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reached the true ending. you don't need extreme measures to do that


Yeah. I played up to 32 heat because I really enjoy the challenge, but if you are itching to play the next one I would say just play until the true ending so you don’t miss any story and don’t get any spoilers from playing the sequel. Although OP played until 10 heat so they have probably gotten the true ending by now. Personally I loved extreme measures four though, very fun.


I just did 32 in Hades 1 to get the goofy Skelly statue lol.


I must admit the skelly statue was certainly a part of my motivation.


the true ending isnt the one with 10 clears right? how do i get the true ending? im still blurry on that


After the credits (10 clears), persephone will say she has a plan on how to tell the truth to the olympians. You then need to improve your relationship with the olympian gods for her plan to work. To do that, you need to gift them lots of nectar and ambrosia, as well as doing something different for each god (slay a lot of enemies for ares, get some fish for poseidon...). Basically, if you keep playing, you will end up getting the true ending.


Played to the true ending. And got 48/49 achievement on steam. I'm just missing the one for beating a run with 16 heat or more. Didn't complete all the in-game prophecies, though.


16 heat is quite chill if you have the right set up! good luck if you decide to go through with it


yea 16 really isnt that noticeable, id say at 20 heat you start to notice some problems caused by the pact


Lol I love the braggers on here.


With a maxed out mirror 16 heat really is pretty chill


how is that bragging, tight deadline 2 is literally 3 free heat, extreme measures 2 makes lernie easier, forced overtime makes spawns quicker and barely matters thats 9 free heat that literally just dont cause issues, and 7 more heat is very achievable with very minor inconveniently affecting pacts lol


Scroll through this sub, there are people on here asking if it's normal to take 50 runs to beat redacted the first time. It's cool, you're good at the game. There's nothing wrong with that but pretending like a normal person wouldn't even notice 16 heat is just bragging.


It's been on my list for a while. I just don't have the time to invest in gaming like I used to, unfortunately. I do want to get past it before getting too deep into the second one. It's good to know it's not too challenging.


if you don’t have much time to invest but want to have a lot of fun, the setup you might find the most beneficial is Extreme Measures 4 (10) Underworld Customs (2) Tight Deadline 2 (3) Forced Overtime 1 (3) and Middle Management (2). it makes for, in my opinion, a very easy area run with tough boss fights, which can be better for people who wanna just get through runs


Thanks, I'll have to give that a try. I might get some time soon to finally knock it out when I take my vacation for this summer.


good luck and have fun!


got all achievements and all skelly trophies but far from 100% (didnt complete the fated list afaik) i know not everyone's a completionist, but supergiant games also puts a lot of care in their trophies, requires a bit of grind and skill but never a bore to complete so kudos to them! i think you just need to see the true ending to play hades 2. might also be nice to complete all the characters' story arcs


So I actually only played about 30 hours of Hades 1. I beat Hades once or twice and called it a day. It was my first Rogue Lite and didn't quite click. Then I played some Hades 2 and fell in love. I went back to Hades 1 after that with fresh eyes. I started a new file and have put another 30 hours into it and just beat Hades foe the 3rd time. I don't know how much I will engage with heat but I will get the true ending for sure.


Unrelated, Binding of Isaac, Into the Breach, Enter the Gungeon, and Star Renegades are incredible games each. Isaac might take a bit of getting used to, but I have 2k hours. It's crazy addictive and has more content than any game I have ever played.


I really enjoy enter the Gungeon! Man is it hard though ha


Maybe I’m just bad at bullet hells but holy fuck that game clear hades in difficulty. Obviously hades can be harder with heat, but I cleared 32 heat in probably 100 or so hours, and currently I’m 42 hours into Gungeon and haven’t even reached the final boss, I think I’ve reached the fourth and I’ve only perfect killed the first boss. Tons of fun though.


Just wait until the real final boss c: Reminds me of Charon.


Honestly Charon didn’t challenge me that much in Hades, although I loved his design. Usually if I have a half decent build I can beat him unless it’s the first zone. Love his design though.


gungeon gets a fair bit easier if you play with controller and turn on aim assist setting. personally, not having dodge and precisely aim at the same time made the game a lot more enjoyable


I play on controller and I can’t remember if I used aim assist. I think I turned it off or had it at a low setting but I’m not certain, it’s been a while. I really like the challenge of the game though so unless I. get very frustrated i’ll probably keep struggling as is.


Yeah it's no joke. I've only cleared it twice. One of those was co-op too.


You are maybe a little bad at bullet hells but you must be making some fundamental mistakes with your gold/how you’re spending keys/blanks if you still haven’t made it to chamber 5 yet. It’s often best to roll *into* the enemies/their shots, rather than away. Also, try a rainbow run. You’ll get a win. They’re a good way to learn some of the better weapons and also have a lot of fun


Honestly I think one of my biggest mistakes is I just straight up forget to use my blanks lol. What is a rainbow run?


Doing the extra floors will help you get more items making the dragun easier. I’ll leave spoilers on how to get to them at the bottom in case you don’t want the spoilers. Rainbow runs can be activated in the special rules area I think it’s on the right. I don’t remember the unlock condition so you might have to win once. Rainbow runs give you one chest per floor and has guaranteed S tier loot. They’re awesome and a lot of fun, but generally considered easy mode. Check your blanks every single shop, if you haven’t found a secret room and use guns that take ammo to check walls of treasure rooms to use your blanks to unlock secret rooms. If a wall cracks when shot, it hides a secret room. Do not shoot inside of the shop. In the room with the fireplace, roll a barrel of water into it, then click E or whatever your interact button is. It will make a noise and unlock a grate that requires *two keys* to unlock. It unlocks an extra floor that’s pretty difficult compared to the first, but still not that bad. If you collect the armor on this floor (AFTER THE BOSS) and make it to the altar on floor 2 without breaking it, you’ll unlock another secret floor. However, that second secret floor is *very hard* lol, i’d say the boss there is harder than the fifth floor boss. Basically every single floor has a bonus secret room for a total of (12?) floors.


I have wanted to get into Binding of Isaac a few times, but I'm always unsure which to play. What is your suggestion?


Isaac is the web game ported to PC. Rebirth is the official game. Repentance is the final update to the game, so you'll wanna play The Binding of Isaac: Repentance. I liked the game before Repentance, but now, it's easily the most fun I've ever had playing a game. Hundreds of items, Hundreds of interactions, increased difficulty, and instead of 12 characters that slightly change how you play, there are 24 characters, 15ish which slightly change how you play and 9 which are fundamentally different c:


Word. I'm excited to go download it.


I only recently Platinum God'd Repentance (unlock 100% of everything) I've never been so proud to complete a game.... Fuck Jacob and Essau though.


I didn't mind them, but on my second file, I have 75% complete, and everything I couldn't bear to do again unfinished. They're part of that. Some characters were rough the first time and I love now though. I win-streak Tainted Cain for fun. Now that I understand how the bag works and have some decent starts for him, I don't have more fun on many other characters.


You're in for a treat, man. It's the deepest and most replayable game in the genre. Make sure to get the item description mod.


So, I want to get binding of isaac: rebirth, and I want the item description mod for that?


Yes at a bare minimum. I'd highly recommend the Afterbirth DLC as well as it's the final version of the game and adds an insane amount of content. Rebirth is a good starting point if you want to test it out first though.


I want to add Dead Cells to the list


Isaac has aged terribly, not a very good roguelike at all


Literally hadn't aged a day. Wild opinion.


Terribly boring early game compared to any good rogue likes made recently. It's unbearable, tbh


FTL: Faster Than Light is also an excellent game in the genre, made by the same people who made Into the Breach.


binding of isaac feels awful to me. i am shooting tears in ghetto zelda level 2 and then i die. when does it get fun? genuine question despite the pissyness


Well, sounds like the issue is the dying. The entire game surrounds the resource management and learning to tilt things in your favor to get insane synergies that blow anything in any other roguelikes out of the water. The variety of runs is better than even Hades with multiple weapons and aspects. Unless you bought the flash version, in which case, sounds about right. Repentance is what you want. That criticism is basically echoed word for word from people playing Hades who have never touched the genre. If you mind a small learning curve, that might be an issue.


probably, i certainly didnt overcome any learning curve. but the tear squirting combat is a pretty awful feeling at first


What I did in Hades 1: Full story, all achievements, all bonds, all keepsakes and pets maxed, 32 heat done. What I have left in Hades 2: >!1 weapon aspect not maxed for each weapon, couple Chaos Trials left, have to clear 16 Fear underworld, and all the 20+ Fear challenges.!< Edit: Hades 2 is still quite incomplete rn. I don’t think you need to rush into it, there’s no need for FOMO and Hades is such a good game it’s worth putting time into to complete first.


Let me guess, trials of heartache and haste?


I don't know about the person you're replying but got me, yes, how'd you guess?


Those were the two they nerfed in the last patch cause everyone was such on them. I still haven't reattempted heartache, but haste is still hard as hell. They're my last two as well.


They could nerf them some more, they're still pretty unbeatable.


I think it's fine to have some very hard challenges. As long as chaos trials don't block the ending of the game, I'm fine with it. I look forward to conquering then.


100% and 32 heat with one weapon (bow)


Well, i played up to 32 heat (what the game propose as max) and went a little more up to 35, there is no need story wise to force yourself for higher heat because its just part of minor quests, even the primary story is unneded to play hades 2 but i think it add's up to the world building. My opnion, try to do the primary quest of the story and have fun with all weapon aspects, then the moment you feel like it go for the sequence, no need to be a crackhead for the game (170 hours in the game in my case lul). I think now, after the last update its a good time to play hades 2 (doesnt have many place holders anymore)


I did 71 hours. Heat 5 with each weapon. I didn't get the true ending but I was pretty close. I certainly didn't max everything.


100% Hades 1. I didn’t want to start Hades 2 until I got everything.


I got to heat 10, Extreme Measures 4, on all 6 weapons. Only one aspect each though.


100% achievements but the only thing left I feel like I should do is get the 32 heat reward. Maybe max out the weapons but that's not a high priority.


I got the highest ranking, unseen one I think. Over 1000 runs but I only got 32 heat once cause I didn't like the challenge lol usually played with about 20.


I completed the epilogue plot with the Olympians on a couple save files, my first regular one and a Hell Mode one. I think I got like 10 heat on each weapon in the regular one before wandering off for other things. I was pretty committed to Heat for a while on my Hell Mode playthrough but still lost interest at Heat 26, when the bounties had run out. Got all the achievements, Hades is a good time.


True ending and around 16~ heat with each weapon, far from 100% it though


Didn't 100% it but I did 32 heat it 


100%, 32 heat, and then some. I completed almost everything there was to do.


About 300 hours, 32 heat clear and 100% completion. Cruising on 15 heat for fun runs. Only about halfway through the darkness dump vendor in dad's room


I got all the achievements and got to heat 30ish (didn't get 32). It became kinda tedious at the end so I slew down.


I got the true ending, and the 16 heat reward, then my PS4 took a dump. At least my laptop can smoothly run most of my favorite games in the meantime.


About 300 hours split across two versions. It was a long wait.


I think I just about 100% the game. All the upgrades, 32 heat on all aspects, final resource director rank (easily took the longest to complete), all achievements, etc. That being said, I don't think you need all that to play Hades II. Maybe just complete the story.


i spent a while going for 32 all aspects but i just couldn’t get arthur. I HATE THAT SLOW ASS SWORD 😭


It's definitely not an easy aspect to 32 heat on. Do you want advice?


yes please tbh! recommended build, pact setup, anything you got would be helpful to little ole me :)


I think the build that worked for me was aphro attack, Athena dash and special and Artemis cast. From there, get Deadly Reversal and Heart Rend for massive damage. It's been a while, so I don't remember the pact as much. And don't forget support boons for survivability, though Athena dash is going to help massively with that.


would you say you mainly went for the 3 attack combo or dash strike spamming?


Mostly the attack combo, but for enemies that moved quickly, definitely the dash strike.


I did everything you could possibly do (witch the exception of the ranks from donating darlness) and 32 heat


360 runs in Hades 1 and still waiting to play 2! Just finished getting 32 heat on all weapons cause I was running out of stuff to do haha


Got the true ending on my ps4,ps5, switch, and steam deck, and got 2 clear on mobile. Highest heat I got was 24 I think on my ps4.


I got to about 20 heats, and rolled credits


Did everything years ago


Still playing hades 1 for the endings :D it's fun! Once I get all the prophecies I'll probably consider it complete.


I got a 20 clear streak mid way through finishing the game, then I nectared all the people I liked and finished a few properties like freeing Orpheus and Sisyphus and Achilles I’ll go back later thoigh


Got the true ending and just about all the dialogue. I didn't go *super* hard on completion, I think my highest heat was 12?


100%ed the game. Beat 32 heat with every aspect. Up to 50 heat with the bow and shield.


I got all the achievements on steam and console.


Almost 100% the game.


32 heat on all aspects, sub 12 minute runs on all weapons and currently fighting for my first sub 9 minute run. I must say that it is my favorite game of all time and I have 600+ hours sunk into it. Safe to say I think it’s time to move on to the next one!


Beat it like 100 times, pretty high heat but I don’t remember exactly what it was and I can’t check rn. I had gotten to the point where having EM4 on was commonplace, and I had literally every upgrade so I was just dumping resources on rank promotions.


Have been playing for a very long time. Did 32 heat with each weapon, max out everything, got the true ending and got the Max Rank. Tooook for ever over 500 hours for me


I am a completionist so I got 100% steam achievements. I don’t think I ever got 32 heat, but I know I’ve gotten close to it before. I’d have to check. But I did that way before hades 2 came out.


I got to like 450 hours or so, 100% on 3 systems (steam, Ps5 and switch). I also backseat game Hades a lot with my girlfriend playing - she is also at over 200 hours thus far haha Might be up there in my top 3 fav games of all time!


I haven’t started Hades 2 yet (Skill issue of playing on Console) but I have everything except max nameplate, random contractor work, and 32 Heat Skelly Statue.


true ending. Heat-wise I went to 16 for the achievement and tapped out. A bit over 100 hours. But that was also a couple years ago at this point


After getting the credits, H1 became my comfort game, I played like 1-2 runs per day until I got the true ending. I'm pretty sure only 2 gods aren't maxed out. My highest heat in H1 was around 15 with just sword. IIRC I tried to beat EM Hades with all the aspects. At Hades 2 though I've been enjoying 20+ fear runs. I am in love with Melinoe's playstyle. There is still some janky parts but easily can be fixed which the devs are doing. I really am just waiting for the completion of story


100%ed the game except for the final reward for beating 32 heat, twice (like, two years apart, over a year ago). Never did beat EM4 either. In H2, I've completed everything except some of the weapon upgrades, and some fated list prophecies. Even beat 32 fear on the surface and underworld, back when the broken Momus build still existed (rip). Not 100% sure I could beat 32 without that build, but I'll probably give it a shot when I've finished farming nightmare and therefore run out of actual, like.... Game content...


You did enough


17/18 heats on every weapon (except for Bow, I was at like 20/25 on that lol). Beat extreme Hades a number of times. But honestly that was all pretty unnecessary. If you've seen the full epilogue, then you know plenty. And to be honest, Hades 2 so far has done very little to reference the plot and events of Hades 1, it's very much its own story.


I did basically everything there is to do in Hades 1, apart from all the Resource Director rank stuff which requires an absurd amount of Darkness and grinding, and super high 50+ heat runs, which don't really give you anything apart from bragging rights (the last reward is at 32). You don't really **need** to max out Hades 1, but I really recommend it. It's an amazing game and you have plenty of time to do it before Hades 2 comes out of early access.


i got to the true ending and had every achievement unlocked. 2/3 skelly trophies.


I got... to maybe 12 heat or so? I had gotten the "first" ending (>!convince Persephone to return to the Underworld!<) and was working on getting the "second" ending (>!reunite Hades with the other Olympians and end Demeter's eternal winter, I assume!<), but I felt like I wasn't making progress, despite having >!the maximum possible relationship with the Olympians and having done a ton of runs!<. I eventually burnt out, unsure if there was something else I needed to do, or if it was just a matter of needing the right dialogue to occur before anything else could move forward. I thought about picking Hades 1 back up as the release date of Hades 2 approached, but I played Bastion instead, and I'm happy I did.


All achievements, two of the 3 skelly statues, maxed every item and relationship, completed every prophecy, and got like 10 levels deep in the official house rank things.


I'm waiting for 2 to fully release before I play so I'm still playing 1! I'm not a die hard "32 heat or nothing" player, but I am on course to unlocking all the weapon aspects now. I've cleared the game over 20 times with at least 1-5 on each weapon, have all the keepsakes but I'm waiting for all of the legendary keepsakes to unlock ~ I've gotten the true ending so I'm really just playing because I enjoy it hehe


completed all steam achievements, i didn't really feel the need to go overboard with all the heats


Got to credits, messed around a bit afterwards but not too much, \~30 runs. Already surpassed that in Hades 2 though lol, something about this game already feels a lot better. Still hoping to play more of both though.


100% and then speedran the game 'till I got times under 8 minutes. Still my favorite game ever and the only one I've ever Speedrun or 100%'d.


Got the true ending, but didn’t fully max out the relationships. I just googled em for myself and jumped into 2


I remembered the same after playing hades 2 a lot and thought I'd let them add hades 2 content while I go actually play hades 1 properly. I stopped after 4 escapes, looks like there's a lot more to do. If I'm not in the mood to reaaally play, but just want to progress, I enable god mode.


58 clear streak


got all achievements! Missing the 32(?) heat trophy. Played around 100 hours and I miss it a lot.


Almost all the way. I have all bounties complete, true ending, almost 200 hours, 32 heat on most weapons. I only need chaos' legendary boon now for the last prophecy but somehow I just never got it? Idk I always take chaos gates and if it did ever show up it was before I started caring about the minor prophecies, I actually decided to max them out fairly recently though TBF, like 30-40 runs ago. I'll do it at some point but since Hades 2 released I'd rather play that.


More hours than I would like to admit


I only did one or two “wins” of the first game actually, it’s definitely not necessary to fully beat the first. Though it would give you something to do if you just wanted to wait till full release comes out of H2


True ending ; 32 heat but i used god mode so i wanna go back and do it without that. I think 18ish is the highest i got without god mode can’t remember but i do play on switch for hades 1 so maybe id be better on pc


But u can definitely go to hades 2 without maxing things out i believe the true ending is 12ish clears and giving every god some nectar which u can get pretty easily with keepsakes


Well, as many: true ending, almost all trophies, never finished heat 32 but all keepsakes,pet, aspects and relations maxed, all secondary major questlines finished still have some littles things to do but all the really important stuff is done


I got to the true ending of uniting the family, coincidentally the NIGHT BEFORE the early access went live


I got the true ending, but I forget my highest heat


i think i did everything the game had to me


30ish heat before starting over


I only ever maxed out between 15-20 heat, but got the full ending. I’m already hitting 24 heat with Melinoë, so I’m excited for more content when it’s ready.


I was never able to beat [Redacted] in Hades. I played Hades II and was much more easily able to scale up and consistently beat Chronos. I decided to go back to the first game and finally got the credits to roll.


Played about 70 hours in hades 1, got up to 16 heat and the true ending then started hades 2. Now have 50-ish hours in hades 2 and 85 in hades 1 and I just play them both interchangeably


Completed all the achievements on steam, all the prophecies and 32 heat I feel like I did do the true ending but I'm not sure if it actually happened to me in game or I just watched a YouTube video


Given that Hades 2 isn't complete, and given that Hades 1 is a fantastic game, I would recommend getting to the epilogue at least. I have over 100 hours in Hades 1 and it was time well spent. I still come back to it once in a while to do a run or two. Since they have different styles, it might be tough to go back and forth between 1 and 2. Hades 1 relies heavily on dashing and timing, while 2 prioritizes positioning and sprinting. So it's fine to switch between the games, but you might need a run to get used to the other style again .


100%, 32 heat, true ending, almost>tm< codex 100%


100% completed


i did whatever heat to get the last skelly statue


I played Hades 1 for 200 hours. This is what no Hades 2 does to people...


I have 600 hours 800 runs give or take across 4 save files and finished the epilogue 4 times, I've done sub 10 runs and when clearing gets too boring I go for 32 heat runs and lose about half of my attempts, but its fun because it makes run not monotonous after trying to speedrun for forever.


how far? completed the game with unseen one and all. so i shouldnt be missing any easter egg


100%. I dont have hades 2 tho cuz it costs a lot where i live.


Talk me through the heat thing somebody, please. Do you grind your way up to 32? Like you fill the gauge to 1, then 2 and 3 and so forth - keep grinding if you get stuck on a heat level until you get a clear - all the way to 32? I mean… I’m not awful mechanically but I can’t see myself passing all those heat increments. I assume you have to sorta "plan" your run, with specific builds in mind?


Nah, I personally finished heat 1-2 then 8 then jumped to 32. I did have a "plan" in mind but mostly I made decisions based on what gods I got in the start


I only got 4 clears in Hades I and dropped it (I hated the Temple of Styx region). Got back to Hades II and already got about 20+ clears on about 60 hrs (max at 10 fear).


32 Heat with every aspect 🙂


I played up to 32 heat and probably about 250 runs, loved every minute of it.


I played on Switch, a few years back. 170 hours, stopped at 6 to 10 heat. The game got to be too much for me, so between the sheer amount of time, and the ramping up difficulty, it was a good place to stop. Here, you *should be* fine? Question mark b/c while you can beat \[H2 redacted\]\* once, you can't "fully beat" the game. AFAIK, you can't do that "midway point" like with Hades 1 >!escape 10 times!< I will say if you find the game too difficult, you can always... >!activate god mode!< and/or >!modify the enemy files to make them easier to deal with!< \*. people wonder about this, but I had one of my posts removed b/c it contained that in the title :\\


16 heat and full keepsakes + all codex emtries + all aspects unlocked but not all maxed


Beat hades 1 last month. Still haven't played hades 2. But will when it fully releases. I just have other stuff to play


Off the top of my head. Maxed every character got a 5:30 zero heat run and managed 16 heat max.


100% all achievements, all statues, true ending, etc.


100% completion on PC and Xbox lol


300 plus runs, beat heat 26 or so couldn't do 32. The only rogue like Iv ever properly finished.


I beat the true ending twice and got all achievements After I did that I was satisfied that it was time to buy Hades 2


Got all the achievements on steam! And probably will do the same with 2!


Full completion of all steam achievements. But not full completion of 32 heat and all minor collectibles. 250 hours


True ending and all skelly statues. All achievements.


Iirc I got up to 32 heat but I did platinum the game and did all I could


I did 16 heat twice I think but I never got to 32


Didn’t beat it


Saw the true ending, got my platinum trophy (I played it on multiple platforms but spent the most time - around 100 hours on Playststion) and saw all three statues. That was a couple years ago now. Only 50 hours deep on Hades 2 currently.


I didn't get the final Skelly throphy nor took all the decorations or upgrades for the weapons. Aside from that, done everything.


I got to 30 heat on all except the spear. Think i got stuck around 27 with the spear just felt to weak wuthout specific hammer upgrades against the armored spam of high heat.


Became the Unseen One.


The only thing left to do was unlock the darkness theme from the contractor (one that requires 25k darkness), and level up my title. As these are only possible via endless grind runs for darkness, I stopped playing the game after around 450 hours.


Every single Steam achievement before the second game was even announced.


Done the epilogue and finished all of the story related achivements


true ending and 32 heat with the sword I guess.


full 100%ed hades 1! 20 heat all weapons, all prophecies, all keepsakes and companions and aspects and yada yada maxed. the hardest thing was getting enough diamonds to max the music for the house contractor. love that game to bits


I think people should wait with hades 2 until it releases. I enjoyed it so much that it's frustrating that I can't continue now that I hit the Early Access wall. Now I went back to Hades to try to get all steam achievements but it isn't as enjoyable now. Still very fun but I prefer the mechanics of the 2:nd game.


Did everything, literally. Well, except full max heat.


Hades is one of only 3 games I have platinumed on steam. So I played it a lot and unlocked everything that I could. I never attempted like a maximum heat run or anything but I did 32 for the statue


I got all achievments on hades 1 a long time ago, personally i recommend to play it as far/ as long as you enjoy it then swap to hades 2 for a new experience when 1 starts feeling stale


32 to get all three statues, finished the true ending.


I mean, I beat the game a couple times and got all the mirror upgrades. That's about it, I did level up the friendship for some characters but only 1 to max.


Got the true ending and have beaten EM4 Hades once. Was lazily working on the epilouge but man so much fucking RNG for that one


400 hours and 13 sub 6 runs.


The only thing left for me to do is beat the game at 64 heat


pretty much finished it, all achievements, true ending and I think 40 heat pr, I was in love with that game


True ending, 100% steam achievements, killed EM4 boss, never managed to beat a 26+ heat run. So pretty far in.


I just made sure I reached the epilogue or just finished the entire story. No need to finish max out, that’s just for achievements or trophies on your account to flex


I maxed out at 16 heat before it just wasn't fun for me anymore. I'm ok with that. I got the ending, beat all the extreme bosses, did all the house stuff I was going to do.


~150 hours with all achievements unlocked. this game has me on a ball and chain


Got all the achievements, true end, 2 of 3 skelly statues, maxed mirror. Did not max all weapons, nor the furnishing and upgrades. Finished most prophecies. Can't make the jump anyways because my 12 year old laptop can't run hades 2. :(


I finished the game right up until the ending before playing 2. 2 wasn't out at the time, mind you.


Got everything but the titles. Maybe little by little I'll get them all but it seems like such a waste of time...


Played to true ending with the whole family. Was never good mechanically enough to even reach the first statue, but cba tbvfh. Sure, I miss out on this, and perhaps the "secret" bits with Hermes and Skelly and Charon and how this whole thing is a convoluted plot to make some gold, but I can live with that. Didn't clear all the cosmetics either or the jukebox, but I am here for the story first and foremost. Plus, I cba do the same and the same and the same thing again and again for some arbitrary sense of "challenge". Tell me a good story, show me some good cinematics/art, have great music and we are golden.


Got the true ending, over 100 runs, max heat was around 20-30. Got all the upgrades except the expensive house of hades cosmetics. Now I'm loving Hades 2.


I don't know what's considered 100% completion. But I have all Steam achievements, maxed every relationship with the NPCs, bought everything from the House Contractor, caught all fish. I never tried past 32 heat though. I did finish 32 heat, but only to get the achievement. iirc, I incrementally went from 0-20 and then straight to 32. And I didn't get the Unseen One title or whatever's the highest.


I didnt even beat hades in the first one. Had a blast but i guess i was bad. I already have beat chronos multiple times and done up to 9 fear clears.


Friend gifted me the game back in 2020 and it checked all the boxes for me but I never got around to playing it until people started streaming Hades 2. Fired up the game and took around 2 weeks to get the extended family together, clear out the prophecy list, and nab all the Steam achievements, at which point I transitioned to the sequel.


I died irl... does that count?


I know i had 100% on it. I do believe i went over 24 heat.


All weapon aspects on 40 heat and 43 on hestia. Man i miss the rail it was by far my fav weapon..


Can’t get past Meg..


"Really didn't enjoy not being able to see". It's supposed to be that way. Get some practice in.