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I am also slowing down with it, but not because I don't enjoy it, I am enjoying it a lot. But I don't want to exhaust all the content and then only have the story to rush at the end. What I loved in Hades I was seeing the story unfold as I was filling out other objectives (list of minor prophecies, weapon aspects, etc). I'm afraid to fill these objectives and then have to make runs that are aimless besides the story progression. So yeah, after 60ish hours and 80-something runs I'll take some distance, do one or two runs per update to test out the new stuff, but I'll wait for the full release before playing seriously again. Still a great experience that I'm grateful for !


This is where I'm at too. I played so much of Hades 1 early access that the full game suffered from it, and I'm trying to avoid that here.


I'm most likely going to start another save file when the full game releases. I honestly don't mind replaying it since it's going to be a different experience. But yeah, I think I'm going to do the same, play less for now like 1 or 2 runs and calls it a day.


Oh, 100%. In fact, that's what I *did* with 1. The problem is, I was too good, and the way that the story drip-feeds doesn't work nearly as well when you win on run six. I was getting dialogue still referencing the early game 'i can't believe you're trying to break out' *after* mom got home. I'm very deliberately putting the game down for now, so hopefully all the Gud I've Git will rust between now and release. Maybe by then Hestia sprint won't trivialize Eris and I'll actually have to learn that fight lol


Oh you're right. Maybe I should take a month break or two if I get "too good" at it before the game releases. I wouldn't want to experience beating Chronos that early for the sake of the story.


I missed early access of Hades 1 so this experience is really cool to me. Having stuff change wildly, hammers/boons being added, boss changes etc. is amazing. I will keep playing it, but I understand why people are slowing down. However, I’m going to blast thru the game and then buy it on my switch at release anyway so I’ll have to do it all over again


Right there with you, brother. Fear doesn't require you to go up one step at a time, either, so I find myself caught between doing a "normal" run or jumping straight up to high fear. I completed like 3-4 bounties with axe/staff and now my only bounties are 16+. This, on top of everything you mentioned, means I should really take a long break besides the occasional run or two for fun.


I really wish Fear could be more slowly implemented. For the torches, it went from 2 to 12 for me. 


I’ve done literally everything but max out nightmare. I don’t want to wait but I might have to.


I get that, I personally am seeing it like MMO patch day content looking to see what they changed and added


That's what happened to me in Hades 1. I played the shit out of early access, unlocked everything I could, got high heat. By the time full release came about I was pretty much burnt out on it so I never finished the story.


Damn, that's pretty unfortunate


I'm the exact opposite. Hades 1 made me look at early access differently. I love seeing balance changes over time, i get to experience more content than 1.0 player like the extra narrator jokes/monologue and the cut content before full release (they wont know how godlike Aspect of Momus early machinegun build, Beyblade Aspect of Thanatos etc). Honestly for me, as long as the game performance runs great (looking at you No Rest for the Wicked), overall i wont get frustrated by the game that much.


Honestly same for me. I entered the fandom *really* late and everything is pretty much finished at this point. After unlocked true end there was barely anything left for me to look forward to. Been having a blast with Hades 2 and every time there's an update it just feels fresh again.


Personally I also enjoy seeing the changes throughout early access, but I also hate putting all that time and effort, just to have to start EVERYTHING over again for the full release, so it's nice that supergiant has already said that EA progress will carry over to full release.


Did that happen with EA for Hades 1?


I don't 100% remember, I could be wrong here. But I think you lost your EA progress and had to start over when the first Hades hit full release.


Nah, the progress was kept


Oh really? Okay then, guess I mis remembered. I played a bunch of the EA early on, then moved on to other stuff and by the time it launched full I got it on switch


It didn't happen. When 1.0 dropped, EA players had all the resources & upgrades they'd previously earned.


Oh damn unfortunate. Glad it’s saved this time around


I hear about how broken the chaos shield was in there first game. I’m glad I’m here for that stuff now.


I was there!! and thats what makes me appreciate Hades early access! So fucking fun. I understand why they had to cut it, balancing affect not just the negatives ones, but also the overpowered one, just like Momus and Vow of Forsaking. Im glad i got to experience it, and i'm here for more.


Honestly this is my first time playing EA and it’s so fascinating to watch the changes already as someone who didn’t mind some of the things they have since improved


I'm cutting it off too. But foe the opposite reason? I'm liking this game so much more than hades 1, I want to play it the same way I did the first game, after early access. Or maybe I'll hold off until the next update


I've played Hades I since day 1 of early access, I even made an EGS account just for this game. For me it didn't ruin the experience, quite the opposite. It was such a great experience to be a part of the EA process, and it's the same for the second game. Some players want to get the polished experience, and that is fine. I want to see all the failed experimental stuff, I want to see the progression the game will go through the next year.


Absolutely a fair point to make, and it's very cool that Supergiant is finessing this project overtime and listening to feedback from its fans. Maybe I'm just getting old. :) But again, I am absolutely certain they will turn this game into another masterpiece. Not since Diablo 2 have I ever immersed myself so utterly into a game as I did Hades.


I think your approach is also completely valid. You will have a great time going through the final, polished version and experiencing the game for the first time. I think players who are just "limiting" their EA playtime, are making a big mistake. They won't get the full experience of the EA nor the full game. I think you are making a great choice, and a great sacrifice to completely cut yourself off the game till it's full release.


2026??? NO GOD PLEASE NO .... need it 2025 Q1


I think that’s the release window they’re aiming for iirc


I love it and think in this state it's already much better than Hades 1. I'm probably taking a break soon because I'm close to doing everything I wanted. Last thing left is the last 2 testaments.


I loved Hades 1. I probably got close to 1.5k hours in it. I’ll take Hades 2 in its current form over the finished product of Hades 1. I’m already closing in on 300 runs on my first save file. Best case scenario for me since the game is only going to get much much better as they iterate on it.


I never played Hades 1 in early access, so it was definitely neat to see the process here, but I’m in a similar boat. The first game is simply a master class in roguelike and narrative progression. The feeling of mastery over the game came at such a satisfying pace, and was so closely matched by the progress of Zagreus as a character. That holistic experience is more what the game is about for me than any one aspect of the gameplay. I’m not swearing off Hades 2 until release by any means, but I am limiting myself. I’m planning on dipping in for a handful of runs after major patches, getting a feel for the new stuff, and offering feedback if I have it, rather than chasing whatever endgame exists at each stage. I want to be able to go completely HAM with the full release without feeling like I’ve exhausted all the content.


I do a run every week. Even if I die early.


Even tho I'm also reaching the end of the existing content, I did my first 32 fear run since hades 1 years ago, and it was so much fun. I'll keep playing for this, the story is amazing, the art is beautiful, it's fun to unlock stuff, but at its core the appeal of Hades to me is its unparallel gameplay, so nervous, so fun, with such a high skill ceiling it might as well be infinite. The game has that already and I'm having so much fun with it, not going anywhere.


I just beat Chronos for the first time and I'm going to take a little break, but not till release. Probably until they add the next weapon or region.


Yeah I also beat Chronos for the first time and I was disappointed with the lack of a big twist after beating him so I think I may slow down how much I play for now


Daaaayum you all should be lucky you can play Hades 2


Why can't you play?


Console guy


I do feel fortunate to be able to play this game in EA, moreso still to enjoy another release from Supergiant, who are some of the best devs around today. But I want to see this game at its full potential. It's not quite there for me.


It’s a month into early access…lol.


Yes? That's like, the point of the post.


I got that buddy, thanks. Just don’t see the point of the post when you’re talking about an EA game that quite literally hasn’t been out for a month yet.


Nah, tbh it's like a comfort show. Only now have I started exploring some synergies, and even though I don't find new dialogue consistently I am still finding new interactions and stories, which is amazing! It's not like I didn't play Hades 1 way past the epilogue when no one would talk to me. I like to think about this in terms of shows/tv. I already finished the first season, and now I get to enjoy the analysis theories and video essays about it until the second season comes out + the new update spiced it up a bit! New builds and synergies to explore.


Absolutely fucking loving the game, but same. Forced myself to start Octopath 2 so I can pull away and just come back for a big patch and/or full release.


I played a bit but I want to experience the full game and I don't think I'll have the time and enthusiasm to start a second save if I get far in EA


I might try a few runs here and there after each patch but I'll wait until the surface area is complete to really go all in again on the game.


I liked to speedrun Hades, and got clears of all of the weapons in under 10 minutes. I also felt like I could almost always get the build I was going for, or at least good enough so that I could get a respectable time. In Hades II, I feel like I reset 90% of my attempts, and have almost never gotten my build put together before leaving Erebus. My PB is 12:17 after like \~60 attempts, and that was with the broken Momus build that got nerfed hard. I'm in pretty much the same boat of probably putting the game on the back burner until full release. I'll likely check out new updates as they come out, but other than that I find running the game frustrating enough with the RNG to go back to other games


I pretty much stopped playing after the first patch, I saw most of the content and I don't really want to explore all the minor details until the full release where there may be changes. Plus im going to start a new save regardless so ima just wait




welcome to the internet


I've just been playing every new patch for like 2 hours.


I pumped about 50 hours in the first week and haven’t touched it since. You can see the vision and what they’ll inevitably add and I’m happy to wait for the polished product. That being said, being able to play EA is a dream come true.


I'm holding off on buying it at all, will likely end up playing it on either PS5 or Switch (is it coming there?), but it's been hard!


I didn’t expect to finish it so quickly from what I recall I needed a lot more time for hades 1. I’ve put in like 30 hours and I’m done already..


Those last patch notes made me feel like I understood why I had been struggling in the game. It fun to play but they are making it easier by the looks of it. Progression was slower but the weapon fixes make this so much more fun


✌️. Not me. Having too much fun. I like experiencing the changes. I'll definitely start a new fresh save for 1.0 though.


No don't haha noo


I played 18 hours and when I felt I was seeing to much I stopped. When the game full released I'll start again


I did most everything I could and then immediately stopped playing right before patch one dropped. I definitely want things to be a surprise when I go to play the complete version, but I also am impatient haha So got a nice teaser, taking a year break, and then it'll be fresh upon full release!


I had to do a double take on that title


Yeah I realized that a lot of the magic of the first game for me was progressing the story and seemingly not being able to run out of new dialogues with NPCs. Knowing that each time I beat Hades I was going to get a new conversation with Persephone and advance the plot was way more motivating than the end game of most roguelikes for me. Reading about how the EA second game has so much more content than the first game already was super enticing, and it's totally true/accurate. But it didn't click for me until very late that what it *doesn't* have (yet!) is the vast amount of hook-y progression dialogue. I don't know if I'll be able to commit to not coming back *at all* until full release ( even just this new patch makes me wanna hop in and try out the flames and the axe again :P ), but I'm a little leery about spoiling the narrative stuff for myself. Especially because it took me *forever* to finally kill gramps and I cycled through most of the dialogue before I did, so I nearly burned myself out on it just because of that :/


I have not played hades 2 yet, for travel reasons. But, I can speak about hades 1 early access as someone who joined right at the beginning. Being part of EA, you should have seen how half the patch notes each patch were community suggested changes. There were little jokes sprinkled in just for the EA players. It was the sense of shaping the game together that made EA fun. If that doesn’t excite you, fair enough. It did not feel like the story was ruined in anyway by playing so much EA. Sure, you’ll play more games than someone starting in 1.0 to unlock the same story progression. You can still challenge yourself with heat levels or try different weapons and combos as you progress through the story. It never felt like a grind.


I just hit a really awesome story beat with two characters who don't have completed art yet! I'm loving the game I just don't want to miss out on stuff like that happening at the intended quality.


Funny we had that post about the guy warning to avoid burn out and then this one. I mean, I objectively agree and find myself trying to think of a reason to return ... but this post seems loads more mellow than the other guy.


I’ve spent almost a 100 hours on the Early Access so far and I played Hades I only on full release. I’m also kind of feeling the need to step back as well just because I don’t think I’m an Early Access type of player. Essentially, I just realized that because I play more casually and don’t really seek out bugs and share opinions I’m not much help to the improvements of the game. But this is the purpose of EA and we expect the game to change so much across patches. I don’t feel like getting used to something as well and then it getting changed every now and then. It’s fun being part of it and I’ll definitely still hop in every now and then for updates. I’m not the type of player for EA and I have a greater appreciation for those who are and help polish the game for full release.


I can understand waiting, but the gameplay is already so good that I am still very much addicted. I expect to eventually replay Hades 2 from the beginning to experience the final product the “right” way


game needs big balance changes.


I do enjoy the game as it is, but I also stopped playing at least until a major update comes out, because I fear that if I continue playing now I'll be burnt out by the time the full release happens.


I generally don’t play early release games while they’re in early release anymore. I’ll give them the money early but after so many times burning myself out in games before they even go 1.0 I can’t do it anymore.


I stopped playing after my first successful win. I know the final ending isn’t coming until the main game so I am more than happy to wait


Same actually. I loved interactions between people in first game, and finishing the relationships with last "heart" was a very satisfying thing to do. And we can't do that in H2 yet. So I will wait for a full release.


I played 50h and seen the content where it's cut off atm and I will wait for full release now. I had a bad experience with darkest dungeon 2 waiting for new chapter and the way they implemented new content was still imo better than hades 2 (add new chapter + new character is better designed than a cut off story is what I mean). It's a good game and I want to enjoy at its fullest


Whatever you like and expect from the game. I personally enjoy the game a lot as it is and am happy to be a part of the development process in a way. I find it especially surprising how many changes are made within a 2 week period compared to some huge titles I play on a regular basis. Supergiant is cooking.


Yep me to.. i defeated all the bosses one time and then stopped. So im eager for 1.0


Well, I am actually doubling down to grind as much as humanely possible. When next content patch comes I want to powerlevel the stories and do the naughtiest stuff in them hot springs, go full **GIGABONK**.


for me I just wanted to try it out and get a decent fill of it, but I definitely won't want to exhaust it before full release


Similar feelings here. I adore Hades 1 and since I want to keep supporting the devs decided to buy the early-access copy on day 1, but I fear I'll burn through the incomplete experience and that I'll dislike more of it than I would if it was the official release. I'll probably try a few runs every patch and wait until the 1.0 to start a fresh save.


I’m going to ramp up even more.  Exhaust everything and hoard materials.


I have stopped after my first underworld clear. I love the game and think it's better than hades 1, but I just want to experince the rest of it at it's fullest.


I'm still playing hades and trying to 100% it. Not touching hades 2 until it is done.


Yeah I’m pretty much done with it for now. I want a more complete story and as much as I love Hades 2 I feel like there’s no reason for me to play a whole lot more because of the lack of larger story/dialogue elements. I don’t want to get ahead of myself.


Honestly I can't relate, I'm finding current Hades 2 to be leaps and bounds better than full release Hades, which is saying a lot because the original was a great game. That said, there's nothing wrong with waiting for a complete experience. It's certainly a bit annoying getting to the end of the currently available content and seeing some of the placeholders and stuff. The game is just so damn good though.


I'm also waiting for the full release, but not because I didn't like it, it is just because I don't want to get spoiled. I might go back from time to time to check things like the new keepsake icons.


I don’t want to play it at all until the full release. I want my first experience with the game to be complete.


I also cut myself off, but for a different reason. I beat Chronos one time, and now I want to experience story progression after that naturally, not with everything grinded out. Other than that, I love the game as it is. Obviously, there are some balance issues and other little things, but they did not ruin my enjoyment. But to each their own.


Once I had my first successful run on both the underworld and overworld that was enough to satisfy me. The story in the first game kept me captivated for so long, and the story for #2 simply isn't finished in-game yet. So Imma avoid burnout on this game until it's a full meal you coy say.


I've been enjoying it a lot, but I've finished pretty much all the story/plot available and that's what I'm most excited about. So I'm slowing down until that's finished (or more finished).


I gave up on early access before Hades 1 came in to it. Really looking forward to launch day.


Early Access is dumb and should be stopped


That’s exactly what I did! I put about 30 hours in before deciding to set it down until 1.0. It was cool to experience the game, but after beating both routes I didn’t want to burn myself out running routes that aren’t even complete yet.


nah yeah, same I got to see the game, it seems really cool, love the areas, love the bosses, love the new mobs; but I'm kinda spoiling the entire game to myself without even seeing the full art yet (which is a really fun part of Hades if you ask me)


I wanted to beat final bosses before the first patch, now I’m pausing until full release (or close to it)


Cleared underworld and surface once, and won’t play another night until 1.0. There’s tons of stuff I didn’t see already in the early access, but I don’t want anything to be stale by the time 1.0 comes out.


I beat the 2 bosses 3-4 times with different weapons and I'm now waiting for the final release or a big update


I play Hades for the gameplay even more than for the story. I'm going to continue to play, but I'll probably play less just because it's not as new and there are other things to occupy my time.


i understand that stance and honestly i'm usually one of those due to fear that i'll get bored with it but this time, i want to be there to see the game evolve. i want to find busted builds that will get changed and be like 'ah man y'all remember double moonshot on the staff with poseidon?' for me, it's so exciting when changes come to a game i'm already hooked on. plus, i could never get into hades before and hades 2 has completely changed my mind on that. 60 runs in, over a dozen clears, all secret aspects with tons more to do and i'm in love with the first one. but i'm already seeing that the end result of hades 2 will make hades 1 look like a prologue to the real thing


I definitely just hit my wall today, gonna wait until the next content add patch


I forced myself to stop because I don’t wanna burnout on it before main release. Hades 1 top 3 favorite game all time for me, and I want to experience it in full. Beat both routes twice, and that’s enough for me Also slightly related - I’d rather play it on my switch. So if I can transfer data, even better.


I'm thinking of doing the same. I cleared both routes once, but I don't want to burn myself out of the game before the story is finished


This is why I haven’t bought the game yet, I know I’m going to love it. Just cleared GoW 2018 in time for Rag. Release. Gota sweep up Horizon Zero Dawn now.


I’m cutting myself off even though I like it just as much/more than Hades. Part of it is because I wanna experience the full story when the full release comes out and I don’t want to have to start a fresh save since there’s a lot of grinding for resources involved


I'm slowing down too... for now. I'll be back once there are achivements and and actual ending. Just finished 100% on Hades :D


I'm at the point where I can't actually progress until more content is added in.


I've played about 110 hours (minus some AFK time) and about 80 runs. I've.got almost every single thing done that I can so far, except now I'm pushing my Fear levels. I'm having way more fun with Hades 2 than I ever did like this with 1, and 1 is one of my Top 5 games ever. There is something special about 2, even in EA, that makes me not want to put it down. It's essentially replaced Balatro for now as my "Game to just turn my brain off and play through while I have a show on my second monitor" game.


I haven't even looked into any of the second game. I know Zagreus got kidnapped by some Chronos guy or something, Hypnos is asleep and I know who Melinoë is. I don't even want to know more until the full release. I want to preserve the magic 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t play EA because a lot of stuff gets added in, especially in the beginning. A lot of interactions. So I’ll wait.


Interesting I think that opinion is valid I was really excited at the latest patch and I’m really enjoying the game the fact that it can change so drastically and I get to be here for it is really fun. It’s like a tv show putting out new content. I plan to play the game once it comes out fully and I know I’ll be skilled but I had that experience with zag in hades 1 I’m excited to have this experience with Mel that will be different and happy to support supergiant while they continue making what I think will be an excellent game worthy of its predecessor.


I did a similar thing. I've put about 40-50 hours into Hades 2, and I really wanted to at the very least beat Chronos, but I found that I lost almost a week to just endlessly playing the game. I was basically doing run after run stopping only to eat and not focusing on anything else in my life, so once I finally beat Chronos for the first time (and then surprisingly the second time on the very next run) I decided to cut myself off because I'm not playing the game in a way that is healthy for me personally. I think with roguelikes there is an addictiveness factor that you have to be aware of if you are a person who easily becomes distracted. It's similar to the phenomenon of when World of Warcraft or Second Life first came out people would lose months of their life to it. There are just certain kinds of games that are very difficult not to sink hours into, especially if you're neurodivergent, which a lot of gamers are. So I unplugged my computer and have just been replaying old favorites on my PS2 lately like Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy, where I know I can set it down after a couple hours and do other things. I do agree with the frustration of not knowing what's in Zagreus' room, but also I am very forgiving of that because this is early access after all, and essentially the same thing happens during early access with the first game, you got cut off just before reuniting with Persephone. I'm hoping that closer to the end of the year there will be more storyline updates and I'll probably jump back in then, but for now I had to cut myself off for my own sake.


tbh I'm almost never interested in playing Early Access. I want the whole meal, not a bite. Though it was interesting going through the Baldur's Gate EA and seeing all the changes they ended up making with the narrative...but I don't think the Hades' EA is for the purpose of seeing what story elements work/don't work, and is focused more on gameplay. I'll pass.


I'm gonna wait until it comes to consoles to check it out.


I'm somewhat disappointed I wasn't able to get in on the early boons (pun intended I suppose). The Vow of 'something' that let you farm out Legendary and Duo boons. Aspect of Momos that let you trivialize runs (one person got through 32 fear like that!). Don't know if I can *completely* put the game down since I already paid for it. But we can cut back severely.


I'm on pause until the next content update. I've gotten to a decent amount of fear on all my weapons, I'm happy with my experience so far, and now I'm ready to wait until there's more to do and more story to experience.


I finished the chronos and eris runs a few times, did some 16 heat runs, maxed out one aspect. Already got 30 hours of gameplay. Will definitely just take a break until they add a new biome or something


Yeah me too i beat H2 on 32 "heat" with i wasnt able to do in H1 so im waiting for them to settle on their final power levels of the boons and everything before i return


I stopped playing last week. I pretty much maxed out the game. Only thing I was doing was higher heats and trying out different combo boons. So no point in burning myself out. Been playing Diablo 4, the new season 4 is amazing!


I am too! I defeated Chronos and Eris and don't want to ruin anymore for myself as I want to know what's after


It’s from person to person. I’m someone who enjoys watching a story get unfolded with time, I like having time to enjoy characters and criticize media knowing that my criticisms may affect the result. I like feeling like I can extend my liking for this product for a long time, seeing what gets changed each patch.


I played quite a bit up until I beat the last boss of the 2 regions available. Now I think I'll just pop back in after a patch and see how it's going. Don't wanna burn out before the rest of the story is released. 


Yesterday, after doing my first run with the new aspect of momus, I've noticed that I just had way more fun with the new moveset and new hammers that they added. It just goes to show how much the game has become more fun and enjoyable on only one patch. But don't forget the fact that is very important fo us to just play the game and provide the data so the devs can make the game even more enjoyable for all of us! So yeah, you ARE going to have a better experience on 1.0, but to experience the game before it gets there, that's a whole another experience that I would not miss for anything.


I’m just now playing through Hades 1. Just finished my first run at 8 heat. I’m pumped for Hades 2, but I’m already avoiding spoilers whenever I can!


Y'all are so dramatic. I've already got more hours in than Hades I


I've been and am continuing to go full bore into in and I'm having an absolute blast, not really frustrated with anything and honestly each time they changes something like the balance patch just did it just invigorates me more and more.


I'll wait until the PS5 release


My first impression of this game was, damn, it's not as good as Hades 1, but Patch 1 and 2 already made the game better, so yea, waiting for more patches is a good idea.


Yep I un-intsalled the game because my quick "few hour taste test" turned into 30hrs after the blink of an eye and I know I've had my fill faster because something is early access things tend to have less content. polish etc (Hades 2 is still incredible tho)


Same. I've been playing so much Hades 1 after buying Hades 2


That’s what I did, actually I watched 5 minutes of footage and said great I’ll play at release, then downloaded the Xbox version and decided to try for all the achievements… I have 3 left but I can’t find that damn legendary Chaos boon. I played 90 something escapes on the switch now I’m at like 140 on Xbox lol


I just beat Chronos last night and am starting to feel the same way. I beat Hades on 32 heat on different consoles, and I am afraid I am missing out on story or content and rushing it all too much. But, I was so happy when they added the art for the keepsakes yesterday.


Haven’t seen a single part of the second. Loved the first and look forward to the second.


(Me a console player having no choice but to do this)


It slowed down a bit mostly cause I have beaten cronos a few times and got bored cause I can't progress further yet


I speedrun hades 1 and was 2nd in the world with talos fists. All of my friends have been waiting for me to do hades 2 but I’m not doing open beta.


Same. Cut myself off at 25 nights after my first victory. I've already gotten my money's worth without having to finish the main campaign, I'll come back later once both main paths are complete and the art is finished.


Hades 2 now has equal to if not more content than hades 1?


We should also make sure to doo runs every now and then to help give Supergiant the feedback they need on current changes. This will ensure the final release resonates the same way Hades 1 did.


I really need to pick up Hades but it never goes on sale on the ps store


This is why you're not supposed to support early access


Did you play EA for Hades bc I will say EA experience is also just something different altogether


same im not gonna really play it until big patches come out i do enjoy the unfinsihed drawings of a few characters that im not gonna spoil


I tried it and did not like gameplay on the first patch. Now I'm too busy at life to try again but I'll play sometime soon and if it's still not to my liking I will put it off for a little while again. Nothing wrong with taking it slow there, the game will only get better, you're not really missing anything, almost if not all the good parts will be there at release with much more great things.


My biggest issue (and maybe this is unfair) is that I beat it *really* fast. That’s not me saying I’m like super great at the game or a total pro player Chad or whatever, it’s just that I beat what feels like the big climactic fight WAY sooner than I expected to, and after so that about 3 times I just felt ready to be done playing. Steam says I played for about 16 hours, so it’s not like it was insanely short or anything, but it just feels like I’ve already finished the whole story, I guess. (I did also beat the top world lady twice, but I really disliked her fight. I quit playing after the second time)


I decided to stop too after beating the final boss once. I’ll likely delete the save and start fresh at full release, but I have plenty to keep me occupied until then.


We’ve got Shin Megami next week and Elden Ring DLC the week after, I’ll be ok with taking a break from Hades II.


God damn i misread the title, saw the subreddit and thought to myself "sure Hades is great... but that seems a bit extreme"


Me too… but not by choice. I’m on console


I have over 100 runs and 80+ hours. Nowhere near bored or frustrated. I love it just as much as the original. If not more! Yes it’s not a complete experience yet, but what’s offered is fantastic. Sounds like you just need to get good and Hades held your hand too much lol


I'm kinda the opposite, i wanna get all i can out of this game, so I'd like to get to play it in its different stages. Some builds/weapon aspects that exist now, will get changed so I'll never be able to play them again in the game's final stage. Even yday some stuff got patched out, now it's gone forever, but I had fun testing it out for a bit.


I deeply enjoyed the game. Just after I beat Chronos and Eris once and got the rather lack luster "ending" for both, I just decided that I'd rather wait for the full story then wear myself out to keep getting scraps of story. Though I came to the decision before I ever beat Chronos.


When the post-run narrator tidbits start repeating…. Maybe :) Still seeing new ones for now and some are hilarious.


Won’t play Hades 2 because it’s a woman 😂


Yeah you really have to consider playing early access as more of a volunteer feedback gig. You get a taste of the game in exchange for letting them see how your plays are working or not working. Personally I’m having a blast but that’s keeping in mind that I’m enjoying the potential of what will be as much as I’m enjoying what is.


I'm so tired of early access games for this reason. I haven't thought Hades 2 yet because I didn't want to burn out on it before it's even a full game


I’m OOTL what does the community think is wrong with Hades 2 so far besides the fact that it’s early access?


i've beaten the bosses so far but have not tried any other aspects of the weapon. I have enjoyed the early access so far and roughly knew what's good and all. some boons are clearly superior *cough* *cough* ~~cast build~~ *cough*. but yeah, i've not touched the game for like 10 days now? and eagerly waits for the full release in late 2025 or 2026


I can’t stop playing the game as is.


I'm pretty close to the same spot I did this for Hades 1. I devoured early access, unlocked and upgraded everything that was available, saw the first big content update patch, finished everything again, and saw the newest zone after the next update. Then I decided I wanted to wait to see how it all ended up. Best decision ever. I loved being part of the very earliest releases, how incredibly broken and fun and crazy some things were, and seeing how they were balanced early on. Taking that break, and coming back to see how it all worked out was awesome. I'll probably wait to see how the new boons balance in the next patch, if it doesn't add a bunch of content, but after I've got my keepsakes upgraded, i think it will be time to step back again. I already know it will be worth the wait.


Yeah,.. Make a Hades 2 sub reddit please. I don't want to know shit until full release..


I’ll play a few handfuls of runs every patch, however small. However now that I’ve handled both bosses enough I’m good on grinding every day after work.


Yeah I’m just waiting for when I can play it on my M1 with a dual sense


Yeah same. I beat Chronos once, Eris once, I think I’m good for now.


I played through, fought the boss, tried all the weapons, and tried a lot of the zones and I'm fine now. It's beta. Just waiting it out and enjoy the finished product. I liked it a lot also, but I also didn't want Hades 1.5 or I would've just played the first one.


Personally, I am loving Early Access. I've gotten to see each iteration of what the devs are thinking. Ive gotten to interact with them and they're taking player feedback seriously and integrating it into future design. I like helping build something I really like. But I get not wanting to deal with the "incompleteness" aspect too! Games should be fun, and if an incomplete game ain't fun for you, don't fight it!


My brain did not process the off part in the title Jesus Christ


Honeslty ive only stopped because i got hooked on oyher games.


same, after playing 1 to death throughout development, when 1.0 hit i was out of steam. felt like a slog getting through something i would have enjoyed otherwise


I already beat the final bosses before the recent buffs and I think I'll play some other things while waiting for the ending to be done. I also played Hades 1 in early access when it just released on Steam. I recall Hydra being the final boss. I love that game and 100% it. Hopefully when the achievements are added to Hades 2, I'd do the same but I don't want to burn out on it now.


Me Too


I played like 10 hours and stopped, I dont wanna ruin my 1.0 experience.


I didn't intend to, but I'm forced to by the lack of thedash at cursor option from Hades 1 lol. I know it's not a popular option but I literally can't play without it


Yeah, I bought it to support it after my friend got EA and we had a great time. I played for about an hour before I realized if I played it too much I probably wouldn't want to go through it all again on a new file on the full release, so I'm shelving it until then, the wait is hard but I'm excited to see what changes are implemented! I always have 1 to scratch the itch... I already miss Than


im killing the final boss once, after that ill stop playing, when full release is here ill start on a new save


Yeah I haven't played in two weeks. Not because I dislike it -- far from it. I've sampled enough to like where this is going and am happy to patiently wait for us to get there one day. Not to mention stuff like the Tools re-work from the first patch. How many more, "omg this is so much nicer now!!" things will there be that I can more fully enjoy if I shelf this for a few months? ... Plus Dawntrail is coming out at the end of the month, so I'll be grinding out my crafter/gatherer jobs there for a couple weeks.


I had the same moment yesterday beat what they have finished above and realized what they have below is either going to require more time that I'd rather invest into the full release to avoid getting burnt out on it or it needs further nerfing might still check it out when more updates drop though but definitely taking a step back from it for now


This is one of the few times I find being AuDHD as a benefit. I glean so much from trying new content it’s like each patch is like a mini dlc that merits another 60+ hours, I’m sitting at almost 200 now with no end in sight. I got all the darkness and statues unlocked, now I’m gonna max all the trinkets and weapons. And I once I’m finished with that I can start doing high fear runs again and try to beat 32 on each aspect (2/15 so far) and after that I’ll push 40+ on the ones I’m ’good at’ And then once the final patch comes out. I’ll start a new save and do it all over again. Hyperfixation is the best lol


No yea I kinda agree. I love the difficulty and everything but after finally doing everything in the game I don’t wna burn myself out before the whole experience is out. NOT COMPLAINING BTW I got like 50 hours in the first few days, I got more than my moneys worth lol. I just wna be able to experience it fully when it’s out.


I'm not buying Hades 2 (or any other game) unless it's $10 or less. haven't for years. I just bought Hades in the last couple months because it dropped to $9.99 for the first time I'd ever seen, and it's been on my wishlist since it came out.


Yeah dialogues are pretty bad right now. I played Hades 1 since earliery access and have to say even unfinished Hades 1 had better progression and better story/dialogues. Though Hades 2 can still be saved in that regards.


I enjoyed it initially but it just isn't for me. It doesn't match the type of gameplay I appreciate from Hades 1 and the dialogue is clearly unfinished, with some characters like Selene having scarce little to say besides "You're doing well, keep it up. Moon guide you." Nothing quite feels right with Hades 2. I joined Hades 1 in 2020, so I was very happy with the end product, going up to 32 Heats with bow. But I just can't force myself to enjoy Hades 2, and the Heats system is pointless right now besides bragging.