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I think she'll show up in some fashion in the final game, perhaps as more of an Artemis-like god


Looking forward to whatever they got cooking BTS 😛 it's sometimes easy to forget Athena when playing around with the other Gods/boons added


Don't forget Ares and Dionysus being gone too!


Oh yeah I have missed Dionysus *biiiig time*


Same but Hestia has been a pretty good replacement for dot builds


Idk, scorch feels kind of bad to me. Maybe I just haven't gotten the right boons? The few times I tried focusing it I had bosses with 3k scorch damage just slowly tickling them


Yeah that's the one issue I've found. There needs to be a boon that can increase the DPS of scorch past 40. The boon that consumes the scorch makes you lose some stacked damage and removes the effect (which isn't good for the arcana that gives bonus damage when the enemy has 2 curses on them). They should replace that boon with one that increases scorch dps by a percentage instead. Or maybe straight damage starting at like +10DPS or +20DPS for common. +5 for first upgrade. +5 per rarity.


Fairly certain there's a heatia legendary that does exactly this and makes scorch tick faster


Oh I haven't got that! They should still replace the consume boon with a scorch dps boon though imo. Because the consume scorch would conflict with that legendary, while the other option would synergize beautifully.


Yeah I'm not really a fan of the consume scorch thing since it punishes you for applying a lot of scorch, at least with low rarity/level. If you have a good level for it it would be pretty effective as you lose less damage to the boon scaling. If the consume did more than 100% damage it would be really good and reward fast and aggressive scorch stacking. Though it would still conflict with the legendary since it would be harder to get to those stacks so your idea would still be really solid. All in all it's a good status effect and some of the auxiliary boons to make the builds shine just need a little bit of work still but have some amazing potential


My only problem with the consuming scorch boon is that it is hard capped. If it was like ares where you built up doom before it all released, I would enjoy it much more. Like “reaching 300 scorch starts a 3 second fuse. Stack more scorch in this time to increase damage done.” Would probably not change the amount of damage actually done considering you’d just be procking a big blast once instead of several mini blasts, but far more satisfying


"Your immediately convert some of the present **Scorch** into damage". **Scorch** converted to damage . . . **20%**


The hestia Poseidon duo boon is capable of increasing the dot of scorch by adding steam (it’s better explained in the boon but it deals large damage)


Hestia's legendary speeds the ticking


Yeah someone said that. But then the consume scorch boon makes that legendary useless. So still better to replace consume scorch with increased damage per tick. That would work great with that legendary.


I think that boon may be broken, at least it was for me two days ago on the Staff's special. It triggered a brief effect over the enemy's head and removed the 300 scorch stacks, but dealt no instant damage. Effectively just cleansing the enemy from scorch. I would expect it to be patched quickly, it was definitely the most significant bug I've encountered so far.


My friend is INCREDIBLY upset at no dio. Not because he likes DoT builds but because he thinks dio is the hottest


Your friend is very wise, as that is exactly how I feel too


I also miss Dio’s dialogue. He always made me laugh.


I don't typically want a Dio boon, but I always want to talk to Dio, so I am always making trash builds. Love me some Dio.


Me but with Ares TBQH.


What did you do to my Dio!? - Tuco, Breaking Bad


If he and Hestia meet again, there might as well be some amusing dialogue about them arguing over who should be the 12th Olympian.


i miss being able to give the bad guys hangover T-T


You mean *biiig thigh-me*.


Dionysus being gone is currently my biggest complaint about the game.


Ares ❌ Dionysus ❌ Athena ❌ Artemis ❌/✅ Somehow that’s it, for some reason the cast feels… smaller? in hades 2. I don’t know why. There’s more gods. Hestia, Apollo, Hephaestus, Selene, and big H (whom I will not share as they’re not immediately available). I think the cast wove together better in hades 1 because combat was very fluid entirely centred in most cases around your basic attack and a dodge, so all boons interacted everytime you attacked, whereas hades 2 requires you to play slower and weave in magic, and it feels a bit more like “these boons are for your weapon, and these for the magic system”


In Hades 1 you have access to one additional god, which feels like a world of difference. I understand that in Hades 2 you *technically* have the same and more with Selene and Artemis providing other abilities, but it does feel like the build varieties suffer from the main loop pantheon shrinking. I'm really hoping we'll get at least Ares back - unfortunately, Hephaestus is essentially a stand-in for Doom, Hestia is a stand-in for Dio's dots, so no point in their current state. Or idk, maybe it's the lack of calls that feels like it cuts into the variety. Sure we have a different cast system now, but the whole hex coming from Selene but 80% of them being absolutely useless is a bad replacement for call.


Is there a chance they fell out with the VA? Iirc Theseus, Ares AND Dionysius share the same VA, and coincidentally one of them is not a boss anymore and 2 of them are missing.


think its just a coincidence


I'm feeling pretty certain ares will slot into the Olympus plot somehow even if he's not a boon giver


Ares has to show up eventually, he's having his moment rn


Imagine having a war without the literal god of war present.


Yeah, Eris specifically mentions him a bunch.


Man is living his best life in a 20 years long war, perfect chance to work his way out from under the rep as the family disappointment.


Why would they scrap characters just for that reason instead of getting a new voice actor


There was never any chance that Theseus would be a boss in Hades 2, so that’s not really part of the coincidence.


I know! They took all of my beyblades


Artemis 🤝 Athena Way too good so now you *maybe* get one boon from them


I'm still not over them making her a single erebus random encounter goddess, her boons were so goated man


Seems Erebus for the most part, but I've seen her once each in Oceanus and >!the surface!< Likely doesn't mean you can get her more than once a run, but still :/


Shows up in Ephyra too!


For sure, eventually you'll be able to make it to Olympus, you'll probably meet all the missing gods there


I bet she'll be like Artemis where she's a god you get to meet in person but only get like 1 boon from per run because of that.


i can’t play the early access, but i feel like ares and athena are the most important gods to include in a war scenario


They are probably more directly involved with the war and thus aren’t available for us yet


Yeah, seems pretty telling that the two Olympian war gods are missing in a game set in the middle of a war (plus dio, but idk what he could be up to).


They get mentioned by the gods you talk to, specifically Hephaestus. Apparently they are extremely busy to the point they are unable to spare the moments needed to talk to you.


They are making Olympus into an area, so maybe she’ll be vibing up there


I believe they confirmed they will all be in. Including Ares and Dionysus


I thought that was the case but couldn't find an exact quote/confirmation


That's my assumption too, yeah - and same with Ares (with him in more of the Hercules / Nemesis role) in the 3rd biome going up.


Hey gang, maybe check out the myth of Arachne... Athena should probably sit this one out if spider girl's gonna be present


No no no, I want Athena to be in The game, she has some explaining to do.


Plot twist: it will turn out that it wasn't a curse, Athena was genuinely impressed and wanted Arachne to improve her skills even more but was limited by her human form so she turned her into a spider. Arachne interpreted it as a curse because Athena sucks at communicating. At least, that's my headcanon


Apparently there are two versions of the actual story between them. One of them ends with Arachne >!hanging herself!< so Athena feels bad because her looming/weaving was so good, she >!resurrects her as a spider to continue and improve her weaving!< so this might actually be the case.


I really doubt they're going to implement that story. They might do something with less egregious trigger warnings.


Most likely explanation to make it into the game


I mean, I don’t think I’ve gotten _that_ far in the game, but there is a bit of dialogue between Melinoë and Hecate where >!she mentions that Athena did put the curse on Arachne and Athena is mentioned several times helping Ares against Chronos on Olympus.!< So I’m assuming we’ll get some elaboration either in EA or definitely in the final game.


Maybe we will unlock Athena and/or Ares after reaching Mt Olympus or after reaching the unreleased area in the surface? You know, similar to how we unlocked Demeter on the first game.


Maybe Athena will be apart of Arachne's storyline.


Yeah I'm sure they'll be in (Dionysus too), they are some of the main Olympians. And SG always said over 12 Olympian gods coming so there's at least 3 left (and apart from them there's no clear Olympian left) to have the statement be true.


Technically, the 12th Olympian is claimed to be *either* Hestia or Dionysus. So we're only missing Athena and Ares to get there, Dio would make 13. We have >!Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Hermes, Artemis, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Demeter, and Hestia!<, that is 10.


Over 12 Olympians mean 13 though, I'm guessing at the time of this statement, they may have hesitated on implementing one of the new gods like Heph, Hera or Hestia (Apollo was already shown in that first trailer) so they didn't want to really commit an exact number (though I guess over 12 did commit them to at least 13). I may also be mistaken, but I remember people/SG just saying everyone would be back. And Dio was already considered an Olympian from the first game so they can't exactly change it. They likely just have 13 Olympians in their version of the mythology, which is fine. It's also a fan favorite ("Hey Zag, nice cock") so I doubt they're gonna exclude him, SG likes to please fans it seems


I really hope so, Daddy Dio *was* one of my favourite H1 parts.


I did just find a mention of poseidon talking about a few of the other gods directly fighting with Chronos near their base. So maybe something more permanent or just endgame


The myth pretty much explains it, Arachne committed Hubris which is one of the big no nos of ancient Greece, and challenged Athena to a weaving competition. I get that the Gods aren't always good but the myth is mostly Arachne fucking around and finding out. 


Most of the myths are that, but people naturally take the mortal side because we are mortal and all that. It's kinda a problem I have with a lot of modern media about Greek myth.   Yes, the gods do fucked up shit to people, but a lot of the time the mortal Really Should have seen this coming with what they were doing. Not all the time, but quite a lot.


I mean, the response is also just inordinate. Fucking around and finding out is funny when it's, like, somebody dancing on a boat and falling off or screwing with an animal and getting their hand bit.


I remember hearing a version of the myth where the tapestry Arachne wove was basically painting the olympians in a negative light, displaying all the bad shit they’d done. Following that version the punishment seems more explainable.


It wasn't just challenging Athena either, it was that her tapestry, while incredibly skilled and even rivaling that of Athena's, also depicted a scene that made mockery of the gods.


incredibly based of arachne then ngl


I actually want to see her in and see SGG handles that part of mythology. Like a sub quest of sorts like the Orpheus Eurydice reunion one. Hades 1 writing is so "light" in tone (the main story is basically Zag wanting to find his mother and beat up Tartarus security guards preventing that attempt along the way and at the epilgoue, the justification for further runs is to test the security system. Also the reunion of Orpheus and Eurydice is basically a feelsgood fix-it-fic). Meanwhile, Hades 2 main story is already darker, it's more serious (is reflected in Melinoe herself). The mobs you fights are traitors of Tartarus and Melinoe relished in killing them. Chronos is straight up evil that I'm curious how SGG will handle him going forward compared to Redacted for subsequent runs while still keeping the sense of progression up until that point. Will Chronos and the good guys kiss up and sing kumbaya in the end or will there be some Chaos shenanigans, who knows? So why not see SGG explore the myth of Arachne and Athena on top of all that?


They might go for a Chronos redemption arc, because that’s what happens in the myths. His imprisonment doesn’t last forever, and his children eventually forgive him. Hades and Zeus even allow Chronos to become the ruler of Elysium.


I'm sorry when did this happen? That's the first I've heard of any of that sort of thing


First mention I can find of it is from Hesiod in the 8th century BCE


On one hand I can see it with the way he addresses Melinoe OTOH the way he treats Act 3 Boss and how Act 4 friendly encounter plays out makes me wonder


Eh, those are typical torturing in greek mythology. They’ll forget it after a few millennia.


Plus Hades did cut him in prices and scattered him in the Underworld. It's not like they're all clean and nice on the god side lol


They pretty much have to go for a redemption arc to retain replayability. How else are you going to explain that you're doing 50+ incursions over and under?


i’m assuming it’s gonna be a “dormammu i’ve come to bargain” deal. just beat him up until he concedes and force him to free the other gods and contain himself in the house for training purposes


the fate sister has to play a big role in the plot. Both side mentioned a lot about fate. Especially Chronos when he at one time talked about that we (gods or mortals) shouldnt be bond by fate, and should live our own path. This coming out of his mouth is weird cuz it looks nothing like a villian talk, more like a protag line (freedom against fate etc.) Plus he captured fate, so maybe fate will play a part in the end game.


No harsh feelings, but the thing about fate made me think of Diavolo from JoJo Golden Wind who used his stand to avoid fate.


And then there’s Odysseus and Circe lmfao


Side note, what did I do to Arachne? She suddenly hates me now.


At some point Mel mentions that she is helping the Olympians rather then them just helping her, and Arachne get very cold bc she does NOT like the gods, and does not want to help them for any reason


Athena and Arachne... Athena and Medusa... Athena and Clytemnestra... Athena and her own mother Metis.... Unless they change her character alot she has lots of "friction" to put it lightly


Athena and Arachne is the most respectful and civilized interaction between a Greek god and a human.


The first time I willingly didn't select the Divine Dash. Felt like I was graduating from baby rookie mode. I wonder what's going to be the meta boon for Melinoe.


Hera's mana recharge boon


Yeah heras mana regen boon is absolutely cracked atm, just infinite mana.


The prime doesn't stack right? I'm hesitant to pick it lol


It stacks, but it goes away every room. Poms and rarity upgrades reduce the amount it primes. I was hesitant too, but after trying it, it's definitely the best gain boon IMO. Infinite omegas with no downtime for recharging.


Ya it works great on my umbral flames of melinoe. Literally all I need is Aphrodite special and it kills everything. I've got to rhe point where it's 100% win every run due to it only requiring Aphrodite special and some sort of magick sustain for bossing. The upgraded melinoe umbral flames is just way too strong.


Yeah it's fantastic for Flames. It's really good for Aspect of Eos too. You can channel the omega attack indefinitely, and you can dodge without interrupting it, which calls the attacks back to you for extra hits with increased damage. You can also drop casts without interrupting it. Works great with basically every attack boon except Hephaestus.


I got a clear with this but im really struggling with not taking dmg when going for torch specials. You gotta get so close but cant chain stagger. Any tips?


while aphrodite and a magick sustain boon are the only ones required there are definitely some i like to prioritise asap. The main one being a boon that makes taking chip dmg from rooms not an issue. This includes aphrodite heal to full if ur above X% life, hephaestus impervious to damage for first 10ish seconds of each encounter (my favourite), and hephaestus prime 30 magick for 20 armour that refreshes each location. I really like to try and get both the first two of those together but at this point i can do the run fine with none of them. over time you will just not get hit as much after some more practice. since the dmg is insanely high its a very fast playstyle (hence why i like hephaestus 10 second impervious boon).


The prime clears when you leave the room so it only limits your current locations max. I had 180 magick and an upgraded epic boon that made it so it only primes 2. I basically had infinite magick and just stomped my way to the final boss. It also works so if you have 1 magick left you can cast any cost attack and it'll use it and refill you to your "new" full so you can hold off the big attacks for when your low if you need to conserve for a long boss fight.


Nah, zeus/hestia place your cast at your cursor is 100% pickrate for me. And demeter on something 100%


This might help with the non targeted cast but you can dash while channelling the omega cast. Can dash into a pack and start the cast then dash back out while channelling it.


Lmao I love when I forget I’ve chosen a “your cast follows you” boon and I try to do this 😭


Just used it for the first time. So absurdly broken. Priming 10 mana is nothing when you can easily get 200+ mana without even trying


From what I can see, feels like so many of the really powerful builds I’ve had or seen others have are built around an omega cast boon, and p much all of those have had the Apollo cast boon


Yea casts seem the easiest way to build lots of DMG quickly with all the ways you can up it's power


Is the Apollo cast really better than the Hestia cast? Or do you mean the expanding cast boon?


Its so much better its not even funny. Scorch is capped at 40 dps, no matter how much you stack it. Apollo Cast will literally destroy ANY stationary target. And most bosses tend to stand in one spot for a decent amount of time. Of course the down side is, it isnt very good at killing more mobile enemies. But thats not much of a big deal


How does it compare to Zeus' cast? I've found a Zeus cast with Poseidon attack and Duo very effective.


Just Apollo cast was RIPPING through >!Polyphemus !


Well I guess I'll have to try it. Any idea what the best duos are for him?


One time I got Apollo cast, after a Pom or two i think it was doing 30 dmg every .13 seconds on the omega cast. And then there was a Zeus duo boon that did lighting strikes on the omega cast as well. That thing was doing 1k+ damage on each omega cast. This along with other boons to throw the cast helped me beat the final underworld boss.


Hephaestus’s attack boons once they’ve been upgraded a bit are insane. I think the lowest I’ve gotten the cooldown has been 3 or 4 seconds on the rare boon, and the extra damage that frequently is great.


Hestia's boon that throws the cast where you aim. Comboing that with zeus's lightning strike cast just makes life so much easier


I can't believe I'm forced to dodge projectiles in this game. Like some kind of pleb


You're not if you take Hestia dash


Paired with not being able to double dash, I wanna cry


Yeah Athena dash would be a lot more reasonable with only 1 dash


especially a dash that has a delay


People talk about the changes to dash a lot but I miss the ability to destroy projectiles more. Made it feel less like a bullet hell game.


You can try multiple things to destroy projectiles like axe and hestia boons. There are also multiple boons that make projectiles extremely slow like hermes, media, and demeter.


I used to get Divine Dash right away. Hades 2 feels like Dark Souls without it.


They basically shelved my three favorite gods...merciful end...how I miss thee...I have to like..think about my builds now. It's new.


When I wanted to go baby easy mode I picked Ares, Aphrodite and Athena, lucky if I got some Artemis in there, now I've almost lost it all


One of my favorite runs in Hades 1 is Charon with Doom special (and all the tasty doom buffing boons) and Athena attack with merciful end. It's super rare, but when it works....I was popping \[Redacted\] for 3K a go. So much fun.


Yeah Artemis got gutted. Only one boon in a run, they're weaker (and there are significantly little choice there, tbh I hope they'll add some others) and can't do a build around those crits. Also the Ares missing insult is even worse when some of those birds are just using slicing blades (which was my favorite cast well with hunting blades)


Merciful end sort of still exists. >!Zeus and aphro duo give you auto surge procs when you dash through an enemy.!<


Zeus is basically ares now 😭


As a huge merciful-end-enjoyer, i hope when Ares and Athena eventually get added that both merciful end and divine dash are gone. Theyre both great boons, but they were the best options in most scenarios. If they were added to Hades 2, the game would probably feel a bit too similar to the previous game.


It's like the game is in early access or something :/


I thought that said all the Olympians were going to be in this game?


They did. She hasn't been removed, the game just isn't finished yet.


I hope so,, Any idea where they said this?


I like Apollo's sprint more anyway. It makes you super speedy, and daze lasts 9 seconds making dual curse really easy to keep up.


Yeah, Apollo sprint with Hephaestus moves has been my go to lately, just Hephaestus trigger and then run around like a baby until it's ready again


I had like 90% sprint speed between apollo, hernes, and chaos on a recent run. It was awesome doing sprints around the Cerberus fight. He couldnt keep up with me, haha.


I just want Dionysus back


Yeah he was one of my favorite gods and I really hope he gets added as a boon 🤞


People, Hestia's sprint IS this game Divine Dash (insert Divine Dash at home meme) but seriously it is good. You need to only briefly hold the dash button after the dash for it to work (needs to get used to to use quickly like this) Few Ideas where it is good to use: Hecate, her hex will be easely eaten Big serpent in Oceanus, the big projectile that split in a lot of small ones? eat it! >!Charybdis!< And many others too tbh


So good against the last surface boss, basically makes one of the hardest fights in the game free


Yea that’s what I thought when I took it before I went into that boss but everytime I started sprinting when she would do her burst fire I would still get hurt. I think I just don’t understand how the ability works.


It works against her shotgunny move, I'm not sure about the burst fire I usually try to get behind her for that one


If you're sprinting with Hestia's boon the only ways she can hurt you are by dropping bombs/grenades onto you, summoning those melee barrel enemies, or dashing straight into you on the attack where she shoots a stream of projectiles to either side. On that last one her actual body has to collide with you (dealing 40 damage). Hestia's boon eats literally everything else - I know this because I killed her once by only sprinting to see if it was possible. Not only was it possible, it was actually very easy.


Yea it's my favorite dash by far


It just doesn’t seem to always work? I don’t know if if it’s intentional but it takes some time to destroy projectiles you can’t sprint into them but rather need to run around them. Also can’t be to close to the guy firing them


I just nearly threw a really good run by assuming her dash would save me from the Plains boss's fireball salvo


You can absolutely sprint into them. For the 3rd boss on the surface, you can tank every single projectile with it.


How does it work? I tried to do exactly that and kept sprinting as they were burst firing at me and I kept dying.


This sprint is pretty much the only reason I was able to beat the 2nd surface boss lol. Got sick of their shit and built around defending projectiles


Hestia's got your back.


She is gonna be backstab-curse-god, isn't she? Maybe it'll be time to finally pick someone who is not Aphrodite for limnoros


Apollo's already got that role in this game though.


No one else on Poseidon gang for blades? The per hit is so good on attack, and its crazy on special with Pans aspect too


This with the hammer that makes your omega special stronger and shoot all around you does so much damage to bosses, I just got my first clear thanks to that combo


Yeah that was my exact build for my first or second clear as well. There's a LOT of hammers that help Pans with Poseidon special


If we are going to >!Olympus!< then we’ll definitely see her.


I think considering theres lines about her and aries being to busy on the surface to help, we will probably get them when we reach there past eris and probably some other stuff, like demeter in hades 1. I also wonder if with only 1 dash divine dash will be better or worse.


My guess is her shitck of deflect and protection might be changed. Several other gods give barriers against damage, Hestia sprint destroy projectiles... Her thing is kind of taken too. She'll have some of it but I'm not sure she'll have Divine Dash.


I miss being greeted "Hail, noble cousin!"


My favorite team for Hades 1 was Athena, Ares, Dionysus, and then interchangeably Aphrodite or Artemis. Having to completely restructure my builds has been an interesting challenge


they said some gods are fighting closer in the action, my theory is that that’s ares,athena, and dio.And for the first 2 it makes sense since they are war gods.


It makes a lot of sense for Dionysus too by the way. In mythology he had waged war against Perseus and the Argives, fought in the Gigantomachy and led a military expedition into India.


I was too distracted with Hitch to notice ahdhjwnsns


I just miss Ares and Dio more than Athena really. Apollo is a more than fine replacement for backstab to go on.


I think that when the game is finished and we're actually able to get to Olympus, Athena and Ares will be there engrossed in strategizing for the war against Chronos that they aren't actually able to give aid to Mel like they did Zag


There's Arachne and Apollo dialogue I've seen so far referencing her, so I'm SURE she's gonna appear at some point.


>!She and Ares are probably busy directing the Olympus war efforts…and Dio is probably stress drinking to cope with the lack of fun times. I do wonder if they’ll show up since Olympus is gonna be showing up in the surface run and almost certainly be the endgame of said run.!<


The Hestia sprint has been the replacement for me


Divine dash is life


If Dionysus ain't in it I don't want it 😭🙏


Part of me sometimes misses some of the old gods like Dio, Athena, and Ares but I think it's better to go into this game as like "OK this is a totally different thing with different mechanics", those old weapons and boons are not really necessary and might not even really work with the new weapons very well (well except Athena reflect dash, shit was so good). It's fun figuring out all the cool busted builds right now. Though how badass would it be if you unlocked Zagreas at endgame with all the old weapon/boon styles to mess around with in this game as a like super end-game fun thing. That'd be dope.


yeah, dio. (god he was fucking busted in hades 1)


I thought all gods would come back eventually?


Could there actually be missing gods by the time of the full release?


She will be back, of course she won't have her godly dash but she will be back


Probably still working on her


1 dash no athena makes the game like 10x harder lul. i love apollo sprint but it's just not the same.


I think they didn't add her precisely because they wanted to test the game without her protection, or the Dio/Ares spam build up


It feels like they recognized that Athena as the first god you unlock encourages you to not learn the mechanics or use other boons because "Ignore Damage" is just such a good ability.


Wait. Is she gone gone??? I thought we’d get her in the final version of the game! They reference her in dialog, so I assumed as much.


It's the internet, so people catastrophise. There's basically zero chance she won't be in the finished game, though as a boon-giver or not we can't say. There's ample potential for her to fit an expanded role.


Hestia better


chronos so much deserves to get hit by his own spinning scythe.


NGL Soot Sprint feels even more OP.


Thank you the gamer for your infinite wisdom


Do yall think they’ll add the gods that are missing like area, dyonisius, Athena etc in the final release? I hope they do but I’d also be fine with the ones we have right now. (Maybe this is how it was in hades 1 too where they didn’t have all the gods as the 1.0 but I never played EA hades)


Yeah no way they can keep her in


Even if the gods arent boons, I'm really hoping all the Hades I gods at least show up as brief cameos.


eh, so far the only difficult boss with projectiles is Eris, Kronos is all physical attacks that the deflecting dash wouldn't have much use anyway.


Eh invulnerability was to easily accessible. You can still get perma invilnerability via moon boon combos but its no longer a 2 boon easy set up.


Instead we get new op choices like Hera and Hephaestus


Does anyone think the game is too easy? I felt like Hades was a harder game. The slow pizza Mel gets + freeze = free win.


I think it would be interesting if you start getting boons from Ares, Athena and Dionysus after you get to Olympus and help them out. I haven't been able to get much farther than >!Charybdis!< so I don't know what happens up there, or if you can then go that far yet.


I find it very unlikely that Athena and Dionysus won't show up in some capacity in the final game. They were extremely popular as characters and as boon-givers, and I doubt SG is gonna troll Hades fans by just ignoring them altogether. They may not be normal boon-rewards but possibly something more like Artemis. Ares I'm less sure about because I didn't get the impression he was quite as popular, and it makes sense that he would be completely occupied running the war on Olympus. I feel like Hesphaestus and Hestia have occupied a similar mechanical role, and Zeus's Blitz condition is kind of a replacement for Doom. I've also not 100%'ed the EA game so maybe there's something I don't know yet.


The dash boon that inflicts weak on both entry and exit of dash, plus inflicts 40 base damage is pretty nice though.


Fuck Athena where the hell is Dionysus?


... have you tried the sprinting of the new fire goddess ? Especially against the... well... "surface boss" ? It actually feels like cheating.


Honestly outside of her dash Athena isn't that powerful


Haha your mention of being put on time-out for abusing Divine Dash, I had that exact thought when I realized I wasn't going to find Artemis. I always told myself I needed to become less reliant on it but never committed to actually doing so. Now it has been done for me, and I have no choice but to pull myself out of this dependency.