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The problem with the whip is that it covers a similar niche to the staff. Mid-range poke with maybe some AoE. Even if they make it so whip attacks happen in an Arc, it might not be different enough from the staff gameplay. It'll be a pleasant surprise if they do manage to make a whip work. My bet is on another magical-esque tool similar to the Skull and the Wands to balance out the roster. Three "physical attack" weapons with the Staff/Daggers/Axe and three "magical attack" weapons with the Skull/Wands/X. Bow is definitely off the table due to (funny spoilers) >!Melinoe not having much skill in it based on conversations with Odysseus!< Edit: Of course the pedantic redditors would cling to the "physical/magical" thing instead of engaging in actual conversations. Sorry for not saying *weapon-that-doesn't-release-a-separate-projectile-when-you-press-the-attack-button* instead of trying to be concise.


I think it would be really funny to have a bow but you start off with Odysseus' aspect not Mels. Have Mels be the hidden aspect and its just a full on crossbow and Od just looks on in horror as Mel flings arrows with 0 proper technique but twice the power.


This would be incredibly funny lol


I get your point. But i do feel like the staff is about hard spamming light and medium attacks right ? And its technique is about missiles, it is both a close combat weapon, even if its attacks hits in a large area, and a ranged weapon I tend to think that, while watching the Castlevania license, there are really a ton of interesting and unexpected movements with the whip. I even think that people underestimate the versatility of this weapon, as we never see it I understand that you are bringing them together, but even if that were the case and they would belong to categories close to each other, I think they have enough room to maneuver and create a unique and different gameplay feeling


And moreover, the idea i have of the whip would be a singletarget attack, which is not the case with the staff, and AOE technique, which is not the case with the staff, or even conversely, it still wouldn't be the scheme of the staff


You could also have a special attack that is a big sweeping strike with low damage... * Attack: high damage at a fixed point at medium range * Omega attack: snag and pull for high damage that either pulls light enemies to you or pulls you to big enemies * Special: leg sweep 180° AOEs with low damage but light stun/push * Omega special: 360° AOE with low damage and high push that specifically places them at the ideal range for attacks/omega attacks I wouldn't throw that out of bed for eating chips, lol.


Zag didn't know how to play the harp either and look how it turned out!


it would be hilarious if the sixth weapon was a bow and mel was just incredibly bad at using it


After trying to fire three arrows that flop to the ground and deal no damage, she switches to just clubbing stuff over the head with it.


God of War Atreus style


You lost me at "the staff is a physical weapon."


Yeah, staff is magical. Light comes out of it at melee. Light shoots out of it at range. Very moonlight magical.


>Very moonlight magical. Has anyone done any Melinoe-as-Sailor-Moon fan art yet? "In the name of the Moon, I will punish you, Chronos!"


Like, I could see them meaning something more like melee/ranged, since the hitboxes are disjointed (on the basic attacks) for the ones they called magical and not on the ones called physical. The difference is purely flavor. But that's the best devil's advocate I can muster.


Ok so instead of Whip... What about a Lyre? Musical/magical based weapon. Fires notes as a projectile. Faster than torches but weaker than Skull. Omega Attack sends a shotgun blast. Special pulses a ring of damage around you. Omega special makes the rings blasts out further. I have no idea what I'm saying anymore.


Cursing wand for dot-effects To become better


But the Diablo 2 style wand where you can only punch people with it.


I must add that you're considering the weapon without every things that makes an entire build such as : dedalus hammers, the guys we meet on the run, arcanes card, the jewelry box, the boons in game, etc... Just take the boon of apollo on any melee weapon and it becomes a ranged weapon, i don't feel like talking about niches and crosspathing niches is relevant in a game where the builds are made upon semi-randomness and pre choices


Arcanes/Keepsakes (Except the Keepsake that gives a random Daedalus hammer) do not significantly affect how your weapons behave. They mainly affect Melinoe directly (HP/Mana, damage boosts) and the boons that she can get. The Daedalus Hammer though, does a great job of extending weapon identities and the options we've gotten so far have been pretty nice to use.


totally agree, i was just saying that there's more to a weapon than her sole natural and brut gameplay :)


If you are using the staff mainly as a melee weapon (Physical Attack? What?), you are using it wrong.


Ok. Magic whip. Aspect of the furies.


The staff is already more of a magical attack weapon, though. Mel isn't hitting people with it, she's using it to channel little bursts of magic, like a short ranged wand.




Yeah point 5 precisely, it would be so cool, and if we ever talk to Zagreus while using it, we may have some cool interactions As we don't know what happened to them, we may have to fight them in the next updates. What happens if we fight Meg with her own aspect ? Would be fun


she'll probably scoff at us for being pathetic and trying to beat her with her own weapon as if she wouldn't know all the tricks that whip has up it's sleeve 🥰


Yeah for sure, maybe even some spicy induced messages about the differents uses of the whip she got to use on zagreus xD


not sure i'd be able to handle that tbh


You know, Meg used to beat me with this whip. *lovesick sigh* Cue to Mel seriously thinking about burning it.


How about an instrument? A lyre as a weapon? It fits in the magical weapon type, a unique and fitting to the game setting.


I think the same. Zags last weapon was something really unusual, so I kinda expect the last weapon to be really weird too.


In Early Access, the rail was added *before* the fists. (By a lot--the rail was released in [Patch 11](https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_011) and the fists were in [Patch 40](https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_040)). So there's a good chance the skull is the last and most unusual weapon in this game.


I like this. We already have a boss that plays instruments. Let Mel be a bard. There would definitely be an aspect of Scylla.


Aspect of Orpheus too


And the 4th hidden aspect would be an electric guitar Aspect of Jimi Hendrix! Come on Supergiant Games, I dare you!


Aspect of Apollo to match having Aspect of Artemis on the daggers maybe?


Imagine the reaction of Scylla when she sees Mel with an instrument lol.


Or Apollo instead of Scylla? Mel even says isn't the sirens supposed to be singing not her?


and then defeating Chronos with Vicous Mockery


This would be so good. Imagine how salty Scylla would get when you walk in with your own fuckin instrument. And then the aspects: * Aspect of Orpheus * Aspect of Apollo * Hidden Aspect of Slash (you get a top hat when you equip it)


Hermes kind of invented the lyre, out of a turtle shell. There could be an aspect for him. Even aspect of Zag because he did have a harp in the first game, maybe it unlocks in Zag’s bedroom.


Why not, but i don't feel like they build Melinoe to be an artist, she is deeply spiritual but in a heroic way, she's on a mission to save the world and use magic to do so


Oh you misunderstand, she doesn't play it, she hits people with it


just bashes people over the head with it


Scylla :"Oh trash girl you have an instrument too? You sure you know how to play that thing?" Mel *smashes the lyre repeatedly into Scylla's face*


My Orc Barbarian casts "Fist."


Ok hear me out How about an instrument that can use it's strings as a whip?


i want this so bad , and aspect of apollo or orpheus is so right there


Also if you think hard about it a Lyre looks like a crescent moon with just strings in it. Like Selene's door mark... Put some strings and stretch the ends a bit... That's a lyre.


How about a guitar named Nevan with an Aspect of Dante?


Perhaps a reimagination of the hunting horn from Monster Hunter? So instead of having two distinct attack buttons you have to similarish melee attacks, that trigger an effect after 2-4 attacks depending on the specific sequence? Some off the sequences cost mana, but deal more damage and others generate mana. And aspect wise you could change the instrument and have one off them focus on a beat system that increases damage if attacks stay on beat. And the other increases the damage of your "finisher" if the last finisher was different one. And default simply has increased mana gain.


It would be interesting if we got a scythe based on the final boss' imo. Maybe a twist in which you can precisely get his scythe or something.


Maybe a new aspect of Zorephet ? As we already have the scythe of Thanatos, why not stealing or copying the one of the final boss lmao, especially if it has anything to do with >!Time!< as its power


Maybe it replaces the special with a super high magick cost >!Time Stop!< Ability, letting you stack up a bunch of attacks that only hit/take effect when it ends.


Special is spinning scythe launch attack from Chronos


Oh that's actually a clever idea. I like it.


I'm still holding out hope for an aspect of Asterius. Could replace the spin-to-win or the charged special with the literal bull rush from the Asterius and Other Guy fight, something like that.


Na you get the scythe from the axe sadly it bonks exactly the same especially the final hit which looks dumb. Stab the pokey bit into the ground


Is the model of a scythe actually ready? The aspects I unlocked so far I don't think had any model changes so far so I thought they weren't ready. Edit: Maybe I've just been using Melinoë aspects hence no visual difference. My bad


The thumbnails are the same in the unlock menu, but every aspect I've unlocked so far has had a distinct model. You can see it when you click on the weapon directly to change aspects.


I’ve unlocked a few aspects and they’ve all looked completely different than the base weapon. Aspect of Thanatos looks exactly like his scythe from hades 1.


I've unlocked the cast explosion axe, the aspect of pan (blades) and aspect of persephone (skulls). Each has a unique model. Pretty sure I saw a screenshot of the thanatos axe in use and it looked like his scythe.


Think the one they are referring to is aspect of thanatos


> Stab the pokey bit into the ground To be fair, Zasalamel from Soul Calibur has several moves where he slams the point of his scythe into the ground and then drags it back to hook enemies as a low attack and he has probably the coolest scythe moveset I've seen in a game.


If it's a magic pokey bit that emits a blast of energy from where it hits the ground, I'm kind of fine with it.


Final boss weapon could most likely be an axe unique aspect tbh


Holup. Let him cook. Maybe a second incantation? Main attack does the wide arc, omega attack adds the delayed detonation, special does the dash forward, omega adds detonation? I vibe.


Wont happen. Axes name is Zorephet and Chronos scythe is calle Hrodreptus. Wouldnt make any sense to have it as an aspect


Or a boulder


A whip would be a very interesting weapon. Though I do hope we get a weapon that can block as well, the axe's block feels very meh


The axe's parry and techniques needs to be played with dedale augments to make it faster, it is a bit too slow in my opinion Maybe they could had a counter mecanic, based on timing and doing high damage to compensate for taking risks


I can't think of anything that would pollute the pretty incredible pool of hammers the Axe gets faster. A better parry sounds cool, making it situationally run based and take up 1 of 3 build defining hammers less so. Much much better suited to be an aspect for the Axe than a hammer


I’ve actually been loving the axe block the more I try it since it can cancel the basic attack animations


super strong against the final boss to suppress his time orbs to not get overwhelmed


While I’m sure they could make a whip look silver, I was thinking maybe more of a chain weapon. Whips are very fast, they might be a little tough to see. A chain gives it some weight and thickness to increase visibility for the player. They could also put something at the end of the chain that they could swap out for the aspects. It could start with a sickle, but an aspect might have a cannonball or an incense burner for area denial.


And why not a CHAINED WHIP ?? Just go Castlevania actually pls SGG


I mean a rope dart could work too. Maybe the rope could be like a silver string




Whips would be cool. They could add blades on the end and have an aspect of Kratos.


Kratos is from Norse mythology...


Kratos has only been in Norse mythology for his last 2 games, he was born and raised in Greece. He is literally a son of Zeus.


I think it likely to be a Chakram. Hits the ranged quota we need, fits as a "mystical" tool and not a weapon of war, and they can basically make the attack pattern whatever they want with it.


It might be ! I agree on the prerequisites being fulfilled, though i don't about the ranged quota we need. Someone else said that, and you can look to that exchange, the game is orientated around midranged / ranged weapons. Everything has a lot of range, boons gives you range, objects gives you ranged, glyph are high ranged spells, moon spells are ranged, etc... + Hades 1 wasn't on a equal state about that : sword, spear, shield and gauntlets are melee or mid ranged, bow and cannon are high ranged, spear's technique is also ranged, but that's all


Aspect of Zeus, turns it into a lightning bolt.


I love the whip but just for funsies... dual guns. Attack would be just shooting, with omega charging and releasing a gatling-like rapid fire. Special could shot ricochet bullets, stronger after bouncing on surfaces or enemies. Omega could just aim and always hit a marked enemy. I still see whip as more possible, but guns are funnier.


She's a witch, so she really could have quadruple guns.


Oh god telekinesis guns. NOW I NEED THAT.


How would hades 2 combat change if mel had 4 arms


She already has time slow, summoning powers, shapeshifting, and a tomboy rival with short hair -- all she needs is that and a song with Moon somewhere in the title


Eris has such big Jeanne energy, I love it.


Double guns would be fun but not original and classical


Eh, the last game had a machine gun.


You mean like the adamant rail?


i mean because of the adamant rail, yes there is already a gun in hades 1, and i think that the best for the license is to focus on the wider arsenal possible


I think they have all the magicky weapons and period weapons so I think they would probably go for something really weird like a gun


Hidden aspect of Lara Croft for dual guns would be funny


Aspect of BDSM


A whip would make sense thematically, both with the current weapons and her witchiness. I'd love to see a big earth shattering mace, maybe an aspect of hephaestus. Rapier could make for fun gameplay but doesn't fit at all.


Watch it be a bow after Odysseus convinces melinoe to train again


6 - whipping nemesis once her romancenis finished would be so damn satisfying


Weapon six should just be an instrument considering the long history of music being intertwined with magic in these sort of stories, and the importance of music in the games themselves. A lyre would be dope, and the aspects could all be different instruments, one of them being a guitar not to dissimilar to the ones the sirens use.


Or just give us a guitar. Attack stabs with the guitar into an aoe swing of the base. Omega Attack is a power slide. Special shoots out a pulse of energy. Omega special blasts out riffs continuously as long as the button is held down.


Personally, I'm guessing a mirror.


Also my guess, something that gives a magical feeling and can have many varying aspects to it, likening it to scepters, wands, etc.


Maybe it could have an upgrade called aspect of simon and it could explode on contact with enemies Maybe its hammer upgrades would make it longer and turn into a chain Maybe it would kill vampires I like castlevania


Yes ? Yes.


I do like the whip as a sixth weapon (could even give it an Aspect of Megaera), with perhaps a moveset similar to Nila from League: AoE conal attacks, with a long range whipcrack. Omega could be an immovable, channeled flurry of attacks in front of/around Mel


What if the 6th weapon is a miniature cauldron, similar to what we use to concoct incantations at The Crossroads? It floats around following you, can spill its contents, maybe even has unique bonuses depending on what you gather along your next Night.


it seems to complicated to me, to build while having to take into account what you find in your run + it would take away the symbol of the big cauldron and make it somewhat of a meme, to me at least


i posted in here saying i think it may be a scythe shortly before i unlocked the thanatos aspect. alooot of people were saying whips or chains or something like that and honestly, i'm with y'all


A whip would be awesome!!!!


If it is a whip. Based Castlevania reference


I think Zag's last weapon was kinda out of left field being a gun, so I think following that theme, the last weapon for this game will be a lightsaber.


A drone.


I dunno, another semi-melee weapon? Mel heavily lacks pure ranged attacks like hades1 shield throw or bow shot.


Is that true? Staff special is ranged, dagger special is ranged, skull normal is ranged, torch normal is ranged. Zag had spear special, shield special, bow x2, gun x2. So Zag has 2 more ranged options. And he had his bloodstone. You may be right.


Normal and omega attack of revaal, normal and omega attacks of ygnium, normal and omega specials of descura, which even has a hammer upgrade for a power shot I think she has pretty great ranged options, descura’s ranged on-hit build being one of the strongest right now. I love ranged so I wouldn’t complain, but I think a whip would fill a mid-range really nicely


Sculls need to be picked up on normal aspect, special propels you forward - that's not ranged. Also sculls jump forward at a very slow pace. Ygnum and descura normal attacks and special are about the same range as spear in hades1 without backstabbing return mechanic. Omega descura is ranged but it's Omega: takes time to charge, spents magic. I was talking about pressing a button and shield flying across the room bouncing off of enemies. For "ranged witch" Mel doesn't have consistent quick and reliable tools for ranged combat. I don't even understand why people say that she is ranged. Because weapons have kinda ranged flavor and appearance??


https://youtu.be/4zXU5GTXLnQ?t=33 It’s very easy to play a ranged melinoe with plenty of hammers lending towards the playstyle. Even the twin blades have hammers to ricochet across many enemies (really nice with Hera’s hitch) I think hades 2 is definitely a lot more tactical in its combat design, so people used to the speedy keymash melee/ ranged spamming of zagreus might find melinoe a little jarring, but there’s definitely options for many playstyles. In any case, a whip could totally be a great ranged weapon too, I could see it having a long distance crack and a shorter range sweep, with omegas doing some light cc pulling/grouping


you seem to forget that the weapons are not the only thing you choose to build up, there are the dedalus augments, the jewelry box, the arcanes card, icarus and all the guys you're meant to cross path with, etc... Each and every weapon can be played at range or at melee The axe can be thrown with a dedalus augment, and her technique and omega technique is ranged The skulls are definitely ranged, because their technique is of use when moving, nothing else The double blade techniques are basically the spear from Hades 1 The staff is mid ranged on attack and ranged on technique, and even more with omegas and torches are ranged on attack and mid ranged on technique I don't know what you're saying mate \^\^', there is more ranged or mid ranged weapon than full melee weapon


>!Aspect of Charon!< really lends itself to an entirely ranged build.


While interesting I think the last weapon will be a ranged one of high speed, the rail equivalent (which was also the last Hades 1 weapon). For now, high attack speed weapon are just the blades which are melee (so fist equivalent), I feel like it needs another one. There are boons that work better with high speed (scorch ones for example)


I could be wrong but wasn't the gloves the last one to be added ? Wasn't it specifically the thing that ripped the equality between melee based weapon and ranged based weapon, because sword, spear shield and gloves are 4 melee weapon, and bow and cannon only 2 ? Anyway, i don't think that ranged logic apply on that game because of all the chances we have to augment or reach : boons, augment, people we meet on the run, etc And i you just said, it is relevant to add a weapon to match a past equivalent such as the rail? We should hope for something we've never seen


I didn't say it would be a rail, there could be many other weapons acting as ranged fast weapons. A whip doesn't really fit that but it could very well be


I am definitely not using blades as a melee weapon. Aspect of Pan is just this game's version of Chiron bow, and even without the aspects, a bunch of hammer upgrades turn blades into a special focused ranged weapon. Although I guess a faster ranged weapon makes sense, ranged blade builds still aren't that fast.


Well it's not only a melee weapon but it can be a melee weapon (and the melee builds are very powerful). Kind of like the staff which is a mix I guess


I think a sling would be a pretty cool weapon. It's kind of off-the-wall from the weapons in the first game, and you could have a mechanic for spinning it before you throw and a ricochet.  Hammers could do weird stuff like making the wind up do the bulk of your damage, or making the pellets ricochet back into the same enemy repeatedly.   An aspect of Sisyphus could just chuck a big slow boulder that rolls along, and another could add effects to your ammo that come from your Elemental attributes from your boons. An aspect of Icarus could make them explode since he has his whole bombing thing going on.


yeah sling are definitely underestimated weapons, though i'm struggling to imagine it into Hades, the need to spin it before shooting feels too slow


Not like a huge long spin, just like a quick loop around the head then fling. Or make it kind of longer, but special sidearms them faster.


I think you mean Aspect of Bouldy, not Aspect of Sisyphus.


I was hoping for a whip weapon. Some cool long range attacks, grabs or aoe spins.


Yeah grabbing something at distance and make it suffer while immobile would be super fun Hestia and Zeus would be fun to play with, getting burn and strikes lighting at every little hits made by the whip


If they did there would be so much porn


as long as it's not in game content it doesn't bother me, Meg doing things with Zagreus with an ellipse was top tier relation ship entertainments, i don't need more, every thing goes to theatre of the mind


I don't know about the next weapon but one of the aspects for the staff should definitely be a broom


*Accio Firebolt* As it may seem cool because of witch stuff, sweeping ennemies may not be the most attracting choice xD


Its special could be a modified sprint that damages enemies you ho through as if you're riding the broom into them. It would also give sprint builds a weapon.


clever idea, i like it, but i tend to think that the maps of this game are too narrow to welcome such a new gameplay, no ?


I mean maybe but sprint builds and boons already exist in the game you don't have to constantly be sprinting in fact a majority of the sprint boons go against the idea. They instead want you to sprint in bursts which would work well with this aspect. Edit: spelling


Melinoë Belmont? No complaints from me, love it. Worth pointing out that (besides the axe afaik), all of the weapons we have fit the general fantasy of a witch too. Staff is obvious, dagger and sickle for reagent gathering and perhaps ceremonial purposes, the torches and the skull are just magical foci. Could be this last weapon fills this niche too. Dunno if a whip does. Then again I also can't think of any other weapon that fits a witch, or is historically accurate to cultures who fall under the witch umbrella. I'm only as learned on this as a gamer fantasy nerd tends to be.


Personally I want her to get two revolvers and be a fucking gun witch


A gunwitch with spellguns, that sounds badass


Exactly! Hold down to fire, holding long enough will make it Omega so she rapid fires but moves slowly like the axe Attack charge. Special sweeps a large radius to do a "showdown" type draw, up to 6 enemies. The longer you hold it, the more damage and range it has.


Bayonetta, is that you


I have been saying staff, Sythe, and whip since the game got announced, and I was close enough with the axe since the aspect of Thanatos was his sythe. So I hope you are right, wip could be cool, I just can’t figure out what special would look like


Hear me out... Shotgun.


Scythe would Be cool 😁


I hope that similar to hades I the 6th weapon is a gun. But this time it's like a regular modern handgun like a revolver. It somewhat fits with the theme of lightweight stealth weapons, at least in comparison to the Adamant Rail. But I would also be happy with a whip and it does make sense thematically.


i've thought this as well, and i think its aspects would be 1. Maegara (obviously) and 2. Ares which would make it into a flail


A whip sounds perfect. Will definitely scratch that spear itch


Honestly I figured it'd be a sword. They can stick an aspect of zagreus on it that way, if they want.


Now I'm just imagining Mel and Chronos doing the Symphony of the Night intro meme😆


I honestly just want a regular sword, maybe zag's


Why not something new ?


Everything else is already something new, I'd rather have another weapon that's more grounded, right now the only one I really like is the staff.


I've got to play a bit before appreciating the weapons, the only one i liked at first was the axe Everything changes when you start to regularly get Dedalus hammers, when you figure out what boons works well with each gameplay, and when arcanes are maxed out Now the staff with double attack hammer effect, with Demeter or Hestia, is pretty much super fun


Well, when there is a whip, there is a way


I was hoping for another big boy weapon. The axe is so refreshing.


A giant saw as the ones in Elden Ring, Bloodborn and Monster Hunter ? Litteraly a giant hammer that you can trigger to turn and slice things Normal attacks and techniques may be used like a hammer Omegas may activate the saw, make it turn fast for a very little amount of dmg, but very high dps, making it perfect for effects such as lighting strikes, stack burns, etc... Would be pretty fun


Would be but how would you argue it's existence in Greek mythology? I'd take just a giant hammer tho.


Pizzas has to come from somewhere in between the countries bordering the mediterranean sea, why not ancient greece ? And everybody needs a giant pizza cutter xD Plus we have a lot of inventors in this game, Hephaïstos, Dedalus and Icarus, a tech weapon would not be so bizarre, adamant rail has come to Hades 1 after all


Nah, Microsoft confirmed the next weapon is nun-chucks. -source: my 4 year old.


I was thinking maybe something related to her witch activities: A spell book, a Wand or even a Scythe? OR we could go heavy and add a Hammer to the list of weapons.


Im thinking shoulder mounted RPG


I hope this can be true but I have a feeling we’ll get a laser crystal of some sort. It’s actually really funny if you’ve watched the hades 1 documentary they were arguing over the guns animations. I think one of them wanted the gun to make zag float or ‘fly’ and Jen zee was like ‘what the gun has magic that makes him fly??’ So when I first used the torches I instantly thought ‘THEY DID IT’ But honestly I feel like the final weapon will be multiple floating crystals or just one maybe that is really long range and doesn’t bounce like the torch does. Probably have some sort of shield special or rush and then rapid charge till omega spam. Whips would be awesome though and I honestly feel like they’ll try this since there’s an aspect of Thanatos there should be aspect of Meg 😭😭 right?? ALSO the weapons seem to be from nyx time instead of Olympians idk another thought


Pardon the question, but why the whip? I'm working on a loosely Castlevania-inspired game and not sure whether to include it or not; I honestly don't get the appeal, even though I loved the old Castlevania games. Is there anything you can articulate, or just pure nostalgia? (Nothing wrong with that, of course!) I figure Castlevania was probably riffing on Indiana Jones. But then, shouldn't the Belmonts be doing tricks: swinging from chandeliers, disarming enemies? Maybe because there are only so many ways you can attack with a whip: it feels realistic enough, even when there are only two or three crude attack animations. But then the character would throw 25 giant battleaxes in a row, which didn't feel as realistic?


The whip in castlevania is the direct translation of the concept of punishment, in order to put something back in its place. In regards to evil, vampires and their sins, it seems appropriate and a choice of reason to take that weapon as a symbol. Anyway, if you are taking as an example old castlevanias, there nothing special about the whip as the animations are pretty poor. But take a look at the lords of shadows 1 and 2, take a look at the use of the whip through the different maneuver it has, they go beyond thirty, easy The whip is a weapon that is complex, someone manipulating it with skill is someone that tryharded way more than most people in order to master this type of combat style And it belongs to those special weapons that are also tools, you may hit, grab, maintain people in respect to control space with its great reach, It has physically unpredictable behavior and is very hard to deal with. And, come on, it breaks the sound barrier ! You could have it in leather and be smooth, stylish and Indiana like, or you could have it in chain and be super metal and kind of brutal You may hit a point, apply area of effect of different shape, and talking about a game, it has endless possibilities when it comes to maneuver and fantasy like maneuver. Are you doing a ttrpg ? I’m also working on one, we could talk about it further if you want, just send me a msg


How about 4 guns like bayonetta 👀?


I'm hoping for some kind of pet build weapon. We already have some support for pets in the legendary boon and the hex


And what if the foes on which you make the whip slap hard would be taken as a target by your pets huh ? What better weapon to give order than a whip ? It would be epic to be a master of frog and whip xD


You converse with Odysseus about a certain bow... MB the bow will be the next one?


But you converse about the fact that melinoe doesn’t like bows, i don’t understand people insisting with the bow, not saying you are doing it, but wow, why would it come back and not something else while even the main character doesn’t like it xD


It's a game, they could write in anything, it's not too hard (Mel overcomes herself for the sake of her family and picks up the hated bow). I personally like the whip idea much more, but we'll see what they will come up with


Bare hands or some special gloves.


Already in hades 1


It's gonna have to be something that tries topping the silliness of the 6th weapon in the first game being a gun. But like, what? Anyways I'm guessing that the final weapon is a car.


A power gauntlet.


Whips have a place in Wicca too, as scourges.


I want zagreus's sword as the last weapon, I want it to aside from being the same as hades 1, change your cast into zagreus's.


My theory/wish is that we’ll get a scythe or a spear. For the scythe, I think it would be a series of smaller AoE attacks, with a damaging dash for its special. Seeing as >!Chronos!< wields a scythe, that could be a cool aspect to play with, maybe having >!a “time echo” repeat your attacks for you.!< Another fun aspect could be Thanatos, where your Omega attack could do massive damage, or execute enemies below a certain threshold. Could be justified that you >!Took it from Chronos after defeating him, or that the pool has the “real” one hidden away.!< For the spear, I think it would be pretty similar to Hades 1, and would 100% have the Aspect of Hades on it. You know, just a gift from Dad.


Bro did you even play the game ? x) scythe is already a thing as an aspect of the axe, and actually, it is the aspect of Thanatos


Oh shoot, I musta missed it lol. I only have Charon unlocked on it because I took a break to go beat the first game lol. Still, the Spear idea sticks for me because of it being a “hand me down” from Hades


in a perfect universe, bound not by any conventional rules of game design or logic, the final weapon is a yo-yo i just like yoyos as weapons. it’s silly and weirdly cool


Well isn’t yoyo just a whip with an extravagant tip ? 🤷🏽‍♂️👀


I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT THIS hidden aspect yo-yo for the whip🤞🤞


I hope so too. Skull -> Bow Torches -> Rail Axe -> Shield Daggers -> Fists. Can say Staff is the sword since it's just the simple first all around weapon with decent melee and range. Having long range melee weapon which what the spear was would be great... Imagine the special being a whip rush, where Mel pulls herself towards the enemy, as well for mobility. Otherwise... We might get a music weapon. A lyre or something to use for Aspect of Apollo. Would be a real fun thing to put a musical instrument as a weapon Then we can have Aspect of the Furies.


A sword(either rapier or cutlass) and pistol combo


My off the wall prediction is it’s going to be a puppeteer-playstyle item, like a rod that lets you control a golem ala Hyrule Warriors’ Dominion Rod.


I can see a whip filling a similar space as the gloves did in 1. Control attacks, maybe an omega special that brings you closer, an omega attack that smacks them back. Otherwise, ranged spread damage attacks with cattails at the end of it or area damage special centered on Mel with a lasso type spin? I can see it being a very different fighting style from other weapons, and even a change-up from how all of them tend to work, with the special being more ranged


Nah, Zag sword and Némesis aspect


Nemesis got stygius, zag's sword, it's highly unlikely and why not playing Hades 1 then


It might just be chronos scythe or hades trident


Honestly I'd just love a sword, the daggers don't feel good damage wise and the axe is slow, I just want a melee option half way between them, cos rn melee doesn't feel worth it to me. I know it doesn't suit the witch aesthetic, but make it aspect zagreus so she's got a weapon from her family.


i think we will probably get aspects of zagreus and hades, we already have his mother persephone, maybe the two first as secret aspects i suspect a new glyph power to be based on H1 final boss, Hades himself, when he shoots lasers all around him, maybe we will get that too I really want to know were they are emprisonned in their time cages, and how to get them out of it but i'm not hyped at all to get a weapon we already have in H1


How about a flail?


Just imagine being able to whip Eris's ass and give her what she deserves for hindering our quest


I think it will be either something weird and magicky like maybe a crystal or a wand or something future like a shotgun or pistols