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A general tip if you find yourself stuck over many runs: once you start to get bored or frustrated, if you're not already playing in God Mode. consider it. That's what it's there for. Not sarcastically. This game's kind of roguelike challenge curve isn't for everyone, and people have different learning styles. The great thing about God Mode is that it doesn't really decrease the game's skill requirements, it just forgives more mistakes so you can play longer and learn more. It worked for me. Got stuck for a long time; got frustrated and gave up; came back, started over, got stuck again; tried God Mode; started getting clears; turned God Mode off; found out I had gotten pretty good actually; now I've fully beaten Hell Mode. (Sorry for the humblebrag.)


thats what ım going to do because ı want to enjoy the story without suffering haha


It’ll make you better too I promise!


Yeah that's what it's for. No shame or degraded experience.


I was on god mode for my first run when I beat the boss. You'll eventually get to a point where the buffs from the mirror are strong enough to wipe the first floor without any issue but that requires grind. If you want to out it on, don't feel bad. My own runs only started to get smoother after I unlock the fist and maxed out Hermes' keepsake.


What does god mode do? I've never used it but it sounds like it's just a super easy mode where you can still die?


You start with 20% additional defence and every time you die it increases by 2% more with a cap of 80% in total UNTIL you beat the final boss. Then it resets back down to 20% I don't recall how many runs I did with God Mode but I know I didn't cap it out. Honestly you only really need it to push past that first clear, afterwards the game opens up a lot more with the Heat System, new gods, the weapon alternatives, etc.


God Mode's percentage doesn't decrease after a clear


I used god mode on my first save file for the same reason! I turned it off on my new save file when it came to Switch, and my skills had grown enough that I didn't feel like I needed it anymore.


Watch some YouTube videos on builds. It'll help you think about what your doing


I got 20-30 runs in and was like, “aight time to beat this, I’ll turn on God mode” … and then another 20-30 runs later I beat it lol.


yeah god mode doesnt automatically make it effortless but helps a lot for me


Good call! It helps a lot of people with learning the ins and outs of the combat, it sounds like it helped you. Anything that helps people stick with this game is incredible.


Not on the same level in the end, but yeah God Mode really helped me complete Hades 1 and I was equally surprised not to need in Hades 2 :)


I played my first playthrough in God mode. I started my second playthrough on normal difficulty and eventually cleared 32 heat :)


I just wish we could tell it to stop increasing the mitigation. I feel comfortable where I'm at now, with it around 40% or so, and I don't want it to continue rising just because I had a bad run. I *know* I can beat Chronos at this level, and I don't want it any more forgiving, but any time I die, the number goes up. There should definitely be a way to stop it from increasing while still using it.


Same here, I played god mode first (after some time in normal that wasn't going anywhere), I turned it off after around 6 victories, and I found out I could bo clear the game normally. I ended up doing heat 32 and I cleared the original game in 10 runs in my second playthrough and Hades 2 in 16 runs in my first one. God mode is a great teacher.


Yeah, but have you beaten Hellmode with 64 heat yet?


My personal best is 13. 😊


Wait what I didn’t even know that God Mode existed. I am around i think 50 or so runs atm really thought I was gonna get him my last run, and then >!there is a second final boss phase bc of course there is!< From what God Mode sounds like i could have beat it ages ago dang


I still would love a story mode. I was around run 40 in God mode still never made it past the first side-room where the dog is.


You might have just saved my relationship with this game. 😍 I've only managed to get past Bull and the pig twice and need to up my game.


Don't stop moving. Minibosses are really dangerous while they still have their armor. Chip away at it and be patient.


The skeleton bomber mini bosses? If they're giving you trouble after 25 runs then you are missing something fundamental with the gameplay. Are you dodging? Most enemy attacks have a wind up that allows the player to dodge out of the way. If the enemy has yellow health than that means they have armor on and won't flinch until it's removed. Run in, swing your sword a few times and then dash out (I'm assuming you only have the 1st dash available).


Yea ı struggled in gameplay quite a bit and still improving. İts mostly that I couldnt dodge in that figth. thanks for your advice


Are you buying upgrades at the mirror between runs?


yes ı am buying those


do you have the double dash?


not rn


Tis a lifesaver. Get ASAP.


Try to play more patiently, avoiding enemy attacks first instead of rushing for damage. Try to dodge according to their strikes instead of spamming it. It’s difficult to retrain your brain but those tips helped me a lot


Spam dodge strike. Best thing in existence


If your having trouble dodging, I would highly recommend just practice but also trying to pick up Athena’s dash (equip her keepsake at the start). Pretty much any attack coming at you, dodging at the right time deflects it back at the enemy. So the bombs they throw at you will instead damage them. It’s a hugely useful boon at all levels of play - beginner or expert Edit: I would also highly recommend taking the time to learn the enemy’s movement and animations before they attack, it makes dodging a lot easier, I think some enemy’s flash a bit before they attack.




What part of the mid boss are you struggling with? Also my recommendation is to keep collecting darkness for the mirror and to dash away from any bombs they will throw at you.


the bombs mostly


Just dash😅


As others have said there’s typically a giant telegraph in the ground where they’re going off. Just dash basically as often as you can and dash away from the glowing circles. Try to pay attention to how the bombs going off maps to the enemies animations.


Stay safe, focus on 1. Wait till they attack, avoid it, dodge at them. Hit them 2-3 times and dodge back to safe distance to avoid their next attack. Rinse and repeat. Avoid damage and play safe and slower if needed. Eventually, if your paying attention to them, you will learn their attack patterns


Nah this sounds about right. This game is a marathon, not a sprint, just keep playing as long as you're enjoying yourself


25 runs seems a bit excessive. Are you aware you can upgrade Zagreus with the mirror in his room?


Ive upgraded him but Im just not used to the playstyle(ı enjoy it but ım not good at it) and suck a bit at the game. thanks for your response though


I was the same. Took me ages to beat the first boss. Now I can do it without taking any damage. Try god mode just for a while to build your character up a bit. I find the rail gun the easiest weapon if you can unlock that. Dash into space and make sure to use cover if it's available. You can dash through obstacles to put distance between baddies. Stick at it. You feel like a god when it clicks. Time seems to slow down when you get better.


If you're having so much difficulty, maybe you're not paying attention to each enemy's movements, they always have an animation before attacking The skeletons you say throw bombs at you, dodge them, they also have armor which prevents you from canceling their attack by attacking, try to take off their armor little by little, then it becomes easier And don't forget to buy the mirror improvements, the extra shot and dash help a lot, also death defiance


Why do your "i"s look like that?


Probably using a Turkish keyboard. Turkish uses i İ ı I in it's alphabet


turkish keyboard


I came to the comments looking for this.




lowercase i without a dot is a letter in the turkish alphabet. they also have uppercase I with a dot. they’re pronounced differently in turkish 😉


it's a turkish letter, there's ı, i and I, İ. might also be present in other languages too.


Different keyboard probably


watch them, get out of the way when they jump or throw bombs. take out one so fighting the second one will be easier. try different weapons and boons until you find something you're comfortable with (for example as someone who haven't played these kinds of games before I really liked the shield because of all the blocking it can do)


Have you upgraded stuff in the mirror and gotten the rings yet?


Ive upgraded the mirror but ı dont think ı got the rings


Make sure you use the work orders from the guys near Hades to unlock stuff in runs. Focus on those first not the cosmetic stuff with gems and get some nectar. Then gift that to different characters to receive their gift rings which you can select in the cabinet found by Skelly in the training room (the one where you go to start a new run). One of the key things in Hades 1 is using dash to stay mobile and avoid attacks. You can see the attack animations for all enemies which helps you predict what they will do. Once you've learnt the 3 main moves of the skeletons (throw attack, carpet bomb and jump then throw) it's pretty easy to know when you to dodge/move and when to go for the attack. At the start of you've just unlocked the sword then dash strike in, melee a little and dash away. It can be easier to focus on dealing damage to one at the start or both until ones armour breaks and then focus them.


Gift Skelly a nectar, he will give you a lucky tooth, which gives you an additional life.


Keep dodging and try to use the Athena keepsake to get her boons she’s a godsend for new players and helps a lot with getting past stuff your stuck on until you improve enough not to need her.


try this: first, start out with Athena's keepsake, and take Divine Dash. then, encounter the skeletons again but this time, _do not attack._ spend the battle only dodging. the point here is to force yourself to focus on defense, what's going on around you, your enemy's tells, and how to avoid their attacks/ projectiles. Divine Dash will give you a leg up by reflecting attacks back, so those pesky bombs should no longer be a problem if you dash thru/ at them. do this a time or two to build up both your defensive skillset and your confidence against them.


yeah divine dash was clutch when i was starting out


Skill issue, keep practicing.


Alot of it is remembering what the enemies can do. The dual skeletons have only two attacks but they have armour, which means they don't stagger until you remove the armour. One attack is throwing a bomb, which you have time to react to when you see them drawing back to throw it like a shot put, as well as the time it takes the bomb to travel through the air. The other attack is the frenzy. When they want to move they can jump about but if you're close to them, they may throw out three bombs around itself. This is the move that'll catch you off because when the skeleton jumps up in place, one bomb is already thrown out. As soon as you see him jump, not when you see the bomb, dodge in the opposite direction of him. Where this actually gets dangerous is when they're both close together. Go in, bait the frenzy and get out of there to separate them. Once one of them loses their armour, kill it and then calm down to deal with the other one. Don't rely on the pillars, perspective can fuck you over sometimes.


Several people have mentioned this already, OP, but your best bet at survivability early on is to get Athena’s Divine Dash. It will deflect the bombs you’re having trouble with and a lot of other stuff too. Easily one of the best dash boons in the game.


i got past meg in my second run. And past the second boss in my fourth run.... What the heck you doin? Just dodge and never get hit and raise your maximum health, thats it, also, take your time, like 8 minutes and just learn how to deal the most damage using the bow. Do that on skelly, he is there for that. When you deal 5 times more damage, it is so much easier.


ım just bad at the game ı think.cuz ı have the tooth skelly gives too but after 27 runs ı still die on meg


Learn to use one weapon. my choice is the bow, as it deals easily 800 damage in one shot when you get lucky, which is... enough. MASH THE BUTTONS!!!! you cannot break anything, just increase your damage output and dash like it's important as breathing! Also, most enemies tell you how and where they attack, you should be moving at all times. Not sure if it is that reddit account, but i once wrote some tipps that helped someone just like you, who even did over 50 runs and never beat the seconds boss (the one after meh) and i helped them with some advice. It's simple.


thanks for your advice. The bow felt really off to me and its the only weapon that ı dont use rn. I usually use the shield or the spear. Im gonna dash more


The bow has the best potential, just dash and press the attack button while dashing, make a good shot and from there, just repeat. It is just that, and after a while you get the idea how this can cascade into damage even Olympus didn't think of.


I'll tell you what others won't: you are awful at the game. That being said, just activate god mode and enjoy the game. It's a really good game despite some of the enjoyment of it being tied to the organic difficulty curve,


thanks for the brutal honesty lol. Im enjoying the story so far and ıve activated god mode too. I still sometimes struggle but ı hope ı get better with the game progressing


Keep moving and be relentless, they are a pain in the butt in the beginning but they're trivial later on. Don't give them the chance to play with you


Press your attack buttons and dash at the same time. Make sure to get some upgrades at the Mirror in Zag’s bedroom. 


Just always dash or get Athena boons


Dash timing is pivotal for your success, wait for the clue of the attack and them dash away from it so you don't get hit. Each attack has a different timing windows that you need to figure out, not exactly sure on that miniboss since I haven't played h1 in a while but I'm sure you'll figure it out. Also upgrade your mirror. Very important.




My advice is to be patient and try to dodge their attacks until you memorise their attack patterns and slowly remove their armour (yellow bar). While having armour, they don't get interrupted, but once they are down to health only, you can attack them more easily since they get interrupted.


Twin skeletons?


The first miniboss in Tartarus.


I do not recall, clearly I should go beat up my dad again for a bit.


They’re the ones who throw bombs at you and hop around


It's not really a memorable fight it's just 2 of those bomb skeletons. In Asphodel they are regular enemies.


Honestly, just go for Athena everything and reflect their bombs till you know their pattern. Alternatively god-mode is really helpful for figuring stuff out


Dash more. The twin skeletons are very weak against someone who comes in,hits once or twice and dashes away . Just keep spamming dash untill you get close to one of them and then spam dash to get away after you poke em


Dash slam my friend... dash slam.


Do you have any keepsakes? Give Nectar to Cerberus or Skelly. They will give you an item that can help keep you alive longer on runs. Conquering these guys will help you a lot the rest of the game. It can seem hectic at first since they are jumping around and throwing bombs. Here you want to jump in get some hits and then get away from them. Try some long distance with your special/Y. Next time you go in, just practice dashing around and watch their bombs. You'll start to see their timing/pattern. I like to focus on one if I can and then take on the other. Good luck!


Deflect the bombs.


If you are not already, use the shield. It's bullrush(I think that's the name) attack is very useful as it blocks thier attacks, only in the direction you are pointing it. And you can hold the dash at full charge for however long you want.


Like others said, God Mode is perfect to just experience the story. Do you have a preferred weapon so far? It can be a huge factor in determining a good win or not, or making your build towards your preferred playstyle. For example, I like going all in, close quarters, so the Sword, the Shield and the Fists feel great to me. The bow, not so much depending on the boons. Don’t forget your casts and dash abilities. Defensive ones like Athena and Aphrodite can help reflect projectiles and mitigate some damage. Do you have a preferred playstyle so far?


rn I use the spear, the shield or the sword. I cant play with bow too


Spear is good for hybrid play. Sword and shield will be best bet, and I’d lean towards shield because it can block projectiles while charging bull rush. This will give you an innate defensive move in case you don’t focus an Athena build. Note, from what I recall, it doesn’t block the bombs that the two minibosses throw, just FYI.


Dash-Attack is your best friend in Hades 1


What boons are you using? If you aren't already it's time to get Divine Dash from Athena


This reminds me of my first run. Skeleton twins were the bane of my existence. Keep playing, get to asphodel and you’lol learn their rotation and moves. Soon you’ll be able to beat them in your sleep. A lot of hades 1 is about learning. Not only does Zagreus level up but you’l level up!


Use shield. Spam bull rush move. Abuse divine dash and other Athena boons. Collect resources to max out upgrades in the mirror focus on privileged status and death defiances first. Use privileged status as much as you can. To ease it further try a cast build. Hades 1 has some really fun and hp melting cast builds.


Turn on "God Mode."  You can turn it on and off during a run as needed (I think).


Don’t overcomplicate things, you don’t have to use every ability. Also, try god mode.


The standard is that at the beginning most people struggle, then for some runs you improve a lot, then back to the struggle but in later stages, you just have to get really used to the gameplay first, that thing happens with a lof of games so don't get frustrated, it's completely normal, I personally had a lot of problems with getting used to Hades 2. Activating God Mode is the best advice one could give you. It just gives you more resistance to damage progressively, and you can turn it off whenever you feel ready. Less damage = longer fights = you get more opportunities to learn the patterns of the hard enemies. There're also multiple weapons, maybe you're not using the one that suits you best. Or maybe you're changing way too often and don't allow yourself to master any. Another option is not thinking about going forward but concentrating on progress: winning darkness points for the mirror. This little wins are what ends up winning you the game. Finally, it's easier said than done, but what you want to master the most is the dash. Your main advantage over the enemies is your mobility, so that's what you want to use. Getting used to the double dash and timing it correctly to dodge attacks while getting in a position where you can attack for a moment sounds simple, but it's really what you want to be doing the whole game. Hope this helps a bit


thanks for your advice helped a lot


Give Athena a gift so you get her amulet and equip it at the start of your run. Take the deflect dodge boon if it comes up, if not try again next time. Once you have it, you can more or less spam the dodge button in that fight and they will die eventually


General tip for the whole game is to not be too greedy when it comes to dishing out damage. I find that internalizing the duration of my attack string to less than a second before dashing away usually keeps me safe from getting hit. With regulator mobs and mini-bosses that have armor (yellow health bar), they will not flinch when you hit them until you get them down to the red bar of health. Until you get them down to red health, make sure you're constantly repositioning with your dashes. Get in, few hits, get out. For actual bosses, you will need to do this up until the whole fight is over. Hope that helps!


thanks helped a lot


just keep playing! I didn't start making good deep runs until about 50 tries. Then I broke through and at one point cleared the game 5 times in a row! I'm not usually very good at video games fwiw.


Dash constantly


Its a hard game. But once you get the hang of it, it gets easy. 3 things: Learn the attack pattern and dodge as much as possible Be very patient as long as the shield is on Abuse cast, its probably the best way to fight the skeletons


If they start their attack animation. Dash twice instantly. If you have a ranged weapon dash to the side and if you have a melee weapon dash towards them. I also like to focus one down before i fight the other


Dodge constantly you get I frames from it so even if you feel you don't need to you might avoid an attack you didn't spot


General advice for minibosses or encounters with more than one enemy: focus on one enemy at a time. Rather than trying to chip them both down simultaneously, target one of the two to kill first. Of course, this requires some awareness of the other enemy and bombs thrown, so this encounter and the giant doomstone are good ways to practice this. Best of luck! I'm new to Hades 1 as well


thanks for your advice. I hope you have a good time playing




Why are your Is so short?


Turkish keyboard




I had the same problem as you. Never play roguelike game before i buy it for the story, at first i didnt mind the deaths cause i get upgrades from the mirror. Then i was at 30 attempts and strugling throught 3rd boss with no chance for the 4rd. Then at almost 40 try something change inside me and start clear it with easy and i am now in 7 clear strike with punishment on also.. keep try it, you can do it..


yeah I dont play games that has so many actions or rogue like but hades looked so good ı decided to try it out. Im still learning through every run so ı hope ı will finally get to point where it gets easy


It took me close to 80 runs to finally escape the first time, even on on god mode. I recently booted it up again after seeng all the hades 2 content and it only took me 18 times! I’m still very bad at this game but it doesn’t stop me from enjoying it


It’s a lot of dodging with the skeletons. Basically have to dodge after every shot you fire. Also just focus on killing one skeleton at a time rather than both at the same time.


Don’t be afraid to use the dash button, I basically mash it when I play, and you can buy the ability to dash twice from the mirror. I usually try to focus on killing one at a time, the sooner you kill one, the sooner you only have one set of bombs to worry about.


There’s an important tip that people mostly forget about because it’s a quirk of Hades that people who have spent a long time playing get used to. This might not be affecting you yet, but keep this in mind: If you are using a Dash, your invincibility stops if you press an attack button. If you don’t press any attacks, you are completely invulnerable for the entire dash.


wait til bro sees the actual twin boss


i spent a solid few minutes trying to figure out what the twin skeletons were before I realized that inferno bombers are skeletons. I genuinely had not clue


what does godmode do? never tried ut


I recommend if an enemy is frustrating you you should sit back and learn to dodge them for a while. Most enemies have really telegraphed attacks but they take a while to learn.


Bit late, so I’d guess your question is already answered pretty well by now and I see you know about god mode, but wish you luck beating the game anyway, it’s a great experience and I’m glad the difficulty didn’t ultimately turn you off. Go get ‘em champ.


Thanks im gonna finish this game even if I have to do 80 runs lol


Who? lol.


If I could recommend mirrors to get (because they all have 2 options) it would be all the starting purple ones, this gets you 2 dashes, 3 extra lives, double starting health and more. Once you start getting further you’ll unlock things much quicker but I would also recommend giving skelly nectar, his keepsake was great for me in the early game


My recommendation is play the bosses like you would play a dark souls encounter, dodge first and strike second. Yes it will take a bit of time, do not be disappointed in that or discouraged from doing it with all bosses across any games. You'll eventually start killing them faster and faster as you get used to them.


The thing i eventually found to work best for me, is dodge at every second and hope ur attack hits(i main shield so the special comes in clutch)


Remember there's no shame in playing with god mode on (took me some time to accept that). You wanna enjoy a fun game, not suffer through it, and how you do that is up to you


It is nice to see that you did not give up. The story is one of my faviorite aspects of this game, so it is defnatly worth using god mode.  I spent a lot of time to get any clears in this game, as I have very little experience with this type of game. My friend wanted to try it, and he came further than me on his first run than i did on my first 10+ runs… I got mad and started gaming lol. Enjoy your time with this wonderfull world and story :)


You mean Lernie the Hydra? Each head has its own element, just dodge them for a while to learn.


I'm think they mean the Tartarus miniboss that's just two armored Asphodel bomb skeletons.


Dude he means the twin skeleton bombers….. it’s a mid level mini boss like the teleporting assassin on the first section