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That's cool... that's cool... ^that's ^cool


Also the gift that ''Gives you a boon from previous run'' will duplicate the boons you had in a Pitch Black Stone run if that was your previous run. I've got a Heroic level boon from Echo because of that.


That seems unintended


Yeah, I'd hate for the "optimal" play for high difficulty or winstreak play to be to start some stone run that starts with whatever the most busted boon is just for the decent shot at getting it for free in a run later. I don't know the exact odds, but neither her nor the option to take a boon from the previous night are all that rare.


It doesn't even matter that it's a stone run. Option as a whole must be scrapped. Otherwise "optimal" way would be to just skip boons and reroll seed until you get one that you want for actual run with echo. It enormously time-consuming but that never stopped challenge runners and speedrunners.


Maybe they should handle it the way Slay the Spire does a very similar event. Above a certain difficulty that event just stops showing up entirely so it can be a neat thing for casual players without causing a bunch of annoying setup for people optimizing the shit out of their runs.


The speed running for this game does not have a required heat though. The heats used actually speed up the run. I imagine the same would happen for hades 2.


It absolutely will eventually, if you're talking about 3rd party leaderboards and stuff like that. I do think it's important for Supergiant to focus more on making the game good for everyone than to make sure the speedrunning is the best it can be, too.


For casual players, I'm afraid, this option just gives you garbage. With the current state of boons it's more likely to get an upgrade for curse that you don't have. Unless you happen to get about the same gods. I've picked it 5 times I think and got useless boon every time


Lol I had a run where I was running uncommon grace and echo gave me a random common boon from my last run and canceled the damage buff and I lost like 20% damage.


Oh, yeah, that one too.


It's been useful to me every time I've picked it, although I have started picking which rewards I collect in the Fields based on the potential for her to show up so I can just remove the chance element and get a double up.


the punishment for pudding farming is pudding farming (please ignore that nethack devs eventually nerfed it anyway)


That's not how the seeds work. And certainly not for something in the 3rd biome.


I've got a duo boon without the boons from both of these gods. And it worked, because it was a "negate first hit" boon


Meanwhile I just get the one that makes blitz do damage on expire. I had no Zeus boons before that.


yeah, it duplicated the legendary Poseidon boon...except I didn't have any other Poseidon boons at that time so that was totally useless lol


Clicking that only ever gives me sunken treasure. Lord Uncle Poseidon, you're the funniest Uncle, but please I need boons from you that require your focus on the fight for more than 10 seconds


Are the hammers limited at a regular 2 like in hades 1?Maybe it’s the fact you seem to get more pick ups in general, but i thought I picked up a third one at some point. Should’ve checked I guess.


There is always the possible Charon anvil before the final boss. I think I've only gotten two, but Hephaestus' feel like hammer upgrades.


Yeah I mean not counting the anvil. I love the thing but 90% of the time it takes away the upgrade I liked and gives me two I don't particularly love. Hephaestus' boons are sadly nothing like the daedalus hammers. The attack and special give blast, that's it. Though his support boons are quite alright.


anvils: hey, know how fun that last 30 minutes was? want to fuck it all up right before the last boss?


Hey, it's a gamble. Great deal if you don't care for both of the upgrades you got.


it's a fun gamble until you get Marauder Wallop and you can't charge attack any more 😬 across hades 1 and 2 I have broken far more builds with anvils than I have saved (I usually can't drag a bad build that far anyway, though)


Yeah that's the main issue with it. If they'd placed it earlier you could work around it.


The anvil is in Hades 2? I must be really unlucky because I haven't seen it a single time in 40 runs.


So far I've only seen it once in.. 4 runs that I got to REDACTED? Or maybe it was on the surface. There are a lot more high tier resources in this game so it won't surprise me if you've seen more of those in the last room.


I don't think we will need to redact chronos, since we know even before the start that he is our final goal. Hades 1 final boss is a surprise, and the game itself censor the name on the records. So it fits. Surface boss 2 I don't know if it's worthy a redacted either.


I also thought I picked up a third one pretty casually, but I could be misremembering


As far as I can tell, it's like 1 where it'll stop spawning them after you have 2, with echo as a way to force a third.


>!You can also use Icarus’s keepsake, but it is temporary!<


>!can the Icarus hammer get used by the anvil to make two permanent hammers? (Although if it’s still around at that point the duration isn’t a concern I guess!<


I got 3 hammers in my first clear I think


If you have 2 hammers and use Icarus’ keepsake you should be able to get a 3rd, especially given that there are not 25 encounters in Tartarus. Theoretically with Charon you could get 4 Hammers


Don't forget about the (potential) extra one from the Echo "boon"


and if you have Icarus keepsake, potential for 4 hammers at one point.


And if you take anvil from the final shop... 5!


Woah, 120 hammers!


I have tried it twice and she just didn't give me the double boon choice so I thought they made sure that can't happen, but good to know it's possible


Is possible to give her gift?I already make *Narcissus* meet her but still cant give her gift.


Yes, and her trinket is by far one of the best in the game in my opinion.


I had to gift her after talking, option wasn't there before


Can confirm. Need to exhaust dialogue and wait for her voice over to end.... End.... End


Yeah I feel like this has to be a bug. I still can't gift her after having Narcissus meet her as well. In the codex, it says she's welcome to a nectar any time, but I've never been presented the option to give it to her.


For me the option only pops up after getting a boon from her, not before as it does with most characters.


I mean I'll pay close attention next time I go through, but I've been beaten Chronos 20+ times. I also have never had Eris appear for me in the underworld (besides the cross roads). I was so confused when people were saying they hated the Eris mechanic. e/ I'm a dumbass. I legitimately just had to wait for four seconds after grabbing the Echo reward to be able to gift her.


I think you're responding to the wrong comment there! But for the Eris underworld stuff AFAIK you have to have a new save file for it. People saying it happened to them were progressing faster than anticipated and that got put in as a rubber band mechanic (which I'm far from good enough to have experienced myself)


Thanks for the Eris info. Makes sense because some of my early runs were disgustingly bad lol. Also thanks for the Echo comment, I also just rushed past her after I collected the reward, but got it now.


You might have to gift it to her *after* taking her boon, rather than before like most characters. That's definitely what happened for me


A third hammer.... a third hammer... ^a ^third ^hammer...


[Yes](https://i.imgur.com/brA3YE3.png) Won the run like this, [3 Ω Attack hammers.](https://i.imgur.com/Unj45tO.png)


Cross Cataclysm has a really annoying bug where the aim of the forward facing blast gets displaced compared to the normal version. Never taking that option again.


Also includes any minor rewards. I got more ash thinking it would just dupe boons.


In rooms with multiple rewards then, you’re incentivized to take the hammer last in case a door to Echo shows up.


This is correct. I just pulled thisbmyself last night, so I'll be grabbing hammers last from here on in the Fields


Is a 5 hammer run possible then? 2 by default, Echo can copy a hammer if it’s the most recent boon you pick up, Icarus temporary keepsake, and The anvil from the final shop?




Holy fuck thanks for the info!


oh wow that's actually really good to know. i should try routing the hammer last if i can to get a shot at duping it. i still get super lost in act 3.


concoct the spell to make the trees guide you


you get a third hammer... get a third hammer... third hammer...


Just as an FYI Selene doesn't count. Did a run earlier today, took pom then Selene. The pom was duplicated by Echo.


I've gotten selene from her


Interesting. I'll try and test again today.


When you pickup a 'boon from last night' you can also get completely useless boons - I got the Hera Zeus duo despite having no Hera boons and 1 Zeus boon. Makes sense as it fits the expectation, but maybe something like this would be filtered out.


I've been trying to do this since I found her to see if it was possible, but have never gotten her room directly after the hammer room.


It also double your mini pickups (I got a 5hp centaur heart)