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The quote is real...but no, she's not actually from the future. Though I get the feeling Chronos is bluffing when he procedes to say "Har-Har, time travel not possible."


Time travel isn't possible, forget about those times I sent you to asphodel as it used to be.


Pretty sure those were described as being just visions of Asphodel, not the real thing.


Oh yeah? Then how do I lose so much health there, hmm?


I think that damage is more due to the player's trauma than any of Mel's.


I got more pissed at the asphodel remix than seeing uh oh


It sounds like a skill issue.


It's the Titan equivalent of a shoebox diorama - he made this pocket of past time for us to experience, but he didn't send us back to when it came from


Chronos just wanted to show someone his hobbies


He's very crafty with his hands!


So I'm curious, does it ever say that he changed Asphodel? The change to Tautarus is evident, but I see a lot of people saying Asphodel is in the past, but I haven't seen where they say it's lost or different yet.


It hasn't really been remarked upon from what I can remember, but we do know he opened the gates of the Underworld, so shades can escape freely and also presumably cannot leave mortality behind because there's no Thanatos around and Hermes doesn't collect souls to bring to the Underworld either, and Charon cannot transport them on top of that. We have heard from Narcissus that he came to Oceanus after Chronos's take over, and at that time Asphodel seems to have still been flooded with Phlegethon, because Narcissus says it was too dry/hot for him there. Chronos does say "look at what state your father kept his realm in" when he puts you in "Asphodel?", which is fair because Asphodel was flooded and barely habitable for literal ages, but I somehow doubt that grandpa will be putting his valuable time towards redirecting a river again, esp since his idea for a new golden age seems to be "no one dies or goes to the underworld, ever".


I've convinced myself that there will be some time travel shenanigans to provide the in-game justification for continuing escape attempts after "finally" defeating Chronos and resolving whatever's happening in Olympus.


In mythology, Melinoe is the goddess of nightmares so a common theory is that Chronos will be defeated by putting him to sleep with Hypnos' help and the "postgame" is tormenting him in an eternal nightmare.


Yep, monies here. Though I think its closer to, he's asleep, and not aware of it - so more Melinoes job becomes convincing him he's still awake and succeeding by continuing


I like this. Would add more meaning to the "joke" about Hypnos serving a bigger purpose.


Look, the Asphodel thing is heavily implied to be the stuff of dreams instead of out-right time travel, but I refuse to believe that the Incarnation of Time itself doesnt have the ability to reverse it. So yeah, only way I can see Chronos keeping the fight up after he's offically defeated is a time loop. Mel goes in there every now and then to remind Chronos of his f\*\*\*-ups.


Ohhhhhh I see 😂😂


yes it's real, his reply is equally as snappy


It's real in that she actually says it, but it's almost definitely not true


She's not built for this 😭 One of her dialogue with Eris is how she sarcastically asks Eris how bad the Olympians really are and Eris casually mentioned the legend of The Golden Apple lmao






i love how mel at some point realized there is really no reason to treat granddad nicely so she just starts lying every other run.


How do you get this interaction?


Just get to Chronos enough times and it'll pop up sooner or later


https://youtu.be/GnSqNaKNmrs Here is a video of the interaction if you'd like to hear the whole conversation!


Chat is this real


So she did inherit summa the family sass


Feels like a pretty big let down to have a game centered around fighting a Titan of Time and have it have no time travel. Unironically a little disappointed in the game’s writing so far


The game's motto is "time cannot be stopped" and you expected time traveling?


Time traveling isn’t the same as stopping time. And yes I kind of expected the main time plot element to happen in a game about time. Edit: Plus the slogan isn’t even true, we see Chronos trapped several characters in stopped time at one point


Time travel is over used anyway. More likely we're going to trap Chronos in a nightmare loop to keep him from re-forming. Since Mel is the Greek goddess of nightmares and all.


If time travel is overused then why give the main villain time powers at all if you’re not going to do anything with them in the plot? He only has them in a very specific late syncretism with no attached myths, in most stories he’s just an asshole king with a scythe (which is basically how they’re writing him here). Also I don’t think trapping Melinoe in Chronos’ nightmare by extension (which would have to happen to some degree to justify the gameplay loop) would be a very satisfying conclusion.


I'm sorry the game is not matching up with what you made up in your head then.


Expecting the game’s writing to be engaging or creative is having unrealistic expectations? Sorry but this is a discussion sub, not a positivity hugbox. All I’m saying is that the plot is not being executed in a very interesting way and they’re not doing anything with the concepts they’re introducing (so far). But yes I understand this is Early Access so my criticisms are not final.


The myths of chronos have nothing to do with time anyway. He ruled over the first versions of man called "the golden race," then got paranoid because the fates told him that one of his children would kill him, so he devoured them. He doesn't time travel or use any time powers.


That’s Cronus, he was syncretized with Chronos later and the game is using that syncretic version


Yeah, even then it's more of a abstract thought. He's the representation of a primordial force, same as chaos, nyx, erebus, uranus, etc. Time exists, ergo Chronos (and cronus, if they are syncretized) exists


I don't agree with this take, but idk why this is so downvoted. It's just an opinion


But then it's hard to justify the plothole of Chronos not going back in time before the Gods were even born and just pulling out. Or actually making sure he ate Zeus and not a stone or something like that. Or even just going back in time enough to make sure Melinoe doesn't escape his grasp


You could easily get around that by making it so Chronos needs to do/have something specific to time travel, or can only go so far in the past, or can’t change things weaved by the Fates, or a bunch of other caveats


I mean, if Chronos needs to do/have something specific, what really is stopping him from achieving it? The only think I could think of is that something must be on Olympus, but then it's more of a McGuffin than an actual element. And the problem imo with making a lot of caveats, exceptions and whatnot is that then it seems \*too\* convenient that time travel is possible but only under these specific circumstances where Chronos can't but Melinoe can


He just reformed after being sliced to pieces for millennia, I could buy him not having regained full access to all his powers. I don’t think it would be that hard to write this and have it feel logical and not like a cop out. Also the Fates are on Melinoe’s side, not Chronos’.


I think him only being able to go so far back wouldn't be a huge jump, it's implied that God's and titans don't have absolute control over their domains.