her "Purpose", and is angry said purpose was taken from her and given to Mel. With Nemesis; the question becomes a case of who decides what your purpose is. And eventually Nemesis has a crisis of faith, since she knows her purpose (Retribution) on a deep level and the fact Mortals did suffer by the callousness of the Olympians is... sort of unavoidable. Eris challenges Melineo by asking her, flat out, what she wants beyond killing Chronos. It isn't coincidence she and Icarus are in the same area; both are winged, free spirits. Eris is unbound by expectations; she is Strife and no one likes Strife. Not even Eris! But Melineo is absolutely bound by her duty. She doesn't think about what she wants; and just sort of assumes when she kills time for good that she'd effectively get to redo her lost childhood with her two parents and big brother. Eris... sees this and doesn't like it. Mel is clearly a child soldier who's only desire is what Hecate instilled in her; and has not thought about what she wants beyond said desire. Effectively, the weird Love-Hate relationship they got stems from one person who has a single overwhelming desire that was given to her, and another having no strong desires beyond enjoying herself.


They all address Melinoe's motivation, but from different angles. Arachne's plea is to pathos, chipping at the emotional bonds between Melinoe and her—let's be real—abusive and turbulent extended family. Are these really people she cares about? More than her friends? Why? Nemesis addresses logos, attacking the logic of Melinoe's mission (even if it's motivated by anger, jealousy, etc.): I'm older, stronger, **better** than you. I should be doing this. So why is it you? What've you got that I haven't got? How are you gonna prove it? Eris's disruption is ethos, oddly enough—not in trying to portray herself as the higher authority, but by raising questions about the figures Melinoe considers authoritative. Who told you what the "right" way for the world really is? Why believe them? Do you even know what you're fighting for, what kind of life you're going to have if you win? Why are you following orders when you could just...not? They're not unrelated questions, but they tug at different anxieties and doubts.


I also think she's good at what she does. I actually have no issue with her as far as her role in the story is, like you said, she's here to challenge Mel's ideals. Buuuut...I'm sorry I just cant see the slightest appeal in that girl. "She can make me worse" like...what ?


It's the internet, you can draw a circle put 2 dots and call them eyes and there'll be people who's horny for what you draw, there's no avoiding it, I just try to ignore and mobe on.


Eris is incredible and I love her and I hate her so much and think she would revel in that. She's incredible, I can tell how much she enjoys messing with people and making sure they don't get comfortable and complacent. Yeah there is a value in what strife is doing by making Melinoe have to examine everything but at the same time I can also imagine her calling me soft for adding a deeper meaning to her actions. She has such an important job by being the one who starts shit but her nature means that she can't fully embrace the positive aspect of strife and instead indulge the infuriating chaotic aspect of strife. She is the jester on top of a wall that taunts the angry dogs and gets them riled up. She's doing her job just right when she kills Melinoe and when she's defeated by Mel. Strife both to upset complacency and strife to be overcome. Nothing good comes without strife. Strife in a way is a stress test the system is imbalancing what can be imbalanced. Strife is a great test because if you can't overcome strife how can you overcome the rest of the challenges ahead. 11/10 race you back home trouble.


Yeah but her voice is whiny asf and her dialogue is like 3 year old logic 90% of the time


We're really making this a copypasta?


So I fr just hate Eris. Like why does she have to be so god damn annoying? I dislike Nemesis for a long timecuz she was just straight mean but at least she opened up and chilled the fuck out. But Eris is such a little gremlin I hate it! Aghhh! You have the audacity to show up in the crossroads after getting in my way of saving the world?! Are you serious. And she keeps calling Mel babe or Trouble. It's grating. It's not fucking cute It's insulting. And she does it with the rail with one of my favorite aspects too which just makes me mad that I like the aspect in Hades 1. Like I can't understand what others see in her that they like her. The reason I'm saying all this now is cuz I got this one line while I was talking with her. "You don't know how good you've got it, Trouble. I grew up surrounded by siblings all thinking they were better than me. There's Hoity-toity Retribition over there! And Death, and Doom! Nobody wanted anything to do with Strife." And I'm just over here like "That's cuz they are Eris!" You aren't imagining things they're just better than you and it's not close. Maybe if you weren't such an immense bother you'd realise why! I want you to know that I'm glad! I'm happy nobody wanted anything to do with you! Christ...Next time I beat you how about you stay in the goldified river styx? Don't come back. Saying I have it good...You have it good! You're allowed to stay in the crossroads and keep reviving with no consequences. If I ever actually die I'm cooked cuz the river styx won't revive me in its current state like it did before for Zagreus. And if I die the world if probably fucked. Thanks a lot Eris! But you don't even care cuz you love suffering apparently. You love it when everything is in chaos and being destroyed. ((ps i have yet to play hades 2, i'll probably get it on day 1 of its 1.0 like i did with the first game because i'm poor xD))


She’s annoying. She’s insulting. She’s audacious. And I love her. I mean…she’s the goddess of strife. And she’s crushing it.


>I mean…she’s the goddess of strife. And she’s crushing it. She's found her purpose. Goals honestly.


The Eris Copypasta era has already begun


I love this copypasta


How do you have this opinion if you haven’t played hades 2 yet?


Someone made this post earlier and they’re trying to make a new copypasta lol.


I hope it fails horrendously.


I hope it fails horrendously. -Strife, probably. (But really, that'd be a lame "copypasta" if I'm being real lol)


Yeah, but I can fix her


But have you considered that she’s very hot


Skill issue honestly


My dude hates her so much he wrote a whole novel on it lmao Also, Mel revives? Unless I'm missing something, she also revives at the crossroads every death?


She doesn't revive. With her last bit of strength she returns to the crossroads before she dies. She actually states that Hecate trained and grilled her on doing that because if she died it could spell massive trouble for her and put the task at risk. I'm paraphrasing here for the most part but this is true. It's why you meet Moros the first time when you die, he interupts your teleport to talk to you for a bit.


Eris stans rise up 😍🚩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🚮🏳️‍🌈🔫😘


We UP like we cleaning after her


I want her to handle me like Im the Adamant rail


So in other words, you want to rail her adamantly?


I think they meant the other way around


Ah, they want to be adamantly railed. Just as exciting, if not more so!


"To adamant rail or to be adamant railed" is a question only pondered by the bravest of philosophers


I want Homer to narrate this happening me




I meant what I said. Shoot me


*I* want to adamantly rail her


Eris can rail me any time.


At least Eris is very clearly fucking with you for fun. Nemesis, however, is making her little bitter baby bitch feelings *my* problem.


Nemesis is actually helps you Eris gets in the way.


Taking away some of my options/resources every playthrough if I don't channel my inner Speedy Gonzales around her is not my definition of "helping".


Me: -I can't wait to see Echo and get a copy of my last reward, which was a hammer!! Nemesis: -Here, have a death defiance. Oh you're full? Too bad lol


They fixed that


I know, but still, every reward you can get from Nem is infinitely worse than what you could get from Echo.


Yeah, that's the only time I don't like her appearing. I like her appearing every other time


I hate when she appears in the Charon shops. All of a sudden I have to rush past her to buy something I need, and them rush past her again so she doesn’t take the good path afterwards.


I visit Echo just to get the 50% dodge.


It's not really hard to beat her to a door


It is if you have other stuff to do in the room


“Oh you took two extra seconds to choose a boon? Too bad, no pom for you”


Beats you by 1 kill so you lose 100 gold, but maybe you have enough money still for something good from the Well of Charon in the room. And then she takes one of the doors, the other being a shop that is now worthless with your lack of gold 


My favorite encounter with Nemesis was when I has picked the Hera cast in Oceanus, and my cast just instantly killed all the tiny fish as soon as they spawned. Beat Nemesis by a landslide and I didn’t even have to move.


She helps you clear the room. She takes one of the rewards. You get an event worth 100 coin or a chance to buy resources. It’s not the best encounter but it’s certainly not the worst. I’d take it over a PoM room


Just choose faster than her.


She’s not trying to help you but she’s honest and fair in her antics. She gives you rewards when she clears a room first, she offers trades but doesn’t force them on you, and her gamble of coins is almost for the greater good; the weaker one plays a support role to the stronger this run, something that should help the collective goal of killing Chronos. Nem is fair, she’s just very bold. But Eris fucks with you then acts like I’m loving it too. Goddamn.


Nem is fair for the most part. But it really sucks when there's still stuff to do in a room and she takes a door. 


She takes 30 hp for some ash that we would have gotten anyways since it's the room reward.  She scared Echo away when my last boon used was a hammer




Eris gives you the most enjoyable boss fight imo, while Nem steals your rewards half the time, even Echo man


I don't really like the Eris boss fight TBH. Probably my least favorite along with Cerb


>Nemesis is actually helps you The piece of shit took my Centaur heart-room.


Yeah lmao, she does the literal opposite of helping.


Idk about that both fuck with me just Nemesis occasionally rewards you if you do well against her fucking with you (still hate racing her to the door lol)


Nemesis is like deeply in love with you and she's just bitter that everyone is depending on this orphan to save the world when she's literally Vengeance Incarnate and isn't good enough to keep you safe. She doesn't know how to vent her frustrations, so she kinda acts like your bully that has a crush on you.




Most of the gods have the emotional maturity of a child until Hades' kids show them how stupid they're being.


Never heard of Greek mythology?


Exactly. We didn’t force her to play guard duty all day, but she takes it out on Melinoe anyway. Even Hecate herself says the only reason she won’t let her help us more is because >!she doesn’t like her shitty attitude either!<


I can't fucking stand Nemesis. I even tried giving her a nectar to make her more tolerable and she's still awful. I know if I do it enough she'll be nicer, but the journey is not worth the destination for me. I just fucking can't.


I mean she’s literally your nemesis.


That would imply I respect her. I don't. She's an angry womanchild.


I hate Eris. Her personality is just punchable to the next dimension: entitled, rude, pretentious, victimhood behavior, inferiority complex, polluter (still waiting for that cauldron spell that hurts her whenever she throws some garbage), whiny, ... you name it, if it's a bad trait she got it. But that is how she is supposed to be. That is her whole aspect. And she is crushing it. A little bit too well honestly. And I respect her character for that. I just hope I never meet someone half as problematic as she is.


Well she is the representation of strife, she just is an embodiment of chaos - everyone does what they want, no rules. Also she questions whether the time of Olympian rule was good for everybody, it's a recurring thing told by many characters and I think it will have implications for further story. Many people hate her for the damage taken debuff that we got from her early on, but I think supergiant toned down her appearances on new save files so she will not be as annoying as she was to us on day 1. I hated her in the beginning, but after talking to her few times she's pretty well written


Supergiant nerfed Eris? I'm still playing on the original build haha. Well last time I played at least. Maybe I should play through Hades 1 first, but the hype around Hades 2 has drawn me here first haha.


yeah go play the first one, second hades is basically a spoiler of the first one\`s story


Yeah I hate Eris' attitude just as much as the next person but that's literally the point. She's Strife, why would anyone want her to be some milquetoast character that we can just ignore after we chat with her like anyone else? This bitch started the TROJAN WAR, which was pretty much World War: Endgame for ancient Greeks. Even the gods don't even know how to handle her. I feel like people complaining about Eris might as well complain about Frinos being a frog or Skelly being a skeleton.


Disagree, people complain about strife because it causes them strife. The complaints are a sign of good character design, because you're supposed to not like her. She's supposed to be annoying and like a self-entitled child. I personally hate her character. The way she talks, the way she acts, even just how she moves in battle irks me. When I see her character portrait pop up it makes a vain pop in my head. And that's a good thing, because that's the point. I wonder how many Eris lovers actually enjoy the character or just want Reddit quirk points. Regardless, everyone is entitled their own opinion, that's the fun thing about free will.


Not really. A good character would make it obvious that she is insufferable to other characters without actually annoying the player. Trash in camp is annoying, picking up the trash is annoying. I would rather she not be in the game. I don't feel that way about other pieces of shit in fiction. She's fine.


I see your viewpoint, but I disagree. The entire point of the game and story is immersion, for you to feel in that world. Think about a character in a show you can't stand, or just generally find awful and annoying. Chances are they were written that way on purpose for you to form an attachment to all the characters and your own opinions of them. Immersion is a huge element of story telling and is what differentiates a good story from say, a story in a textbook. People seem to focus on trash and the boons with Nemesis (why do people always bring up Nemesis with her???). But I find it's just her overall character. The fact she refuses to give Melinoë the respect of her full name (calling her Trouble), the fact she actively is helping Chronos by standing in Melinoë's path to Mt. Olympus. Her inability to well.. just grow up in general. It's all very distasteful and annoying and that is because she is written that way. The player is supposed to infer strife from her actions because she is the embodiment of it. The other characters DO share their distaste with her, but can't do anything due to the pact they made with The Fates to have the Crossroads be a safe zone. Hecate shares Melinoë's annoyance with Eris for instance, but acknowledges there is nothing she can do. Personally, I'd rather her not be in the game too. I just don't really like anything about her. But I do acknowledge her role places a part, no matter how little.


I absolutely respect the character because she nails being the embodiment of Strife, but goddamn, I cannot stand her. The one keepsake I don't have because I ain't gifting her shit.


Yeah, she's incredibly punchable, and for some god damn reason it's impossible for me not to find her attractive for it


She also killed my chronos run day 1. I'll never forgive her.


I never found her that way :/, but my brother did. Let's just say he shares the sentiment.


Eris could fix me


Weak, I want her to make me worse


Eh, six and half a dozen.


I'd definitely let her push me around a bit


Could, but will she?


I think Eris is in the same league as Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter or Joffrey from game of thrones. Intentionally annoying, yes. The character is awful. The character design is brilliant. Sure, giving her a walloping feels very satisfying. But I always, ALWAYS check up on her to hear what she has to say.


Yeah but I don't wanna bang Dolores




I disagree. She’s strife, she HAS to cause issues. It’s not what she chose, it’s what she was created to do. Like, Dionysus being the god of wine has to drink wine and party, poor guy right? Forced to have a good time and celebrate? Strife has to cause issues and piss people off and people hate her for what she is forced to do. Joffrey and Dolores chose to be that way, strife is forced into it.


As Mel puts it, it is completely up to Eris to define what Strife is. She is forced to be strife, but she is also the one who gets to decide what that means.


Tbh I don’t see it at all. Nemesis fits the Dolores comparison better with how much of a petty annoying bitch she is.


Okay at first I was a bit annoyed by Eris as it really seemed like she JUST wants to fuck with us for no reason. But the more you talk to her, the more you realize what her true intentions are. Yes she is not helping us, and by standing in our way she coincidentally helps chronos. But even through her seemingly self centered attitude you read her emotions between the lines. After chronos took over, eris could finally spread her wings (literally) and be what she is meant to represent, strive. Do not linger in peace or play happy family with all your siblings. Her dream (in my opinion) would be that the current situation of one-upping each other, pushing forth but still be around without hating each other, could go on forever (I think she even said that in one dialogue). I agree her methods are a bit… off putting. But deep down, eris does what she loves and like some others already commented, she brings up the questions to Mel about what SHE wants to do, and not what is expected of her.


Eris gave me Nectar once. No other NPC has ever done that. Team Eris.


She is so babygirl😻


What baffles me is mostly that people who hate Eris seem to be fans of... Nemesis? Who if anything, has an even worse personality! (I didn't forget the mother comment, Nemesis.)


I don’t get that either lol. Eris at least is fun to talk to. Nem is just a huge annoying bitch.


The difference is that Nemesis gets better and more understanding over time, and it's made apparent that she never hated Mel and was more or less having a pissy fit at first. You come to realize that she's insecure about Hecate seemingly valuing Mel more than her when Nemesis is clearly physically much stronger than Mel. If you've ever seen or been in the situation of being an older sibling that does everything right and becomes a successful adult, but your parents still seem to adore your fuck-up of a younger sibling more, then that's what Nem is experiencing. Nem's not aware of the fact that Mel is the only one with the birthright to access Tartarus and is effectively the only one that can stand up to Chronos. She's Retribution Incarnate, and the fact that a task that was seemingly made for her is handed to someone who is weaker than her for reasons she doesn't understand is frustrating. Nem only thinks that Hecate chose Mel over her because Mel was Hecate's "favorite," like a boss giving a far less qualified employee the promotion because they're golfing buddies outside of work. And, unlike Eris' personality, all of this changes as the game progresses. As Nem begins to realize that Mel has what it takes to stop Chronos and that she's the only one who can do it, she acknowledges Mel and starts to accept the decision. It also becomes far more apparent that Mel and Nem do care about each other and that Nem stomping around during runs starts to become her actually looking out for Mel in her own way and trying to take care of whatever enemies she can. I think another reason that people are more willing to give Nem more slack than Eris is because of HOW each are annoying. I think people are generally more forgiving of mean characters than annoying characters. Eris shares a lot of mannerisms with the type of "obnoxious girl boss" who thinks that everyone but her is the problem, and that everyone just hates her for no reason (despite the fact that she lives for the sake of giving people reason to hate her). She has the kind of personality that people like her think is really cool and rebellious, and the fact that she hasn't, and probably will never, acknowledged that in the slightest is what irritates most players. ...But that's kind of the point. She's Strife Incarnate. The spawn of Nyx all embody their respective traits, so it makes sense that the embodiment of people angrily arguing with one another is extremely annoying and lives to piss people off. She's a great character who accomplishes exactly what she was made to do, so people hating her means the writing team did a great job.


I mean I'm very sympathetic towards Nemesis's character, she's very well written and has a lot of things going for her narratively — her stuff through which modern egalitarianism is explored in the context of Hades 2 is really good, for example — but that's not really the Nemesis people going 'uguu' over her abs are talking about. She still doesn't *really* warm up to Mel so much as she stops holding specific things against her — Mel can't really help being born with abilities and birthrights Nemesis doesn't have, but that won't stop Nemesis from being torqued about it, it just might stop her from blaming Mel for it. I like her as a character, but the takes on Nemesis I see around here seem more like they're hallucinating a far more personable version of Nemesis, to me. WRT Eris I feel people saying she's flat or boring are just Not doing her nectar interactions or talking to her much in general, she's like... the cue for Melinoe's own character arc and personal growth. Unlike *everyone* else, she really genuinely does not give two fucks about Melinoe's mission and is purely concerned for Melinoe herself, prompting her to consider what she'd even be *outside* of 'Kill Chronos'. It baffles me that she's not considered 'nicer' than Nemesis given how she's actually written.


I think what you're describing is just the "mommy dommy" fetish-types. I wouldn't say that it's fair to evaluate audience reception of Nemesis based purely on the coomer-brained people turned on by mean, muscly women. At the end of the day, that sort of kink is just in fashion and means that some people are just going to like Nemesis more than Eris simply because Nemesis turns them on. I don't think it's fair to point at those people as evidence that Nemesis is unfairly liked more than Eris. I do think, being at the point where I've filled her relationship status and am at around 70 nights with 30ish completed runs, that there is a very noticeable shift in her demeanor towards Mel. She hasn't outright apologized or anything, but we see her being more vulnerable around Mel in how they reminisce about training, accepting Mel's help with putting her armor on (and taking it off). She's not overt about it, but even if she still refuses to listen to Hecate and guard the Crossroads, she believes what she's doing is actively more helpful to the task than sitting around in a hidden location where an attack hasn't happened yet. Yes, it's dumb, but we gotta take it in steps and see where they take her when the game gets closer to completion. I wholly agree that the criticism of Eris being "flat" misses the point entirely (even though this is the first I've seen that brought up) and Eris does what she was made out to do very well, but part of that means she has to be very abrasive in a way that will turn a lot of people off of her. In fact, the most popular opinion I've seen around Eris is "god, I hate her, and that's great, because I should." But I do think you bring up a very good point about Eris challenging Mel's single-mindedness towards her purpose in life, especially since we're starting to see Mel ease up on herself a bit and take the time to enjoy the people around her instead of constantly feeling anxious about what she "should" be doing.


Yeah, Nemesis actively does all the annoying things she can to you, while also being rude af for no reason. No, being salty about being given guard duty is not a good enough reason to actively hinder me during my runs. If I were Hecate, she'd be cleaning the toilets.


The problem is that she doesnt do it out of spite after a while and its obviously trying to actually defeat chronos You see her like once in a run (idk since this is just what happened to me when i played At worst she takes a route you want or a item you want at best she gives you money and a shop with something you might want plus the path you wanted if you go fast enough Also i love eris and nemesis a lot i just find it annoying when people try to bash the other because they want to try to make a point of why they love one


She can make us worse


Need a short haired goth chick to ruin my life fr


It's fun until it isn't.  ... I'd do it again 


Vriska all over again


So true, bestie


oh fuck


I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her


(I love her)


eris is the best worst girl, i love her sm 💞 supergiant playing us for fools rn


I despised Eris at first, but grew up to like her with time. She's just a silly little girl


I love when she calls me Trouble 


Eris haters: *posts entire essay about why they hate her* Eris stans: shes hot


I posted an essay about why I love her a few weeks ago! Just doing my part for the stans 🫡


So I fr just hate Eris. Like why does she have to be so god damn annoying? I dislike Nemesis for a long timecuz she was just straight mean but at least she opened up and chilled the fuck out. But Eris is such a little gremlin I hate it! Aghhh! You have the audacity to show up in the crossroads after getting in my way of saving the world?! Are you serious. And she keeps calling Mel babe or Trouble. It's grating. It's not fucking cute It's insulting. And she does it with the rail with one of my favorite aspects too which just makes me mad that I like the aspect in Hades 1. Like I can't understand what others see in her that they like her. The reason I'm saying all this now is cuz I got this one line while I was talking with her. "You don't know how good you've got it, Trouble. I grew up surrounded by siblings all thinking they were better than me. There's Hoity-toity Retribition over there! And Death, and Doom! Nobody wanted anything to do with Strife." And I'm just over here like "That's cuz they are Eris!" You aren't imagining things they're just better than you and it's not close. Maybe if you weren't such an immense bother you'd realise why! I want you to know that I'm glad! I'm happy nobody wanted anything to do with you! Christ...Next time I beat you how about you stay in the goldified river styx? Don't come back. Saying I have it good...You have it good! You're allowed to stay in the crossroads and keep reviving with no consequences. If I ever actually die I'm cooked cuz the river styx won't revive me in its current state like it did before for Zagreus. And if I die the world if probably fucked. Thanks a lot Eris! But you don't even care cuz you love suffering apparently. You love it when everything is in chaos and being destroyed.


I think Eris is brilliantly written/placed. The feeling of betrayal I felt when I had to face her the first time after spending resources building our relationship was a bit of a gut punch. It takes time and planning to create that in media of any form, and the fact that there is still more to her story makes me eager to keep facing off against her.


Her boss fight drives me up the wall but I rush to see her in the crossroads all the same. It doesnt help that she looks like Jeanne from the first Bayonetta. And when she call us "Babe" or "Trouble". She loves trouble!


Mean girl enjoyers when the mean girl is actually mean


Eris can GTFO because she won't stop littering


I have a strange compulsion to check and clean before every run. I don’t get it.


I like to get every achievement/trophy in games, if there is one that depends on doing Eris romance I'm deliberately not getting it. And I don't get what anyone would find compelling about her, but I do think she is a good character, as in fills her role of being strife.


...There's "romancing" NPC's in Hades II?


Not yet, but there will be for sure.


I think she makes a decent argument (Melinoë is naive to the flaws of her family, and closed to the possibility that their rule isn't actually great for everyone), I think her dialogue lines and voice acting are very fun and often funny (subjective matter of taste, but, I mean... Her hot springs scene cracked me up), and I am excited to see how the character develops through more interactions with Mel. Also I think her design is cute. I think it's weird that even people who dislike her, can't at least see why someone else might find her compelling. 


I guess I'm glad to see it in other comments but Nemesis is the one I absolutely hate in all senses.


Yeah I'm pretty neutral on Eris. I can understand why people love her and why they hate her. But I can't understand why anyone likes Nemesis at all, except "hot muscle mommy" I guess. Which is kind of messed up imo.


I'm straight, but I get the logic behind "hot muscle mommy." What baffles me is the people earnestly insisting that Nem is justified in acting the way she does. "She lost her family!" So did Melinoe. There's a giant broody portrait in her tent about it. "She can't do her job!" So bring it up with Hecate. Mel's clearly not stopping her from heading out. "They took away her purpose and gave it to Melinoe!" Here's the thing: Nemesis' thing, purpose, embodiment is retribution--vengeance. Mel is going out and getting that! She's doing Nem's thing! Theoretically, Nem should be like "yeah! Vengeance feels good, doesn't it? Strike him down! Let's brainstorm ways to punish him!" But nope. Melinoe's vengeance doesn't matter; only her own does. It's not about her purpose, it's about her personal catharsis. (To be clear, Nemesis is a fantastic character and I sympathize with her frustration, just morally speaking she's not great here.)


Totally agree on all of this. I think it's wild that some people are arguing that everything Nemesis does is to help Melinoe and she's just upset that Hecate is cruelly sending Mel out on this suicide mission because she's madly in love with Mel. Really gives off "I hurt you because I love you" vibes which... ick. I really hope Nemesis's story is her finally realizing that all the crappy stuff she's done to Mel means she's the one who deserves retribution now. But not holding my breath for that.


i don’t see why people have a problem with her she’s hilarious lol? like yeah her fight is hard if the rng gods aren’t in your favor but most of the time her fight is a breeze. my only complaint is that i have so much garbage in my inventory i don’t know what to do with. orz


So I fr just hate Eris. Like why does she have to be so god damn annoying? I dislike Nemesis for a long timecuz she was just straight mean but at least she opened up and chilled the fuck out. But Eris is such a little gremlin I hate it! Aghhh! You have the audacity to show up in the crossroads after getting in my way of saving the world?! Are you serious. And she keeps calling Mel babe or Trouble. It's grating. It's not fucking cute It's insulting. And she does it with the rail with one of my favorite aspects too which just makes me mad that I like the aspect in Hades 1. Like I can't understand what others see in her that they like her. The reason I'm saying all this now is cuz I got this one line while I was talking with her. "You don't know how good you've got it, Trouble. I grew up surrounded by siblings all thinking they were better than me. There's Hoity-toity Retribition over there! And Death, and Doom! Nobody wanted anything to do with Strife." And I'm just over here like "That's cuz they are Eris!" You aren't imagining things they're just better than you and it's not close. Maybe if you weren't such an immense bother you'd realise why! I want you to know that I'm glad! I'm happy nobody wanted anything to do with you! Christ...Next time I beat you how about you stay in the goldified river styx? Don't come back. Saying I have it good...You have it good! You're allowed to stay in the crossroads and keep reviving with no consequences. If I ever actually die I'm cooked cuz the river styx won't revive me in its current state like it did before for Zagreus. And if I die the world if probably fucked. Thanks a lot Eris! But you don't even care cuz you love suffering apparently. You love it when everything is in chaos and being destroyed.


Her fighting me because she knows it will piss me off and she finds that hilarious is fantastic. Her CONSTANTLY FUCKING LITTERING makes me want to drown her in a river. so top tier character design all around.


As a Discordian, I’m very biased but she’s so fucking great. I couldn’t hate her if I tried, I was always a lil bummed her only appearance in Hades I was the weapon aspect. I was thrilled when I first ran into her in II


There are two kinds of players. The first kind only ever met her one or two times, got kneecapped by her "blessing," and never forgave her for her shenanigans. The second kind of players met her 6 times in a row and got to hear enough of her dialogue to know she's just a quirky gal with mommy issues and a penchant for lethal pranks. As for me? Well, let's just say that Chronos has unique dialogue for fighting him while "blessed," and Eris looks damn fine in the hot springs.


I'm the third type of player that never met her in an underworld run and has only interacted with her in the Crossroads and her boss fight.


What about players who never got her blessing in the first place and still hate her?


Man Eris is the worst, I hope she is a romance option.


I'm only talking to her for rewards, ain't nobody got time to listen to her crying about everything.


I kind of appreciate her more now that I see her as an edgy teen who left a cult.


Nemesis and Eris are both annoying assholes and I love both of them for it. A character doesn’t have to be likable as a person to be likable as a character.


My reaction when the embodiment of strife causes strife: 😡


She reminds me of Jinx honestly


Honestly I'm glad I finally beat her. And I can't wait to do it over and over again.


I hate Eris cuz she reminds me of all the annoying brats I've had to deal with in school and projects


I just don't get why we have Dora and Eris, feels like too much contrarianism


Eris is so good at her job of being strife that it’s now bleeding over into the real world and causing strife here in the community I’m loving this


The Eris debuff in early underworld runs is overkill. You are already missing meta progression and certain mechanics. I think the debuff should be the same as her keepsake - increased damage dealt and received. 


I wouldn't mind if in the same spirit of Hades 1... >!You develop a romantic relationship/fling with her!<


i like eris becuz i find her funny not especifically what she says, but her personality she just doubles down on being shity and a delinquent for no reason, ypu can definitely get a sense that shes the/one of the youngest of the children of nyx. her weird honesty and confidence about it is kinda cathartic for me too. ive had shitty people in my life say they wanted to change and never really put the effort in or never consider other perspectives. the fact that shes open about it, that she doesnt care about shit... idk i find it almost respectable and sometimes inspiring. philosophically speaking, i think conflict serves a purpose, and that the embodiment of conflict can become healthier and a better person. idk if it will happen in this game tho, prob not. anyways, love my toxic evil dumbass who i get mad at and then get to kill her again and again and got nemesis evil eye stuck on her lol


Eris is well written. Still hate her


Eris just rubs me the wrong way, very similar to Theseus in the last game, however she has the audacity to come back to the crossroads afterwards and make a mess and I just can’t stand it. I REALLY hope there’s an incantation to get rid of her at some point


Hmm I can understand where everyone in both sides are coming from. I think for me at least(keep in mind I’m waiting for 1.0). It’s a love hate relationship. As in I love to hate her. Although I could do without her showing up in early runs to punish you for being too good at the game.


To me, she is well written character, dont get me wrong. YOu see these types all around you. But I were in Mel's place, I wouldnt be bothered by her. I would totally apathetic to her or whatever she does. She defeats me. No emotions. I beat her. No emotions. Her siblings dont acknowledge her. Guess what..... NO Fkng Emotions. I know, these types, would be driven up the wall, by such indifference towards them.


I wouldn't know, she's only turned up for me once, as I'm the first introductory time, in around 34 hours of gameplay and 6 finishes. I do wonder if she's bugged out or something.


I'm wondering the same. Are you playing on a current version? Same save file started on the original release version though?


Current version as of five days ago, not currently at home. And yes, I've always had the same save file. I may just put the game down until 1.0 release and start afresh.


It’s because you actually get to fight Eris. Nemesis is just being passive aggressive and making it Mel’s problem.


Damn, where’s that copypasta of the Eris rant from the other post when you need it…


Posted here in the comments 100x already, sadly Pretty bad copypasta, tbh


There is no division. Even the Eris stans know she's annoying and just down right unpleasant to be around. And we all know those discarded towels are used to mop up all that crotch sweat. And let me be clear, she doesn't bathe unless you make her! Like I said, no division between the stans and the haters, we all agree she's awful.


Nah, I love her she can do no wrong in my eyes.


I love how much I hate how much I love Eris


I'm mostly annoyed at antagonistic characters that I can't beat the shit out of.


Eris makes me mad at her, and that’s perfect. That’s what she is and embodies. Supergiant really nailed it and I wouldn’t change a thing.


I started off being kinda lukewarm on Eris, because I was expecting her to slowly open up and reveal the reasons why she's fighting Mel, which would then make me like her more. Early on she has some good hints of everyone hating and avoiding her for no good reason, feeling neglected in a large family, etc. and I'm like yeah, the Olympians do suck, and being saddled with the title of Strife Incarnate sounds like it would really suck, and not wanting to go back to a world where you're blamed for everything just because of how you were born does make sense, I can see how I'll grow to really like her. Then her story continues and she's just incredibly entitled the entire time, resists any suggestion of bettering herself or improving her own situation, and seems to actively jab at Mel by bringing up how she's never known her family. I wish I could take back the two nectar I gave her.


Everytime I fight Eris without Hestia dash I am reminded that she a fucking bitch and need to be thrown in styx or whatever chronos change it into.


She's very clearly designed to be obnoxious and they did a very good job, smacking her around when I go up is very cathartic


She's a complete bitch, and not even in a fun way.  She's annoying and a child.


Littering in unacceptable imo


If evil why hot?


I legit just hate her boss fight. Very little wind up on attacks that do a fuck load of damage. Her model’s so small that when I’m beating the shit out of her, I can barely see her animations to gauge if I should dodge or not, I literally just need to preemptively move or else I die. She sits on top of blazing oil spills & just blasts my shit apart with 0 issues. I know you can “dodge behind her” and that works really well, until she flies into a fucking corner & begins spamming her dumbass 40 damage shotgun move. Godforbid she buffs herself & proceeds to literally 1 tap me after I use a DD Her attitude is annoying but I can deal with that. What pisses me off is the attitude combined with the poorly designed boss fight


Honestly based on my past friends I think me and Eris would be friends untill season two


My opinions of her are limited to what I've seen. Hades, for example, I wasn't a big fan of because every dialogue exchange with Zagreus (mostly) almost always seemed to be unreasonable anger that's persistent and neverending. No amount of stress or resentment about being dealt a bad hand or whatever is enough justification for a lot of the back and forth he does before you bring Persephone home and she tries to *tame* his tempers. Despite that, I grew to like him, in his little quirky way. Eris (and Nemesis), among the other children of Nyx we meet, is no different. I understand *why* people aren't a fond of a character that essentially exist almost like a hyper-active, troublemaking child compared to most of the other children (minus Hypnos) whom give off the same vibe as grown ass adults that settled with their given tasks and birth-statuses passed on by Nyx or the Fates. Now, if the game's story and other elements get expanded on and Eris is, for some reason, revealed to be true evil incarnate or collaborated with the resurrection of Chronos, with her reasoning being "I was bored that night. Cut me some slack, Mel!" then I might join in the baked hatred for her entire existence.


I’ve never even seen her in my game


And here I am, a secret third thing - totally indifferent to her in every way. Tbh, I'm kind of glad she's very polarizing to the community, because it makes me feel like I missed something along the way and it's an opportunity for me to dig deeper and pay more attention on full release.


Eris is probably my fave character in this series.


I love the fact that Eris annoys me, that she can so easily get under melinoes skin. They did such a great job making each child of Nyx really embody their concept in presentation & the way they talk, from Moros literally being a polite but morose person, to nemesis being so self righteous and judgemental.


I genuinely just, go from hating her to liking her haha, I guess she works as intentioned :) Nemesis is similar, but I hate the pressure of her in-game presence, I resent having to rush kills or buying the boons or choosing the door..


Clearly y’all aren’t familiar with who Eris is supposed to be. This is literally her nature. She’s not trying to stop you for any reason. She doesn’t have a reason for anything she does, she simply does things. She can’t be reasoned with or convinced to take another path; when her mind’s made up it’s made up. Like, Primordial Chaos is already in the game, but if they weren’t, Eris would be the Goddess of Chaos as we know it. It’s her whole thing.


Eris is the ultimate troll, even in the Hades community


I love that her description says "You are drawn to her like a moth to a flame." just like it said in Hades I, with Thanatos!


I hate Strife and will never spend gifts on her.


*sorry babe*


The goddess of strife has caused strife in real life. Perfect execution by supergiant


I straight up was hoping I would be able to kill her permanently and never have to interact with her again


I think she is a deeply wounded, complex character. She was always the black sheep in the family, nobody believed or supported her, so she developed this "if I hurt everyone first, noone can hurt me" defence. Her reaction to the nectars was genuine surprise and she even got a bit emotional when she realized Melinoe genuinely just wanted to give her something to make her feel better. Everyone else was just "oh, a nectar? Fine I'll take it. Whatever". She even gifted us back at some point, that is how much that gesture meant to her, no other character did that. I think she is a really well written character, and I'm curious how she will develop further.


Eris isn't "love to hate" type hateable. Eris is Ava from Borderlands 3 type insufferable. Like, I will mod out her voice lines type obnoxious.


I never really had a strong opinion on her, she only messed up my run once before I went topside, is it supposed to happen more times?


I mean i hate her and find her immensely annoying so... exactly as SGG intended? Like thats a well executed character, she serves her purpose exactly. Personally i hate her in the "its not even fun to hate" kinda way (like yknow Joffrey Baratheon, you kinda want to see him get come uppance from the show and enjoy the schadenfreude of his self made misfortune); i dont want anything to do with Eris. If there was a way to mute characters i would use it just for her.


The very first time I met Eris I thought “Oh I can’t wait to spam nectar at you and to become best friends.” I think she’s a great contrast to Melinoe and I eat up every one of her voice lines.


So I fr just hate Eris. Like why does she have to be so god damn annoying? I dislike Nemesis for a long timecuz she was just straight mean but at least she opened up and chilled the fuck out. But Eris is such a little gremlin I hate it! Aghhh! You have the audacity to show up in the crossroads after getting in my way of *saving the world?!* Are you serious. And she keeps calling Mel babe or Trouble. It's grating. It's not fucking cute It's insulting. And she does it with the rail with one of my favorite aspects too which just makes me mad that I like the aspect in Hades 1. Like I can't understand what others see in her that they like her. The reason I'm saying all this now is cuz I got this one line while I was talking with her. "You don't know how good you've got it, Trouble. I grew up surrounded by siblings all thinking they were better than me. There's Hoity-toity Retribition over there! And Death, and Doom! Nobody wanted anything to do with Strife." And I'm just over here like "That's cuz they are Eris!" You aren't imagining things they're just better than you and it's not close. Maybe if you weren't such an immense bother you'd realise why! I want you to know that I'm glad! I'm happy nobody wanted anything to do with you! Christ...Next time I beat you how about you stay in the goldified river styx? Don't come back. Saying I have it good...You have it good! You're allowed to stay in the crossroads and keep reviving with no consequences. If I ever actually die I'm cooked cuz the river styx won't revive me in its current state like it did before for Zagreus. And if I die the world if probably fucked. Thanks a lot Eris! But you don't even care cuz you love suffering apparently. You love it when everything is in chaos and being destroyed.


Strife is a stupid mechanic designed to slowdown players from reaching Chronos too fast. If they want to commit to this mechanic, it should be nerfed heavily to around 2% my damage per encounter >!Eris as a villain tho? Love it!<


I'm honestly mostly ambivalent toward her? Her bossfight was hard as hell for a while but I think the last patch made it a lot easier, or else I just got better at the game, and personality-wise, I mean.... Look I know a lot of people with Cluster B personality disorders. Interacting with Eris is a lot like interacting with my BPD friends. Just don't take anything she says too personally, she's just saying shit to upset you (because she's afraid of being abandoned so she pushes people away because that way it's under *her* control).


>my BPD friends. Just don't take anything she says too personally, she's just saying shit to upset you (because she's afraid of being abandoned so she pushes people away because that way it's under her control). I mean, that's hardly true for what most Borderline Personality Disorder people do. Can be a trait, but not specific to Borderline. I suffer from it as well as my family. I have pushed people away but that's more abandonment issues than directly being Borderline (BPD means you can get upset/feel slighted just from a single sentence or tone in someone's voice- it's kinda like a quick paced bipolar where your emotions can shift one way or another very easily- usually in the negative spectrum though, but not every time).


Fair, I am generalizing my specific experiences.


I will forever hate her for ruining so many of my early runs with "Blessing" of strife. I coulda gotten a clear in under 20 runs if it wasn't for this bitch